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Iranian Chill Thread

If Israel really was behind this, then they must feel pretty embarrassed right now.

Iran will continue to harden their assets against sabotage.

Shitty avenge happens when you rush to it.

It did not even touch the roof.
Mostly for propaganda use.

It takes another 20 Colt bullets to bring down Bibi.
US deep state seems to be goading Israel to further break its relationship (it has maintained thus far) with Russia and to go all-in with West (i.e US essentially in the end)....and thus the ok (compared to before) to start ramping up such attacks on Iran...whatever the success/failure rate is.

What do Iranian members think about this?

Iran must prepare itself regardless whatever all this entails. What are the prudent options members see?
US deep state seems to be goading Israel to further break its relationship (it has maintained thus far) with Russia and to go all-in with West (i.e US essentially in the end)....and thus the ok (compared to before) to start ramping up such attacks on Iran...whatever the success/failure rate is.

What do Iranian members think about this?

Iran must prepare itself regardless whatever all this entails. What are the prudent options members see?
Anything that threatens Israel would be avoided, US for now is okay with Israel's relationship with Russia. A break in these relationship could be problematic. Netanyahu looks like he will maintain okay relations with Russia based on his statements.

Iran will continue doing what it was always doing, which is supporting PIJ in the West Bank and continue R&D on it's military programs without stopping. Likely their will be some sort of response at some place and time of their choosing just for this current wave of tit-for-tat on the short-term.
Anything that threatens Israel would be avoided, US for now is okay with Israel's relationship with Russia. A break in these relationship could be problematic. Netanyahu looks like he will maintain okay relations with Russia based on his statements.

Iran will continue doing what it was always doing, which is supporting PIJ in the West Bank and continue R&D on it's military programs without stopping. Likely their will be some sort of response at some place and time of their choosing just for this current wave of tit-for-tat on the short-term.
Cold mornings incoming.
US deep state seems to be goading Israel to further break its relationship (it has maintained thus far) with Russia and to go all-in with West (i.e US essentially in the end)....and thus the ok (compared to before) to start ramping up such attacks on Iran...whatever the success/failure rate is.

What do Iranian members think about this?

Iran must prepare itself regardless whatever all this entails. What are the prudent options members see?
Not Iranian but this would have little sense, since all documented sabotages did short term damage but not long term damage, i agree with the users that Israel looks like using the same method for revenge, rush and if it fails or they get caught, try again. What would be a unprecedented attack on Iran beside fixable sabotages?

Israel interests first by whatever mean to survive, lobbying, killing x number of humans, Israel life and interests first

Imagining Russia breaking ties with Israel, what would happen that give them an advantage on the regional scene? i see only big misadvantage for their survival and interests.

Iran isn't a Russian protectorate or a puppet (i mean by that that Russians aren't interfering with Iran's internal affairs or give orders to Iran on what to do and what to not), Israel/USA ramping up the same kind of attacks we've saw for decades, none of them inflicted long term damage to Iran putting away US sanctions targeting everyone but their original target (searching for unrests and begging for a civil war in Iran), when you take distance from the Stuxnet things or a refinery explosion, in final it was fixed in days and their means was to send a "message" (that Iran never took the bait or accepted any abusive deals such as the JCPOA 2.0 or Trump threats), on paper every of their sabotages and actions did the exact opposite of what was searched by them, great example is the assassination of Soleimani. if there are strikes this would just lead to a war and there is close to 0 chance of that happening anytime soon

From someone that isn't Iranian, i feel Iran needs to make a little bit of cleaning concerning spying, as well as reinforcing the borders, be aware of who they are hiring in every sector specially double nationalities and the most important from what i see is the propaganda and psyop problem, after this failed "revolution" i think they learned what to do and not do for the next times, regulation of websites, for example i have no clue why Iran banned WeChat and Telegram but let Instagram until banning it

As for military, Iran shown their preparations for 43 years, going from Hawk anti air defense systems to indigenous multi layer defenses, extended their fleet and added submarines and initiated a defensive/offensive doctrine in case of war, going from old Syrian scud and North Korean dubious missiles to make them precise, maneuverable and covering the whole region, still reinforcing their nuclear program, learnt a lot from attacks against them, made underground bases, it is still ongoing at a pretty fast rate for unveilings (maybe production rate too) and IRGC
@vizier As you mentioned previous LIDAR would be useful for these type of explosive quads for very short range defense. Stationed on rooftops of structures without passive defense.

You can’t use LiDAR in a city metropolis. It would pick up every bird and too much background noise.

Second even if you did have LiDar, it would be useless without an active defense system….which again you cannot have in a packed metropolis (for obvious reasons). Wether passive system (ie jamming system) or active (kinetic based system) all would cause disruption to everyday life around it.

This is one reason military bases/factories are outside major cities and not inside them. Harder to protect them from sabotage. Iran knows this, hence why it placed the mesh.

Also I should add many of the sabotage attacks took place in Parchin, a massive military complex. So the question becomes why they got thru there as well. That’s inexcusable.
You can’t use LiDAR in a city metropolis. It would pick up every bird and too much background noise.

Second even if you did have LiDar, it would be useless without an active defense system….which again you cannot have in a packed metropolis (for obvious reasons). Wether passive system (ie jamming system) or active (kinetic based system) all would cause disruption to everyday life around it.

This is one reason military bases/factories are outside major cities and not inside them. Harder to protect them from sabotage. Iran knows this, hence why it placed the mesh.

Also I should add many of the sabotage attacks took place in Parchin, a massive military complex. So the question becomes why they got thru there as well. That’s inexcusable.
Didn't specifically mean this particular location fyi.

I wonder why Parchin isn't a frequent target of attacks given its importance.
I wonder why Parchin isn't a frequent target of attacks given its importance.

Outside of nuclear related sabatoge attacks, Most of the attacks have occurred at Parchin. There were maybe a couple that occurred at solid fuel plants or missile manufacture depots that seemed suspicious, but I believe even one of those was in the Parchin area.

Additionally, while Iranian sources have clarified that the development facility is not of great importance, former Mossad chief Danny Yatom claims that missiles are being developed there:

“The facility that was attacked in Iran is where hypersonic missiles are being developed and will be so fast that the air defense systems of developed countries will have difficulty stopping them.”
Hypersonic missiles being developed in the middle of Ispahan?

Israeli media claims that “suicide drones” were used to carry out the attack. However, this is not the case. According to IRNA, the three micro-aerial vehicles were “quadcopters equipped with bomblets,” which are commercially available.

This is absurd claim. The last place you would “develop” hypersonic missiles is in a tiny factory in the middle of a crowded city. Tehrani Moghdam accident taught us all what happens when you do that.

Plus this isn’t the type of facility where you would develop any type of BM missile. No engine test stands. No earth beams. No testing area.

Stupid claim.
This is absurd claim. The last place you would “develop” hypersonic missiles is in a tiny factory in the middle of a crowded city. Tehrani Moghdam accident taught us all what happens when you do that.

Plus this isn’t the type of facility where you would develop any type of BM missile. No engine test stands. No earth beams. No testing area.

Stupid claim.

They want to make the impression Hypersonic missile development is occurring next to a highway next to a home appliance shopping center Imao.

Even worse, their are claims this is " missile weapons storage" inside a city. Truly absurd propoganda, but people will believe anything when it comes to them.
Seems the building was for Shahid manufacturing. Separately, I understand the attack was neutralized by the building's netting traps.


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