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Iranian Chill Thread

How do you define best possible outcome ? and how do you reach it ?

Point is time works in favor of Ukraine and against Russia . (No N scenario)
Russia wouldn't wait for it ...

Don't buy into this NATO line echoed by the resident apologist, who tries to downplay Russian might on purpose so as to put the breaks on any enthusiasm Iranians here might feel towards Russia when the latter is actually fighting NATO proxies. This is and has always been the user's agenda.

Ukraine is losing manpower at a rapid pace. Also, Russia has started targeting the transportation infrastructure of Ukraine, namely their railway system, with connections between the eastern and western halves of Ukraine soon to be entirely severed. Lastly, Russia has far greater numbers of troops to rely on than Ukraine will ever be able to mobilize. Whatever the west may realistically supply the Ukrainians with in terms of armaments, it's not going to give them the technological edge over Russia.

So it's pretty clear: Russia trumps Ukraine in manpower. Russia trumps Ukraine in technology and firepower. And this will not change, no matter what NATO does. Russia is going to be victorious, and it will be a decisive victory, a huge historical setback for western imperialism. NATO's not going to intervene directly either, it's been almost 40 years that they've had zero training in large scale combined arms maneuver warfare given how they spent their time fighting third tier military forces in the south and destroying helpless nations, so they'd get crushed by Russia in any conventional confrontation. No chance for Ukraine or NATO.
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@TheImmortal is an american patriot

Don't take american patriots like him serious
Ignore him until he leaves

Fvck devil USA and their puppies

Hats off for IRANIAN glory

China's defense minister arrived in Tehran.

We need to boost strategic defense ties with China and Brazil.
I'm not suggesting Iran invade Afghanistan, no no no. It's nothing less than a trap, a sh#thole filled with quicksand and ignorant, illiterate cavemen ruling the country.

What I am suggesting is that "if" the Taliban keep screwing around with Iranian border guards, attack border posts, or kill Iranians, then Iran should not hesitate to launch a few drone strikes and a few dozen missiles at the heart of their regime, just to teach them a lesson and show them who's boss.

Of course, to prevent such a scenario, Iran should simply beef up border security. Like I said, no more lone Toyota trucks patrolling around. Only convoys (APCs, MRAPs, trucks), accompanied with constant drones overhead/nearby and even more backup nearby.

Very true, Putin has in fact have had rather warm ties with Israel in contradiction to Russian history under Stalin and other rulers. Even tho anti-Semitism stil runs in Russia today. But Putin, his oligarchs, and some other Russian officials have kept warm ties with Israel and Jews in general.

Yes, it’s not like Soviet Union and USA had those weapons......

Iran invading Afghanistan will end up the same way as Soviet Union and USA. Also Every country with a grudge against Iran will arm the donkeys.

Iran may take most or even all the country, but it will then face a relentless guerrilla campaign that sucks billions of dollars to prop Afghan government and supply its own troops. Not to mention the opposition (Northern Alliance and Ahmad Shah faction) is weakened and not strong enough to hold the whole country.

It was smart for Iran not to invade in late 90’s. Ironically, US did it for Iran a few years later.
Brazil are just American puppets though. Iran needs stronger ties with Russia, China. They really need to get on connecting all the nations banking systems through a SWIFT alternative. Of course most of China's largest banks won't join out of fear of sanctions but the Chinese are smart,they will establish a financial institution with no ties to the west just to do this. The Chinese should be kissing Putins shoes,because Crimea is nothing more or less than a detour. The real goal, the main goal is to create a new NATO in South East Asia to counter and strangle China. The Chinese should prepare themselves if they're smart.

@TheImmortal is an american patriot

Don't take american patriots like him serious
Ignore him until he leaves

Fvck devil USA and their puppies

Hats off for IRANIAN glory

We need to boost strategic defense ties with China and Brazil.
The pictures and advances I shown are from yesterday. In return what do the Ukrainians have to show ? Blowing up some tanks that don't even react at all ? Like I said, it's very suspicious. 5 tanks and armored vehicles get destroyed all in a row and not one reacts ? No suppressive fire ? no attempt to escape or move ? no counter measures ? Personally I smell something fishy.

Anyways Russia has captured pretty much all of Lugasnsk. In Donestk they haven't been able to break the front lines because like I said, if they do, the road to Dnipro and southern Kharkiv will be wide open. The Ukrainians are obviously pouring in massive resources and have sacrificed hundreds if not thousand of lives to prevent a breakthrough.

In any case, just yesterday the Russians have made some decent advances as you can see on the map I showed you. The Russians are claiming that their Donbas offensive has started but I don't think it really has. Anyways let's wait and see.

everything you posted, I have already seen.

No disputing the damage or ammo/spoils of war recovered by both sides. The fact is front lines aren’t budging that much after 2 months. The theory that somehow once a section of the frontlines collapse then Russia will be in Kiev is not rooted in reality. This didn’t happen in Syrian war and doesn’t happen in modern war.

Again we are waiting for the Donbass offensive to start. I assume all of these attacks so far are just probing and harassment attacks to lay the groundwork for the offensive.

At the minimum, Russia SHOULD (keyword SHOULD) capture the separatist republics outright. I mean this was main goal that Russia said when Putin did the televised event prior to invasion.

So let’s see how this offensive goes.
Hmm.... well now that we're all talking about the content of character for other users lol.

How do you guys here view me? (seriously curious lol). I promise I won't get mad, genuinely interested as to what others think about me here on PDF :)

P.S.: I love/respective everyone opinions. I think we have a decent group of individuals here who provide interesting insight into Iranian related affairs so I won't pick and choose sides.

Please try and keep it civil gentlemen, we have enough enemies as it is...
You are a cool guy. Respectful and not trying to offend others.

Anyway, i suggest all my Iranian brothers and of course foreign friendly friends like @_Nabil_
to put the trolls on the ignore list.
Ignore list people! it will save your time, really.
By the way, my mo'āned anti-IR friend, this here's for you, in case you missed your hamrazm, who other than opposing the Taleban has some influential friends who dream of breaking Iran into five or six distinct pieces. Goftam shāyad delet vāsash tang shode bāshe, inam āghā Masude gol:

And that french dildo has appeared yet again! He is a metaphorical std who appears whenever there are whores about...
@TheImmortal is an american patriot

Don't take american patriots like him serious
Ignore him until he leaves

Fvck devil USA and their puppies

Hats off for IRANIAN glory
Yeah ''IRANIAN'' glory does not mean worshipping a 43 year old regime. Or worshipping a 1400/2000 year old abrahamic religion. Iran and its people existed way before the appearance of these foreign religions.

When you worship Iran you worship Ferdowsi, Shahnameh, Cyrus&Dariush the great and the numerous of other great founders/kings and scientists we have. If any Iranian put anything else before these they are the enemy of Iran.
🔴فرمانده نیروهای مسلح طالبان:

🔻سیاست طالبان، جلوگیری از هرگونه درگیری و جنگ با ایران است

🔻وزیر دفاع دستور داده هیچ فردی حق ندارند که کوچکترین درگیری در مرزهای ایران ایجاد کند

🔻ما از ایران درخواست داریم که به ما در مبارزه با قاچاق و مواد مخدر کمک کند
🔻آماده همکاری همه‌جانبه با ایران هستیم .


باز هم جوان ناکام در اوکراین به گل نشست
Why so much bigotry dear ones?
One day God chose Persians to be the leaders of human kind, the other day Jews were given this place, an other day someone from Arabs was chosen to lead humans to the right path.

Prophet Muhammed pbuh once said, its my own Translation so forgive me for literary errors, if someone has slightest bigotry in his heart then he shall be revived with arrogant Arabs before me. See? Prophet is Critical of Arabs, he has zero tolerance towards bigotry, racism and slavery system. So why not follow him?

Again brothers, why so much bigotry? Prophet loved Persians saying that even if science is located in skies, some men of Persians (Iranians) will put their hands on it. He always refused to attack Iranian lands despite pressure from some known elements who eventually changed the course of Islam. Our prophet doesn't belong to Arabs only, he despised ancient Arabic culture calling them Jahil Arabs or arrogant Arabs who worshipped stones. Our prophet is the number 1,the kindest, the most tolerant human being that human kind has ever seen. There was a Jewish man who annoyed him for years, he and his wife poured Animal waste on our prophet, Annoying him in every possible way for years. They called our prophet the clueless poet ridiculing him. What our ptophet did, any guessing? After many years, prophet Muhammed didn't see that Jewish man on his way, the guy was disappeared and prophet Muhammed could walk in the Allies without Animal waste being thrown on him. He asked people, i miss my friend where is that Jewish man? People around him informed prophet that the Jewish man has fallen sick and he is close to die. Prophet decided to meet him and greet him. Guess what after that incident that Jew died as a Muslim. @Dariush the Great

This holy Soul deserves to be the chosen one, doesn't he? Again, why so much bigotry?

Why so much racism? What is our difference from people like Hitler and other savages of human kind history?
@Dariush the Great

This holy Soul deserves to be the chosen one, doesn't he? Again, why so much bigotry?
Re-read what i wrote. You are known to be a radical religious person, so therefore i do not expect you to show some love towards pre-islamic culture of Iran. For you, Islam is everything. Your identity, who you are, where you come from is second. Something like a nomadic person without any background, like a gypsy.

Just stick to sineh zani man or cry for some dead Arabs that died hundreds of years ago, and stop tagging Iranians who do not want to jump in the Shia Islamic bandwagon.

None of you ultra religious people have any love for Iran itself. Any way, your sort is slowly going out of existence. A few more decades and we will have a more nationalist mindset. Iran first.

Judging on your next reply i am going to decide to throw you in the ignore list as well. Will save time from wasting it on anti-Iranian culture people.
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I have full respect for @Muhammed45 ,@SalarHaqq and @mohsen ...Muhammed45 is a true Muslim and a proud Iranian nationalist...I know this because I read his posts in other forums...

All three have defended Iran in other none Iranian forums..I accept that they are more "Islam" oriented but this does not negate that they love Iran also...I am a "Nationalist" that does not negate that I think Islam at its core is a wonderful and peaceful religion..

Debate is good...we should see more than just our own Ideas....Take it from a 70 year old that has seen a lot..:wave:
Don't buy into this NATO line echoed by the resident apologist, who tries to downplay Russian might on purpose so as to put the breaks on any enthusiasm Iranians here might feel towards Russia when the latter is actually fighting NATO proxies. This is and has always been the user's agenda.

Ukraine is losing manpower at a rapid pace. Also, Russia has started targeting the transportation infrastructure of Ukraine, namely their railway system, with connections between the eastern and western halves of Ukraine soon to be entirely severed. Lastly, Russia has far greater numbers of troops to rely on than Ukraine will ever be able to mobilize. Whatever the west may realistically supply the Ukrainians with in terms of armaments, it's not going to give them the technological edge over Russia.

So it's pretty clear: Russia trumps Ukraine in manpower. Russia trumps Ukraine in technology and firepower. And this will not change, no matter what NATO does. Russia is going to be victorious, and it will be a decisive victory, a huge historical setback for western imperialism. NATO's not going to intervene directly either, it's been almost 40 years that they've had zero training in large scale combined arms maneuver warfare given how they spent their time fighting third tier military forces in the south and destroying helpless nations, so they'd get crushed by Russia in any conventional confrontation. No chance for Ukraine or NATO.
Possible results :

1. Russia win
a.Russia takes parts of Ukraine
b.Russia takes most of Ukraine (or disarm agreement)

2. Ukraine Win
a. Ukraine takes whole country back ( +95%)
b.prewar borders

3.long war

there are other options which their possibility is lower for now I put them aside.I would like to know if you have better options

I consider your view as an 1.a option

(NATO/Ukraine pov) issue with it is NATO factories are working without any threat.their economy is also safe so Ukraine can take some hits but at the end they will solve Ukraine's problems so comparing the size of two sides , how long do you think it will last ?

If you look back at Iraq-Iran war you can see Iraq started war with 300-400K troops and at the end they had 800k -1 Million Army
.Population wise Ukraine have 29 million more people compared to 1980's Iraq.

Part of Russian Army should stay at home and guard the country and since Russia is biggest country on earth her manpower usage is limited
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