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Iranian Chill Thread

Intense fighting in Daara, southern Syria between pro-Gov forces and previously reconciled rebels who had promised to put down their arms and return to civilian life under a previous agreement a few years back. However recently tensions finally boiled over and rebels initiated a new uprising. They currently control 3 pockets in the area, each one separated and surrounded by Syrian government forces.

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During the last week, under fresh talks brokered by Russia, dozens of rebels have re-negotiated and have been taken by bus to Idlib. However there are a few holdout rebel groups who are refusing to get on buses or put down their arms. They are currently surrounded and the government is attempting to storm their positions under the cover of artillery, rockets, missiles and more. The Syrian government forces seem to be focusing on the center pocket first and foremost, in order to further isolate the remaining two pockets.

The following video clip is from 15 hours ago. You can see and hear Syrian pro-gov forces launching rockets onto rebel positions, including the infamous "elephant rockets" at the end.

Those rocket noises really are something crazy!.

I appreciate these updates by the way. Keep them up, I read them all the time :-)
How did they get themselves into that hole ? LOL It looks like a rabbit hole. Are the Israeli's starving them to death ?

I guess when you do something a lot you get good at it.

Better than Hollywood prison breaks. It makes a really good movie.

Imagine how easily they can dig up to Dimona and do sabotage.
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The El Chapo tunnel was more interesting. This is just sad. A bunch of starved prisoners barely squeezing their emaciated bodies through holes big enough for mice.

I guess when you do something a lot you get good at it.

Better than Hollywood prison breaks. It makes a really good movie.

Imagine how easy they can dig up to Dimona and do sabotage.
Just going to say shame on President Raisi, the security council, and Iranian government for standing by watching an ethnic enclave with close ties to Iranian culture fall to wahabbi terrorists. What a joke. Trading one problem (US troops) for another one (Sunni Jihadstan).

Meanwhile Pakistan is supporting backwards cavemen who look like Neanderthals. Then both sides complain about the West and how they exploit the Middle East.

I’m sure a country where people can’t even play music outside is going to be a thriving center of knowledge and technology /s
I wonder how they where able to hide all the dirt they dug out while they where tunneling?

Looks like some of them were imprisoned for about 20 years since they were almost teenagers!!!!! Woww

Five of the PIJ prisoners who escaped together with Zubeidi include Mahmoud Ardah, 46, who has been in prison since 1996, and his brother Mahmoud Ardah, 39, who has been incarcerated since 2002. The two are from the town of Arrabeh near Jenin, and are serving life sentences for carrying out terrorist attacks.

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