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Iranian Chill Thread

Now I'm sure all your concerns for Iran is fake and all you care is destabilize Iran
This is just what the current and past administration failed to do for a simple reason, having a "okay image" to the rest of the world and not resorting to harsher methods

Why doing nothing about the crackheads that did things on purpose in Iran to get green cards and doing the traitor abroad? Why people abroad are telling bullshit stories about Iran like this professor that did it on purpose to probably get an access to US NED program (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Endowment_for_Democracy) and join the likes of Masih Alinejad?

This thing is open for any treacherous citizen right now, why do we see so much new Iranian immigrants in the US not working and not earning money by their sweat, but earning undisclosed amounts by writing articles on website such as "IranWire", Iran International and others? NED helps them learn English and methods of mental manipulation in exchange of an opaque salary and even creates them double identities.

What is Ali Karimi job? He should be the CEO of a great company if he can afford such cars and private jets, but he is a fresh immigrant in the United States, saying he earns this money because he was a footballer, which is false, this guy never competed at European high level where they earn millions, this guy is earning money "falling from the sky", just like Alinejad

Iran is letting them freely doing their little manipulations with no control of their laptops and phones when coming in Iran. For example US and ZIonists checks laptops and phones to see if the traveller supports anti-zionist/anti-US groups. Iran should just do the very same and get them back where they came from, nullifying their Iranian passport and ID in the same process
Same old tricks,you`d have thought that the zionists would`ve at least tried to have come up with some new ones by now.
Still if you have little choice but to rely on local traitors of dubious reliability in order to actually carry out any of your schemes on the ground,then that really does rather limit your options,not to mention your chances of success,more than just a little.
But it does show the necessity of continuous checking,not just of imported components,but also locally assembled ones at every stage of the process.
I would also pay very close attention to imported medicines,or components of these,plus scrupulous testing of the final product.I would also do this for iranian produced medicines,and indeed all other important iranian export products as well.
I mention that last part because I think that as the zionists and the wests ability to try and constrain iran continues to diminish still further,that they may well start to consider increasingly desperate,reckless and insidious means.
Never forget for an instant that you are dealing with regimes that at heart consider that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians [in just one single instance alone out of dozens] as "worth it".
Same old tricks,you`d have thought that the zionists would`ve at least tried to have come up with some new ones by now.
Still if you have little choice but to rely on local traitors of dubious reliability in order to actually carry out any of your schemes on the ground,then that really does rather limit your options,not to mention your chances of success,more than just a little.
But it does show the necessity of continuous checking,not just of imported components,but also locally assembled ones at every stage of the process.
I would also pay very close attention to imported medicines,or components of these,plus scrupulous testing of the final product.I would also do this for iranian produced medicines,and indeed all other important iranian export products as well.
I mention that last part because I think that as the zionists and the wests ability to try and constrain iran continues to diminish still further,that they may well start to consider increasingly desperate,reckless and insidious means.
Never forget for an instant that you are dealing with regimes that at heart consider that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians [in just one single instance alone out of dozens] as "worth it".
Never forget for an instant that you are dealing with regimes that at heart consider that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians [in just one single instance alone out of dozens] as "worth it".
Consider that the death of millions, even billions of civilian as worth it*

If they could kill 90% of the Iranian population, even all of it for their personal interests without being caught, they would do it without any remorse
And if they could press a button that would kill half of the global population for their personal interests, they will again do it without an once of remorse

Those entities have no shame in smashing babies heads into rocks and rolling over houses and goods of others, sniping kids playing in a park and laughing at it, boast about all their crimes, practicing cannibalism and necrophilia, posing with dead corpses, raping, torturing, funding the worst on earth, i don't know how to call that but this is what Iran is facing
I am not interested in communities out of the country, or diaspora. You can have your vision and your dreams and delusions. I do not care by this.
and you are talking with one of the few Iranian here who actually never left Iran

He has an iranian IP, that s all we know.
but as far as I'm aware i usually use an encrypted proxy and my ip is rotating from Netherlands, to France to Singapore to USA and sometimes Russia , how you concluded my IP is from Iran as far as I'm aware its only moderators who can actually so posters IP and you are not one of them and non of them disclosed my IP here
and you are talking with one of the few Iranian here who actually never left Iran

but as far as I'm aware i usually use an encrypted proxy and my ip is rotating from Netherlands, to France to Singapore to USA and sometimes Russia , how you concluded my IP is from Iran as far as I'm aware its only moderators who can actually so posters IP and you are not one of them and non of them disclosed my IP here

Don t cry me baby, i say your IP is from Iran from your Localtion Flag, IPs are allocated by country. You man, your comments are from the school epoch, even your foolish pic user. Not serious.

I have no bonds nor ties with admins here.
Don t cry me baby, i say your IP is from Iran from your Localtion Flag, IPs are allocated by country. You man, your comments are from the school epoch, even your foolish pic user. Not serious.

I have no bonds nor ties with admins here.
location flag is put there by yourself in your profile
Nagging people calling others "head in the sand", this is the most ironic thing ever seen here

And the same suspects when Iran wants looks for diplomatic relations: "Iran is bowing down to the US" "Iran should make a nuke" "Oil for food program" nonsense
When Iran higher uranium production: "Iran is putting itself at risks of war" "Iran will never sustain the current sanctions" nonsense

Nagging, not knowing what they want, not proposing any solution beside compulsive nagging, no one knows since their posts are limited to the same kind of answers, racial slurs, "mullah"

The same in the IRIAF thread, nagging and nagging, Iran will never achieve anything

And the same suspects ironically calls everyone not acknowledging their nagging and narrative as "head in the sand"

When something is talked about "This is propaganda"
And when something is achieved: "This is not enough" "This is old technology" "It will never be produced"

Everyone understands, Iran is going to fall, Iran is bowing down to the US, Iran is going to dismantle everything, IR is going to fall, IRIAF have 1M$ of budget, Iran is going to get bombed by GBU-28 easily. everything is skyrocketing this is nearly the end.

The user in question is on the record for explicitly supporting the JCPOA and the western-leaning factions which brought it about, and whose goal it was to negotiate away Iran's regional alliances and missiles as well, before the Ra'isi administration put a halt to it.

JCPOA: enrichment limited to below 5% and restrictions placed on stockpiles, which the user is okay with.

Current state of affairs: Iran has and will continue to enrich at 60% (albeit at slightly slower pace if that report were to be true), will keep her 60% enriched uranium and is facing no limitations on stockpiles. The user calls it "treason".

Does it get any more insincere and brazen than this? Simply put, when reformist supporters proceed to attacking the government for supposedly "not" being assertive enough towards the enemy, they have no leg to stand on whatsoever.

By the way, here's an excellent discussion on the Ra'isi administration's record so far, which beautifully highlights the massive difference observed between the policies of the previous and current cabinets, putting to rest the false claims recently posted here in this regard:

I have my own criticisms vis à vis the current administration, but to try and suggest that nothing's changed since Ra'isi took over is beyond preposterous to put it mildly.

Oh, and the deluded types who talk of a "purge"... :lol: No comment. They clearly have no understanding of what this term actually implies. If Iran was truly purging subversive elements, these same types would soon be deprived of this sort of news item to post and blow out of proportion on here.

Reminds me of when they where lamenting that Iran has supposedly been implementing "Taleban-like" measures in the social-cultural realm since Rai'sis election, in particular when it comes to the national dress code.

This line of propaganda in fact represents a common theme across western sources, both in the realms of journalism and in academia, and both with hawkish "regime change" advocates as well as with those who are more insidiously backing in-house reformists and moderates in their attempt to overthrow the Islamic Revolution from within à la Gorbachev.

Truth however is that when it comes to the application of the dress code, the Iranian government has never shown as much laxity as it's doing now, tolerating far greater excesses by the westoxicated lot than ever before.

Some emotive and naive oppositionists residing thousands of miles away who haven't set foot in Iran for ages are clueless of what's going on over there, and thus lend themselves to manipulation by counter-Revolutionary forces and hostile powers.
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The user in question is on the record for explicitly supporting the JCPOA and the western-leaning factions which brought it about
Absolutely. It was the best way to get out of the mess previous administrations had created. But now Iran needs leverage, not to bow to the will of the US without a deal and the benefits that brings.

and whose goal it was to negotiate away Iran's regional alliances
Don't remember that clause in the JCPOA.

and missiles as well

, before the Ra'isi administration put a halt to it.
Ha! Please. That same administration that tried to reach a watered down (and much worse) version of the JCPOA but couldn't because the West didn't want to deal with Iran shortly after wide scale protests, you mean.
Absolutely. It was the best way to get out of the mess previous administrations had created. But now Iran needs leverage, not to bow to the will of the US without a deal and the benefits that brings.

JCPOA: enrichment limited to below 5% and restrictions placed on stockpiles, which the user is okay with.

Current state of affairs: Iran has and will continue to enrich at 60% (albeit at slightly slower pace if that report were to be true), will keep her 60% enriched uranium and is facing no limitations on stockpiles. The user calls it "treason".

The blatant self-contradiction in your choice of words is plain to see and no amount of wordplay will achieve to erase it.

Also no, the JCPOA was not ideal in any shape or form. Zarif himself revealed how Rohani would cut short some of his attempts to negotiate more advantageous terms.

And when it comes to the USA's will, the fact that they would no longer dare formulate demands like Pompeo's infamous twelve points is due to the current administration's steadfastness and refusal to bow to any imperialist diktat. You're turning reality on its head.

Don't remember that clause in the JCPOA.

Who talked of such a clause?

It was however the entire purpose of JCPOA II, part of the program adamantly and avowedly pursued by liberals.

That same administration that tried to reach a watered down (and much worse) version of the JCPOA

Hogwash. The administration conditioned Iran's return to JCPOA stipulations upon Washington accepting additional guarantees and safeguards which would make it impossible for a future occupant of the White House to repeat what Trump did. In a way it was a given that the Biden regime wouldn't agree to such terms.

This stands in sharp contrast to Rohani's bede bere approach. To his statements that Iran is after a deal "at any cost" or that Iran's economic future supposedly depends on such an agreement with the USA, which is the worst thing a negotiating party can possibly utter because it directly goes to embolden the opposite side in refusing to offer proper concessions.

None of these strategic mistakes have been committed by the Baqeri team.

but couldn't because the West didn't want to deal with Iran shortly after wide scale protests, you mean.

Not a logical inference. If anything, domestic turmoil would have strengthened the west's hand and encouraged them to extract further concession from Iran, but the Ra'isi administration wouldn't go along with such pressure tactics.

There were no widescale protests, by the way. Protests were few and far between, quickly superseded by violent riots in which dozens of law enforcement agents were put to death in the most brutal and savage ways.
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JCPOA: enrichment limited to below 5% and restrictions placed on stockpiles, which the user is okay with.
Transient restrictions while sanctions are lifted and Iran can close the UNSC nuclear file while it develops more powerful centrifuges that will be ready for mass production when the restrictions expire

Current state of affairs: Iran has and will continue to enrich at 60% (albeit at slightly slower pace if that report were to be true), will keep her 60% enriched uranium and is facing no limitations on stockpiles. The user calls it "treason".
Instead of building leverage by accelerating the pace of enrichment to 60%, Iran voluntarily decides to REDUCE the pace of enrichment to 60%. Genius

Also no, the JCPOA was not ideal in any shape or form.
No deal is perfect, but it was a good deal for Iran at the time, hence why the entire SNSC supported it, including your infallible hero Khamenei

And when it comes to the USA's will, the fact that they would no longer dare formulate demands like Pompeo's infamous twelve points is due to the current administration's steadfastness and refusal to bow to any imperialist diktat. You're turning reality on its head.
You claim victory from that? Pathetic

It was however the purpose of JCPOA II, part of the program adamantly and avowedly pursued by liberals.
Prove it

Hogwash, no such thing happened.
Iran and USA didn't negotiate to restore JCPOA under Raisi?

False logic. If anything, domestic turmoil would have strengthened the west's hand and encouraged them to extract further concession from Iran, but the Ra'isi administration wouldn't go along with such pressure tactics.
The JCPOA was never popular in certain power centres in the US (including congress), and the protests in Iran made the US returning to the JCPOA even more untenable. Basic facts.

And they did try to extract further concessions, Biden refused to lift the poison pill terrorist designation of the IRGC. But they don't even need to enter a deal or lift sanctions to extract concessions when Iran voluntarily reduces enrichment anyway
The JCPOA wouldn't have been so bad, provided the US kept its promises.
The problem is that US is a country that never keeps its promises.
All countries that yielded to the United States, disarmed, and accepted inspection were brutally invaded.
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