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Iranian Chill Thread

and? thats not a crime. u know how Americans have drugs in their systems? lets stick to the law and lets not be overly emotional..where's your empathy?

that’s not a crime? What a joke “let’s stick to the law” yes the law says you cannot drive under the influence of illegal drugs like heroin and weed let alone use them and be disorderly in public. Using illegal drugs...is illegal. He was committing a DWI at the time of his arrest as well. So if he would have hit and killed someone he would be in jail for life.

No point in discussing this with you when you keep treating the man as angel.

When you don’t follow the directions of police officers you risk your life. I have been arrested in the US before and in Iran.

In US I was treated with respect as a brown person, in Iran I was stopped at gunpoint by multiple basij militiamen because I inadvertently ran a soft checkpoint when they told me to pullover. If I didnt listen there was a decent chance something bad could happen in either case.

And just in last 2 weeks you have had footage from Iran’s notorious Evin prison released that show police brutality in Iranian prison system. So let’s not act like this is a US problem. It’s a worldwide problem.

So either way follow the law and listen to the officers and don’t resist arrest and you will be fine.

it’s statistics if there is 500,000 arrests a year in USA (hypothetically) assume that 1% of arrest something goes wrong then that’s 5,000 deaths a year where someone dies getting arrested. And If minorities commit most of the violent crimes then thats thousands of minority deaths that happen per year....now you can say that racism is the cause but it’s statistics.
And just in last 2 weeks you have had footage from Iran’s notorious Evin prison released that show police brutality in Iranian prison system. So let’s not act like this is a US problem. It’s a worldwide problem.

So either way follow the law and listen to the officers and don’t resist arrest and you will be fine.

The footage from Evin (most of it doesn't show police brutality anyway) is honestly a joke compared to police violence in the US. Also, in Iran there's no comparable example of someone getting killed slowly for resisting arrest like George Floyd was.
The footage from Evin (most of it doesn't show police brutality anyway) is honestly a joke compared to police violence in the US. Also, in Iran there's no comparable example of someone getting killed slowly for resisting arrest like George Floyd was.
you know, in the US, wealth, intelligence and access have given many minorities,especially Asians, this false perception that white AMericans accept them as equals, and the COVID issue REMINDED THEM painfully that that was a lie. When you find a minority who says the following:
George floyd was a criminal
BLM are rioters (90% of BLM protest were peaceful btw)
US is the greatest county on earth
AMerica has so many minorities, it couldnt be racist.

you have to understand that their understanding is either limited or/and warped. sometimes it takes them experiencing 1 bad episode fo rthem to come out of their fantasy. My younger bro had an experience years ago to, incollege- he charmed this white girl at a Starbucks, they went back to his place, had sex. do you know this stupid white girl went and told the police my brother basically raped her??? this sht happens to many many minority men, and after that the police started harrassing my brother HARD, posting up 24/7 outside his apt. issue was that girl had a bf already ,so she had buyers remorse for her bad act. cuz he had cheated. only thing that saved my bro was that they were both sober. IF HE HAD DRANK???? OR "confessed"? omg, he'd prolly be locked up right now. this immortal dude has low-medium level of social IQ. yup, i've said it. if u hate that, then u hate the truth.
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Both of your examples thousands of blacks are dieing...at the hands of other blacks

Black on black crime is a HUGE systemic issue, but the BLM doesn’t want to address why blacks are killing each other at alarming clip. They don’t want to admit that their is high incidence of crime among their race compared to any other race (Hispanics, Asians, etc) I guess racism by “the man” drove them to kill their fellow brothers? /s

And again this is the 2nd time I have caught you lecturing me (not debating me, but lecturing me) about my own society where you are an outsider. The 1st time you sat and lectured me about Iran.....when I’m born there and Iranian. Now you are lecturing about US society when I live here and been in contact with law enforcement on occasions as a minority.

It’s pretty frustrating this behavior I am seeing from you where you accuse others of “elitist” behavior and then preach your words/viewpoint as gospel. It’s an open discussion, I am merely telling you what I am seeing here on the ground while you tell me what you think from wherever you are (Africa? Europe? I don’t remember where quite honestly).

I have already agreed with some of your points of a semi flawed justice system towards criminals who are minorities vs criminals who are whites. But you just want to sit and blame everything on racism and the reason a certain segment in society is being held back....with that type of thinking in 200 years nothing will change for blacks in America because they will still be complaining about slavery from 600 years ago.

As for reparations, with that logic Native Americans should get most of the United States back. Or with that logic Iran should sue England, Russia, and US for stealing resources and causing famines and genocide in Iran from 1900-1950 when more than 15M+ million Iranians died from famines and plundering of resources from “allied” invasions of Iran under various pretexts. Let’s not even get into the Iran-Iraq war.

My point: Life isn’t fair many countries have done awful things to their own citizens or neighbors. Either you keep complaining about the past (I’m talking about slavery here not police brutality) or you move on and try to better yourself and your people. Right now many in the AA community are thriving and doing just that while others want to sit and blame their entire problems on systemic racism and slavery.

Anyway enough of this thread has been derailed talking about a topic we don’t see eye to eye on. So I won’t address it any further.
I found these videos to be interesting. Didn't know where else to post them so I put them here.

What are your thoughts? What is Iran doing in this area if anything?

By now over 10% of Iran's population are fully vaccinated with 25% having received 1 dose.

Last week the Houthis struck a pro-Hadi base, Al Anad base, in Lahj governate in southern Yemen, killing 40. This base is very close to a vital highway intersection which leads to Aden. The Houthis have been making various gains recently in the south.

The Houthis also launched drones and ballistic missiles at Abha International Airport. The Saudis claimed several interceptions. However one drone seems to have made it through, hitting its target, wounding 8 according to Saudi sources. This was 4 days ago.

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Officially the Iranian tanker has entered the Mediterranean sea

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What can you say when every single western journal is saying KSA intercepted the missiles and this is the picture that came out from local people.

So this is an interception!!!

Free Media
Unbiased journalism
Self humiliation

And this Israeli joker, Aleph, is an OSINT:


whatever happened was with Erdogan permission.

The issue with Qiam missile (Houthis not Iranian Qiam) is that in order to reach Aramco it has had the warhead reduced by 50%.

Thus warhead impact is relatively light

This is circulating as possible impact location (more info needed)

The issue with Qiam missile (Houthis not Iranian Qiam) is that in order to reach Aramco it has had the warhead reduced by 50%.

Thus warhead impact is relatively light

This is circulating as possible impact location (more info needed)

He makes sense. One might be intercepted and there are warhead impact and booster impact and debris impact as well. Also we could have had booster versus warhead interception. That narrative I buy.

Again interception rate seems lower than the inflated 95% which was once mentioned by you and also Mohsen Reyhani.
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He makes sense. One might be intercepted and there are warhead impact and booster impact and debris impact as well. Also we could have had booster versus warhead interception. That narrative I buy.

Again interception rate seems lower than the inflated 95% which was once mentioned by you and also Mohsen Reyhani.

95% is dating back to P-Gulf War 1 mostly against SCUDs that don’t separate warhead from body which allows for very high interception rate. But Houthi’s have fired since Jan 2019 let’s say 100 BMs into Saudi Territory (not sure the exact amount).

If 10-15 have connected inside a ADS actual kill zone sphere that is still a very good interception rate. Anything above 50% is acceptable, 75% is great, 90% or more superb when it comes to ABM interception. Cruise missiles is different since BM is terminal at Mach 4-12 (depending on the missile) and the other is 300-500mph. Much more energy penalty in interceptor going after CM to make errors than in BM interceptor.

Again a similar ballistic attack took place in March 2020 and the missile evaded interception (against 2 PAC-3s I believe) and hit an open field small crater Due to warhead being less than 200kg (maybe as low as 100kg).

Iranian missiles used in Al-Assad base that impacted open terrain (runway) had moderate craters and they were carrying 750kg by comparison and using more higher chemical composition explosive for their warheads.

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