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Iranian Chill Thread

Iran has been blocking women for decades stop being an apologist. It was relaxed under Rouhani, but still far from ideal.

Stuff like this doesn’t happen in Iran without the levers of power approval.

And any “make an example of” is just a scapegoat being punished for something that was likely a collective decision, not one person going against the grain.
Again, stop the drama Ignatius. There is no doubt there are elements in the government that are obstacles which is natural in a shared power environment and should be accounted for. Broadly, however, it is clear that the the government is moving toward easing restrictions along various routes which will take time. Again, these events do not serve the IRI well and the thawing should be wrapped up sooner rather than later. Note, there are real concerns that the IRI has to deal with ranging from internal conservative power centers to foreign meddling. So let's dispense with the McArguments and the McAdhominems.

My friend, i am going to forget for a moment that there are pictures and videos of state security forces teargassing people and blocking entry of said group of people into the stadium with valid tickets. I will forget that.
But if we lived in another universe and if this was not sanctioned by the government, then who are these thugs that disrupt passage of people into national stadium in Tehran? Are you telling us that a few criminals can do these things in front of heavy security at Azadi stadium?
Such a simple issue is getting really out of hand and becoming major headlines. Are you OK with this? Are you okay with a citizen of Iran ''legally'' able to buy a ticket but still being blocked from going inside?

Bekhoda, yekami azaadi be mardom bedin hamin mardom posht nezaam vay mistan. Enghadr sakht migirin ke ya az keshvar farar mikonan ya badbakhta afsorde mishan nemidoonan chekar konan.

Akhe mage che eshkali dare tahte nezarat khanoomha ro be stadium ra bedan? Chera in hame moshgel saazi?
These people are cops (I haven't seen the videos but I'll take your word for it) reporting to conservative power centers. Now these power centers are in the process of being gradually dismantled judging from how things are unfolding. The IRI cannot simply ignore them as they represent a real and grass roots section of conservative society.

khoob ya bad, moftakee ke nemeesheh eenaro ja gozasht.
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Broadly, however, it is clear that the the government is moving toward easing restrictions along various routes which will take time.

“Easing restrictions?”
“It will take time?”

The Islamic Republic has existed since 1979, they didn’t just come to power that they need time to get their affairs in order. It’s a soccer match not a referendum on the removal of hijab. The only other country that acts like this Afghanistan. Not even Baboon Arabia is this draconian anymore under MBS.

Add to the “internet censorship bill” this government is trying to shove down the people’s throats and you wonder what the hell they are thinking?

I agree they have bigger problems to worry about like the massive corruption and terrible economy they haven’t reformed in decades. The fact Iran is standing is not a testament to this government, but a testament of the hardwork of the people INSPITE of this governments repeated history of self sabotage and mismanagement.

Which is why at times like this a government should EASE freedoms not restrict them. People are already suffocating economically, now you want to suffocate them socially as well?

You want to know why Iran is a den of foreign spies? It’s not hard to recruit spies in a disgruntled population. When populations are struggling to put food the table, it’s easy to pay people to look the other way or worse engage in sabotage.

Restricting basic freedoms just fosters more resentment and you lose even more support. Counter productive when you are trying to combat foreign powers from destabilizing your government.

Telling the Iranian people in Iran to suck it up while you sit in a western country is quite hilarious.

These people are cops (I haven't seen the videos but I'll take your word for it) reporting to conservative power centers.

Giving analysis without even watching the videos. Perfection of a troll.
These people are cops (I haven't seen the videos but I'll take your word for it) reporting to conservative power centers. Now these power centers are in the process of being gradually dismantled judging from how things are unfolding. The IRI cannot simply ignore them as they represent a real and grass roots section of conservative society.

khoob ya bad, moftakee ke nemeesheh eenaro ja gozasht.
Well, one thing i can agree with you is that the old conservative dinosaurs are dying out and things slowly will change for the better.
Over the past few days many premature conclusions were drawn once again about the situation in Ukraine, based off vague reports that Russia has withdrawn some vehicles from the Kiev area...

Just watch how in the upcoming weeks, Russia is going to keep advancing and above all, how the most solid of Ukrainian defensive lines, where most of Kiev's forces are concentrated and had been entrenched for years in anticipation of a Russian offensive, is going to be breached in the Donbas. Once Slavyansk is encircled and then taken, nothing much is going to be left of the Ukrainian armed forces and extremist paramilitary. Unless, of course, Kiev capitulates to Moscow's main conditions for a ceasefire, conditions which reflect the Russian war objectives, and so this too would mark a victory for Russia. This is a win-win for the bear, and what we're witnessing is the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian military, whose firepower and technological levels are massively outmatched by their Russian adversary.

By moving forces to the outskirts of Kiev and exerting pressure on the Ukrainian capital, what Russia successfully achieved was to ensure that tens of thousands of Ukrainian crack troops will be bogged down right there, instead of being dispatched to reinforce the crucial Donbas front, whose collapse under the Russian sledgehammer is only a matter of time. Astute strategy, impressively implemented by Moscow. There was no Russian failure nor setback at Kiev, while Russian war objectives are focusing primarily on the Donbas, geographically speaking, as well as on changing the behavior of Ukraine's ruling establishment, both of which are well served by how Russia has been proceeding.

We've truly entered the era of multipolarism. And that is guaranteed to benefit Iran and strengthen her position geopolitically. With regards to the Russia-Ukraine war, Tehran doesn't need to embark on any grandstand diplomatic theatrics, which would do nothing other than impressing those with a shallow reading of developments. In fact, discretely looking on as events unfold, keeping a low profile while letting standard diplomatic channels do their everyday work will perfectly play to Iran's advantage already.

By the way, say bye bye to Beyraqdār. The thirty-sixth and last TB-2 UCAV in service with Ukraine was shot down by Russian forces:

Al-Jazeera has inadvertently aired footage of the Ukrainian army misusing an ambulance for troop transport. Yet another example of how they're exploiting civilian buildings and civilian vehicles as shields, which certainly hasn't been helpful in further reducing Ukrainian non-combatant losses:

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“Easing restrictions?”
“It will take time?”

The Islamic Republic has existed since 1979, they didn’t just come to power that they need time to get their affairs in order. It’s a soccer match not a referendum on the removal of hijab. The only other country that acts like this Afghanistan. Not even Baboon Arabia is this draconian anymore under MBS.

Add to the “internet censorship bill” this government is trying to shove down the people’s throats and you wonder what the hell they are thinking?

I agree they have bigger problems to worry about like the massive corruption and terrible economy they haven’t reformed in decades. The fact Iran is standing is not a testament to this government, but a testament of the hardwork of the people INSPITE of this governments repeated history of self sabotage and mismanagement.

Which is why at times like this a government should EASE freedoms not restrict them. People are already suffocating economically, now you want to suffocate them socially as well?

You want to know why Iran is a den of foreign spies? It’s not hard to recruit spies in a disgruntled population. When populations are struggling to put food the table, it’s easy to pay people to look the other way or worse engage in sabotage.

Restricting basic freedoms just fosters more resentment and you lose even more support. Counter productive when you are trying to combat foreign powers from destabilizing your government.

Telling the Iranian people in Iran to suck it up while you sit in a western country is quite hilarious.

Giving analysis without even watching the videos. Perfection of a troll.
Love it. Liked!
On a side note, the idiots in the ruling regime have caused a huge internal and external problem for the country by disallowing women from entering the stadium in Mashhad. It just amazes me what kind of monkeys we live with in this country.
Well, 2 months ago when they allowed women into the Azadi stadium, The old conservatives in Qom started throwing a tantrum because according to them, Women shouldn't be allowed into the stadiums.
I think after that the authorities came up with this "ingenious" plan on how they can "allow" women into the stadiums without actually letting them into the stadiums, So they actually sold them the tickets but blocked from entering the stadium.
I think what reality is starting to show is Russia was never a strong military per se. It just had tons of troops and equipment to overwhelm the enemy force. In 2020, it doesn’t have tons of troops anymore like WW2 or height of Soviet Union and its equipment is just as old minus a few systems.

It’s 200,000 man force cannot fight like a western trained contract force. Now Putin cannot call up reservists like the good old days without getting his own population/politicians against him.

Russia has no good options left to win this militarily and diplomatically throwing the white flag will be a disgrace.

By the way Artesh of Iran faces largely same problems of Russian army in today’s age. Old equipment and a mostly conscript force that doesn’t get a ton of training.

If I was Iran, I would implement a standing force of a minimum of 300,000 contracted troops (Saddam had 600,000 in 1991). I would order a full review of both IRGC and Artesh preparedness for a large conflict against a peer like force.

I saw for years Russia would fall to the waste side and got laughed on PDF by those who claimed Russia is this big badass military with the coolest leader in the world.

Even I am shocked with how bad this “special military operation” played out. Right up there with Saddam getting his *** kicked in PG War I.
Meanwhile back in Iran...Base jumping from Milad tower during Noruz holidays has become a tradition:woot:.










I think what reality is starting to show is Russia was never a strong military per se. It just had tons of troops and equipment to overwhelm the enemy force. In 2020, it doesn’t have tons of troops anymore like WW2 or height of Soviet Union and its equipment is just as old minus a few systems.

It’s 200,000 man force cannot fight like a western trained contract force. Now Putin cannot call up reservists like the good old days without getting his own population/politicians against him.

Russia has no good options left to win this militarily and diplomatically throwing the white flag will be a disgrace.

By the way Artesh of Iran faces largely same problems of Russian army in today’s age. Old equipment and a mostly conscript force that doesn’t get a ton of training.

If I was Iran, I would implement a standing force of a minimum of 300,000 contracted troops (Saddam had 600,000 in 1991). I would order a full review of both IRGC and Artesh preparedness for a large conflict against a peer like force.

I saw for years Russia would fall to the waste side and got laughed on PDF by those who claimed Russia is this big badass military with the coolest leader in the world.

Even I am shocked with how bad this “special military operation” played out. Right up there with Saddam getting his *** kicked in PG War I.

Western analysts are saying that this war is essentially being micromanaged from Moscow itself instead of by Russian armed forces commanders on the ground in the theatre leading to a broad disjointed effort by all branches of the Russian military due ineffective cohesive communication in the AO (poor combined arms initiative). The battlefield losses themselves point to something going catostrophically wrong at the command level. These poor Russian troops are just being given marching orders to move ahead and do what amounts to utter tactical insanity given the context.

I'm just.... they will not easily recover from this from a military standpoint. Massive weaknesses within the very structure of Russian military leadership has been revealed for the entire world to see.
I think what reality is starting to show is Russia was never a strong military per se. It just had tons of troops and equipment to overwhelm the enemy force. In 2020, it doesn’t have tons of troops anymore like WW2 or height of Soviet Union and its equipment is just as old minus a few systems.

It’s 200,000 man force cannot fight like a western trained contract force. Now Putin cannot call up reservists like the good old days without getting his own population/politicians against him.

Russia has no good options left to win this militarily and diplomatically throwing the white flag will be a disgrace.

By the way Artesh of Iran faces largely same problems of Russian army in today’s age. Old equipment and a mostly conscript force that doesn’t get a ton of training.

If I was Iran, I would implement a standing force of a minimum of 300,000 contracted troops (Saddam had 600,000 in 1991). I would order a full review of both IRGC and Artesh preparedness for a large conflict against a peer like force.

I saw for years Russia would fall to the waste side and got laughed on PDF by those who claimed Russia is this big badass military with the coolest leader in the world.

Even I am shocked with how bad this “special military operation” played out. Right up there with Saddam getting his *** kicked in PG War I.
I never realized then, but not embracing UAV technology should've been a red flag for me in that the mentality of Russian command is behind.

By 2006 well before UAVs were even a big deal, Iran has 100s if not a thousand for constant reconnaissance. Something Russia has not done on a tactical level. The Ukrainians have full advantage in this regard.

On top of that, It does not help their cause that 1000s of anti-armor equipment have been delivered on top of this issue.
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