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Iranian Chill Thread

Yeah, I have had been there, for a very short period. I knew that Japanese in general only care about their careers and that's one of the reasons that their population is declining, but just to share my own experience, on my way to Japan (I was passing through) I was sitting beside a very friendly Japanese man, who was coming back from Ohio, he was very friendly, he started the conversation himself (talked about basically everything, from apartment prices in Tokyo, to corruption, Yakuza, etc..) he talked to me about 4 hour of the flight, once I arrived in Narita I had about 1 day until my next flight. So I just used the opportunity to go around the city. As you know, 1 day is not enough to get to know the culture of a country (you have to talk to more people), but from the looks of it, I didn't notice anything too unusual? (Beside inordinate number of vending machines everywhere, they had vending machines for everything!) And hell, the city was extremely clean, I didn't see sign of any traffic congestion either!

The only thing that actually bothered me, was unfamiliarity of Japanese people with the English language, I really had trouble communicating with them. Some of them really tried to communicate with me, but in the end, I couldn't understand anything!

Okay, that explains the Japanese **** :D
Thanks for the input. Maybe one day I'll go to Japan to experience it first hand. First I have to go to China though. I love Chinese people as much as I can't stand the Japanese.

Iranians and their big manly bellies :-)

Onion is weird dude . :agree: people usually serve fresh onion with these foods .

Hey Surenas , Do people drink doogh ( yoghourt drink ) outside Iran ?
A lot of Asian countries and Eastern Europeans drink it. South Asians (Pakistanis and Indians) do it a bit differently and mix it with mango (It's called lassi). Eastern Europeans, Turks etc... have the exact same version as us.

There's a company called Arvand here (based out of Vancouver) and they produce all sorts of dairy products exactly the same way you'd find in Iran (doogh, high fat yogurt, cheese etc...). I knew this Bulgarian guy that used to buy Arvand doogh all the time.

I've also seen an East Asian variation in Chinese super markets here. Although It probably tastes different so I didn't try it.

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Don't be a pussy man, hit that BBQ up. A few weeks ago I used my BBQ in -16 weather lmao. I literally had nothing in my fridge except some defrosted meat and I thought **** it.

P.S. Every single male that moves out must buy 2 things immediately: a frying pan and a BBQ. Fried eggs have saved me from hunger countless times. The BBQ is a lifesaver too.

My favorite thing to BBQ is fish with skin still attached. Throw the fish in a lemon juice/olive oil mixture and let it soak for a while. Warm up your BBQ on the highest setting it'll go and leave it hot. Throw the fish on the BBQ for 4 mins (no skin side first), then turn it on the skin side for 2 mins. Use a metal spatula to take it off and the skin will literally just fall off.

As I'm BBQing the fish, I keep throwing the olive oil/lemon juice mixture on it so it doesn't dry up.

P.S. throw 2 cups of rice in the rice cooker and add a fist load of shevid (dry dill) on top. Serve that with the fish. I swear, it's like your mom made it. Can't wait till summer so I can use my BBQ every day.
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تو ویکی پدیا ذکر شده که از مواد منفجره استفاده شده
اون هم مسجد علیشاه هستش اونم تازه قسمتیش، پشت مسجد تخریب شده
مسجد علیشاه جزوی از ارگ تبریز هستش مدرسه نجات و تالار شیر خورشید کلا ویران شده
من نمیدونم مقامات دولت اومدن وگفتن که ما اشتباه کردیم حالا شما قبول نمیکنی نکن

این هم نمای هوایی که کاملا مشخصه بیش از %90 بنا تخریب شده
محدوده ارگ قدیم که امروزه آنرا تخریب کرده اند - شهر تبریز

مسجد علیشاه قبل و بعد از تخریب
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شما داری دوتا موضوع مختلف رو با هم قاطی میکنی. یکی آثار باستانی مسجد علیجاه که بهش میگین ارگ و دیگری مدزسه و تئاتر شهر که در سال 1307 ساخته شده بودن
اونچه که به مردم نشون میدید و بهش میگید ارگ و تنها دلیل مهم بودن این اثر هم هست فقط باقیمانده مسجد علیجاه هست که تنها به دلیل دیوارچینی دولت به دور این مسجد عنوان ارگ روش افتاده.
میگی توی ویکیپدیا نوشته که از مواد منفجره استفاده شده، ولی چیزی که چک نکردی منبع اون هست، ارجاع شماره 2 که منبع این قسمت هست وجود نداره و اونچه که من پست کردم نسخه اصلی خبر با عنوان "تبدیل محوطه ارک جدید علیشاه تبریز به پارک یک فصل کاری زمان نیاز دارد" بود که توی ویکی تحریف و سانسور شده

و اونچه که من در این تصویر میبینم قسمت پشتی مسجد از قبل ویران شده
@Surenas & @Abii & @others
Hey guys, you seem to have found some interesting ways to fill up the boring times.
Then I must say that I need some friendly help here too.
I have absolutely nothing to do at this very time, I hate cooking, and I am feeling deadly bored right now. My ultimate future plan is to participate in WC this summer but till then I guess I have nothing absolutely worthy of doing. hence I guess I need some advises if your are an expert (In my view you are having fun with your lives).
PS, please don't advise me reading books cause my daily schedule is overwhelmed with the shit till the point I am starting to hate it.
And no travel suggestion cause firstly I am not the man of travel and secondly I guess I have enough experiences over the past few years.
And lastly please do not enter male, female relations because I kinda suck in that department, beside the fact that I am not really a fan of that stuff (Don't take me wrong)
Also take into consideration that I am living in Iran right now so please wisely narrow your suggestions in order to fit the criteria's here.
Thanks in advance.
@Surenas & @Abii & @others
Hey guys, you seem to have found some interesting ways to fill up the boring times.
Then I must say that I need some friendly help here too.
I have absolutely nothing to do at this very time, I hate cooking, and I am feeling deadly bored right now. My ultimate future plan is to participate in WC this summer but till then I guess I have nothing absolutely worthy of doing. hence I guess I need some advises if your are an expert (In my view you are having fun with your lives).
PS, please don't advise me reading books cause my daily schedule is overwhelmed with the shit till the point I am starting to hate it.
And no travel suggestion cause firstly I am not the man of travel and secondly I guess I have enough experiences over the past few years.
And lastly please do not enter male, female relations because I kinda suck in that department, beside the fact that I am not really a fan of that stuff (Don't take me wrong)
Also take into consideration that I am living in Iran right now so please wisely narrow your suggestions in order to fit the criteria's here.
Thanks in advance.

Hichi be zehnam nemirese be joz varzesh. :agree:
@Surenas & @Abii & @others
Hey guys, you seem to have found some interesting ways to fill up the boring times.
Then I must say that I need some friendly help here too.
I have absolutely nothing to do at this very time, I hate cooking, and I am feeling deadly bored right now. My ultimate future plan is to participate in WC this summer but till then I guess I have nothing absolutely worthy of doing. hence I guess I need some advises if your are an expert (In my view you are having fun with your lives).
PS, please don't advise me reading books cause my daily schedule is overwhelmed with the shit till the point I am starting to hate it.
And no travel suggestion cause firstly I am not the man of travel and secondly I guess I have enough experiences over the past few years.
And lastly please do not enter male, female relations because I kinda suck in that department, beside the fact that I am not really a fan of that stuff (Don't take me wrong)
Also take into consideration that I am living in Iran right now so please wisely narrow your suggestions in order to fit the criteria's here.
Thanks in advance.
I didn't grow up in Iran (I was 12 when we left) so I can't make it 100% Iran specific. The only thing I can say is to have a goal and try to reach it. Everything else is just secondary. I was miserable for a long time till I finally moved out of my parent's to another province in the country, got a job and started taking care of myself. For me, this has been a fantastic experience. Not being around my family and being completely out of my comfort zone has helped me a lot.

My goal now is to make the same amount of money that I'm making now in half the time by the age of 30. This way I could take the winters off and travel.

Young people here don't have time to be bored really. Unlike Iran, young people in the West move out in their early 20's, whether they're going to university or not. They support themselves and the whole struggle to find your way also teaches people everything they need to know about themselves.

WTH is a rice cooker ???? :woot:
Seriously? Hopefully you're being sarcastic.
Hichi be zehnam nemirese be joz varzesh
merci aziz,
ki hale varzesho dare haji,
albate gahi vaghti ba doostan ye estakhri mizanim amma man mamoolan toye sona va jacouzish mimoonam
but thanks,
you know I think this is not about me, it is about how the universe works. boring.
@Abii, thanks dude,

didn't grow up in Iran (I was 12 when we left) so I can't make it 100% Iran specific.
12 is quite an age, bro.
Living alone is what I am doing right now. at first it was a delicate experience living all alone but I am pretty sure now it is turning to be one of my headaches.
The problem is living alone is neither good enough to get along with nor it is that bad to ruin it with a life partner.
You know I am starting to believe that if you can't find a self invented goal in your life, it turns out to be deadly boring. and I have problem with that, not just because I have problems finding that goal but also because I have found the entire concept dumb.
But thanks dude, hope you a joyful life.
merci aziz,
ki hale varzesho dare haji,
albate gahi vaghti ba doostan ye estakhri mizanim amma man mamoolan toye sona va jacouzish mimoonam
but thanks,
you know I think this is not about me, it is about how the universe works. boring.
Iran is boring.

Men become men when they start working and taking care of themselves and later on those around them. It's in our nature. In Iran, there are no jobs and no opportunity or requirement for young people to work. In the West, you can't graduate high school in some place until you have done some work. I was 15 when I got my first job. I think I had to complete a certain number of hours for a career course that we had in high school.

By the time guys become adults here, they're already on their own, working or trying to find a full time career while making ends meet with a part time job. In Iran, everybody lives in their parent's house till they marry, nobody works unless you come from an extremely poor family or if you're on a farm, the government places severe restrictions on everything from movement, interactions and liberties in general etc... Of course life is boring. What's there to do? You go to university without a hope in hell in finding a well paying job at the end. The university itself is more like a boot camp then a place where young people go to learn and express themselves.

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