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Iranian Chill Thread

that really have nothing to do with being a patriot or not , its a political view , you can't call everyone with opposing view as traitor and the regime at the end won't be decided by 1 or two person inside or outside Iran , its something that will be decided by collective of Iranian
Everyone advocating for a government overthrow right now, that will forcibly lead either to the massive submission of Iran ever saw in its history or (very more likely) a civil war, is a traitor, advocating for their own people to kill eachother and practice cannibalism while being funded by Al Sauds/EU/Israel/America

Then tell them to stop thinking they are the spokespersons of Iranians using percentages and numbers took from nowhere, the only ones doing this "100% of Iranians "All Iranians" comes from them, this is a compulsive quote from a lot of diasporas that are brainwashed from father to son
your usuals tactic of evading the real questions by attacking others

Users are free to choose the topics they wish to comment on.

In this case, my response was to a certain "aryobarzan" repeatedly issuing false allegations that the implementation of the existing dress code had been tightened over the past twelve months. This being completely false, I proceeded to calling it out.

There's no use spamming the thread with red herrings, facts are facts. Namely, that in contemporary times the dress code had never been applied in the lax manner witnessed over the past months.

Lies and misrepresentations aimed at pushing zionist- and western-concocted propaganda are not going to fly over here. I'll make sure of that.
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Three none Iraninas from south east asia including yourself and Bangladeshi brown boy with false French flags and Salarhaq

As opposed to your non-Iranian, Canadian better half and offspring (as per your own indication), I happen to be Iranian. I mean no disrespect by saying this, but considering your choice of a spouse, racial purity is perhaps not sufficiently decisive a criterion for you to be systematically pointing at forum users on ethno-racial grounds, is it?

Ps: your three combined time in Iranian forum does not exceed even half of Hach Hooks time in our forums..

Implies strictly nothing as to a user's honesty, to their patriotism nor to the factual accuracy of their input.

.your age, education and professional lives does not even come close any of the three Iranians you named...

Oh it certainly does.
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Traditional "non mechanized" harvest time in northern Iran (Iran can feed entire middle east if we use our resources properly) :-)

There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.
You also put your feet in Iranian shoes in other threads and speak on our behalf. Who has given you this right?
There are 3 trolls in these iranian sections:

- Aryobazan
- Hack-Hook

The best is to ignore them, overlooking their messages. They are angry of Iranian social and military advancements. They got butthurt.

Not aryobarzan nor hackhook. The latter particularly simply does not have the ability to think outside the box. This person has never lived outside of Iran and had a false image of the west, liberalism, and freedom. Clear example of the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

HGV is teetering but this person deserves a chance. As of today what I see is negative from HGV— a combination of nagging and hate mongering. We’ll see if this person is ershadible. Frankly this person reminds me of another nagger who’s disappeared.
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@ReasonableStar75 is an alt account.

The fact you guys cannot see that makes me question your mental competency.

@aryobarzan is an engineer with early first hand knowledge of Iran’s military complex back in the 70’s and 80’s

@Hack-Hook is another knowledgeable former military service member.

Separate their political opinions from their military opinions. Stop getting triggered because everyone doesn’t have the same opinion as you. This isn’t North Korea.
@ReasonableStar75 is an alt account.

The fact you guys cannot see that makes me question your mental competency.

@aryobarzan is an engineer with early first hand knowledge of Iran’s military complex back in the 70’s and 80’s

@Hack-Hook is another knowledgeable former military service member.

Separate their political opinions from their military opinions. Stop getting triggered because everyone doesn’t have the same opinion as you. This isn’t North Korea.

You are also a troll, i forget to mention you; you pass the time critizing all the time the iranian military progress on your chair in the US, you are so expert and waste the time in a forum, funny.

Come on you are a big troller, spotted by @Mr Iran Eye, the only one here with some knowledge. He defeated you along the threads here every single time.

I invite the admins here, to say if i am an alternative account or not.

You also put your feet in Iranian shoes in other threads and speak on our behalf. Who has given you this right?

Guy, you have problem of understandings, how is possible i pretend to be in iranian shoes, when i openly said i m not iranian, in at leas ta couple of times in this forum and threads.

I have the right to expose my opinion, what i would do if i m an iranian decision maker. Hope you can understand the difference.

Guys you are going emotional, just because i exposed some trolls.
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Not aryobarzan nor hackhook. The latter particularly simply does not have the ability to think outside the box. This person has never lived outside of Iran and had a false image of the west, liberalism, and freedom. Clear example of the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

HGV is teetering but this person deserves a chance. As of today what I see is negative from HGV— a combination of nagging and hate mongering. We’ll see if this person is ershadible. Frankly removing reminds me of another nagger who’s disappeared.

What i spotted are real trolls, seriously, if you like Iran you must recognize this kind of persons, They are demoralizers, and delusional people, they want Iran to surrender. hope you understand, i m expert in social engineering.
Come on you are a big troller, spotted by @Mr Iran Eye, the only one here with some knowledge.


i openly said i m not iranian, in at leas ta couple of times in this forum and threads.

Yet you attack actual Iranians who have served in our armed forces and worked in our homeland, while you yourself are foreign instigator. You are not Iranian, you are scum. Get lost, whosever alt you are. Go back to watching anime.

I have the right to expose my opinion

Yet you attack others for expressing their opinion. How ironic.

Guys you are going emotional, just because i exposed some trolls.

The only troll here is you. Learn English, if you have enough intellect to actually learn a language that is.

i m expert in social engineering.

You can barely speak English, one of the easiest languages to learn. You are not an “expert” in anything.

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