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Iranian Chill Thread

Even if Putin's plans were to go easy (like their IR collagues always do) he totally damaged the image and standing of Russian army. Weapon sales will go a bit more difficult now.

Not bombing the Kiev regime to submission has to be the biggest blunder by Putin. Terrible planning and vision.
(Repost from 'Iranian Space Program' thread, which was not the right place)

Can I ask you why Tel Aviv is more important for the US elite than Washington D.C? And what EU states are you talking about? You have also previously claimed that the US elite care more about the destruction of Tel Aviv than Washington D.C. I am not saying you are wrong. But how come Israel be so important for the US elite?

It's related to the stealthy overarching power structure which dominates not just the US regime, but basically all its allies, plus other states integrated into the so-called international community (read: the western-led club) and/or into the globalized economy. This power structure consists of a series of networks, the most prominent of which are essentially the following three:

* The elite of global capitalism, in which the financial (banking) sector plays a leading role.
* International zionism.
* Masonic and associated secret societies.

These literally determine guidelines, as well as red lines, for policy makers in Washington D.C. This is why no matter who's elected as the president of that regime, they will heap unusual levels of praise on the zionist entity and unambiguously proclaim the existence of an organic relationship of sorts between the US and the apartheid entity, on top of the unconditional support they are granting Tel Aviv, which has gone a long way empowering the zionists to oppress the people of Palestine. The current US president went as far as declaring that "American culture is Jewish culture". This is also why the zionist regime can strike a US Navy vessel, the USS Liberty in a 1967 false flag attack blamed on Egypt, and get away with it - what other US ally is enjoying this luxury? Likewise, no candidate in the American political system can hope to win an election if they are informally vetoed by AIPAC, the main zionist lobby. No state wields as much influence as Isra"el" does on US foreign policy towards a given region of the world, even if it goes against America's national interest as described by Mearsheimer and Walt in their 2007 book "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy".

Furthermore, there's a deeper, esoteric / mystical level to it as well. Much of these elites and oligarchs share different iterations of certain mystical messianic beliefs, essentially rooted in the Kabbala, to simplify. And this form of messianism makes Al-Quds its geographical center. Hence why the notion of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon is so decisive not just to pro-zionist messianism, but also to masonry. Hence why globalists who crave for a "world government" (and dissolution of every nation-state into it) or "Universal Republic", define Jerusalem as its future capital city.

The slightest risk to the viability of the zionist apartheid state is unbearable for the US regime and for those pulling its strings. So any adversary achieving deterrence against Isra"el", will by extension have achieved deterrence against Washington as well.
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Looks like the ruble as recovered almost all it's losses entirely.

Mostly because Russian oil and gas will still flow and Russia has a massive war chest.

Russia also closed trading for its markets for nearly 3 weeks and I believe I read that it implemented severe anti manipulation clauses for its currency. (Could be wrong)

Meanwhile Iran did nothing besides arrest a handful of people while further adding to the problem by establishing a much lower “special exchange rate” which was abused to hell by corrupt individuals.
Looks like the ruble as recovered almost all it's losses entirely.
It's partly because Russia increased interest rates to more than twice its previous value over night to weather the storm temporarily. Something that the idiots in Iran and Turkey refused to do against the basics of economics. Khardogan even lowered interest rates! I have said it times and times again that with current economic conditions in Iran and Turkey, interest rates should be over 25%, approaching 30% when inflation hit over 50%.

On a side note, the idiots in the ruling regime have caused a huge internal and external problem for the country by disallowing women from entering the stadium in Mashhad. It just amazes me what kind of monkeys we live with in this country.
It's partly because Russia increased interest rates to more than twice its previous value over night to weather the storm temporarily. Something that the idiots in Iran and Turkey refused to do against the basics of economics. Khardogan even lowered interest rates! I have said it times and times again that with current economic conditions in Iran and Turkey, interest rates should be over 25%, approaching 30% when inflation hit over 50%.

On a side note, the idiots in the ruling regime have caused a huge internal and external problem for the country by disallowing women from entering the stadium in Mashhad. It just amazes me what kind of monkeys we live with in this country.
If these idiots get us banned from the World Cup, things will get pretty ugly. Worse off, they spent money and bought the tickets but were blocked anyways, which amounts to theft. I'm guessing Imam Jomme was not happy.

I know some people in Iran who are very passionate football fans.
On a side note, the idiots in the ruling regime have caused a huge internal and external problem for the country by disallowing women from entering the stadium in Mashhad. It just amazes me what kind of monkeys we live with in this country.

It’s like they think if women go into a stadium suddenly the entire Republic falls overnight.

Iran and Afghanistan are the only two countries in the world that don’t allow women into soccer matches.

What great company for Iran to share...

Shah did the same crap against any sort of government activist. We saw how that story played out.
It's partly because Russia increased interest rates to more than twice its previous value over night to weather the storm temporarily. Something that the idiots in Iran and Turkey refused to do against the basics of economics. Khardogan even lowered interest rates! I have said it times and times again that with current economic conditions in Iran and Turkey, interest rates should be over 25%, approaching 30% when inflation hit over 50%.

On a side note, the idiots in the ruling regime have caused a huge internal and external problem for the country by disallowing women from entering the stadium in Mashhad. It just amazes me what kind of monkeys we live with in this country.
What harm will there be if women are allowed in the stadiums, in their own special seat section, under full supervision of IR security? What harm is there?

Why are these monkeys always a source of shame for our country?
The question still remains as to why Russian MOD even went ahead with such an invasion plan and Putin signed off on it. Did they genuinely think that it would have been a cake-walk all the way to Kiev? If so, then I think we ALL have been mislead concerning Russia's military leadership and strategic planning prowess. I hope for their own sake as a people and nation, they regroup and come at Ukraine with an intent to obliterate target objectives instead of peppering some missiles here and there "strategically". As a country, they cannot afford to lose this war.

You bring up a rather sobering/somber point, one in which you also correctly elaborated on during the beginning of this conflict. If Russia doesn't achieve anything positive here, it will set the stage for years of future degradation as well as isolation for the Russian Federation ending in possible collapse of "Putin's Russia" and a likely return to a Yeltsin era where America was actively looting the Russian people of everything they had.
In the UK they were discussing this very thing on the news channels. Two very important things were mentioned. Putin now has almost all YES-MEN, WHO ARE AFRAID TO TELL HIM WHAT HE DOSN'T WANT TO HEAR.
There was a time up until about the Russian campaign in Georgia. Putin had advisors and military planners who would differ with him openly at meetings. And very importantly nobody was penalised or punished if they had alternative views to Putin. Putin would look annoyed and angry but he would have take their objections into account. According to one ex-soviet advisor, he would almost always do what he had planned but the alternative ideas from his close associates would make him take their objections into any decision he made. As of now, no such people exist around Putin, only yes men.

The other thing that was mentioned, which is the most important. Putin/Russian military had a lot of very close relationships (EXTREMELY CLOSE) with the Ukraine military from the times of the previous Pro-Moscow Ukrainian Presidents. Such contacts were kept even with the CIA/Western orchestrated colour revolutions/coups of Pro-Moscow Presidents.

Here is the interesting bit, almost the entire Ukraine military leaders and police chiefs (Brigadeers, Generals, colonels, air force chiefs etc) had sworn to back a Russian invasion, overthrow the current Western backed government of Zelenksy, install a Pro-Russian care taker government, swear an anti-NATO neutral government as soon as Russian forces moved into the Ukraine. This was supposed to allow Russia to occupy all of the Ukraine with hardly any bloodshed and leave within a month at max as glorious victors.

Unfortunately for the Russians, the entire Ukraine military brass bottled it, panicked and chickened out in ousting the Zelensky government.

Putins/Russian intelligence got it horrifically wrong. There was meant to be no battle. Only invasion, surrender, a new pro-Russian care-taker government, Ukraine back in the Soviet sphere of influence, Zelensky making aliyah to Israel and Putin the world renowned military genius. All within the space of a few weeks. Something the USA and NATO couldn't do in 20 years in Afghanistan against just 20,000 or so primitive Taliban cavemen in the most costliest war in the history of mankind.

That is why the Russians did not plan for an actual war in the Ukraine. Why they have got it horrifically wrong.
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It’s like they think if women go into a stadium suddenly the entire Republic falls overnight.

Iran and Afghanistan are the only two countries in the world that don’t allow women into soccer matches.

What great company for Iran to share...

Shah did the same crap against any sort of government activist. We saw how that story played out.
Stop the drama. This event was a huge mistake not condoned by the government. The authorities are responding. The main issue is that this should not have happened at all and someone has to pay dearly and made an example of. I'm personally furious at those responsible. IMO this is an opportunity for the authorities to set things straight..
Stop the drama. This event was a huge mistake not condoned by the government. The authorities are responding. The main issue is that this should not have happened at all and someone has to pay dearly and made an example of. I'm personally furious at those responsible. IMO this is an opportunity for the authorities to set things straight..
Yea right. And can you tell me who these people were that prevented the entry and did the teargassing? Are they not belonging to the police, and is police not controlled by the interior ministry?

If this was not done by the interior ministry > government, then we have even a bigger problem about some donkeys acting outside government guidelines.

Who were these individuals? if this was not authorized by the government, for sure they should be tracked down and arrested for illegal activities.

in both cases, the blame is on the government. And both of us know the real truth :)

khodeto be kooche alichap nazan.
Yea right. And can you tell me who these people were that prevented the entry and did the teargassing? Are they not belonging to the police, and is police not controlled by the interior ministry?

If this was not done by the interior ministry > government, then we have even a bigger problem about some donkeys acting outside government guidelines.

Who were these individuals? if this was not authorized by the government, for sure they should be tracked down and arrested for illegal activities.

in both cases, the blame is on the government. And both of us know the real truth :)

khodeto be kooche alichap nazan.
Heh. Koocheh'ee neest ke chap bezanam. Be har haal...

Whoever did this does not have the backing of the 'main' authorities. The ramifications would've been clear. So it could've been anyone. a person, police, a stadium authority, anyone. Also, let's not forget this could also be a foreign instigated event which is not at all impossible.

Anyway, these types of rules are broadly unenforceable, regardless of merit, and they can be subverted easily but instigators. So something has to be done.
Heh. Koocheh'ee neest ke chap bezanam. Be har haal...

Whoever did this does not have the backing of the 'main' authorities. The ramifications would've been clear. So it could've been anyone. a person, police, a stadium authority, anyone. Also, let's not forget this could also be a foreign instigated event which is not at all impossible.

Anyway, these types of rules are broadly unenforceable, regardless of merit, and they can be subverted easily but instigators. So something has to be done.
My friend, i am going to forget for a moment that there are pictures and videos of state security forces teargassing people and blocking entry of said group of people into the stadium with valid tickets. I will forget that.
But if we lived in another universe and if this was not sanctioned by the government, then who are these thugs that disrupt passage of people into national stadium in Tehran? Are you telling us that a few criminals can do these things in front of heavy security at Azadi stadium?
Such a simple issue is getting really out of hand and becoming major headlines. Are you OK with this? Are you okay with a citizen of Iran ''legally'' able to buy a ticket but still being blocked from going inside?

Bekhoda, yekami azaadi be mardom bedin hamin mardom posht nezaam vay mistan. Enghadr sakht migirin ke ya az keshvar farar mikonan ya badbakhta afsorde mishan nemidoonan chekar konan.

Akhe mage che eshkali dare tahte nezarat khanoomha ro be stadium ra bedan? Chera in hame moshgel saazi?
Stop the drama. This event was a huge mistake not condoned by the government. The authorities are responding. The main issue is that this should not have happened at all and someone has to pay dearly and made an example of. I'm personally furious at those responsible. IMO this is an opportunity for the authorities to set things straight..

Iran has been blocking women for decades stop being an apologist. It was relaxed under Rouhani, but still far from ideal.

Stuff like this doesn’t happen in Iran without the levers of power approval.

And any “make an example of” is just a scapegoat being punished for something that was likely a collective decision, not one person going against the grain.
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