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Iranian Chill Thread

From chatGPT:


They are already masturbating on the last quadcopter attack in Ispahan and saying that Israel will easily invade Iran and that it shown the "military weakness of Iran" 😂
There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the world in terms of intercepting Houthi militia drones.

PS: The article is actually made by a Saudi working for "International Institute for Iranian Studies"

Foreign minister says Iranians can freely voice ideas despite thousands detained


NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with Iran's foreign minister about free expression, Americans being held prisoner in his country and the future of the Iran nuclear deal.

The nuclear deal, the JCPOA - is it dead?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Americans keep sending us messages. But in fact, they have adopted some sort of a hypocritical behavior. On the one hand, we keep receiving messages from Rob Malley and Blinken. We receive foreign ministers, and they in fact give us and forward us the messages from Americans. From the messages we receive, I can say that the Americans insist that we push forward until we can finalize a deal. Concurrently, however, they say different things when they appear in media. In fact, I sent a message to be forwarded to the American authorities asking, why have you adopted a hypocritical behavior?

KELLY: Who did you send the message to? How do you communicate?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) To Mr. Blinken, of course, through one of the foreign ministers.

KELLY: Our secretary of state.

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Ask the question, why hypocrisy? If you want to return to the deal, why do you say one thing to the media and the other through our diplomatic exchanges?

KELLY: So you would like a more consistent message, and you believe you're not getting it from the United States. The head of the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, says that Iran has now amassed enough highly enriched uranium to build several nuclear weapons - his words. Will Iran build nuclear weapons?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) We have high capabilities when it comes to peaceful nuclear energy. In order to respond to wrong American behavior and within the framework of reciprocity, we leveled up our nuclear activities. However, when it comes to our beliefs and values, we do not pursue the making of a nuclear bomb.

KELLY: People told us this repeatedly, and when we asked to interview them, they pointed up and pointed at cameras. They're watching. They're watching.

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Then you could interview them on a blind spot. But let's move on to the internet. You see; when the situation gets critical, when there are security concerns, when there are threats of terrorist acts and when people have been targeted, it is only too natural for us to do everything that we can, the police and the security organizations. You see; during the raid to the U.S. Congress, even the former U.S. president was banned from Twitter. What proportion really is there when we are talking about freedom and banning the first person in command in the U.S. from the internet?

KELLY: President - if I may, President Trump was banned from Twitter by Twitter, not by the U.S. government. Are you acknowledging that your government is restricting and slowing down the internet here?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Twitter is controlled by the government, and in fact, banning...


AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) ...President Trump...

KELLY: It's a private company.

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) ...Was an order of the government.

KELLY: It's a private company. It's not controlled by the U.S. government.

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Of course, we're no friend to Trump.

KELLY: We interviewed one young woman last night. She tried to show me her Instagram feed on her phone. It doesn't load. She tries. She tries. Just - she believes - she told us she believes this is to prevent her and others from telling the world what is happening here. Is that true?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN: (Through interpreter) Instagram is restricted in Iran. True. This is so because during the riots, Instagram promoted and, in fact, trained people how to make Molotov cocktails and other instruments of terror. And therefore, we trampled the very policies it set for itself. Should Instagram agree with our terms in Iran, if they establish an office here and succumb to our rules and regulations, they can operate freely.


Well it seems that NPR's Mary Louise Kelly is not a fan of too many cameras.I think there are people here that could be followers of her way of thinking since they are also want to shut down some of these cameras inside some of Iran's infrastructure and other than issue of too many camera these people have too little common with NPR.

Jokes aside
In a country with strict gun control rules, camera is a powerful tool.

They are already masturbating on the last quadcopter attack in Ispahan and saying that Israel will easily invade Iran and that it shown the "military weakness of Iran" 😂

PS: The article is actually made by a Saudi working for "International Institute for Iranian Studies"
Drones last week attacked sensitive Iranian military facilities in Isfahan, including the Tohid defense industry facility for the manufacture of weapons and ammunition, a laboratory for materials and energy in the Ministry of Defense’s research center, and a facility for the manufacture and storage of drones, among other targets believed to be nuclear sites. The attacks were carried out by Israeli drones, according to many US and Iranian sources.
🤨🤨 wat
Is there any detailed post with maps for information on origins of Iranian -Azerbaijani tensions?
If yes plz refer me to that post.
Thanks in advance.
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Is there any detailed post with maps for information on origins of Iranian -Azerbaijani tensions?
If yes plz refer me to that post.
Thanks in advance.
It's difficult to find details in mainstream media articles which is part of why mainstream media is essentially worth little, since key details are not investigated. On occasion they do deep analysis but only in if it fits their particular agenda.

Iran-Azerbijian tensions are not well known, or discussed and as a result theirs little information publicly assembled for reading. I can provide a summary, since I focus on this subject a bit more when I have free time (since in my personal view, this tension is a potential side hot conflict, and most likely conflict between Iran and a neighbour).

Their are 2 major reasons; Economic/military corridors, Anti-Iranian government in policy

Economic; Zangezour corridor;

Zangezour is a geographic region that connects Azerbijian mainland to the autonomous republic of Nakhchavan (Part of Azerbijian). This area is known as the Zangezour corridor. The purpose of this corridor is to connect the two pieces of Azerbijian into one, cut off the border of Iran & Armenia, and connect Turkey to Azerbijian directly (as Turkey borders the autonomous republic at it's very corner). What this means on paper is direct connection between Turkey & Azerbijian as Iran's expense, but beyond this, it means land access of a NATO member to the strategic Caspian sea which leds to the military consequence. As for the economic sense, from Iran's perspective, Iran has little trust in the AZ government, as it has made serveral overtures, and economic agreements in trade that have not resulted in anything. Including investment in the Astara rail line which was completed by Iran, but not completed on their end by AZ to increase trade between the countries.

This mistrust was further cemented when Iranian truck drivers were stopped by Azerbijians military units and demanded tax payments when Iranian trucks were driving to Armenia during daily trade but AZ units that entered Armenia partially. This has led to the beleif that AZ cannot be trusted and will likely attempt to hinder or add significant tariffs on a important trade route to the Black Sea (Europe) for Iran. Once again it is important to note these things are not issues if the AZ government was not so hostile to Iran.

Part of this hostility is the ambitions of the AZ government which has over the years been increasingly anti-Iranian. Note, not Anti-Islamic Republic, but anti-Iranian. Regardless of any government in Iran, the AZ gov will be hostile due to its expansionist ambitions as it eyes Iranians Azerbijian population as separated by force. It's ultimante goal, to separate Iranian Azeri's from Iran. Although, beyond words their is no real military threat about this ambition without a significantly weakened Iran.

Why is this a more significant issue than meets the eye? Foreign actors...

NATO has desired to convert the Caucus regions into a NATO region to acquire control of both Irans north and Russia's South as well as direct access to the Caspian sea which will introduce several new nations of Central Asia to its borders with Georgia already being an observer nation to NATO. Zangezour is an important element in this plan in order to connect the borders of NATO member Turkey to Az, which will facility the transfer of military and economic goods to the Caspian Sea.

AZ has also become a close military partner of Israel. Israel seeks to support an anti-Iranian government in order to create crisis, costs and distractions for Iran to divert attention and resources to its north. Israel in response has supported AZ militarily to gain control of Qarabagh region which was under control by Armenia for 30 years. Frankly AZ is a surrogate for Israel which will use it to their benefit to protect themselves. This does not mean AZ best interests are being pursued, in fact the opposite can occur and lead to significant risks.

As part of AZ bid to become very friendly with NATO, is has also decided not to cooperate on the North-South corridor between India-Iran-Russia. Part of the corridor would run through AZ land. If this land is not available, goods would have to be delivered through the Caspian sea which adds delay and cost. This is the policy also being pursued by the government in Baku. Completion of the corridor would also allow Russia wheat and goods to enter Pakistan's from Baluchistan without doing an insane world tour via sea routes.

Suffice to say, their are many issues. Potential NATO militarization of the Caspian in 10 years. Cutting the route to the Black Sea. Anti-Iranian government seeking to sieze land from Iran. Increasing Israeli presence. Vocalized threats. This issue cannot easily be diplomatically. Their are alot of similarity between Russia and Ukraine with Iran and Az. Two similar peoples, pushed towards war because foreign actors are whispering into ears behind closed doors. The victim state is sacrificed for their gain.

What is going on right now?

AZ closed thier embassy in Iran after the terror attack on their embassy. AZ is intentionally attempting to increase tension between the 2 countries to facilitate NATO protection and foreign pressure on Iran.

Iran declared red lines to AZ if the border between Iran and Armenia is cut. It would respond. AZ is very upset about this, since it cannot militarily confront Iran. Currently, it is attempting to presure Armenia into giving up the corridor by blockading the Lachin Corridor that connect Armenia to Stephankert.

The yellow/orange area is still controlled by Armenia, with a very thin corridor that connect Armenia and the orange zone. This zone is currnetly under bloke as AZ "ecological activits" i.e military men, are blocking the corridor as a "protest" against Armenia's environment policies.

This is obviously a ploy to pressure Armenia into giving up the corridor as it does not feel the military option is possible. This pressure is compounded as their is a lack of food and medicine that can travel to the orange region putting tens of thousands at risk of starvation.

Armenia cannot respond militarily or by riot police to the corridor as it fears reprisal, and Az fears Iran's represial, therefore they are hoping to get concessions from Armenia through this policy. What we are looking at here @Muhammad Saftain Anjum , is the prelude to a second war, one which may cause intervention by Iran with long range fires which could start as soon as this spring as the brutal winter weather in this area is not viable for war.

With the current trend AZ is going, it appears conflict with Iran is inevitable, despite Iran's attempts at de-escalation and attempts at solving issues diplomatically by providing economic incentives like improved trade with Iran, infrastructure developments/investments. AZ ambitions has no appearance of changing and it has a direct clash with Iran's security. Much like the Russia and Ukraine, the train has left the station and it isn't stopping. Russia delayed what was going to be inevitable in Ukraine (EU + NATO), but this time it is here, and the ultra-nationalistic government in Baku is taking his country towards a dangerous path. With this devastating earthquake in Turkey, the geopolitical ramifications in this region has changed dramatically!

If you want a big example of a provocation.
An Azerbijiani Quran reader comes to the border of Iran and Az, on state TV and reads Surah Fatah. In other words, right on TV talks about conquering Iran. I couldn't make it more clear what this issue is. No one in Iran does this. These are intentional provocations in a bid to increase tension. I should mention, this was a few days before the earthquake.
It's difficult to find details in mainstream media articles which is part of why mainstream media is essentially worth little, since key details are not investigated. On occasion they do deep analysis but only in if it fits their particular agenda.

Iran-Azerbijian tensions are not well known, or discussed and as a result theirs little information publicly assembled for reading. I can provide a summary, since I focus on this subject a bit more when I have free time (since in my personal view, this tension is a potential side hot conflict, and most likely conflict between Iran and a neighbour).

Their are 2 major reasons; Economic/military corridors, Anti-Iranian government in policy

Economic; Zangezour corridor;

Zangezour is a geographic region that connects Azerbijian mainland to the autonomous republic of Nakhchavan (Part of Azerbijian). This area is known as the Zangezour corridor. The purpose of this corridor is to connect the two pieces of Azerbijian into one, cut off the border of Iran & Armenia, and connect Turkey to Azerbijian directly (as Turkey borders the autonomous republic at it's very corner). What this means on paper is direct connection between Turkey & Azerbijian as Iran's expense, but beyond this, it means land access of a NATO member to the strategic Caspian sea which leds to the military consequence. As for the economic sense, from Iran's perspective, Iran has little trust in the AZ government, as it has made serveral overtures, and economic agreements in trade that have not resulted in anything. Including investment in the Astara rail line which was completed by Iran, but not completed on their end by AZ to increase trade between the countries.

This mistrust was further cemented when Iranian truck drivers were stopped by Azerbijians military units and demanded tax payments when Iranian trucks were driving to Armenia during daily trade but AZ units that entered Armenia partially. This has led to the beleif that AZ cannot be trusted and will likely attempt to hinder or add significant tariffs on a important trade route to the Black Sea (Europe) for Iran. Once again it is important to note these things are not issues if the AZ government was not so hostile to Iran.

Part of this hostility is the ambitions of the AZ government which has over the years been increasingly anti-Iranian. Note, not Anti-Islamic Republic, but anti-Iranian. Regardless of any government in Iran, the AZ gov will be hostile due to its expansionist ambitions as it eyes Iranians Azerbijian population as separated by force. It's ultimante goal, to separate Iranian Azeri's from Iran. Although, beyond words their is no real military threat about this ambition without a significantly weakened Iran.

Why is this a more significant issue than meets the eye? Foreign actors...

NATO has desired to convert the Caucus regions into a NATO region to acquire control of both Irans north and Russia's South as well as direct access to the Caspian sea which will introduce several new nations of Central Asia to its borders with Georgia already being an observer nation to NATO. Zangezour is an important element in this plan in order to connect the borders of NATO member Turkey to Az, which will facility the transfer of military and economic goods to the Caspian Sea.

AZ has also become a close military partner of Israel. Israel seeks to support an anti-Iranian government in order to create crisis, costs and distractions for Iran to divert attention and resources to its north. Israel in response has supported AZ militarily to gain control of Qarabagh region which was under control by Armenia for 30 years. Frankly AZ is a surrogate for Israel which will use it to their benefit to protect themselves. This does not mean AZ best interests are being pursued, in fact the opposite can occur and lead to significant risks.

As part of AZ bid to become very friendly with NATO, is has also decided not to cooperate on the North-South corridor between India-Iran-Russia. Part of the corridor would run through AZ land. If this land is not available, goods would have to be delivered through the Caspian sea which adds delay and cost. This is the policy also being pursued by the government in Baku. Completion of the corridor would also allow Russia wheat and goods to enter Pakistan's from Baluchistan without doing an insane world tour via sea routes.

Suffice to say, their are many issues. Potential NATO militarization of the Caspian in 10 years. Cutting the route to the Black Sea. Anti-Iranian government seeking to sieze land from Iran. Increasing Israeli presence. Vocalized threats. This issue cannot easily be diplomatically. Their are alot of similarity between Russia and Ukraine with Iran and Az. Two similar peoples, pushed towards war because foreign actors are whispering into ears behind closed doors. The victim state is sacrificed for their gain.

What is going on right now?

AZ closed thier embassy in Iran after the terror attack on their embassy. AZ is intentionally attempting to increase tension between the 2 countries to facilitate NATO protection and foreign pressure on Iran.

Iran declared red lines to AZ if the border between Iran and Armenia is cut. It would respond. AZ is very upset about this, since it cannot militarily confront Iran. Currently, it is attempting to presure Armenia into giving up the corridor by blockading the Lachin Corridor that connect Armenia to Stephankert.

The yellow/orange area is still controlled by Armenia, with a very thin corridor that connect Armenia and the orange zone. This zone is currnetly under bloke as AZ "ecological activits" i.e military men, are blocking the corridor as a "protest" against Armenia's environment policies.

This is obviously a ploy to pressure Armenia into giving up the corridor as it does not feel the military option is possible. This pressure is compounded as their is a lack of food and medicine that can travel to the orange region putting tens of thousands at risk of starvation.

Armenia cannot respond militarily or by riot police to the corridor as it fears reprisal, and Az fears Iran's represial, therefore they are hoping to get concessions from Armenia through this policy. What we are looking at here @Muhammad Saftain Anjum , is the prelude to a second war, one which may cause intervention by Iran with long range fires which could start as soon as this spring as the brutal winter weather in this area is not viable for war.

With the current trend AZ is going, it appears conflict with Iran is inevitable, despite Iran's attempts at de-escalation and attempts at solving issues diplomatically by providing economic incentives like improved trade with Iran, infrastructure developments/investments. AZ ambitions has no appearance of changing and it has a direct clash with Iran's security. Much like the Russia and Ukraine, the train has left the station and it isn't stopping. Russia delayed what was going to be inevitable in Ukraine (EU + NATO), but this time it is here, and the ultra-nationalistic government in Baku is taking his country towards a dangerous path. With this devastating earthquake in Turkey, the geopolitical ramifications in this region has changed dramatically!

If you want a big example of a provocation.
An Azerbijiani Quran reader comes to the border of Iran and Az, on state TV and reads Surah Fatah. In other words, right on TV talks about conquering Iran. I couldn't make it more clear what this issue is. No one in Iran does this. These are intentional provocations in a bid to increase tension. I should mention, this was a few days before the earthquake.

Good presentation. Just one detail to correct: in terms of the railway connection, it's Iran which has yet to complete a remaining stretch on her territory. Right now the Iranian network in Shomal extends until Rasht. From there it is planned to be connected to the neighboring port of Anzali, as well as all the way to Astara through Talesh land. Needless to say, the Rohani administration did not treat the North-South Corridor as a priority project, seeing how it put all its eggs into the JCPOA basket in vain hopes of so-called "normalization with the west".

Iran's current rail network map:


They on the other hand will not need to build anything, the Soviets gifted them a complete network, with railways running from the river Aras and from Astara (Azarbaijan Republic side) straight to Moscow.
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It's difficult to find details in mainstream media …

Thanks for the analysis. Note, your points, more or less, are well mentioned in pro-Iranian media.

The prevailing storyline is the West is in process of creating a Ukraine type of conflict with Iran. Which won’t happen. Ergo the ostensibly soft response Iran is giving. Iran is taking its time building the internal infrastructure in AZ to put on the soothing balm of X’ollahing AZ.

But that may very well be a false read mainly driven by retrograde thinking.

It’s very possible, OTOH, Iran is actively stirring the pot—X’ollahization— which also explains Iran’s soft stance. The goal is returning AZ into the Iranian fold physically if not geographically. This may also be part of a strategic agreement with Russia. This also explains AZs suicidal behavior. At the end AZ cannot afford endangering herself with a hostile Iran regardless of who her purported backers are. Iran will benefit more from a conflict.

Iran in fact is flexing its muscles.

My bet’s the latter.
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It's difficult to find details in mainstream media articles which is part of why mainstream media is essentially worth little, since key details are not investigated. On occasion they do deep analysis but only in if it fits their particular agenda.

Iran-Azerbijian tensions are not well known, or discussed and as a result theirs little information publicly assembled for reading. I can provide a summary, since I focus on this subject a bit more when I have free time (since in my personal view, this tension is a potential side hot conflict, and most likely conflict between Iran and a neighbour).

Their are 2 major reasons; Economic/military corridors, Anti-Iranian government in policy

Economic; Zangezour corridor;

Zangezour is a geographic region that connects Azerbijian mainland to the autonomous republic of Nakhchavan (Part of Azerbijian). This area is known as the Zangezour corridor. The purpose of this corridor is to connect the two pieces of Azerbijian into one, cut off the border of Iran & Armenia, and connect Turkey to Azerbijian directly (as Turkey borders the autonomous republic at it's very corner). What this means on paper is direct connection between Turkey & Azerbijian as Iran's expense, but beyond this, it means land access of a NATO member to the strategic Caspian sea which leds to the military consequence. As for the economic sense, from Iran's perspective, Iran has little trust in the AZ government, as it has made serveral overtures, and economic agreements in trade that have not resulted in anything. Including investment in the Astara rail line which was completed by Iran, but not completed on their end by AZ to increase trade between the countries.

This mistrust was further cemented when Iranian truck drivers were stopped by Azerbijians military units and demanded tax payments when Iranian trucks were driving to Armenia during daily trade but AZ units that entered Armenia partially. This has led to the beleif that AZ cannot be trusted and will likely attempt to hinder or add significant tariffs on a important trade route to the Black Sea (Europe) for Iran. Once again it is important to note these things are not issues if the AZ government was not so hostile to Iran.

Part of this hostility is the ambitions of the AZ government which has over the years been increasingly anti-Iranian. Note, not Anti-Islamic Republic, but anti-Iranian. Regardless of any government in Iran, the AZ gov will be hostile due to its expansionist ambitions as it eyes Iranians Azerbijian population as separated by force. It's ultimante goal, to separate Iranian Azeri's from Iran. Although, beyond words their is no real military threat about this ambition without a significantly weakened Iran.

Why is this a more significant issue than meets the eye? Foreign actors...

NATO has desired to convert the Caucus regions into a NATO region to acquire control of both Irans north and Russia's South as well as direct access to the Caspian sea which will introduce several new nations of Central Asia to its borders with Georgia already being an observer nation to NATO. Zangezour is an important element in this plan in order to connect the borders of NATO member Turkey to Az, which will facility the transfer of military and economic goods to the Caspian Sea.

AZ has also become a close military partner of Israel. Israel seeks to support an anti-Iranian government in order to create crisis, costs and distractions for Iran to divert attention and resources to its north. Israel in response has supported AZ militarily to gain control of Qarabagh region which was under control by Armenia for 30 years. Frankly AZ is a surrogate for Israel which will use it to their benefit to protect themselves. This does not mean AZ best interests are being pursued, in fact the opposite can occur and lead to significant risks.

As part of AZ bid to become very friendly with NATO, is has also decided not to cooperate on the North-South corridor between India-Iran-Russia. Part of the corridor would run through AZ land. If this land is not available, goods would have to be delivered through the Caspian sea which adds delay and cost. This is the policy also being pursued by the government in Baku. Completion of the corridor would also allow Russia wheat and goods to enter Pakistan's from Baluchistan without doing an insane world tour via sea routes.

Suffice to say, their are many issues. Potential NATO militarization of the Caspian in 10 years. Cutting the route to the Black Sea. Anti-Iranian government seeking to sieze land from Iran. Increasing Israeli presence. Vocalized threats. This issue cannot easily be diplomatically. Their are alot of similarity between Russia and Ukraine with Iran and Az. Two similar peoples, pushed towards war because foreign actors are whispering into ears behind closed doors. The victim state is sacrificed for their gain.

What is going on right now?

AZ closed thier embassy in Iran after the terror attack on their embassy. AZ is intentionally attempting to increase tension between the 2 countries to facilitate NATO protection and foreign pressure on Iran.

Iran declared red lines to AZ if the border between Iran and Armenia is cut. It would respond. AZ is very upset about this, since it cannot militarily confront Iran. Currently, it is attempting to presure Armenia into giving up the corridor by blockading the Lachin Corridor that connect Armenia to Stephankert.

The yellow/orange area is still controlled by Armenia, with a very thin corridor that connect Armenia and the orange zone. This zone is currnetly under bloke as AZ "ecological activits" i.e military men, are blocking the corridor as a "protest" against Armenia's environment policies.

This is obviously a ploy to pressure Armenia into giving up the corridor as it does not feel the military option is possible. This pressure is compounded as their is a lack of food and medicine that can travel to the orange region putting tens of thousands at risk of starvation.

Armenia cannot respond militarily or by riot police to the corridor as it fears reprisal, and Az fears Iran's represial, therefore they are hoping to get concessions from Armenia through this policy. What we are looking at here @Muhammad Saftain Anjum , is the prelude to a second war, one which may cause intervention by Iran with long range fires which could start as soon as this spring as the brutal winter weather in this area is not viable for war.

With the current trend AZ is going, it appears conflict with Iran is inevitable, despite Iran's attempts at de-escalation and attempts at solving issues diplomatically by providing economic incentives like improved trade with Iran, infrastructure developments/investments. AZ ambitions has no appearance of changing and it has a direct clash with Iran's security. Much like the Russia and Ukraine, the train has left the station and it isn't stopping. Russia delayed what was going to be inevitable in Ukraine (EU + NATO), but this time it is here, and the ultra-nationalistic government in Baku is taking his country towards a dangerous path. With this devastating earthquake in Turkey, the geopolitical ramifications in this region has changed dramatically!

If you want a big example of a provocation.
An Azerbijiani Quran reader comes to the border of Iran and Az, on state TV and reads Surah Fatah. In other words, right on TV talks about conquering Iran. I couldn't make it more clear what this issue is. No one in Iran does this. These are intentional provocations in a bid to increase tension. I should mention, this was a few days before the earthquake.
Thank you for a detailed post

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