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Iranian Chill Thread

The problem here is that a single non-Iranian user here is constantly arguing against several Iranians and tries to provoke them and keeps the Iranian chill thread flamed. I mean, he is not even Iranian, and outside of a few religious hotspots in Iran, his voice and opinion does not matter at all. Iranians here can confirm what i say and the thing himself know what the MASS (millions) of Iranians really think. He can now again write very long posts (and that no one even reads properly) about Islamic republic this, shia islam that bla bla.

Not all Iranians think the same also on various issues. For example i agree with some of TheImmortal's posts because, honestly, they make sense. There are also some of his posts which lean towards a pro American and pro Israel viewpoint. (In my view unacceptable, because the US and Israel are the enemies of a independent and strong Iran)

In any way. Many Iranian users, who are born in Iran, have Iranian parents, roots etc are being trolled by a Pan islamic guy from god knows which country and this has irritated many Iranian users. Only Iranians themselves can comment and decide how their own country is run. We do not need lectures from foreigners. From wherever the person might be.
No idea who is Iranian and who's not, I'm on mobile and can't see flags (I can guess sometimes).

Let it be he's not, surely he's a fervent IRI supporter, never seen someone defending Iran against the multiple trolls from all countries like he do.

But I will understand and feel @Cthulhu and @TheImmortal going mad at him for even insinuating that their are Zio, I won't accept it, never .... @SalarHaqq

Was trying to reasoning them for 2 days, but it looks that fasting is making them very sensitive 😁
Salar is an alt account. His other accounts have banned before and warned by moderators. He uses VPN. He is not Iranian, some users here know his nationality and mask it. Could be Afghan could be Bangladesh. Likely Sunni leaning towards radical beliefs.

2 posts and less than 1 year account (maybe 2) comes out of nowhere starts insulting me. This was way in the beginning I started questioning who this man was. But whatever i been on forums for most of my life, trolls are a dime a dozen. Then he goes under the radar relatively normal after PeeD tells him to chill out and get along with other members, I noticed his long sermons in chill thread and just shrugged thats his MO. Everyone can think what they want.

Flash forward to Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. I am not a fan and warn of risks. He argues till he is blue in the face this is the best thing ever. Ok dude whatever you say. Then the Afghan Cleric attack happens in Qom. He starts defending the attacker as poor misguided individual. Hmmm strange. Again I take issue. Again he gets irrate. Then as the Taliban issue escalates dude goes full blown off his meds again and melts down.

Suddenly he’s screaming again I’m pro-American pro Zionists and hate all Sunnis that ever existed. I mean thousands of posts I have here clearly show me critical of American affairs and Zionists policy. I mean for how many months was I not preaching for Iran to have more kinetic responses and establish deterrence against Syrian attacks on its forces? But whatever, it’s like trying to convince someone who thinks the Earth is flat.

Nonetheless as @Cthulhu correctly stated, if you aren’t completely 100% Pro-IR, you are a pro American Zionist lover who wants to topple Iran.

I mean honestly when you read his posts does this sound like a man who is all there?

Yes, and I had to put the user in their place for spreading their subversive zionist and pro-US drivel because none of you "nationalists" would. You can thank me for that.

We are the ones keeping Iran safe so that the ungrateful "nationalist" lot can have a country to take pride in. Without us, your Iran would I have ceased to exist decades ago.

The dude is keeping Iran safe.....from Iranians?

  • Not iranian
  • Doesn’t live in Iran
  • Lives in Western country
  • Crusader of the Republic and is saving Iran
  • Telling Iranian users they should be thankful he’s making Iran a country they can take pride in
I mean there’s like 15 dudes here....who is he saving? I’m gonna topple the Republic with 15 guys I brainwashed who mostly live in the west?

I mean when you say it out loud...it’s just sad or one hell of a elaborate troll job.
Isn't this the third time or so you're back quoting me after declaring you're done? Have I really struck that much of a nerve? No need to respond, for the answer's crystal clear.

Salar is an alt account. His other accounts have banned before and warned by moderators.

Speaking of bans, your current account's been banned in the past, as opposed to mine. Only days ago, two of your sectarianist posts here were edited by moderators after I reported them. So if any one of us is likely to be using an alternate account because their previous one was banned, it'd clearly be you.

He uses VPN. He is not Iranian, some users here know his nationality and mask it. Could be Afghan could be Bangladesh. Likely Sunni leaning towards radical beliefs.

Some users here "know my nationality and mask it"? What is that even supposed to mean?

2 posts and less than 1 year account (maybe 2) comes out of nowhere starts insulting me.

More like exposing your rhetoric.

This was way in the beginning I started questioning who this man was. But whatever i been on forums for most of my life, trolls are a dime a dozen. Then he goes under the radar relatively normal after PeeD tells him to chill out and get along with other members,

Correction: PeeD only convinced me to give you the benefit of the doubt. Nothing to do with other members, PeeD and I never discussed anyone else in this context.

I noticed his long sermons in chill thread and just shrugged thats his MO. Everyone can think what they want.

Flash forward to Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. I am not a fan and warn of risks. He argues till he is blue in the face this is the best thing ever.

Nonsense. I've argued just as passionately on many, many other occasions about a wide variety of topics.

Ok dude whatever you say. Then the Afghan Cleric attack happens in Qom. He starts defending the attacker as poor misguided individual.

A blatant falsehood. I condemned the attacker as a terrorist, but rightly called out your apparent attempt to turn it into a Shia versus Sunni issue and to deny the overarching responsibility of the zionist and US regimes.

Hmmm strange. Again I take issue. Again he gets irrate. Then as the Taliban issue escalates dude goes full blown off his meds again and melts down.

"I'll ignore you from now on". Only few hours later you're quoting me. So who's having a meltdown?

Suddenly he’s screaming again I’m pro-American pro Zionists and hate all Sunnis that ever existed.

No "screaming" was needed, to methodically address and debunk your talking points is amply enough.

Oh, and referencing Sunni Islam as a "religion of apes" is not an offensive, discriminatory generalization. Sure.

I mean thousands of posts I have here clearly show me critical of American affairs and Zionists policy. I mean for how many months was I not preaching for Iran to have more kinetic responses and establish deterrence against Syrian attacks on its forces?

Even then you were essentially taking issue with Iranian policy and presenting Iran's decision-making as incompetent, more than anything else.

Nonetheless as @Cthulhu correctly stated, if you aren’t completely 100% Pro-IR, you are a pro American Zionist lover who wants to topple Iran.

No such thing. Take users Shawnee or Wudangmaster for instance. Just two random examples among many I could cite. I wouldn't describe them as "100% pro-IR" and yet, have I ever had to highlight zio- or US-apologetic content from said users? Nope, because there's none.

The dude is keeping Iran safe.....from Iranians?

What part of "us" don't you understand? Yes, millions of Iranian citizens myself included, I'm an insignificant drop in the bucket. Iranians loyal to their motherland.

Not iranian

Iranian citizen. What's your nationality?

Doesn’t live in Iran
Lives in Western country

None of your business. And doesn't really imply anything when it comes to the topic at hand.

Telling Iranian users they should be thankful he’s making Iran a country they can take pride in

Really, this is what I stated? Don't think so.

I mean there’s like 15 dudes here....who is he saving? I’m gonna topple the Republic with 15 guys I brainwashed who mostly live in the west?

I mean when you say it out loud...it’s just sad or one hell of a elaborate troll job.

The question is, why are you insisting on spending many hours every day on this website to develop talking points reminiscent of pro-western ones?
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the day Iran follow the Cûcks Arabs and Muslims countries ( لا قدر الله), I'll stop supporting Iran.
Fair enough lol. I can understand the sentiment. Everyone is joining Israel, I think its only Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Algeria If I am not mistaken that does not recognize the Israeli government?
Hmm.... well now that we're all talking about the content of character for other users lol.

How do you guys here view me? (seriously curious lol). I promise I won't get mad, genuinely interested as to what others think about me here on PDF :)

P.S.: I love/respective everyone opinions. I think we have a decent group of individuals here who provide interesting insight into Iranian related affairs so I won't pick and choose sides.

Please try and keep it civil gentlemen, we have enough enemies as it is...

Another vital railway hit

NATO trying to expand the conflict into another separatist area—could flare up could not.

Conflict map 4/26/22


Hmm.... well now that we're all talking about the content of character for other users lol.

How do you guys here view me? (seriously curious lol). I promise I won't get mad, genuinely interested as to what others think about me here on PDF :)

P.S.: I love/respective everyone opinions. I think we have a decent group of individuals here who provide interesting insight into Iranian related affairs so I won't pick and choose sides.

Please try and keep it civil gentlemen, we have enough enemies as it is...

Hmm.... well now that we're all talking about the content of character for other users lol.

How do you guys here view me? (seriously curious lol). I promise I won't get mad, genuinely interested as to what others think about me here on PDF :)

P.S.: I love/respective everyone opinions. I think we have a decent group of individuals here who provide interesting insight into Iranian related affairs so I won't pick and choose sides.

Please try and keep it civil gentlemen, we have enough enemies as it is...
Zionist shill haha :)

For real though, I think you are optimistic person, I am kinda of a pessimistic because I am not 100% satisfied with the way this government handles certain issues.

Another vital railway hit

NATO trying to expand the conflict into another separatist area—could flare up could not.

Conflict map 4/26/22

View attachment 838337

View attachment 838338
Man this whole thing is going to be a Syria-esque grind but even worse for Russia and more lethal for both.

Rapid mechanized advances not possible. Hard to imagine Russia taking Odessa until maybe 3-4 months from now if things get better for them, (which it probably won't)
Man this whole thing is going to be a Syria-esque grind but even worse for Russia and more lethal for both.

Rapid mechanized advances not possible. Hard to imagine Russia taking Odessa until maybe 3-4 months from now if things get better for them, (which it probably won't)

The main issue is manpower. Where will Russia pull from?

Iran (The late Hamedani) convinced Assad to arm the people to turn the tide. Wasn’t easy for Assad to do, isn’t easy for any government to flood the population with arms. But his allowance (or maybe desperation) allowed the formation of NDF.

So NDF + SAA + Shiite militias + IRGC advisors + Iranian volunteers + Hezbollah allowed enough manpower to take back most of Syria. Then when ISIS rolled thru Middle East the Iraqi miltias that had volunteered returned back to Iraq to defend their home country. Then Syria was fighting ISIS and the other jihadis. A two front war. Hence Russian air power was useful in thinning the herd.

Now in Ukraine you have RAF + Chechens + Wagner group + Georgia Forces + Donbass Forces + Russian volunteers.

Assad was still drafting each year new soldiers to fill the void. Putin has pledged not to send conscripts to the front.

So Russia will eventually need to supply troops from somewhere or else combat effectiveness of units will diminish.

So if we say the original Russian force + everyone else was 175-200K and right now it’s 150K or so from rotations, wounded, and deaths. You have to ask how much territory can those soldiers cover?

Russian command has said the goal is South ukraine all the way to Moldova border (separatist region).
What are all possible outcomes of Ukraine war ?

  • Cease fire with conflict lines frozen
  • Cease fire with Russia pulling back to 02/24 frontlines
  • Russia taking control of separatist republics and land bridge to Crimea
    • Also taking south Ukraine
    • Also taking oddessa
    • Also capturing all the way to Moldova separatist border and capturing entire Ukrainian coastline
  • Capturing all of Eastern Ukraine (including Kiev or Kiev in a East& Berlin/German post WW2 conflict map)

Pick whatever you think is likely out of those.

Outcomes can change, those are the more likely ones at the moment.
What are all possible outcomes of Ukraine war ?

  • Cease fire with conflict lines frozen
  • Cease fire with Russia pulling back to 02/24 frontlines
  • Russia taking control of separatist republics and land bridge to Crimea
    • Also taking south Ukraine
    • Also taking oddessa
    • Also capturing all the way to Moldova separatist border and capturing entire Ukrainian coastline
  • Capturing all of Eastern Ukraine (including Kiev or Kiev in a East& Berlin/German post WW2 conflict map)

Pick whatever you think is likely out of those.

Outcomes can change, those are the more likely ones at the moment.
To be more vague, strong likelihood Russia will gain new territory (the extent is not known)
Russia will remain isolated from Europe
Relations with all its "friends" are sour. Russia will seek to improve relations with other nations in Asia, and South America as a result.

My guess Ukraine will attempt to retake its territory lost over the next few decades with several more wars to come after this one depending on the result of this one.
  • Cease fire with conflict lines frozen
  • Cease fire with Russia pulling back to 02/24 frontlines
  • Russia taking control of separatist republics and land bridge to Crimea
    • Also taking south Ukraine
    • Also taking oddessa
    • Also capturing all the way to Moldova separatist border and capturing entire Ukrainian coastline
  • Capturing all of Eastern Ukraine (including Kiev or Kiev in a East& Berlin/German post WW2 conflict map)

Pick whatever you think is likely out of those.

Outcomes can change, those are the more likely ones at the moment.

The lengths to which this character will go in order to come across as knowledgeable... Thinking nobody will notice their shaky, incoherent antics.

Tell us some more about how Russia is risking to lose Kherson.

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