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Iranian Chill Thread


Although your comprehension of the English language is notoriously shaky, you're fully aware for having read the past few posts - which happened to be formulated in such an accessible fashion that even you stand to grasp their meaning, that I never uttered the slightest comment on whether or not the dress code (past or present) is lax.

My statement is absolutely and undeniably factual. No amount of hollow strawmen will change this.

Strawman and feigned ignorance again. Was this basically about the new law? Or rather about certain falsehoods the user has been issuing over the past twelve months? Answer's obvious, and you know it.

Point isn't whether the newly voted law is really going to be implemented in a systematic fashion (far from certain, given past practice and the level of legal security in Iran in general) or if authorities will fail to do so as with the current dress code.

Rather, it's that you have repeatedly been insinuating over the past twelve months that application of the existing dress code in 2023 has become stricter than it used to be. This is simply not true, the exact opposite actually happens to be the case.

My concern here is that political partisanship ought not be viewed as a valid reason for bending and misrepresenting ground reality.
As always deny the facts
You are the one who said if you show thousands of photo I don't accept it
As always deny the facts
You are the one who said if you show thousands of photo I don't accept it

Keep playing dumb and trolling, it's the only option you're left with after all.

Never in modern times has the implementation of the dress code been as lax in Iran as over the past year. Therefore the statements I was reacting to were factually false and I did well to highlight it.
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Keep playing dumb and trolling, it's the only option you're left with after all.

Never in modern times has the implementation of the dress code been as lax in Iran as over the past year. Therefore the statements I was reacting to were factually false and I did well to highlight it.
your usuals tactic of evading the real questions by attacking others
There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.
There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.
a troll designation from the Spanish guy who said Iran is a hypersonic country so can intercept fighter jets 500km away in Syria, that means a lot
a troll designation from the Spanish guy who said Iran is a hypersonic country so can intercept fighter jets 500km away in Syria, that means a lot

You are butthurt, what i say is true, Iran can destroy enemy jets in neighbourn air space.

Iran laughts at OSINT believers all the time. Can`t you see?
There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.
ok so let me recap your statement:

There are three Iranians that have been active members in PDF and old IMF for over a decade are trolls and yet

Three none Iraninas from south east asia including yourself and Bangladeshi brown boy with false French flags and Salarhaq are the people who know best what is going on in Iran..two of you never even been in Iran..yet you have the audacity to call real Iranians trolls just because they criticize your mullah employers..wow man ! You have no shame.

Ps: your three combined time in Iranian forum does not exceed even half of Hach Hooks time in our forums...your age, education and professional lives does not even come close any of the three Iranians you named... poor boy.what slums did you growup in!!!
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ok so let me recap your statement:

There are three Iranians that have been active members in PDF and old IMF for over a decade are trolls and yet

Three none Iraninas from south east asia including yourself and Bangladeshi brown boy with false French flags and Salarhaq are the people who know best what is going on in Iran..two of you never even been in Iran..yet you have the audacity to call real Iranians trolls just because they criticize your mullah employers..wow man ! You have no shame.

Ps: your three combined time in Iranian forum does not exceed even half of Hach Hooks time in our forums...your age, education and professional lives does not even come close any of the three Iranians you named... poor boy.what slums did you growup in!!!
What is your source that i am a "Bangladeshi brown boy with false french flag"? Look how you are writing and inventing stories, it looks like you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances

Seek mental help
What is your source that i am a "Bangladeshi brown boy with false french flag"? Look how you are writing and inventing stories, it looks like you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances

Seek mental help
I will answer you for only one time because every one deserves a second chance.

You a "none Iranian" came to PDF around 8 months ago..one of your first messages was about how Iranian diaspora in the west are "brown men" who have no spine and traitors with their hands shaking when they see " whites"..blah blah..garbage like that..This was more or less your introduction speech as a newcomer to PDF.

There are 4 million Iranian diaspora living in the west..some are Shah supporters..some are MKO supporters..a huge majority are Iranian patriots they only support IRAN...I am one of them..majority of these Iranians are highly educated with successful careers ..I myself had 32 "so called white" Engineers / software developers reporting to me in the world's largest military aerospace company before I retired..my hands never shook when I managed their work and the last time I looked in the mirror I was not brown. We "diaspora" also have opinions about Iranian political and social affairs it is our birth right and if you do not agree with them too bad for you the "foreigner".

You insulted 4 million Iranians thinking you will get acceptance in Iranian PDF community. It is time for you to apologize to these 4 million Iranians no mater who or what they support.

If you are not sorry.... well that is your choice but do not and I mean DO NOT address me again you will simply be disappointed because I will not respond to you.
There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.
this troll must be very persistent as he is a member here since 2012 and was a moderator on irandefence.net since 2006
so please follow your own prescription and add me to your ignore list
I will answer you for only one time because every one deserves a second chance.

You a "none Iranian" came to PDF around 8 months ago..one of your first messages was about how Iranian diaspora in the west are "brown men" who have no spine and traitors with their hands shaking when they see " whites"..blah blah..garbage like that..This was more or less your introduction speech as a newcomer to PDF.

There are 4 million Iranian diaspora living in the west..some are Shah supporters..some are MKO supporters..a huge majority are Iranian patriots they only support IRAN...I am one of them..majority of these Iranians are highly educated with successful careers ..I myself had 32 "so called white" Engineers / software developers reporting to me in the world's largest military aerospace company before I retired..my hands never shook when I managed their work and the last time I looked in the mirror I was not brown. We "diaspora" also have opinions about Iranian political and social affairs it is our birth right and if you do not agree with them too bad for you the "foreigner".

You insulted 4 million Iranians thinking you will get acceptance in Iranian PDF community. It is time for you to apologize to these 4 million Iranians no mater who or what they support.

If you are not sorry.... well that is your choice but do not and I mean DO NOT address me again you will simply be disappointed because I will not respond to you.
I'm still waiting for the "Bangladeshi with false flag" claim

The diaspora and the "brown whites" is a real thing, why so much of the diaspora wants to appear as whites to others? Iran's reputation got destroyed by foreign (white) propaganda, and now Iranians outside of Iran should go justify that they are a "good Iranian that hates his country and wants a civil war" to westerners?

This is the same as with Indians atheists insulting everything that is not white, but when they talk to a white abroad, their hands indeed starts to shake, they have been successfully told that whites are superior and believes it firmly

Iranian patriots they only support IRAN
Being an Iranian patriot means advocating for a "regime change" that will turn its country into ashes with Iranians killing other Iranians in Syrian style? Everything is ready so that Iran turn into a war zone if there is no control over the country anymore
It is time for you to apologize to these 4 million Iranians no mater who or what they support.
Another specialty from some of the diaspora is thinking they are the spokesperson of Iranians
I myself had 32 "so called white" Engineers / software developers reporting to me in the world's largest military aerospace company before I retired..my hands never shook when I managed their work and the last time I looked in the mirror I was not brown
When i said this was rightfully not generalized, this is based on what i am seeing on internet and in real life, wants a "regime change" with a fantasy story that a guy will fall out of the sky to make Iran the richest and best country in the world in some months. Hates Islam, blame everything on arabs, are obsessed with pre-islamic Iran, rewrites history of Iran, fanatic atheist/agnostics that insult everyone that isn't white, you can see that on any Iranian forum on internet, when a random Indian or Indonesian or whatever says a thing about Iran that doesn't fit with their narrative, racial slurs, insults, insults his country of "shithole", but when it is a white, no insults, nothing, does befriending with Israelis advocating to bomb Iran! what an image it gives to Iranians!

Take already the Shahi part, yes they are traitors and should get everything they have in Iran sold and cut their passports, when Pahlavi gone to Israel disguised as a jew praying on the wall, Kourosh e Bozorg would go back to his tomb seeing this profanity on what he built, seeing Netanyahu a.k.a the child killers that dreams to kill every single Iranian for his personal interests, they are all traitors, as for MKO this is not even worth talking about

You cannot support Iranzamin but at the same time advocating for a government overthrow that WILL be exploited no matter what by whites and you will get back to worse than Pahlavi in terms of dependence, everything will be dismantled, Iran will have a Saudi/UAE-like military 100% dependent, and the most probable, you will see pankurd separatists fighting Persians, panturks doing the same, slicing the country in 10 parts with autonomous states and get violated like Iran has never saw this in its history

The only "Iranian patriots" i respect are those that at least doesn't advocate for a government change right now, which is the worst moment possible for Iran
this troll must be very persistent as he is a member here since 2012 and was a moderator on irandefence.net since 2006
so please follow your own prescription and add me to your ignore list

I overlooked all your messages, because they have not sustance, i just answer to your feedback before,,, you begun to talk to me liar, look at the history... i don t talk with people with chilidish cartoons on their pic profile.

Please,block me.
Being an Iranian patriot means advocating for a "regime change" that will turn its country into ashes with Iranians killing other Iranians in Syrian style? Everything is ready so that Iran turn into a war zone if there is no control over the country anymore
that really have nothing to do with being a patriot or not , its a political view , you can't call everyone with opposing view as traitor and the regime at the end won't be decided by 1 or two person inside or outside Iran , its something that will be decided by collective of Iranian
I overlooked all your messages, because they have not sustance, i just answer to your feedback before,,, you begun to talk to me liar, look at the history... i don t talk with people with chilidish cartoons on their pic profile.

Please,block me.
did i say that anybody must block you ?
no it was you who told that i must be ignored
and well i learned what is not childish cartoon

Lapis or Android-17 of DragonballZ
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