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Iranian Chill Thread

I can't help but laugh at the Russians who tried to make friends with people who are actively trying to kill them. Sad sad for Russia, who cannot distinguish its friends and enemies and to no ones surprise is screwed. I suppose it is an iranian mentality that has made us pessimists when it comes to relations with western governments, and the Russians are alittle naive in this element.

I can't help but laugh at the Russians who tried to make friends with people who are actively trying to kill them. Sad sad for Russia, who cannot distinguish its friends and enemies and to no ones surprise is screwed. I suppose it is an iranian mentality that has made us pessimists when it comes to relations with western governments, and the Russians are alittle naive in this element.

Anytime there is report of Israeli involvement against Russia that makes Russia angry...... Israeli premier flies to Moscow and after a meeting everything goes back to normal.........

I can't help but laugh at the Russians who tried to make friends with people who are actively trying to kill them. Sad sad for Russia, who cannot distinguish its friends and enemies and to no ones surprise is screwed. I suppose it is an iranian mentality that has made us pessimists when it comes to relations with western governments, and the Russians are alittle naive in this element.

Iran allowed Russian bombers to use its airbases for first time in history of Republic. Allowed its airspace to be used to fly thru and and CMs to fly over (some crashed in Iran). This was when every major country shut its airspace to Russian military in regards to Syrian conflict.

Meanwhile Turkey shoots down and kills a Russian pilot and gets S-400

Israel shoots down and kills a Russia recon plane killing its entire crew and Russia gives full reign to target Syrian and Iranian forces to Israel.

Both Turkey and Israel supporting Ukraine with arms.

When I tell you that Russia’s foreign policy has been complete bananas and failure this is what I mean. The counter argument was to say “every country looks out for its own interests” when describing why Russia has shunned Iran for so long.

At this point we know their foreign policy makes as much sense as Sultan Erodgan’s
The last 10 years.

I can't help but laugh at the Russians who tried to make friends with people who are actively trying to kill them. Sad sad for Russia, who cannot distinguish its friends and enemies and to no ones surprise is screwed. I suppose it is an iranian mentality that has made us pessimists when it comes to relations with western governments, and the Russians are alittle naive in this element.

It's this that pisses me off to no end. The Russian Federation plays with Israel like it's some sort of "friend" when damn near everything on the geopolitical side will point out to both of them being enemies. Especially now given that Israel is actively sending "volunteer" soldiers as well as potent equipment to Ukraine that has killed Russians...

International Zionism and its hooks within Russia itself due to legacy Jewish Russian oligarchs having so much sway will continue to be a problem.

I can't help but laugh at the Russians who tried to make friends with people who are actively trying to kill them. Sad sad for Russia, who cannot distinguish its friends and enemies and to no ones surprise is screwed. I suppose it is an iranian mentality that has made us pessimists when it comes to relations with western governments, and the Russians are alittle naive in this element.

But your anti-IR buddies here are saying Iran must restore ties with the US and the zionist regime, that the latter two have never done anything wrong, that all they've been doing is to respond to Iranian provocations. Welcome to flip-flop land.

As for Russia being "screwed"... I forgot The New York Times and company are saying so, thanks for reminding me. Must be right then, I guess. Poor poor Russia.
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Iran allowed Russian bombers to use its airbases for first time in history of Republic. Allowed its airspace to be used to fly thru and and CMs to fly over (some crashed in Iran).

Meanwhile Turkey shoots down and kills a Russian pilot and gets S-400

Israel shoots down and kills a Russia recon plane killing its entire crew and Russia gives full reign to target Syrian and Iranian forces to Israel.

Both Turkey and Israel supporting Ukraine with arms.

When I tell you that Russia’s foreign policy has been complete bananas and failure this is what I mean. The counter argument was to say “every country looks out for its own interests” when describing why Russia has shunned Iran for so long.

At this point we know their foreign policy makes as much sense as Sultan Erodgan’s
The last 10 years.

Nah brother, many of us (well at least me) have been 100% aware and with you on this subject!

The Russians like to default to their "slavic bonds" excuse whenever Israel or its former "fraternal brother states" goes and does something against the Russian Federation whilst ignoring the possibility of building stronger ties to states (Iran) that can prove astronomically more beneficial if a healthy relationship is allowed to flourish.

Israel is Russia's enemy, the sooner they come to terms with this the better off the Russian state will be.
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Russia chose a heroic general of presumably Iranian (Tajik) descent, Rostam Minnekayev, to make the announcement: Russia eyes the liberation of the entire Donbas and southern Ukraine!


Russia says it plans full control of Donbas and southern Ukraine - Ifax​

This content was published on April 22, 2022 - 10:03 April 22, 2022 - 10:03

At the same time Russians are constantly pounding Ukrainian targets, dozens everyday, some days over 100. Everything from command and control, communications, supply convoys, military repair facilities, military industrial targets, bunkers and gathering centers for Ukrainian troops. I can't show this video here because of how gruesome it is some it shows a recent Ukrainian defensive position that was overrun by Russian troops. You can see dozens and piles of Ukrainians troops slaughtered as they were completely overwhelmed.

Just yesterday Russian troops liberated several villages and towns, advancing south, closer towards Krematorsk. Of course sometimes Russian troops will get ambushed. They really lack in the drone department and it would help them immensely if they would simply put their pride aside and begin using Iranian drones. Look how even the lowest grade Iranian drones have done wonders for the Houthis against a far superior foe in the Saudis. Recently Russia received some large shipments from Iran. Hopefully they are drones. A few hundreds Iranian drones would absolutely wreck Ukrainian positions and make their ambush tactics much more difficult. Of course the Americans would be enraged but f#ck them, at this point what can they do to Iran ? Nothing really. Perhaps this will make them regret not having signed the nuclear deal with Iran. In any case, we'll have to wait and see what that shipment was all about.


Honestly if the Ukranians are smart, they'll begin a tactical withdrawal from the Krematorsk area when it becomes obvious that the situation is hopeless. Otherwise 100,000 of Ukrainians best troops will be stuck in a pincer and that will be a decisive blow to Ukraine.

What's more important than Krematork is actually the strong defensive lines around Donetsk city which the DPR forces have not been able to breach since the start of the war. The Ukrainians are really fighting tooth and nail to prevent a breakout in that area, because if the Russians do breakout, it will leave the road to Dnipro wide open, as well as the highways that lead to the south of Kharkiv.

If the Russians are able to take Krematorsk, surround Dnipro, surround Kharkiv and if they and then simply repel any attempts by the Ukrainians to launch their attacks on their positions then the Ukrainians will be in a very precarious position indeed.

But aside from Dnipro and Kharkiv, if the Russians can just surround Odessa, and cut off Ukraine physically from the ocean and connect with Transnistria and then defend their positions, that will also be devastating for Ukraine.

Right now the Ukrainians are receiving a hodgepodge of weapons including Leopard 1s, T-72s and BMP-1s from the 1960-1970s, as well as MRAPS (Mastifs, Bushmasters) from the UK and Australia. Realistically, the Russians do not have full air supremacy and the skies over Ukraine are contested, but for the most part the Russians do control the skies with their missiles and over 1000 fighter jets in inventory.

Any attempt by the Ukrainians to launch a frontal attack on Russian positions will be suicide. Russian missiles, guided by satellites and laser guided artillery will absolutely eradicate the Ukrainian columns before they can even get close to the front line. I don't know wtf Zelensky is thinking but he's obviously a stooge of the American military industrial complex. He doesn't seem to give a damn about Ukraine or Ukranians. He's just an actor / comedian who's been hyped up into a messiah like figure by the MSM in the west.

Btw the Russians are now less than 60 km away from Krematorsk, about an 1 hr drive. It's dissapointing that the Russians can't seem to break the defensive lines from Donetsk but the Ukrainians must be sacrificing hundreds if not thousands of troops on a daily basis holding that position because if the Russians breakthrough there, Dnipro and Kharkiv will be surrounded and enveloped. In any case, the way I look at it, it's just a matter of time.


Again I can't show these pictures on this website, but look at the following link. Another Ukrainian position overrun. dozens of Ukrainian troops slaughtered on the battlefield. Dozens of ID cards, dozens of corpses, captured weapons, armored vehicles, dozens of dead Georgian troops. The Ukrainians are being absolutely devastated.

@sha ah

This is struggles Russia is facing, very similar to SAA from 2012-2016
Honestly if the Taliban did that, it would be the end of the them. They're really pushing their luck messing around with Pakistan and Iran at the same time. Iran by itself can absolutely devastate their entire regime. Iran has fighter jets, drones, tanks, apcs, mraps, advanced weapons. missiles. But that would only worsen the situation for the Afghan people.

However like I've said before, Iran needs to learn from Pakistan's experience. Round up and kick out all illegal Afghan immigrants. Confiscate all of their assets. Any illegal migrants, women, children, send them back, however human traffickers, drug traffickers, repeat offenders, take them, send them to Iranian forced labor camps (gulags). Tell them what crime they've committed but do not let them know when they will be released. Get them to work from sunrise until sundown. No work, no food. Arbitrary detention. Even if they are told they will be released after 6 months, after 6 months tell them "sorry we've decided after careful consideration that you require another 1 year detention". Use their labor to build fences, ditches, walls, guard posts.

Also Iran needs to beef up security near the border. No more single Toyota trucks doing rounds. Have a convoy of armored trucks, MRAPs, APCs, etc, heavy armored with snipers in optimal positions and drones flying overhead. If Taliban try messing around unload autocannon fire, machinegun fire, sniper fire, drone strikes, everything on them. Afterwards use their bodies as fertilizer on Iranian farmland. Honestly they're nothing compared to Iran, they're a bunch of cockroaches and must know their place.

Honestly enough is enough. Iran is sanctioned and just recovering economically. We can't allow human traffickers and smugglers to take advantage of a lax border policy. I don't know what the leadership in Iran are thinking but seriously I'm sick of this BS. Enough is enough.
We haven't seen any Bayraktar footage for well over 1 month and we all know how much they love to show off their footage so there's no doubt about it, most if not all have been destroyed.

As for the S-400, the Turks paid for it with billions of dollars. Meanwhile the Russians refuse to give the Turks the software codes and the vital maintenance must be done by the Russians. This is why Iran refused to buy the S-400 despite the Russian offering to upgrade Iran's S-300. This also played out to Iran's advantage since now Iran has the Bavar-373 and Turkey has an economy that is on the verge of collapse.

Anyways you recently showed some video footage from Izyum, where Ukranian ATGM teams ambush Russian tanks and armored vehicles, destroyed them all. I find it suspicious that none of the tanks or armored vehicles react while this is happening. I mean what they're just sitting there being destroyed one after another ?

This makes me think that either the crews were not present in the tanks/apcs or these were captured/abandoned tanks being used for propaganda purposes.

Izyum is currently under Russian control. Here take a look at the latest bounty Russian troops and allied military have taken from Ukrainian base that was over run

Weapons include rifles galore, some grenades, ammunition, ATGMs and RPGs galore including the infamous Javelins. Destroyed and captured Ukranian armored vehicles and trucks in working order (can't upload click on link to see) . Many passports from Ukrainian soldiers. Proof of Georgian mercenaries involved.

If you click on the link below you will also see countless, dozens and I mean dozens, piles of dead Ukrainian corpses. They got ambushed very badly and slaughtered. I counted atleast 50 corpses of Ukrainian soldiers.

Believe me you won't be seeing this on CNN or BBC












17 servicemen of the 36th Marine brigade surrendered in Malinovka.


Iran allowed Russian bombers to use its airbases for first time in history of Republic. Allowed its airspace to be used to fly thru and and CMs to fly over (some crashed in Iran). This was when every major country shut its airspace to Russian military in regards to Syrian conflict.

Meanwhile Turkey shoots down and kills a Russian pilot and gets S-400

Israel shoots down and kills a Russia recon plane killing its entire crew and Russia gives full reign to target Syrian and Iranian forces to Israel.

Both Turkey and Israel supporting Ukraine with arms.

When I tell you that Russia’s foreign policy has been complete bananas and failure this is what I mean. The counter argument was to say “every country looks out for its own interests” when describing why Russia has shunned Iran for so long.

At this point we know their foreign policy makes as much sense as Sultan Erodgan’s
The last 10 years.
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Nah brother, many of us (well at least me) have been 100% aware and with you on this subject!

The Russians like to default to their "slavic bonds" excuse whenever Israel or its former "fraternal brother states" goes and does something against the Russian Federation whilst ignoring the possibility of building stronger ties to states (Iran) that can prove astronomically more beneficial if a healthy relationship is fosters.

Israel is Russia's enemy, the sooner they come to terms with this the better off the Russian state will be.

Very true, Putin has in fact have had rather warm ties with Israel in contradiction to Russian history under Stalin and other rulers. Even tho anti-Semitism stil runs in Russia today. But Putin, his oligarchs, and some other Russian officials have kept warm ties with Israel and Jews in general.

Honestly if the Taliban did that, it would be the end of the them. They're really pushing their luck messing around with Pakistan and Iran at the same time. Iran by itself can absolutely devastate their entire regime. Iran has fighter jets, drones, tanks, apcs, mraps, advanced weapons. missiles. But that would only worsen the situation for the Afghan people.

Yes, it’s not like Soviet Union and USA had those weapons......

Iran invading Afghanistan will end up the same way as Soviet Union and USA. Also Every country with a grudge against Iran will arm the donkeys.

Iran may take most or even all the country, but it will then face a relentless guerrilla campaign that sucks billions of dollars to prop Afghan government and supply its own troops. Not to mention the opposition (Northern Alliance and Ahmad Shah faction) is weakened and not strong enough to hold the whole country.

It was smart for Iran not to invade in late 90’s. Ironically, US did it for Iran a few years later.

everything you posted, I have already seen.

No disputing the damage or ammo/spoils of war recovered by both sides. The fact is front lines aren’t budging that much after 2 months. The theory that somehow once a section of the frontlines collapse then Russia will be in Kiev is not rooted in reality. This didn’t happen in Syrian war and doesn’t happen in modern war.

Again we are waiting for the Donbass offensive to start. I assume all of these attacks so far are just probing and harassment attacks to lay the groundwork for the offensive.

At the minimum, Russia SHOULD (keyword SHOULD) capture the separatist republics outright. I mean this was main goal that Russia said when Putin did the televised event prior to invasion.

So let’s see how this offensive goes.
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