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Iranian Chill Thread

Upper Atmospheric speed, not terminal velocity. This is in line with other HGVs (China,Russia, US).

Avangard (Russia) is Mach 27.
Ah, ok. Cause as i read somewhere: "Flying with Mach 25 in atmosphere is like swimming in deep mudd while head is over 10000 celsius hot."
Ah, ok. Cause as i read somewhere: "Flying with Mach 25 in atmosphere is like swimming in deep mudd while head is over 10000 celsius hot."

Mach 25 within the lower atmosphere will result in disintegration due to combination of heat and pressure. In upper atmosphere (37+ miles in the air) it is possible as it is very thin.
Can U guys buy computer products like Intel and AMD processor and other parts in Iran?
Can U guys buy computer products like Intel and AMD processor and other parts in Iran?
no we can't. my laptop ran on VIA processor

For personal usage and small businesses yes but long before China they blocked Iran's access to other stuff.
these are consumer product , nobody can stop their entry into Iran they ban the sale of supercomputers to Iran , we built our own supercomputer
no we can't. my laptop ran on VIA processor

these are consumer product , nobody can stop their entry into Iran they ban the sale of supercomputers to Iran , we built our own supercomputer
That means u have pc build up shope
Good presentation. Just one detail to correct: in terms of the railway connection, it's Iran which has yet to complete a remaining stretch on her territory. Right now the Iranian network in Shomal extends until Rasht. From there it is planned to be connected to the neighboring port of Anzali, as well as all the way to Astara through Talesh land. Needless to say, the Rohani administration did not treat the North-South Corridor as a priority project, seeing how it put all its eggs into the JCPOA basket in vain hopes of so-called "normalization with the west".

Iran's current rail network map:


They on the other hand will not need to build anything, the Soviets gifted them a complete network, with railways running from the river Aras and from Astara (Azarbaijan Republic side) straight to Moscow.
Thanks for the analysis. Note, your points, more or less, are well mentioned in pro-Iranian media.

The prevailing storyline is the West is in process of creating a Ukraine type of conflict with Iran. Which won’t happen. Ergo the ostensibly soft response Iran is giving. Iran is taking its time building the internal infrastructure in AZ to put on the soothing balm of X’ollahing AZ.

But that may very well be a false read mainly driven by retrograde thinking.

It’s very possible, OTOH, Iran is actively stirring the pot—X’ollahization— which also explains Iran’s soft stance. The goal is returning AZ into the Iranian fold physically if not geographically. This may also be part of a strategic agreement with Russia. This also explains AZs suicidal behavior. At the end AZ cannot afford endangering herself with a hostile Iran regardless of who her purported backers are. Iran will benefit more from a conflict.

Iran in fact is flexing its muscles.

My bet’s the latter.
Thank you both. I could have presented it with better grammar, and fixed some typos, but It was very late at night and I was more eager to post.

Thank you for the correction of the rail network.

In my opinion AZ is a egg in the baskets among many other eggs, hoping to stir a pot with the belief that it can distract Iran from it's main foreign policy objectives. Hence my belief is that SNSC is interested in downplaying and de-escalating virtually everything possible, and even ignoring vocal threats, when such material could easily be presented on public TV. It's a bomb. If you approach it, it detonates, but you don't approach it and leave it idle, the timer goes off to 0:00. They want to force the system to make a decision on this state.

Mach 25 within the lower atmosphere will result in disintegration due to combination of heat and pressure. In upper atmosphere (37+ miles in the air) it is possible as it is very thin.
Indeed, only logical conclusion is they were referring to max speed in upper layers of the atmosphere.
How them and us are not alike...


🔸 ما استخوان های فرزندان شهیدمان را بعد از دهه ها در آغوش گرفتیم، شما گربه ها و سگ هایتان را بعد از چهار ماه.

🔹 فرق انقلاب پاک جمهوری اسلامی و سربازان رشید و سرافرازش با جنبش مفتضح فواحش و مزدوران غرب در همین یک عکس خلاصه می شود. بیش از این حرفی نیست .


Feb 13 at 09:21

https://t. me/shaffaf_tv/8411

Yes because if it was aliens flying around, I’m sure that they were shot down by your primitive sidewinder missile. You couldn’t shoot them down in the 40’s, you can’t shoot them down now.

Trans dimensional species or species that can manipulate space time continuum downed by a race that thinks vaccines are government mind control weapons…def plausible :coffee:

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