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Iranian Chill Thread

@Abii, thanks dude,

12 is quite an age, bro.
Living alone is what I am doing right now. at first it was a delicate experience living all alone but I am pretty sure now it is turning to be one of my headaches.
The problem is living alone is neither good enough to get along with nor it is that bad to ruin it with a life partner.
You know I am starting to believe that if you can't find a self invented goal in your life, it turns out to be deadly boring. and I have problem with that, not just because I have problems finding that goal but also because I have found the entire concept dumb.
But thanks dude, hope you a joyful life.


Iran is a place where hopes and dreams die. That's the worst thing about a dictatorship. Your only hope is to drop the whole "I'm a muslim" act and try to move to greener pastures.

Seiously dude... i have never heard of rice cooker... watched some videos now, still looking weird.
It's better to cook rice properly, but I neither have the energy nor the skills to do it, so rice cooker is it. It's actually very common in Iran and East Asia. I thought you guys would use it too.
Men become men when they start working and taking care of themselves and later on those around them. It's in our nature. In Iran, there are no jobs and no opportunity or requirement for young people to work. In the West, you can't graduate high school in some place until you have done some work. I was 15 when I got my first job. I think I had to complete a certain number of hours for a career course that we had in high school.
By the time guys become adults here, they're already on their own, working or trying to find a full time career while making ends meet with a part time job. In Iran, everybody lives in their parent's house till they marry, nobody works unless you come from an extremely poor family or if you're on a farm, the government places severe restrictions on everything from movement, interactions and liberties in general etc... Of course life is boring. What's there to do? You go to university without a hope in hell in finding a well paying job at the end. The university itself is more like a boot camp then a place where young people go to learn and express themselves.
yey, you are absolutely right bro, university sucks, but thanks God I am no more involved in the shit.
It's better to cook rice properly, but I neither have the energy nor the skills to do it, so rice cooker is it. It's actually very common in Iran and East Asia. I thought you guys would use it too.

Actually, when i searched it in Turkish sites, i have seen that there is also rice cookers being sold in Turkey. But i have never seen it...........nor do i know someone who uses it.

How should i put it, all the rice grains should not be sticked to each other. And must be cooked with chicken water (?) or butter. I can say we consume a lot of rice and we are very picky about it.
Actually, when i searched it in Turkish sites, i have seen that there is also rice cookers being sold in Turkey. But i have never seen it...........nor do i know someone who uses it.

How should i put it, all the rice grains should not be sticked to each other. And must be cooked with chicken water (?) or butter. I can say we consume a lot of rice and we are very picky about it.
Yeah our rice is exactly the same.

We don't make it with chicken stock though. Although I'm sure there are families that use chicken stock, but it's not the norm. Most just use water.

And we hate sticky rice as well. It has to be long grains and it shouldn't stick. I had a Chinese rice cooker and it was pretty crappy (it made sticky rice). It stopped working so I got an Iranian one. This one is much better.
Chinese rice cooker and it was pretty crappy

For some reason that made me LOLed...Not a surprise tho :D

My favorite thing to BBQ is fish with skin still attached

Its really hard to BBQ fish...I dont know why but whenever i try to BBQ fish, fish skin always sticks to loophole and it ruins everything...So i stopped...You have any advice about this?
For some reason that made me LOLed...Not a surprise tho :D

Its really hard to BBQ fish...I dont know why but whenever i try to BBQ fish, fish skin always sticks to loophole and it ruins everything...So i stopped...You have any advice about this?
I've never had any problem at all.

I think it's a combination of everything that I do when I BBQ fish. I soak it in olive oil/lemon juice so it absorbs the oil a bit. Then I dip a paper towel in olive oil and grease up the surface of the grill a bit (a lot of people use those oil sprays, even when the BBQ is on which I find retarded b/c it's an accident waiting to happen). I also make sure that the BBQ is literally as hot as it can get. Even for one small piece, I turn on all the burners on max.

Also watch this video. He talks about the issue of fish sticking to the grill.

Thanks for the input. Maybe one day I'll go to Japan to experience it first hand. First I have to go to China though. I love Chinese people as much as I can't stand the Japanese.

I had lived in Hong Kong for 4 years (for education), Chinese are generally much more friendly compared to other Asians I have encountered with, but in general, Mainlanders are different than Hong Kongers, I would say Mainlanders are generally more friendly, but Hong Kongers were more sophisticated and educated compared to Mainlanders (at least in my experience). My experience with Koreans was also good, let me put it this way, Japanese and Koreans would prefer White guys/gals. So as long as you are White, or just look White, you are OK! (Possibly one the reasons that I was treated good was because I look White). My Black friends didn't always receive the same treatment I did.

@Abii Try Swedish Salmon.

@Abii This is the Japanese "Doogh" :D You could find this all over East-Asia!

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I had lived in Hong Kong for 4 years (for education), Chinese are generally much more friendly compared to other Asians I have encountered with, but in general, Mainlanders are different than Hong Kongers, I would say Mainlanders are generally more friendly, but Hong Kongers were more sophisticated and educated compared to Mainlanders (at least in my experience). My experience with Koreans was also good, let me put it this way, Japanese and Koreans would prefer White guys/gals. So as long as you are White, or just look White, you are OK! (Possibly one the reasons that I was treated good was because I look White). My Black friends didn't always receive the same treatment I did.

@Abii Try Swedish Salmon.

@Abii This is the Japanese "Doogh" :D You could find this all over East-Asia!

Damn, I'm jealous. Speak any Mandarin? Or Cantonese I guess (they speak Cantonese in Hong Kong if I remember correctly). I took a Mandarin class in university. I didn't survive for more than a month. The tones were too difficult for me and I gave up.

My dad and brother went to China a couple of years ago. They asked me to go with them, but being the idiot that I was back then, I refused. I regret it a lot now. Some of my favorite dishes are Chinese beef noodle soups. I'd stuff my face day and night if I ever go there.

Agree on the whole Korean white thing. They have that inferiority complex a little bit. Chinese people not so much.

That picture actually made me remember that I've tried the drink. My brother bought some from T&T and I had a sip. I hated it, that's all I can remember. Before that I had seen it on the shelf many times, but I'd look at it and kind of think about buying it but then I'd put it down.
This forum has ~8 Saudis, till now all of you are obsessed with Iran except one who's not visiting such threads, I need explanation.
This is a chill thread so let’s try to play by the rules. I think the word “obsession” is an overstatement. The reason Iran and the Mullahs get extra attention is pretty much self-explanatory. It is their militant, violent, sectarian flavored meddling in the neighboring countries around us. This has reached an intolerable level that justifies concern.

And more importantly, when did we ever like or trust each other for anybody to be surprised?

Your obvious sensitivity towards Iran and Mullahs' criticism is pretty revealing and certainly does not need an explanation. Look what you did, you went statistical to confirm your worries and insecurity (8 Saudi members except one…etc.). I didn't even count how may Saudis are here.
This is a chill thread so let’s try to play by the rules. I think the word “obsession” is an overstatement. The reason Iran and the Mullahs get extra attention is pretty much self-explanatory. It is their militant, violent, sectarian flavored meddling in the neighboring countries around us. This has reached an intolerable level that justifies concern.
And more importantly, when did we ever like or trust each other for anybody to be surprised?
Your obvious sensitivity towards Iran and Mullahs' criticism is pretty revealing and certainly does not need an explanation. Look what you did, you went statistical to confirm your worries and insecurity (8 Saudi members except one…etc.). I didn't even count how may Saudis are here.
you are not even half of a Tablet let alone full of the moon,
Or maybe not,
you know I am starting to think maybe the answer of these accusations is not unique you know maybe we should switch our digital answering solution to a fuzzy one. but in either cases I am sure you can find some part of the answer within your territory.

The nutjob terrorist at 17:05 is saying that "Shiites are the only ones having pre-marital sex" :woot: Terrorist nutbag, if he only knew that what the students sent abroad by his Saudi masters were doing, he would probably shoot himself in the anus :agree:

This is very fucked up.

Moooooooooslims are a each other's throats again, they are fucking up Europe too! This is what I'm actually worried about! Mooslim infestation of Europe. Keep your shit in the middle-east.
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This is a chill thread so let’s try to play by the rules. I think the word “obsession” is an overstatement. The reason Iran and the Mullahs get extra attention is pretty much self-explanatory. It is their militant, violent, sectarian flavored meddling in the neighboring countries around us. This has reached an intolerable level that justifies concern.

And more importantly, when did we ever like or trust each other for anybody to be surprised?

Your obvious sensitivity towards Iran and Mullahs' criticism is pretty revealing and certainly does not need an explanation. Look what you did, you went statistical to confirm your worries and insecurity (8 Saudi members except one…etc.). I didn't even count how may Saudis are here.

Counting active Saudis here is done in 1 second for your information at least for me, they’re all in the same section.
My problem is not sensitivity, but how obsessed you people are.
Counting active Saudis here is done in 1 second for your information at least for me, they’re all in the same section.
My problem is not sensitivity, but how obsessed you people are.

Are you aware that the Mullahs have assassinated over 182 former Iraqi pilots who participated in Iraq - Iran war? This is all happened after the U.S invasion. I am no longer sure whether this will please you or depress you - but either way you will find an old article on this through the link below.

Iranian Revenge on Iraqi Air Force Pilots - ABC News
Are you aware that the Mullahs have assassinated over 182 former Iraqi pilots who participated in Iraq - Iran war? This is all happened after the U.S invasion. I am no longer sure whether this will please you or depress you - but either way you will find an old article on this through the link below.

Iranian Revenge on Iraqi Air Force Pilots - ABC News

So the enemy state must be nice to it’s enemies according to your logic, let’s end it to not ruin the thread.

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