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Iranian Chill Thread

"He refused to apply" is the mullah cover story for general public to dismiss him in this widespread purge going on by mullahs in Iran...you are free to believe that.

He has the right to criticize just as you have the right to believe what you believe..he is not inciting violance or anarchy...if he did I be the first one to criticize him.....mullahs are nicely walking on the same path that shah did..we know how that story ended..
He could say I applied for the job and give us his documents, expose the mullah regime, but he didn't and wont, cause he is lying.

Inciting violence is exactly what he was doing, violence is exactly what happens when you provoke students and accuse police of killing innocents. he is no different from PJAK terrorists.

If Iran was walking the Shah path, not a single one of these f@ckers would dare to raise their voices. I say it based on my own interaction with them, they wont risk their life for their d!ck!
About putting faulty pieces on missile productions:
but the network "fell in a trap spread by the intelligence forces at the defense ministry and it was dismantled." The intelligence force further said that the network was directed by the Israeli regime's Mossad who sought "to sell the equipped parts to turn the produced rockets into an explosive tool to hit industrial lines and employees working in that field."
Anyone knows what they mean with "sell the equipped parts to turn the produced rockets into an explosive tool to hit industrial lines and employees working in that field"?
Since 2022 and the foundation of the nuclear security branch, no sabotage happened in nuclear fields

The last "sabotage" attempt being a commercial quadcopter drone delivered in parts from Iraqi Kurdistan with explosives operated from inside the city of Ispahan tried to land on a warehouse and was stopped by mesh nets and the others shot at.

The primitive nature of the attempt may be a sign showing the Israeli regime frustration with the exposure and dismantling of its sabotage network operating in Iran.
@HGV ...you and I discussed about the published rumors about the recent exchange of prisoners and release of funds..There was some noise about unconfirmed reports with regards to Iran making concession on production of 60% uranium..
today... first indication that the rumors may have a leg to stand on..

Fars news agency:..

لومبرگ: آژانس، کاهش سرعت انباشت اورانیوم 60 درصد ایران را تأیید می‌کند​

وبگاه «بلومبرگ» گزارش کرده که آژانس بین المللی انرژی اتمی قصد دارد در گزارش فصلی ماه آینده خود، کاهش سرعت انباشت اورانیوم با درصد غنای 60 ایران را تأیید کند.
بلومبرگ: آژانس، کاهش سرعت انباشت اورانیوم 60 درصد ایران را تأیید می‌کند

به گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری فارس، وبگاه تحلیلی «بلومبرگ» در گزارشی نوشته است که مدیرکل آژانس بین‌المللی انرژی اتمی احتمالاً در گزارش فصلی ماه آینده خود اعلام می‌کند که جمهوری اسلامی ایران در حال کاهش سرعت ذخیره‌سازی اورانیوم با درصد غنای ۶۰ است.
در این گزارش آمده است که آژانس بین‌المللی انرژی اتمی آماده می‌شود تا گزارش فصلی پادمان‌های ایران را پیش از نشست ۱۱ سپتامبر (۲۰ شهریور ماه) شورای حکام آژانس منتشر کند.
ایران همواره تأکید کرده است که برنامه هسته‌ای کاملاً صلح‌آمیز دارد و بلومبرگ در گزارش خود نوشته است که برخی از مقام‌های هسته‌ای پیش‌بینی می‌کنند که داده‌های آژانس بین‌المللی انرژی اتمی نشان می‌دهد که ایران در حالتعدیل تولید اورانیوم با درصد غنای بسیار بالا است.
The usual suspects with their heads in the sand said this was unconfirmed Western speculation ... lol

This is nothing short of treason
Nagging people calling others "head in the sand", this is the most ironic thing ever seen here

And the same suspects when Iran wants looks for diplomatic relations: "Iran is bowing down to the US" "Iran should make a nuke" "Oil for food program" nonsense
When Iran higher uranium production: "Iran is putting itself at risks of war" "Iran will never sustain the current sanctions" nonsense

Nagging, not knowing what they want, not proposing any solution beside compulsive nagging, no one knows since their posts are limited to the same kind of answers, racial slurs, "mullah"

The same in the IRIAF thread, nagging and nagging, Iran will never achieve anything

And the same suspects ironically calls everyone not acknowledging their nagging and narrative as "head in the sand"

When something is talked about "This is propaganda"
And when something is achieved: "This is not enough" "This is old technology" "It will never be produced"

Everyone understands, Iran is going to fall, Iran is bowing down to the US, Iran is going to dismantle everything, IR is going to fall, IRIAF have 1M$ of budget, Iran is going to get bombed by GBU-28 easily. everything is skyrocketing this is nearly the end.
So the agents are currently detained

They were targetting K-4 missiles production if i understand

This brings experience for future attempts of sabotage, if this was not detected, whole facilities would have been blown up killing everyone working there

They have no power to directly do something in Iran and claim direct responsibility, as i always said their threats of war is limited to sabotage attempts and trying to get Iranian consent to be bombed. This is how they work when they cannot cross the airspace of another country and launching bombs at random targets killing random people, calling this "heroic defense of the jewish state"

We had the hasbara that the resistance and Hezbollah was weakening and were going to be dismantled, meanwhile colonial forces are at exposure of death at anytime. The hasbara that an "Iranian terrorist" was going to do a terror attack in Cyprus, the "proof" being a Luftansha airlines plane ticket and contradictory documents. The quadcopter primitive attempt. Opening of the nuclear security branch last year

All seems to let imagine that they lack in any long term sabotage and now even on short term sabotage.
Iran is a muslim country, and this is the only Iran exists, the rest is on your brain only.
Seems you don't knew much about iran

They were targetting K-4 missiles production if i understand
No . K-4 is not a missile produced in large number.
They target a part used in various missiles from fateh-110 to latest fattah and k-4 missile it was a type of connection
That again was imported because they did not saw the necessity of producing it and the part was imported from countries like India , China and Russia .
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This brings experience for future attempts of sabotage, if this was not detected, whole facilities would have been blown up killing everyone working there
No this would not have happened the purpose of this sabotage was to make the missiles useless . The connections when would have gone kabooom would have not destroyed the missiles because the missiles fuel was not supposed to be in contact with them
When i said what needs to be done on that kind of person and to double nationality :

- Remove their Iranian nationality, nullify their passports, just keep their birth certificate, close all bank accounts they have, seize all their personal assets and sell them, make such as they aren't existing in Iran beside they are born here

- For people going outside of Iran, check their final destination then check what they have been doing in iran

- For airports, check double nationality specially coming from UK, Dubai, USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Albania, France and Germany with special checking

- Check all their mobile phones and laptops, request for their passwords and look into all their social medias, if no password then no entry

- Don't give them the right to get out of the airport and give them the option to take the next plane to get back where they came from (at their cost), and make a special room in airports so they sleep there until they can get back and buy a plane ticket

If they are ready to sell themselves and praise foreigners so much, why Iran should let them step a foot inside and even certifying they are Iranians? They also abuse of their Iranian nationality to pose as "experts" in other countries.

When i said this is his only talking point there you have it
Now I'm sure all your concerns for Iran is fake and all you care is destabilize Iran
So the agents are currently detained

They were targetting K-4 missiles production if i understand

This brings experience for future attempts of sabotage, if this was not detected, whole facilities would have been blown up killing everyone working there

They have no power to directly do something in Iran and claim direct responsibility, as i always said their threats of war is limited to sabotage attempts and trying to get Iranian consent to be bombed. This is how they work when they cannot cross the airspace of another country and launching bombs at random targets killing random people, calling this "heroic defense of the jewish state"

We had the hasbara that the resistance and Hezbollah was weakening and were going to be dismantled, meanwhile colonial forces are at exposure of death at anytime. The hasbara that an "Iranian terrorist" was going to do a terror attack in Cyprus, the "proof" being a Luftansha airlines plane ticket and contradictory documents. The quadcopter primitive attempt. Opening of the nuclear security branch last year

All seems to let imagine that they lack in any long term sabotage and now even on short term sabotage.
These connectors are used in both our missiles and drones.

Full details:
جزئیات جدید از کشف بزرگترین خرابکاری صنعتی در صنایع موشکی | خبرگزاری فارس

(Google translate)
Interview with Gen. Reza Talainik, spokesman of the Ministry of Defense

Referring to the process of identifying Mossad's industrial sabotage agents in the Ministry of Defense's missile industries, Gen. Talainik stated: We have been identifying sabotage networks since two decades ago, when we had progress in the defense industry and new products and programs were coming to fruition. Identifying the enemy sabotage network was part of the missions of the security service of defense ministry.

He added: About 9 years ago in 2014, when the security officers of the Ministry of Defense were working on the enemy network, in the process of identifying this network that was connected inside and outside the country, they realized an intelligence focus by Mossad on some subjects including this connector piece within our defense industry. They managed to obtain initial information in 2015.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense emphasized: We have passed three periods until this important news was announced today and during these years this is the biggest industrial sabotage which has been neutralized.

In the past years, the localization of defense parts was not as much as it is today, and a certain amount of the parts (a thousand of parts) and raw materials used in missiles, systems, weapons and equipment. some had not yet been localized and some were double purpose items available in inside and outside market and their production was not economical.

Through presence in one of our neighboring countries, they identified a person who was involved in the process of supplying this part (connector) in the past years, that is, in 2015. .

He added: After identifying this person, they connect him to themselves and through this person, they connect to other supply agents in some European and East Asian countries. Of course, their connection with agents inside the country was done through several middlemen.

In explaining Mossad's goals of carrying out operations against missile industries, Sardar Talainik said: Mossad's goal was to create disruptions, malfunctions and explosions in specific timings, so that after this part enters the missile systems, they cause explosions in these systems.

In describing the characteristics of the connectors, he continued: This 7 cm piece consists of two separate parts, one part of which includes 10 to 32 cabling pins. This part transmits the guidance and nervous system of the missiles and has a diameter of two to three centimeters. Of course, its internal grooves are very small.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense stated: Mossad agents had planted an electrical circuit in some of the connectors, not all of them, so that it could cause disruption and the transfer would not be carried out naturally according to the guidance and control program in the missile. it was also planned for the explosion so that the connector explodes and the system fails.

Gen.Talainik said: My colleagues in the security department of Ministry of Defense achieved several successes during this operation. The first success was that when identifying the primary elements, it was done in such a way that the enemy did not notice this, that is, the surprise they wanted to do on our defense systems was done against themselves.

He added: Until recently, the Zionist regime did not know that our intelligence services were monitoring the issue. This regime thought it was handing us the connectors and we didn't realize it, while the first elements were identified from the very beginning.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense stated that one of the people who voluntarily helped to discover this issue and was appreciated by the Ministry of Defense was a person who worked as a procurement liaison, and noted: During this period, our intelligence system was aware of the actions of the Zionist regime regarding this sabotage. But the Zionists were not informed and did not know that we were aware of this issue, and they thought that they were moving this plan forward. so; This caused them to bear a heavy cost.

He emphasized: The important point is that the connectors were detected by our security service before entering the missile system and they did not enter the missile system at all. In this regard, a lot of these connectors were examined by our colleagues in the technical department and technical laboratories, and the cases in which this sabotage had occurred, were isolated, and after the reconstruction, they proceeded to use them. In this way, we did not see any damage.

Gen. Talainik also pointed out that another activity of the Zionist regime in this area was to spend a lot of money to reduce the price of the connectors we use in the market.

In response to a question about whether it is possible to localize parts and raw materials for us, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense said: In recent years, there is a comprehensive program for localizing parts and raw materials of defense systems, weapons and equipment in a fully documented manner, and we we have used a significant amount of our funds for research and supply of sensitive parts in recent years.

He added: The result of this program is that 90 percent of the systems, weapons and equipment have been localized. But the remaining 10% has not been localized by us either because it is not economical or because it is a piece that is generally available in the market. Of course, in recent years this figure has reached less than 10%.

Gen. Talainik said: In recent years, we have established a number of technical laboratories, and in the last two years, every part we need, when we want to import it from abroad, is subjected to technical inspection in these laboratories and all its components are checked. After that, a tracking code is assigned to this piece, which can be tracked later. so; This is also under our control today.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense said: 'Today, if we are talking about the discovery of a major sabotage operation of the enemy, this has been done while the enemy has carried out dozens of sabotage operations in the past years, most of which have been discovered, identified and countered.' However, this operation that we are talking about today is bigger than all the previous ones.

Ge. Talainik also pointed out that if the Zionists succeeded in carrying out this sabotage, about 19 million dollars would be damaged to our missile industry. Of course, we turned this into an opportunity.

He pointed to the cooperation of other espionage services with the Mossad and said: they used intelligence services of US and other counties secretly because the official announcement of assistance in such matters is a legal burden for them. Of course, this issue is under the full observation of my colleagues.
Gen. Talainik said: In recent years, we have established a number of technical laboratories, and in the last two years, every part we need, when we want to import it from abroad, is subjected to technical inspection in these laboratories and all its components are checked. After that, a tracking code is assigned to this piece, which can be tracked later. so; This is also under our control today.
the best part, finally they start to learn and adapt

the improvements are quite comprehensive, with the nuclear facility intelligence team as well

I am not interested in communities out of the country, or diaspora. You can have your vision and your dreams and delusions. I do not care by this.
he lives in iran by the way
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