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Iranian Chill Thread

باز هم درگیری بین نیروهای ایرانی و طالبان
می‌خواستند پرچم طالبان رو در خاک ما نصب کنند

باز گوه خوری طالبان رو بکنید و بگید برای ما بهتر شد
تنها راه پاسخ به طالبان شلیک موشک به کابل هست
بعد هم اشغال کل منطقه تا بالای رود هیرمند و ساخت بافر برای اسکان افغانستانی‌ها​
Vaghti ke rezhim khatte ghermez nadashte baashe va khatte ghermezesh faghat in baashe ke hatta zane khamenei ro ham be esraeiliha bedan baraye hefze nezaam dige che entezari mishe dasht?

ye chandta f4 befrestin khaare in taleban ro bega'an.
tarsoo tarin va zaeeftarin va ZALILtarin nezaam bad az ghajariha
Vaghti ke rezhim khatte ghermez nadashte baashe va khatte ghermezesh faghat in baashe ke hatta zane khamenei ro ham be esraeiliha bedan baraye hefze nezaam dige che entezari mishe dasht?

ye chandta f4 befrestin khaare in taleban ro bega'an.
tarsoo tarin va zaeeftarin va ZALILtarin nezaam bad az ghajariha
طبل تو خالی که می‌گن همینه

هر باری هم که دهنشون سرویس می‌شه پرروتر از گذشته می‌شن
زدن مهم‌ترین سردار ایران رو ترور کردند و با افتخار گردن گرفتن، سردار سلامی برگشت گفت بهتون رحم کردیم نکشتیمتون
بعدش برگشت گفت اگه یک مو از سر یک ایرانی کم بشه همه کرک و پشم شما رو به باد می‌دیم
چند وقت بعدش بعد از همین حرف مهم‌ترین مسئول رده‌بالای هسته‌ای کشور رو ترور کردند
حالا بگذریم از اینکه تا مدت‌ها می‌گفتن بالای ۲۰۰ سرباز آمریکایی کشته شده. بعدش گفتن رحم کردیم. تو مرام ما نیست سرباز بی‌گناه رو بکشیم
واقعاً خجالت آوره. البته خجالت آورتر از اون زنگ زدن به کانال‌های آمریکایی با اون لهجه داغونشون برای اینکه بگن پسرمون تو عین‌الاسد گم شده بود

حالا من درک می‌کنم پاسخ به آمریکا مصلحت اندیشی نیاز داره
بهرحال آمریکا قدرتمندترین ارتش و اقتصاد دنیا هست. پیشرو در علم و فناوری هست
اما واقعاً طالبان در اندازه مصلحت اندیشی هم نیست. شب تصمیم بگیریم فردا می‌شه جرشون داد

یه قدرت منطقه‌ای باید راحت بتونه یه کشور درب و داغون مثل افغانستانی طالبانی رو توش بافر ایجاد کنه
پاسخ ندادن به طالبان هیچ چیز جز ضعف رژیم رو نشون نمی‌ده​
طبل تو خالی که می‌گن همینه

هر باری هم که دهنشون سرویس می‌شه پرروتر از گذشته می‌شن
زدن مهم‌ترین سردار ایران رو ترور کردند و با افتخار گردن گرفتن، سردار سلامی برگشت گفت بهتون رحم کردیم نکشتیمتون
بعدش برگشت گفت اگه یک مو از سر یک ایرانی کم بشه همه کرک و پشم شما رو به باد می‌دیم
چند وقت بعدش بعد از همین حرف مهم‌ترین مسئول رده‌بالای هسته‌ای کشور رو ترور کردند
حالا بگذریم از اینکه تا مدت‌ها می‌گفتن بالای ۲۰۰ سرباز آمریکایی کشته شده. بعدش گفتن رحم کردیم. تو مرام ما نیست سرباز بی‌گناه رو بکشیم
واقعاً خجالت آوره. البته خجالت آورتر از اون زنگ زدن به کانال‌های آمریکایی با اون لهجه داغونشون برای اینکه بگن پسرمون تو عین‌الاسد گم شده بود

حالا من درک می‌کنم پاسخ به آمریکا مصلحت اندیشی نیاز داره
بهرحال آمریکا قدرتمندترین ارتش و اقتصاد دنیا هست. پیشرو در علم و فناوری هست
اما واقعاً طالبان در اندازه مصلحت اندیشی هم نیست. شب تصمیم بگیریم فردا می‌شه جرشون داد

یه قدرت منطقه‌ای باید راحت بتونه یه کشور درب و داغون مثل افغانستانی طالبانی رو توش بافر ایجاد کنه
پاسخ ندادن به طالبان هیچ چیز جز ضعف رژیم رو نشون نمی‌ده​
Pasokh bayad be andaze bashe. Nemitoonim ba ye keshvare hamsaye va hamtarikh varede jang beshim. Bayad anharo vabaste va control kard va nofooz kard darooneshoon az har tarighi, masalan alan Afghanestan vabaste hast be Iran baraye residan be khalije Fars va daryaye hend.

Albate hamzaman bayad amadeye jang bashim, ama ta anja ke mitoonim nabayad bejangim. Agar varede jang beshim bayad keshvargoshayi konim ta ke vasl beshim be Tajikestan vagarna pashe va sooskkoshi fayde nadare, ta delet bekhat az fazelab soosk dar miat. Doshmananam montazeran be in sooskha selahaye modern bedan ke Iran varede ye jange toolani va por hazine beshe. Vase hamin tasmimgiri bayad strategic bashe, na ehsasati.
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Pasokh bayad be andaze bashe. Nemitoonim ba ye keshvare hamsaye va hamtarikh varede jang beshim. Bayad anharo vabaste va control kard va nofooz kard darooneshoon az har tarighi, masalan alan Afghanestan vabaste hast be Iran baraye residan be khalije Fars va daryaye hend.

Albate hamzaman bayad amadeye jang bashim, ama ta anja ke mitoonim nabayad bejangim. Agar varede jang beshim bayad keshvargoshayi konim ta ke vasl beshim be Tajikestan vagarna pashe va sooskmoshi fayde nadare, ta delet bekhat az fazelab soosk dar miat.
وابستگی افغانستان به ایران که آشکار هست
افغانستان یک کشور دور تا دور بسته هست
بخش زیادی از انرژی در افغانستان از ایران میاد
بخش زیادی از مواد غذایی در افغانستان از ایران میاد
وابستگی افغانستان به ایران چیزی نیست که تغییر پذیر باشه
اما پرسش اینه که ما از این وابستگی به سود خودمون چه استفاده‌ای کردیم؟
سالیان سال هست که افغانستان قدرنشناسی می‌کنه. چه در زمان طالبان چه در زمان دولت دست نشونده آمریکا
هزینه چند میلیون مهاجر افغان برای ایران کم نیست. جدا از کمک‌های مالی ایران که کم نبوده

در مورد اشغال کل افغانستان هم کار بسیار سختی هست. شوروی و آمریکا زیرش زاییدن. اما اشغال یک منطقه بافر به خصوص استانی مثل هرات با نواحی‌ای از رود هیرمند که آب سیستان و بلوچستان رو تامین کنه کاملاً شدنی هست. به خصوص اگه ما افغانستانی‌های در ایران رو اون جا بفرستیم و بهشون امکانات بدیم تا از خودشون دفاع کنند در کنار نیروهای سپاه و ارتش. می‌شه یک حکومت خود مختار اون‌جا درست کرد با پشتیبانی و نفوذ ایران
ترکیه همین کار رو در سوریه به بهانه مهاجرت کرده
روسیه هم همین کار رو در اوکراین داره انجام می‌ده
نمونه‌های بسیار موفق و پایداری از این داستان توسط قدرت‌های منطقه‌ای وجود داره​
وابستگی افغانستان به ایران که آشکار هست
افغانستان یک کشور دور تا دور بسته هست
بخش زیادی از انرژی در افغانستان از ایران میاد
بخش زیادی از مواد غذایی در افغانستان از ایران میاد
وابستگی افغانستان به ایران چیزی نیست که تغییر پذیر باشه
اما پرسش اینه که ما از این وابستگی به سود خودمون چه استفاده‌ای کردیم؟
سالیان سال هست که افغانستان قدرنشناسی می‌کنه. چه در زمان طالبان چه در زمان دولت دست نشونده آمریکا
هزینه چند میلیون مهاجر افغان برای ایران کم نیست. جدا از کمک‌های مالی ایران که کم نبوده

در مورد اشغال کل افغانستان هم کار بسیار سختی هست. شوروی و آمریکا زیرش زاییدن. اما اشغال یک منطقه بافر به خصوص استانی مثل هرات با نواحی‌ای از رود هیرمند که آب سیستان و بلوچستان رو تامین کنه کاملاً شدنی هست. به خصوص اگه ما افغانستانی‌های در ایران رو اون جا بفرستیم و بهشون امکانات بدیم تا از خودشون دفاع کنند در کنار نیروهای سپاه و ارتش. می‌شه یک حکومت خود مختار اون‌جا درست کرد با پشتیبانی و نفوذ ایران
ترکیه همین کار رو در سوریه به بهانه مهاجرت کرده
روسیه هم همین کار رو در اوکراین داره انجام می‌ده
نمونه‌های بسیار موفق و پایداری از این داستان توسط قدرت‌های منطقه‌ای وجود داره​
Va Iran 100% in naghsheharo dare va agar lazem beshe ejra mikone. Vaghtesh nareside, kar felan ziad hast baradar... parvandeye hasteyi, eragh, sooriye, rahe shomal be joonoob, barnamehaye fazayi mooshaki, eghtesad va gheyre.
Va Iran 100% in naghsheharo dare va agar lazem beshe ejra mikone. Vaghtesh nareside, kar felan ziad hast baradar... parvandeye hasteyi, eragh, sooriye, rahe shomal be joonoob, barnamehaye fazayi mooshaki, eghtesad va gheyre.
سیاست ما خیلی به سمت مرزهای غربی رفته
کلاً مرزهای شرقی رو فراموش کردیم انگار
همه کارهای سپاه شده مرزهای غربی و کشورهایی که سمت غرب ما هستند

این مشکل افغانستان رو نباید دست کم گرفت
با نرخ رشدی که افغانستان داره و کاهش نرخ رشد ایران، افغانستان می‌تونه در آینده نزدیک (۲۰ سال دیگه) مشکل جدی‌ای برای ما باشه
یک زمانی جمعیت افغانستان ۲۵ - ۳۰ میلیون بود. الان شده ۴۰ میلیون
اکثرشون هم در سنین کم هستند و با قوانین طالبان قطعاً بی‌سواد و با افکار رادیکال بزرگ می‌شن
خیلی باید مشکل افغانستان رو جدی گرفت. هم مهاجرین افغان هم خود کشور افغانستان رو​
. .

I predicted this after the fall of previous government.

I doubt this is is directed from central Taliban leadership. The issue is Taliban is made up of so many factions some “liberal”, some conservative, some ultra. There is no homogenous structure.

If the Helmand water dispute is not fixed expect relations to get even worse. But for Afghanistan they are ill equipped to challenge Iran, they rely on Iran for many goods and energy needs.
Brief reminder of how under the shah regime, Iran was deprived of sovereignty no less. Among numerous measures through which utter subjugation was brought about, the capitulation bill granted legal immunity to USA personnel on Iranian soil. No matter the gravity of the crime these Americans would commit in Iran against Iranian men, women, children or elderly, Iranian law enforcement could not arrest the perpetrators, Iranian prosecutors had no possibility to bring them to justice, Iranian courts were powerless to sentence them. And this was all implemented with the blessing of the inept Iranian government itself. The quintessence of weakness and misery.

How did the Shah humiliate his army before the U.S. authorities?​

  • Feb 5, 2019
The arrogant outlook which the Americans have adopted and which has continued since decades ago until today has made all nations in the world have a feeling of mistrust and hatred towards the government of America. This is not particular to our country. Any nation which trusted America received a blow, even those who were America's friends. In our county, Dr. Mosaddeq trusted and relied on the Americans so that he could free himself from the pressure of the English. Instead of helping Dr. Mosaddeq who had trusted them, the Americans allied themselves with the English.

They dispatched their agents to our country and they launched the coup d'etat of the 28th of Mordad. Mosaddeq trusted them and he received a blow for that. Even those who were on friendly terms with the U.S. and who had trusted this country were stricken a blow. The taghut (tyrannical) regime (of Pahlavi) had a very close relationship with the United States. However, the U.S's greed had exhausted them as well. As I said, they imposed "capitulation" - the judicial immunity of U.S. agents - on this regime and they had to accept it, because they had no other source of support except for the United States.

The meaning of capitulation is that if an American sergeant slaps a high-ranking Iranian officer across the face, no one has the right to sue him. If an American agent of low rank shows transgression towards an honorable Iranian man or woman, no one has the right to sue him. The Americans say, "You do not have the right to do this. We ourselves will resolve the issue".

A people cannot be humiliated more than this. They imposed this on Iran which was their friend. They did not even show mercy to their friend. They threw Mohammad Reza out of their country after he fled from Iran and spent a short time in America. They did not let him stay. They did not show even this bit of loyalty to him. They are such people.

Nov 3, 2013

Historic humiliation of Shah of Iran by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin​

  • Feb 3, 2019
Even in the area of safeguarding our territorial integrity and independence of our governments, we witnessed and experienced shameful weakness over the 200-year period. It was during the same period that the two disgraceful treaties - the Treaty of Torkmenchay and the Treaty of Gulistan - were signed and 17 Caucasian cities broke away from Iran. It was during the same period that they came and occupied Bushehr without facing the slightest resistance from our government and government officials. It was during the same period that a foreign government established a military base in Qazvin and threatened our central government with military invasion. They ordered our government to do certain things and to remove certain people from official positions, and they threatened that they would attack Tehran if their orders were not carried out. That is to say, they came as close as Qazvin and threatened Tehran with military invasion, and the central government in Tehran was trembling with fear.


If it were not for a few competent people, our central government would have definitely complied with the orders of that foreign government. It was during the same period that the English government established the Pahlavi regime in Iran. They chose Reza Khan and crowned him. They legalized his rule and put him in charge of everything while they had full control over him. It was during the same period that the disgraceful Anglo-Persian Agreement of 1919 was signed, which would hand our national economy over to foreigners and would put the enemies of Iran in charge of our economy and politics. It was during this period that the Allied leaders of three countries came to Tehran and held a meeting without asking our central government for permission. They completely ignored our central government. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin traveled to Tehran and held a meeting. They did not ask anybody for permission and they did not show any passports. Mohammad Reza Shah, who was the king of Iran at that time, was completely ignored. They did not go to see him. He was the one who went to see them and when he entered the room, they did not stand up. They ignored him. Notice the consequences of a central government's weakness, which affects the people. This is the worst kind of humiliation and weakness that a government and a nation can suffer. These things happened during the 200-year period.

Imam Khamenei, Jun 3, 2012

The Shah of Iran wouldn’t be allowed to even listen to his favorite radio station​

  • Feb 12, 2019
I narrate an anecdote of a person affiliated with the regime of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, so you can see how humiliating dependence [on foreign powers] can be! On the first days after the downfall of Reza Khan, while a successor had not yet been determined, a man visited the British ambassador in Tehran on behalf of Muhammad-Reza to learn about the decisions to be made on who would inherit the kingdom. The British ambassador to Iran had told him, “Because, according to our information, Muhammad-Reza listens to Radio Berlin and follows up on Germany’s progressions on the map; so we cannot trust him”.

The mediator conveyed the ambassador’s message to Muhammad-Reza. Following the meeting, Muhammad-Reza quit the habit of listening to Radio Berlin. Then, the British decided it was okay now and he could be appointed as the king.

Statements in the shrine of Imam Khomeini (r.a.)
June 4, 1995

Shah of Iran would ask US for permission even for appointing a minister​

  • Feb 2, 2019
The country was politically dependent before the Revolution. That is to say, the government - both Mohammad Reza Shah and different governmental organizations - obeyed the U.S. They were just waiting for America to make a move. Again, there is overwhelming evidence in this regard. Dr. Amini traveled from Iran to America in order to convince the Americans to let him be the prime minister of Iran. When he came back, he became prime minister! After a couple of years, the Shah - who was opposed to Dr. Amini - made a trip to America and convinced the Americans to remove him. The Shah came back and removed him! This was the situation in our country. In order to install a prime minister, the Shah who was the head of the country needed the agreement and approval of America. In the case of many issues, the Shah used to invite the American and English ambassadors to his palace in order to discuss his decision with them. If they did not agree, the decision was not implemented. This is what political dependence means. They obeyed America, and before America they obeyed England. It was the English who brought Reza Khan to power. When they realized that he was no longer useful to them, they fired him. They forced him out of the country and put his son in power. This was our situation before the Revolution.

The Revolution came and brought full political independence for the country. That is to say, today in this vast world there is not even a single power among the superpowers which can claim its will has the slightest effect on the will of the government officials or the Iranian nation. In particular, this issue - namely, resistance, independence, political dignity - is the most attractive thing for nations. When you notice that nations feel respect for the Iranian nation, [you should pay attention to the fact that] a major portion of this respect is related to our political independence.

Imam Khamenei, Feb 5, 2011

When Reza Khan had to extend for 60 years the contract to sell oil to Britain for a cheap price​

  • Feb 6, 2019
In the final years of the frail Qajar reign, the British wanted someone to eliminate those who rebelled in different corners of Iran. In order to prevent the threatening of their interests, they needed a thug, a bully who would at the same time comply with them. They came up with Reza Khan; they trained him and prepared him for what they wanted. First, he was a commander of the army and the prime minister, and then he was appointed as the king and the head of Iran! Only a few years after Reza Khan had come to power by the British, he started thinking he could ask them for more money in return for oil.


Of course, his submission to the British did not cease; however, every servant might, at times, consider asking his master for more money! His hounding temperament incited him to adopt a bullying manner towards the D'Arcy Concession, which still had thirty years to end. He entered a meeting of regime officials and put the D'Arcy Concession in the fireplace and burned it! When he was told that "thirty years remained of the validity of the contract”, he said: "What sort of a contract is this? They must give us more money for oil." And, who was the other party of the contract? A British company! Once Reza Khan did this to the D'Arcy Concession, the British government reacted and made a lot of fuss. Eventually, the British defeated Reza Khan and made the contract last for another sixty years, which originally had only thirty years left of its validity. That is, he signed another agreement with the British. This was what the British did with respect to Iran's oil, from Qajar to the end of Reza Khan's rule.

Imam Khamenei, Feb 3, 1995

Thus used to be the sorry state of Iranian affairs during the days of the secular nationalist monarchy. But those times are revolved and shall never come back, much to the chagrin of the westernized local fringe.

For today Iran is an independent, principled and mighty Islamic Republic which has been challenging the US superpower and the zionist regime head on with unprecedented success, in spite of the tremendous differential in classical parameters of power and wealth. To the astonishing point that to this very day, Iran's despairing enemies have been failing miserably at their all out "regime change" efforts, reduced as they are to celebrating hollow psy-ops "victories" that do not to affect the geostrategic balance in the least, and totally fail to undermine Islamic Iran's international standing and domestic stability.
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Brief reminder of how under the shah regime, Iran was deprived of sovereignty no less. Among many other measures of utter subjugation, the capitulation bill granted legal immunity to USA citizens on Iranian soil. No matter the gravity of the crime an American would commit in Iran against an Iran man, woman, child or elderly, Iranian law enforcement had no right to arrest the perpetrator, Iranian prosecutors had no possibility to bring them to justice, Iranian courts were powerless to sentence them. And this was all implemented with the blessing of the inept Iranian government itself. The quintessence of weakness and misery.

How did the Shah humiliate his army before the U.S. authorities?​

  • Feb 5, 2019
The arrogant outlook which the Americans have adopted and which has continued since decades ago until today has made all nations in the world have a feeling of mistrust and hatred towards the government of America. This is not particular to our country. Any nation which trusted America received a blow, even those who were America's friends. In our county, Dr. Mosaddeq trusted and relied on the Americans so that he could free himself from the pressure of the English. Instead of helping Dr. Mosaddeq who had trusted them, the Americans allied themselves with the English.

They dispatched their agents to our country and they launched the coup d'etat of the 28th of Mordad. Mosaddeq trusted them and he received a blow for that. Even those who were on friendly terms with the U.S. and who had trusted this country were stricken a blow. The taghut (tyrannical) regime (of Pahlavi) had a very close relationship with the United States. However, the U.S's greed had exhausted them as well. As I said, they imposed "capitulation" - the judicial immunity of U.S. agents - on this regime and they had to accept it, because they had no other source of support except for the United States.

The meaning of capitulation is that if an American sergeant slaps a high-ranking Iranian officer across the face, no one has the right to sue him. If an American agent of low rank shows transgression towards an honorable Iranian man or woman, no one has the right to sue him. The Americans say, "You do not have the right to do this. We ourselves will resolve the issue".

A people cannot be humiliated more than this. They imposed this on Iran which was their friend. They did not even show mercy to their friend. They threw Mohammad Reza out of their country after he fled from Iran and spent a short time in America. They did not let him stay. They did not show even this bit of loyalty to him. They are such people.

Nov 3, 2013

Historic humiliation of Shah of Iran by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin​

  • Feb 3, 2019
Even in the area of safeguarding our territorial integrity and independence of our governments, we witnessed and experienced shameful weakness over the 200-year period. It was during the same period that the two disgraceful treaties - the Treaty of Torkmenchay and the Treaty of Gulistan - were signed and 17 Caucasian cities broke away from Iran. It was during the same period that they came and occupied Bushehr without facing the slightest resistance from our government and government officials. It was during the same period that a foreign government established a military base in Qazvin and threatened our central government with military invasion. They ordered our government to do certain things and to remove certain people from official positions, and they threatened that they would attack Tehran if their orders were not carried out. That is to say, they came as close as Qazvin and threatened Tehran with military invasion, and the central government in Tehran was trembling with fear.


If it were not for a few competent people, our central government would have definitely complied with the orders of that foreign government. It was during the same period that the English government established the Pahlavi regime in Iran. They chose Reza Khan and crowned him. They legalized his rule and put him in charge of everything while they had full control over him. It was during the same period that the disgraceful Anglo-Persian Agreement of 1919 was signed, which would hand our national economy over to foreigners and would put the enemies of Iran in charge of our economy and politics. It was during this period that the Allied leaders of three countries came to Tehran and held a meeting without asking our central government for permission. They completely ignored our central government. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin traveled to Tehran and held a meeting. They did not ask anybody for permission and they did not show any passports. Mohammad Reza Shah, who was the king of Iran at that time, was completely ignored. They did not go to see him. He was the one who went to see them and when he entered the room, they did not stand up. They ignored him. Notice the consequences of a central government's weakness, which affects the people. This is the worst kind of humiliation and weakness that a government and a nation can suffer. These things happened during the 200-year period.

Imam Khamenei, Jun 3, 2012

The Shah of Iran wouldn’t be allowed to even listen to his favorite radio station​

  • Feb 12, 2019
I narrate an anecdote of a person affiliated with the regime of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, so you can see how humiliating dependence [on foreign powers] can be! On the first days after the downfall of Reza Khan, while a successor had not yet been determined, a man visited the British ambassador in Tehran on behalf of Muhammad-Reza to learn about the decisions to be made on who would inherit the kingdom. The British ambassador to Iran had told him, “Because, according to our information, Muhammad-Reza listens to Radio Berlin and follows up on Germany’s progressions on the map; so we cannot trust him”.

The mediator conveyed the ambassador’s message to Muhammad-Reza. Following the meeting, Muhammad-Reza quit the habit of listening to Radio Berlin. Then, the British decided it was okay now and he could be appointed as the king.

Statements in the shrine of Imam Khomeini (r.a.)
June 4, 1995

Shah of Iran would ask US for permission even for appointing a minister​

  • Feb 2, 2019
The country was politically dependent before the Revolution. That is to say, the government - both Mohammad Reza Shah and different governmental organizations - obeyed the U.S. They were just waiting for America to make a move. Again, there is overwhelming evidence in this regard. Dr. Amini traveled from Iran to America in order to convince the Americans to let him be the prime minister of Iran. When he came back, he became prime minister! After a couple of years, the Shah - who was opposed to Dr. Amini - made a trip to America and convinced the Americans to remove him. The Shah came back and removed him! This was the situation in our country. In order to install a prime minister, the Shah who was the head of the country needed the agreement and approval of America. In the case of many issues, the Shah used to invite the American and English ambassadors to his palace in order to discuss his decision with them. If they did not agree, the decision was not implemented. This is what political dependence means. They obeyed America, and before America they obeyed England. It was the English who brought Reza Khan to power. When they realized that he was no longer useful to them, they fired him. They forced him out of the country and put his son in power. This was our situation before the Revolution.

The Revolution came and brought full political independence for the country. That is to say, today in this vast world there is not even a single power among the superpowers which can claim its will has the slightest effect on the will of the government officials or the Iranian nation. In particular, this issue - namely, resistance, independence, political dignity - is the most attractive thing for nations. When you notice that nations feel respect for the Iranian nation, [you should pay attention to the fact that] a major portion of this respect is related to our political independence.

Imam Khamenei, Feb 5, 2011

When Reza Khan had to extend for 60 years the contract to sell oil to Britain for a cheap price​

  • Feb 6, 2019
In the final years of the frail Qajar reign, the British wanted someone to eliminate those who rebelled in different corners of Iran. In order to prevent the threatening of their interests, they needed a thug, a bully who would at the same time comply with them. They came up with Reza Khan; they trained him and prepared him for what they wanted. First, he was a commander of the army and the prime minister, and then he was appointed as the king and the head of Iran! Only a few years after Reza Khan had come to power by the British, he started thinking he could ask them for more money in return for oil.


Of course, his submission to the British did not cease; however, every servant might, at times, consider asking his master for more money! His hounding temperament incited him to adopt a bullying manner towards the D'Arcy Concession, which still had thirty years to end. He entered a meeting of regime officials and put the D'Arcy Concession in the fireplace and burned it! When he was told that "thirty years remained of the validity of the contract”, he said: "What sort of a contract is this? They must give us more money for oil." And, who was the other party of the contract? A British company! Once Reza Khan did this to the D'Arcy Concession, the British government reacted and made a lot of fuss. Eventually, the British defeated Reza Khan and made the contract last for another sixty years, which originally had only thirty years left of its validity. That is, he signed another agreement with the British. This was what the British did with respect to Iran's oil, from Qajar to the end of Reza Khan's rule.

Imam Khamenei, Feb 3, 1995

Thus was the sorry state of affairs in Iran during the days of the secular nationalist monarchy. But those times are revolved and shall never return again, much to the chagrin of the westernized fringe among Iranians, consisting of both globalist liberals and secularist pseudo-nationalists.

For today Iran is a principled, mighty and independent Islamic Republic which has been challenging the US superpower and the zionist regime head on with unprecedented success and in spite of a tremendous differential in classical parameters of power and wealth. To the astonishing point that to this very day, Iran's enemies have been failing miserably at their all out "regime change" efforts, reduced as they are to hollow psy-ops "victories" that do not to affect the geostrategic balance in the least, and totally fail to undermine Islamic Iran's international standing and domestic stability.

One only needs to look at the current King of Jordan to see a modern version of Shah. Despite being pro-Israel pro-America pro-Western ideals his country is slowly falling apart with zero support from Arab “brothers” or his western advisors.

I alluded to Jordan falling under Iranian influence in the coming future in the past. I think within the decade we will openly see IRGC elements operating out of Jordan.


Iran Gains Access To Russian Mir Payment Cards​

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Jul 30, 2022 - 02:40 AM

In the latest example of U.S. sanctions sparking new financial ties between out-of-favor countries, Iranians will soon be able to make payments with Russia's Mir bank cards. The move will provide some relief to everyday Iranian people and businesses victimized by economic sanctions.

"I think this payment system will be activated in Iran soon," Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Medhi Safari said Wednesday, according to Russia's RIA news. Mir translates into both "the world" and "peace."

The Mir card system was introduced by Russia's central bank in 2015 after MasterCard and Visa were forced by the U.S. sanctions regime into terminating business with several Russian banks. Up to that point, MasterCard and Visa accounted for 90% of payments in Russia. After Russia's February invasion of Ukraine, remaining Russian banks lost their Visa and MasterCard relationships.

Mir's reach has spread to many other countries and territories, including South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Work is underway to enable the cards' use in Cuba and the United Arab Emirates. More than 100 million Mir cards have been issued to date.

Russia's Mir arrangement with Iran is just the latest of many examples of tightened economic relations between the two targets of U.S. sanctions.

  • "The two are also working to create a rival to the SWIFT payments messaging service that underpins cross-border payments across the global economy," reports Reuters.
  • On Tuesday, Iranian economic minister Ehsan Khandouzi announced that the U.S. dollar had been officially replaced by the ruble in Iran's trade with Russia, and that work is underway to replace the dollar in business with China, Turkey and India.
  • Also this week, Iran and Russia entered a deal by which Iran will supply aircraft parts and maintenance services to Russia.
  • On July 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to Tehran and met Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi, along with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.
  • On the eve of Putin's visit, Russian gas producer Gazprom and Iran's national oil company signed a $40 billion deal in which Gazprom will help develop oil and gas fields, and complete liquefied natural gas facilities and gas export pipelines.
  • In June, Iranian state media announced a test of a new trade route linking Russia and India via Iran.
Despite the West's economic warfare, the ruble is actually stronger against the dollar today than it was before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. To the extent sanctions encourage a growing list of countries to engage in non-dollar-denominated transactions, a weaponized dollar may ultimately explode in America's face.
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I didn't know an Iranian company (FADAK memory group) is producing memory rams and SSDs and Single-board computers, though they import the chips, but design and the firmwares are their own. having a domestic production which provides guarantee is highly needed.

Interview with the CEO:

Pasokh bayad be andaze bashe. Nemitoonim ba ye keshvare hamsaye va hamtarikh varede jang beshim. Bayad anharo vabaste va control kard va nofooz kard darooneshoon az har tarighi, masalan alan Afghanestan vabaste hast be Iran baraye residan be khalije Fars va daryaye hend.

Albate hamzaman bayad amadeye jang bashim, ama ta anja ke mitoonim nabayad bejangim. Agar varede jang beshim bayad keshvargoshayi konim ta ke vasl beshim be Tajikestan vagarna pashe va sooskkoshi fayde nadare, ta delet bekhat az fazelab soosk dar miat. Doshmananam montazeran be in sooskha selahaye modern bedan ke Iran varede ye jange toolani va por hazine beshe. Vase hamin tasmimgiri bayad strategic bashe, na ehsasati.
baradar. in harfha dige kharidar nadare. ''sabre strategic'' bezar joloye ayne dobarabar beshe. Behemoon mikhandan.

kar be ja reside ke ye bache fesgheli mesle sadr, ke tamame zendegish az iran gerefte, biad vase ma shaakho shune bekeshe.
az esraeil aslan hich harfi nazanim ke mamooran mossad too shorte agha ham hastan.

har keshvari dige bood mohkam pasokhe in meymoonhaye taleban ro midad. vali chon ke nezaam enghadr badbakhte va zalil hich jorati nadaran.

velemoon kon dadash. na eghtesad darim, na amniat. be chi minazi? che amaliyat ya kaare bozorgi dar 20 saale akhir anjam dadan ke behesh eftekhar konim? har rooz boland mishim mibinim tagh tagh zadan ino koshtan, niroohamun ro bombaroon kardan, taleban tirandazi karde, eghtesademoon daghoon shode.

berim lala behtare.
I didn't know an Iranian company (FADAK memory group) is producing memory rams and SSDs and Single-board computers, though they import the chips, but design and the firmwares are their own. having a domestic production which provides guarantee is highly needed.

Interview with the CEO:

don't knew about their SSD or single board computer , but their RAM uses Refrence Micron Design, and honestly i doubt its a good policy if they want to buy the chip from micron and then try to compete with Micron own subsidiary (Crucial), they will loose on price
i believe instead of vanilla budget ram they must focus on special rams like overclocking ram , server rams , and high end ones . the market of budget ram is in the hand of crucial , simply because nobody can compete with them on price . also they need to broaden their product portfolio , if they do their homework right in future they can easily compete with companies like ADATA recently i get a laptop and wanted to upgrade its ram and SSD and could not find any ram or ssd from them , you could find ram but not the one that was useful to me and about their SSD , well just say one thing , they must ramp up their production , i wanted one and i could not find any all inventory were ran out.
by the way did you knew micron the company that they get their chips from is actually an American company while two other major producers of the memory chips which are from south Korea (SK-Hynix and Samsung) refused to sell them any memory chip
*قانون، قانون سفت و سختی نیست!

ما برای فروش محصولاتمان به بخش خصوصی مشکلی نداریم و راحت می‌توانیم آن‌ها را برای خرید محصول ایرانی قانع کنیم. اما وقتی وارد بخش دولتی می‌شویم مشکلاتمان آغاز می‌شود. ما تحریم‌ها و آمریکا را دور میزنیم، اما داخل کشور خودمان علی‌رغم قانون‌های حمایت از تولید داخل مورد بی‌مهری قرار می‌گیریم و مسئول خرید سازمان اجرایی از خرید محصول ایرانی سرباز می‌زند. وقتی هم که به آن‌ها اعتراض می ‌نیم که چرا به قانون حمایت از تولید داخل عمل نمی‌کنید؟ به ما می‌گویند که قانون، قانون سفت و سختی نیست!

مجلس شورای اسلامی برای حمایت از تولید قانونی تصویب کرده است که متولی اجرای آن وزارت صمت است. براساس این قانون وزارت صمت موظف است کالاهای ایرانی که کیفیت قابل قبول دارند را بعد از بررسی در سامانه توانیران معرفی کند. بر این اساس اگر کالایی در این سامانه ثبت شده باشد، ارگان‌های دولتی موظف هستند بجای کالاهای وارداتی از این کالا استفاده کنند.
the exact reason that today china produce its own processor and us who designed our first processors at the same time as them can't do that, thank to governments in last 18 year
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