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Iranian Chill Thread

Rohani and Rafsanjani era were the worst. Our economy during war was better than Rafsanjani era

In addition Rafsanjani was so navy and he was against nuclear and missile powers

He said today world is world of diplomacy NOT missiles

Let’s not forget the corruption him and his sons ran. The Rafsanjani clan and his entourage were one of the worst thing for Iran. Spreading corruption everywhere they went.

The man would have sold Iran to the West if he could have reached position of Supreme Leader later on. Lucky for the country he didn’t take the job, would have been the end of Iran as we know it. I bet he regretted that decision till the day he died.

A typical hypocrite who was pseudo conservative then towards the end of his life was scared of all the blood and sin on his hands and tried to be a “reformer”.

Shame he didn’t drown in that pool sooner.
Let’s not forget the corruption him and his sons ran. The Rafsanjani clan and his entourage were one of the worst thing for Iran. Spreading corruption everywhere they went.

The man would have sold Iran to the West if he could have reached position of Supreme Leader later on. Lucky for the country he didn’t take the job, would have been the end of Iran as we know it. I bet he regretted that decision till the day he died.

A typical hypocrite who was pseudo conservative then towards the end of his life was scared of all the blood and sin on his hands and tried to be a “reformer”.

Shame he didn’t drown in that pool sooner.
Thank God he is passed away
Let’s not forget the corruption him and his sons ran. The Rafsanjani clan and his entourage were one of the worst thing for Iran. Spreading corruption everywhere they went.

The man would have sold Iran to the West if he could have reached position of Supreme Leader later on. Lucky for the country he didn’t take the job, would have been the end of Iran as we know it. I bet he regretted that decision till the day he died.

A typical hypocrite who was pseudo conservative then towards the end of his life was scared of all the blood and sin on his hands and tried to be a “reformer”.

Shame he didn’t drown in that pool sooner.
Mr Khomeyni allocated most of his (war) power to Mr Rafsanjani during war with Iraq.for this reason and results of war it's natural that Arabs hate him.

During the war you saw some within military structure of Iran had problems with views of Mr Rafsanjani and even sometimes they ignored him and then they directly went to Mr Khomeyni, most of the times Mr khomeyni sent them back to Mr Rafsanjani.

They had a war to win and a country to run sometimes there is huge conflict between these two objectives.in Iraq system there was no conflict and objective was clear for lack of wisdom it made huge difference at year ~2000 in comparison of these two models.

These views made powerful rivals inside Iran for Mr Rafsanjani.

There are a lot of thing to talk about but sometimes I reach to the line of grey areas and it's better to be silent...
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اتفاقا من رفسنجانی و روحانی رو بدترین رئیس جمهورهای ایران میدونم و تورم تو دوران ایشون به نزدیکیای ۵۰٪ هم رسیده بود

من اونموقع نوجوان بودم
صبح پا میشدیم میدیدیم همه چی دو برابر شده
View attachment 855807
well by this list Iran best government was Khatami era, wonder why people here don't like him .
wait now that I look at the list I wonder if the best was not Hoveyda .

honestly these list show how some people want to made their point by hiding part of the truth

Mr Khomeyni allocated most of his power to Mr Rafsanjani during war with Iraq.for this reason and results of war it's natural that Arabs hate him.

During the war you saw some within military structure of Iran had problems with views of Mr Rafsanjani and even sometimes they ignored him and then they directly went to Mr Khomeyni, most of the times Mr khomeyni sent them back to Mr Rafsanjani.

They had a war to win and a country to run sometimes there is huge conflict between these two objectives.in Iraq system there was no conflict and objective was clear for lack of wisdom it made huge difference at year ~2000 in comparison of these two models.

These views made powerful rivals inside Iran for Mr Rafsanjani.

There are a lot of thing to talk about but sometimes I reach to the line of grey areas and it's better to be silent...
to be more exact war effort was with mr. Rafsanjani and how to manage civilian aspect of the government was with mr. Moosavi
well by this list Iran best government was Khatami era, wonder why people here don't like him .
wait now that I look at the list I wonder if the best was not Hoveyda .

honestly these list show how some people want to made their point by hiding part of the truth

to be more exact war effort was with mr. Rafsanjani and how to manage civilian aspect of the government was with mr. Moosavi
Some military commanders say it, Iraq had 100%(even more than 100%) of country resources for war and they had 20-40% of Iran's resources.they had one man to blame it on him and you know the man since they couldn't blame Mr Khomeyni .

If this method was right or wrong is up to you to decide just look at 1 decade after war and compare Iraq and Iran.

Tehran Foils Mossad’s Assassination Plot against Iranian Nuclear Scientists​


TEHRAN (FNA)- A plot by the Israeli Mossad agency to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists was defused after security forces arrested 3 agents of the spy agency, a judiciary official said.

"The arrest of these Mossad operatives followed a complicated intelligence operation that lasted eight months," Prosecutor-General of Iran's Sistan and Balouchestan province Mehdi Shamsabadi told reporters on Tuesday.
"Ample evidence has been gathered against them in such a way that they did not even make any objection when a warrant for their arrest was issued," he added.
The official noted that some members of the cell have been arrested in the country’s Southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan while other members and operatives have been detained outside the province by Iran's intelligence forces.
"The defendants have confessed that some of them had been in direct contact with Mossad agents," Shamsabadi emphasized.
He said the case is currently under preliminary investigation and that an indictment would be filed and sent to court soon.
The official did not specify the nationalities of the agents.
In a statement on April 20, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced the arrest of the three Mossad agents in Sistan and Balouchestan.
It said at the time that the spies were involved in disseminating classified information and documents, and noted that the trio had been arrested upon a judicial order.
Iranian nuclear scientists have been the target of the western and Israeli spy agencies' assassination attempts in recent years.
Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh's car was targeted by an explosion and machinegun fire in Damavand's Absard 40 kilometers to the East of Tehran on November 27, 2020.
The nuclear scientist and one of his companions were immediately taken to a nearby hospital but he could not be saved.
In June 2012, Iran announced that its intelligence forces had identified and arrested all terrorist elements behind the assassination of the country's nuclear scientists.
"All the elements involved in the assassinations of the country's nuclear scientists have been identified and arrested," Iran's Intelligence Ministry announced in a statement.
"A number of countries, whose territories and facilities had been misused by the Mossad-backed terrorist teams, have provided the Iranian officials with relevant information," the statement added.
"Over the course of the investigations, all other elements behind the assassinations of the Iranian scientists Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, Majid Shahriari and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan as well as Reza Qashqaei (Roshan's driver) have been apprehended," the statement read.
"Some of the perpetrators of the assassination of Dr. Fereidoun Abbasi, the current head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, are among those arrested," the ministry added.
According to the statement, Iran's Intelligence Ministry had detected some of Mossad's bases within the territories of one of Iran's Western neighbors, which provided training and logistical support to the terrorist networks.
In the fifth attack of its kind in two years, terrorists killed a 32-year-old Iranian scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, and his driver on January 11, 2012.
The blast took place on the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Iranian university professor and nuclear scientist, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who was also assassinated in a terrorist bomb attack in Tehran in January 2010.
The assassination method used in the bombing was similar to the 2010 terrorist bomb attacks against the then university professor, Fereidoun Abbassi Davani – who became the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization - and his colleague Majid Shahriari. While Abbasi Davani survived the attack, Shahriari was martyred.
Another Iranian scientist, Dariush Rezaeinejad, was also assassinated through the same method on 23 July 2011.
Some military commanders say it, Iraq had 100%(even more than 100%) of country resources for war and they had 20-40% of Iran's resources.they had one man to blame it on him and you know the man since they couldn't blame Mr Khomeyni .

If this method was right or wrong is up to you to decide just look at 1 decade after war and compare Iraq and Iran.
Iran budget were divided , half for war effort , half for country. the military commanders must blame themselves . if IRGC , and Army could see each others as forces that they could work with

Would be grateful if someone answered this post, please.
price tag


You should know exactly what is going on to decide whether this inflation is good or bad one, without this data these numbers are meaningless.
In regards to share of service vs industry sector. for average industrial job you need to invest 15 billion Rial in Iran.but it needs less to create a job in service sector.

The larger the manufacturing sector (non-oil & -gas), the better. Job creation costs will be compensated by the massive gains stemming from such an economic structure.

Unrelated side story :rolleyes:

Today I walked into 17-18 pharmacies in different parts of my city. 3 of them were belong to popular hospitals in my area and one was Helal Ahmar's pharmacy and in all my search which took ~5hours(walked too much) I found almost nothing related to my mother's core medicine needs.(no it's not cancer related stuff).
One guy at one of these pharmacies said they did not have this exact medicine for almost 4 months.and at Helal Ahmar I asked how long is that you don't have this specific medicine? he checked his computer and replied almost 2.5 months.

I could find similar stuff after checking ~4 pharmacies in past.(without checking hospitals and Helal Ahmar)

Hope this issue will be solved as soon as possible, inshAllah.

Sorry I couldn't rewatch it today.last time I saw it, he speaks too fast, and I hate double translation stuff French > English then English > Farsi for me

sometimes It feels something is not right or something is missing there in translation.long story short it's hard for me to follow chain of thought during watching this video.

How about a static version of the subtitles? Here it is:

Since I understand French I can vouch for the quality of the translation and it's pretty good, no worries.
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The larger the (non-oil & -gas) manufacturing sector, the better. Job creation costs will be compensated by the massive gains stemming from such an economic structure.
Official data shows ~10% unemployment rate.
Mr Khamenei believes high skill worker that works in a different field other than his/her field, should be count as unemployment (there is no such view in government data)
Definition of unemployment is different in governments around the world.


Source is IRNA
Hope this issue will be solved as soon as possible, inshAllah.
Thanks, I got it next day.After looking for it at 3 more pharmacies even another big pharmacy next to two hospitals did not have it.

I saw something interesting in this pharmacy(big one) one queue to check availability of medicines and another one to get it.I have been there few years back and there was not such invention. :rolleyes:
How about a static version of the text? Here it is:

I understand French and can say the quality of the translation is rather good, no worries.
I will read this one,

For example in Farsi, deev/dev means Satan, One of the satans ,... but I got opposite of it in video.
Dehkhoda definition of deev:
I will read this one,

For example in Farsi, deev/dev means Satan, One of the satans ,... but I got opposite of it in video.
Dehkhoda definition of deev:
View attachment 856081

I know. However in Hinduism, divs (devas as the Indians call them) are not considered to be malevolent, quite the opposite actually.

In India the devas came to be more powerful than the asuras, and the latter word eventually took on the meaning of demon. In Iran the reverse took place, and the daevas were denounced as demons by Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism.

So although etymologically the term in both languages has a single root, Iranians and Indians came to diverge as to their respective characterizations of the beings designated by this term.

Francis Cousin is referring to the Indian not to the Iranian acception. He is basically arguing that originally (before civilization i.e. in communist times) daevas weren't conceived of as gods given the absence of religion during that era.
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Meanwhile Thursday, the Guard replaced the head of its intelligence arm. Cleric Hossein Taeb will be replaced by Gen. Mohammad Kazemi, the former head of the Guard's security department.
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