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Iranian Chill Thread


A deep analysis with valid points.

Since I don't concentrate on individuals, I make it short:

Some people view the glass always as half empty and take things at their worst case. Some people do the opposite.
Some people are narcissists, view themselves as highly exceptional and are disappointed by the performance and abilities of average Iranians. But this does not mean that they can't be patriots and believe in a bright future.

What patriots should do is to offer positive facts, not propaganda and let the reader decide for himself what this results in.

As far as I understand Immortal knows that there is no alternative to the IR and that its overall on the right track.

I even have hopes for people like that wordsmatter guy, just give them balanced facts instead of fighting them, their Iranian core will observe it with one eye closed.

A deep analysis with valid points.

Since I don't concentrate on individuals, I make it short:

Some people view the glass always as half empty and take things at their worst case. Some people do the opposite.
Some people are narcissists, view themselves as highly exceptional and are disappointed by the performance and abilities of average Iranians. But this does not mean that they can't be patriots and believe in a bright future.

What patriots should do is to offer positive facts, not propaganda and let the reader decide for himself what this results in.

As far as I understand Immortal knows that there is no alternative to the IR and that its overall on the right track.

I even have hopes for people like that wordsmatter guy, just give them balanced facts instead of fighting them, their Iranian core will observe it with one eye closed.

Yes, I understand what you mean, brother. Interestingly put by the way. If it is indeed a "personality" issue (as per the opening paragraph of your above message) and not the work of an actual trained hostile element trying to pass themselves off as something they aren't, then I believe your argument seems quite convincing, despite its brevity. I still believe such personalities might negatively impact others around them, even if at the end of the day their own goal might not be a sinister one (hence I believe their verbal excesses ought to be kept in check and countered), but your point certainly holds merits. I guess I would tend to be more of a "perfectionist" in this regard, in the sense that I perhaps tend to have less faith in things staying on the right track without permanent intrusive and generalized intervention. At any rate, thanks for this exchange.
He was tricked into a trap and that will likely happen again.

I was all for Zarif as Iranian orator. Now I am remorseful.
We have to look for another good orator.

The damage was also to Kerry too. This was not random event.

Another issue is who leaked it andخلخالی

This should be a hard end for five guys. Harder than Zarif.
درس عبرت

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi would be my number #1 candidate for the Job!
The most important question is if Zarif will shut up after his term or will keep throwing in his BS like Ahmadinejad or Khatami.
I don't know if there is an equivalent in Iran to the 72 hour Baker Act that can temporarily imprison someone who might be a threat to them self or others due to mental illness. Considering that one of them wanted to give Iran's strategic islands away and the other is constantly spewing diarrhea like a geyser, both of those degenerate low life barrels of feces should be put in a mental institution or at least under house arrest.
Why can't they get radioactive things put in their food instead of the Pahlevans of the nation?!
Seriously, if I wouldn't know about Irans military power and its missile forces in detail, I may would be anti-IR too, more so if my family told me so since my birth.

By the way, in my case it was my detailed knowledge about the politics of Iran's enemies, and their actions post-9/11 and particularly starting from the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, which achieved to keep my eyes open for good - and encouraged me to conduct additional independent research on Iran to realize the full extent and depth of the lies and distortions peddled by their anti-Iranian propaganda apparatus. Prior to that, I might have been a tad more hesitant with somewhat more ambivalent views that may have been subject to incrementally varying phases (but I would never ever have sympathized with any foreign-backed effort or any foreign intervention against the IR anyway).

Since then however, and increasingly so during Ahmadinejad's presidency and with the Green Movement fitna, I have no doubts left as to what side Haqq is on.

Over the past decade or so, I also gained a deeper understanding of the metaphysical dimensions of the battle we are engaged in (since I began investigating not just the superstructure, but the often occult infrastructure of our enemies' polities and centers of power), and of what really is at stake, which surpasses anything I would have been able or willing to imagine before.

So much so that I can now say it is the future of the world and of mankind which hangs in the balance, and the sincere Islamic revolutionary elements in Iran (I personally exclude the liberals from this) constitute indeed the last bastion of hope for decency and righteousness in the face of what can hardly be considered as anything else than "Ahrimans" of our time. Ya Haqq.
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Over the past decade or so, I also gained a deeper understanding of the metaphysical dimensions of the battle we are engaged in (since I began investigating not just the superstructure, but the often occult infrastructure of our enemies' polities and centers of power), and of what really is at stake, which surpasses anything I would have been able or willing to imagine before.

So much so that I can now say it is the future of the world and of mankind which hangs in the balance, and the sincere Islamic revolutionary elements in Iran (I personally exclude the liberals from this) constitute indeed the last bastion of hope for decency and righteousness in the face of what can hardly be considered as anything else than "Ahrimans" of our time. Ya Haqq.
It is interesting my friend SalarHaqq you said that ...... since I also have come to the same conclusion...and there is not an Iota of spirituality in me...but I have reached to the same conclusion that one must give serious consideration to the existence of "good" vs "Evil" forces...."Haqq" or "Batell"..."Ahriman" vs "light"....... just remember all observable universe is only 5% of the total ...the remaining 95%..humans have no idea what it is......and that is science .
PS: good to see you are back...
@PeeD Bruder, bist Du etwa auch der Meinung, daß das "gesamte System" gescheitert ist? Das ist es nämlich genau, was dieser Ami meinte, als er von "make excuses" sprach. Es erscheint mir ehrlich gesagt ein wenig überraschend, daß Du besagtem Kommentar beizupflichten schienst.

Erst vor kurzem wieder verunglimpfte der Kerl übrigens das noble iranische Volk. Siehe etwa hier:

"Typical Iranian male from that country. Too busy thinking with his dick when he is negotiating the National security of the country."

Es ist bei weitem nicht das erste Mal. Zuvor bezeichnete er iranische Frauen sui generis als "die größten Schlampen", die er "je gesehen" hätte (kann Dir gerne das Zitat bzw. einen Screenshot davon heraussuchen).

Wenn er so etwas einem authentischen iranischen Patrioten oder einem religiösen ta'sobi Landsmann gegenüber verzapft hätte, würde dieser ihm sicherlich ohne zu zögern eine gehörige Lektion erteilen. Hinterm Rechner versteckt und in den USA hockend ist es ja immer soviel einfacher.

Anderswo schreibt er:

"IR leadership gave in. And Arms embargo has been expired since October 2020 and not a single arms deal announced."

"I cannot wait till there is conservative leadership in the executive suite of the republic. Then you will see what they are going to agree to and with no Zarif or Rouhani to use as a scapegoat I will be interested to see your excuses for whoever is the next president and his admin are."


Falls Du es mir gestattest, würde ich mal wagen zu bezweifeln, daß Obenstehendes mit Deiner Sicht der Dinge übereinstimmt? Denn "Ausreden" entwirft man bekanntlich für erwiesene Fehlschläge, gewiss nicht für Erfolge. Im Gegensatz zu ihm bist Du doch wohl nicht der Auffassung, daß das System der IR in seiner Politik gescheitert ist.

Dieses Subjekt versucht folglich nur, Deine Worte und Deinen Status für seine zweifelhalte Agenda zu missbrauchen. Laß es bitte nicht zu.


@Hormuz Geschätzter Bruder, zunächst einmal ein großes Dankeschön für Deine freundlichen Worte, als ich abwesend war.

Nun würd ich Dich falls möglich gern etwas fragen wollen. Und versteh mich bitte nicht falsch, doch ich kann schwer nachvollziehen, inwiefern Du Gefallen finden konntest an einem Kommentar vom diesem Ami, wo er iranische Männer als Perverse charakterisiert? Bitte lies Dir den Beitrag nochmal durch: es sind keinesfalls nur die reformistischen bzw. moderaten Würdenträger, welche er hier anvisiert, sondern er verallgemeinert klipp und klar über alle einheimischen männlichen Iraner, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Ich find's erstaunlich, daß tatsächlich nur wenige außer mir dieses Subjekt als das, was es ist, identifizieren können. Oder aber meine Definition von Patriotismus ist eine andere als die der iranischen Mitglieder auf diesem Forum. Ein Typ beschimpft regelmäßig das iranische Volk sowie die Mütter iranischer Forum-Nutzer, versucht immer wieder, zionistische und US-Propaganda gegen den Iran zu rechtfertigen, ist dann obendrauf auch noch bemüht, sich als iranischen "Patrioten" auszugeben, und rein niemand stellt sich ihm entgegen... Schon sehr bizarr, wenn man mich fragt. Solch ein Ambiente ist leider definitiv nicht meins bzw. ich kann sowas einfach nicht ernst nehmen. Da sind meine Werte, meine kulturellen Wurzeln sowie meine Vorstellung von einer patriotischen bzw. revolutionären Gemeinschaft schon Welten entfernt von dem, was sich hier abspielt.

Dies ist folglich mit ein Grund, weshalb ich nicht mehr so gerne an den hiesigen Diskussionen teilnehme - jedoch nicht der einzige, ein weiterer wäre zum Beispiel das ständige Lästern über unseren verehrten Revolutionsführer, welches hier von gewissen Nutzern systematisch und methodisch gefördert wird, ganz "nach Plan". Wenn man sich als Patrioten bezeichnet, dann muß man wirklich nicht den geringsten Peil von der Realität haben, um solch eine kurzsichtige, naive Sichtweise zu vertreten, oder aber man muß mit den primitivsten laizistisch-antiklerikalen Vorurteilen (allesamt aus dem zionistisch-dominierten Westen importiert) behaftet sein.

Schließlich und vor allem aber fehlt mir neuerdings einfach nur die Zeit, um aktiv mitzuwirken. Unterm Strich besuche ich diese Seite noch hin und wieder, um die neuesten Nachrichten zum Thema iranisches Militär zu erfahren, sowie um eine Runde über den irreleitenden Schmarrn zu lachen, den gewisse Subjekte hier von sich geben.

Bleibt zu hoffen, daß sich ein zukünftiges iranisches Forum für Beleidigungen gegen die iranische Nation weniger tolerant zeigen und offensichtliche Störelemente und Infiltratoren auszuschließen wissen wird.

Mach's gut, Bruder.

Hallo lieber Bruder,

es freut mich sehr dass es dir gut geht und du wieder zurück bist.
Ich weiß welchen Beitrag du meinst und ich verstehe mich auch nicht so gut mit dem Ami, obwohl ich mancher seiner Beiträge zustimme. Bruder ich hab ein Problem das sind meine Emotionen, obwohl ich ein kalkulierter Mensch bin kommen meine Emotionen immer wieder hoch wenn es um unser Land geht.
Ich hab in den Beiträgen voher das Interview von Zarif gehört und es hat mich echt entäuscht (auch wenn er ein Remformist ist und eher dem Westen zugehörig), dass er über unseren geliebten Mätyrer so gesprochen hat. Er hätte sich es niemals getraut so zu reden oder seine Meinnung so zu aüßern, als HAj Qassem noch am Leben war. Zarif hat zwar nicht direkt etwas schlechtes gesagt, aber die Art wie hat mich gestört.
Ich hab den Beitrag eher aus Trotz und Wut geliket. Wenn irgendwelche Politiker oder Männer pevers sind, dann eher die in den USA und Europa. Es gibt so viele Skandale im Westen wegen Missbrauch von Frauen und Kindern.
Aber du hast recht und ich bin ein Mensch ich sehe Fehler immer ein und falls ich die verärgert habe oder andere Brüder hier, dann tut es mir vom Herzen leid. Meine so wie fast alle iranischen Familien haben Blut und Tränen für dieses Land gegeben. Es verärgert mich nur sehr, wenn ich dann unsere Politiker sehe, die unseren Mätyrern in den Rücken fallen.
Ich werde das "Gefällt mir" von dem Beitrag weg machen.
Ich finde leider den Beitrag nicht kannst du mir sagen wo der ist?

Liebe Grüße Bruder

Will moch was hinzufügen, unzwar die Person war zwar nicht Zarif auf dem Foto, aber die gehören zu einer politischen Elite und Gruppe. Und für mich sind alle diese Menschen unserem Land und den Mätyrern in den Rücken gefallen.
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It is interesting my friend SalarHaqq you said that ...... since I also have come to the same conclusion...and there is not an Iota of spirituality in me...but I have reached to the same conclusion that one must give serious consideration to the existence of "good" vs "Evil" forces...."Haqq" or "Batell"..."Ahriman" vs "light"....... just remember all observable universe is only 5% of the total ...the remaining 95%..humans have no idea what it is......and that is science .
PS: good to see you are back...

Salutes, brother.

I completely catch your drift. I have been advocating this all along: Islamic Iran can reach out to everyone, no matter their religion, ideology or beliefs - with the exception, of course, of those who embrace or worship obvious evil. We are past such narrow-minded considerations, given what is at stake. The Holy Qur'an does not prohibit us from allying with non-Muslims either. What it explicitly warns of, is alliance with a Judeo-Christian coalition (i.e. not Jews per se and not Christian per se, but a political grouping of nations and power centers pertaining to the traditional geographical realms of these two religions)... It could not be more obvious, in my opinion.

Plus, our enemies are (still) playing the divide & rule game in order to neutralize us. Let's not give them the opportunity. Despite the fact that in certain posts, you appeared to be sceptical about Iran's official religion - if I'm not mistaken, and please forgive me if I'm wrong, you nonetheless opened that sublime thread on technological progress of Islamic nations in the other section of the forum, in order to bring us closer together... And this is exactly what our enemies are wary of. Kudos to you, and may Allah (swt) guide you onto the right path, and may he forgive our sins. Agar mazhabi nisti, āzādeh bāsh.

Although of course, as a Muslim I shall never compromise on my own faith, nor allow it to be diluted into some oecumenical, "Noahide" universal belief system for goys, designed and managed by "you-know-who"... However, that doesn't mean we should not be intelligent enough to ally ourselves with sincere people regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. For we have common enemies, enemies which seek to uproot, enslave and devour all of us.

As long someone believes in natural law (i.e. elementary morals and values) and reckon how this is truly a battle of Right against Wrong that Islamic Iran is spearheading, they are welcome as a brother in humanity and ethics (which to me, ultimately stem from God).

If I may, I would encourage you to explore this spiritual dimension you discovered. Inshallah it will lead you closer to God.

Take care, dear friend.


Hallo lieber Bruder,

es freut mich sehr dass es dir gut geht und du wieder zurück bist.
Ich weiß welchen Beitrag du meinst und ich verstehe mich auch nicht so gut mit dem Ami, obwohl ich mancher seiner Beiträge zustimme. Bruder ich hab ein Problem das sind meine Emotionen, obwohl ich ein kalkulierter Mensch bin kommen meine Emotionen immer wieder hoch wenn es um unser Land geht.

Mein lieber Bruder, mir ergeht es ebenso, keine Sorge. Andernfalls hätte ich Dich auch gar nicht drauf angesprochen. Hauptsache, unsere Motivationen (niyat) sind rein. Alles andere ist sekundär, wenngleich nicht unbedingt unwichtig.

falls ich die verärgert habe oder andere Brüder hier, dann tut es mir vom Herzen leid.

Keineswegs, Bruder. Ich war bloß neugierig, wohlwissend, daß ich etwas versäumt haben könnte. Allwissend ist nur unser Herr, Allah (swt). Ich danke Dir somit für Deine Erläuterungen, die ich als durchaus logisch erachte.

Meine so wie fast alle iranischen Familien haben Blut und Tränen für dieses Land gegeben..

Möge Gott Deine Angehörigen sowie Dich segnen, mein Freund.

Ich werde das "Gefällt mir" von dem Beitrag weg machen.

Ich finde leider den Beitrag nicht kannst du mir sagen wo der ist?

Laß gut sein, Bruder :) . Ich bitte Dich um Entschuldigung, falls meine Frage Dich verunsichert haben sollte, dies war wirklich nicht meine Absicht.

Außerdem hat unser geschätzter Bruder PeeD mich mittlerweile so ziemlich davon überzeugt, daß auch der sogenannte "Ami" nicht zwingend schlechte Absichten hat, und daß er als Iraner auch seine Chance verdient, sich nach und nach uns anzuschließen, etwaiger komplizierter Charaktereigenschaften zum Trotz. Ich denke, ich gebe PeeD weitgehend recht.

Also belassen wir es am besten dabei. Danke dennoch für Deine Worte.

Will moch was hinzufügen, unzwar die Person war zwar nicht Zarif auf dem Foto, aber die gehören zu einer politischen Elite und Gruppe. Und für mich sind alle diese Menschen unserem Land und den Mätyrern in den Rücken gefallen.

Ich sehe das genau so wie Du. So Gott will, wird der Spuk diesen Sommer aber endlich ein Ende haben, mit der Wahl eines patriotischen und islamisch-revolutionären Präsidenten! Inshallah. Nur noch zwei bis drei Monate wären abzuwarten, Geduld mein Freund, Geduld. Allah (swt) ist mit den Sāberin.

Dir auch liebe Grüsse, Bruder.
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Over the past decade or so, I also gained a deeper understanding of the metaphysical dimensions of the battle we are engaged in (since I began investigating not just the superstructure, but the often occult infrastructure of our enemies' polities and centers of power), and of what really is at stake, which surpasses anything I would have been able or willing to imagine before.

So much so that I can now say it is the future of the world and of mankind which hangs in the balance, and the sincere Islamic revolutionary elements in Iran (I personally exclude the liberals from this) constitute indeed the last bastion of hope for decency and righteousness in the face of what can hardly be considered as anything else than "Ahrimans" of our time. Ya Haqq
Would you be able to elaborate more on this ?
It is shocking that this moron is still allowed to complete his term as FM. He must be impeached immediately.

Neither would I have any issues with this. However I never saw that specific user criticize Iranians living abroad. He basically only insults (rather than criticizes, I would say) Iranians back home.

See brother, your comment right here highlights the subtle yet decisive difference between that user's antics and your healthy (self-)critical outlook. Here you clearly made use of nuanced, differentiating semantics: "some politicians inside Iran", "typical low culture Iranian male" - not "typical Iranian male" sui generis, as that user wrote. You're thinking of a specific category within Iranian society, the user however is thinking Iranian society as a whole.

In my opinion, his categorical generalizations exceed the boundaries of the sort of legitimate self-reflection you are referring to. A patriot in his right mind for instance would never say "Iranian women are the biggest whores I have ever seen", because:

1) It's simply not true, and every "patriot" ought to know it. Especially if that person resides and has grown up in the land that is the source and cause of the prevailing global sexual degeneracy and perversion, i.e. the USA, and is most affected by it too. It is simply preposterous to pretend such a thing, when it is plain obvious that there are masses of decent, chaste religious women in Iran, and when their proportions by far exceed those of their equivalents in western countries.

2) It is insulting. You are talking of your own kin, even if you want to lament the misbehaviour of some amongst them, you will use different terminology and show some akhlagh, not behave like some foul mouthed American insulting other nations. This does not reflect the Iranian culture and upbringing I am familiar with, but rather a westernized, neurotic type of attitude if not a deeply hostile one.

Let me give you another example: in his recent exchange of insults with "Dariush the Great", the user under discussion claimed he would hit the latter's "ugly Persian nose"... Seriously? Ethnic slurs against one's own people by a supposed patriot? Now I wouldn't be able to follow anyone on this if they argued that such language too is admissible between patriots. I have only ever witnessed this sort of thing among the ghettoized, uprooted and oppressed Black American population. But this user is from an entirely different social-economic background. Looking around, I have never encountered tolerance for this particular sort of rhetoric among patriotic elements of any nationality anywhere, to be honest.

Thanks for your confirmation. Then may I also invite you to consider henceforth that individual's comments about the JCPoA and about Iranian foreign policy in general, which he seeks to portray as failures or symbols of weakness and incompetence all around (if the examples I quoted do not suffice).

In short, you are of the opinion (please correct me if I'm wrong) that reformists / moderates and revolutionaries in Iran act overall in concert or in conformity with each other, and that this mutual interplay has largely been a success that has strengthened Iran's position in the international and domestic arenas, served her interests and is securing her future.

This individual however is trying to suggest to Iranian users here that both political camps are utter losers and failures. Indeed, as we know, the user repeatedly comes up with his rant about the JCPoA supposedly being the "Supreme Leader's deal" (an incorrect analysis in my opinion, as I believe it was forced upon the Supreme Leader, who did not like to acquiesce to it and has a very different vision for Iran's future development, but saw himself obliged to do so in order to avoid civil war; the liberals most of the time do have the means and will to threaten triggering civil war or to threaten the stability of the entire system in a game of brinkmanship and political extortion against the Leader, much like they tried to do in 2009 - but my personal take does not stand to debate here).

Now, whenever this individual comes up with that particular talking point, he always does so in response to those of us who consider the JCPoA either as an act of treason or as a grave political mistake, and as the brainchild and flagship project of the sole liberal camp. And what does he then respond? He doesn't claim that the JCPoA, while having been conceived jointly by both factions within the system, is actually anything but a sign of systemic policy failure or weakness, like you would argue. No. Instead, this individual will only express the first part of the proposition, and never claims he does not consider it a failure. As if to say: "you people who scapegoat the liberals should in fact realize that the entire IR is guilty of what you accuse the liberals of. You are right to be angry / disappointed / etc, but you should direct this at the IR in general, not just at the liberals within the system" (he also spells out this sort of idea quite explicitly, by the way).

This is consistent with his rhetoric about corruption, where at every mention of the malpractice of liberal officials (under whose rule, during Hashemi Rafsanjani's presidency, significant levels of corruption were actually introduced for the first time in the IR), the individual in question will jump in to portray the IRGC and revolutionary forces as "equally corrupt". He repeatedly labelled Iran (sui generis, with no differentiation) as a "mafia society". The way I see it, the person has nothing much positive to say about the IR (and not even about Iran), and it seems to me their aim is to prevent users from identifying the liberal camp as the actual faulty one, only to encourage them to oppose the system as a whole.

The user's propensity to take US and zionist propaganda at face value is another aspect I find disturbing. On key events and issues, the user treats zio-American sources as trustworthy while dismissing Iranian ones. When things aren't too clear, the user will more often than not favor the enemy's narrative over Iran's. He even quoted the Kuwaiti Al-Jarida newspaper recently to support his assertion that sardar Hejazi has been assassinated. This is while informed observers are fully aware that Al-Jarida is nothing but a Mossad front used to disseminate fake news, either for psy-ops reasons or to communicate cryptic messages to local agents or associated services. It is the same newspaper which claimed that zionist F-35's had overflown Iran unhindered (a claim the user ironically rejects), and many other such obvious fabrications. Zionists do not even seek to hide the fact that Al-Jarida is a fake news outlet, and some of them even indirectly admit as much. Yet to that user, it is good enough a source. However if Al-Jarida carries the story, chances are that it is not factual, in reality. And posts like that get "liked" by some members who are just not sufficiently informed and therefore fall prey to whatever is being put to them.

Lastly, the user treated sardar Hajizadeh, whom I believe you rightfully appreciate - as every patriotic Iranian with a sound understanding of reality should, as a "liar", adding: "I recognize a liar when I see one".

I'll leave it at that. To each his opinion, afterall. Regards.
Good to see you back Salar joon. That guy is a clown and i smelled his rat behaviour from behind the screen already :lol:... the examples you gave are spot on. I also don't know why he is so hostile to strangers on a public discussion forum. It seems he is suffering from inferiority complex or he is simply without a father and mother ( bi pedar madar in parsi).

I disagree with you about the Khamenei/civil war point though.
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Again on Zarif

He might have spend most of his life in the U.S and is not a military expert either. So his view on U.S military superiority or Israels 200 strikes on "Iranian targets" can be excused, because it is indeed a miracle that a 700 billion military can be deterred by a 20 billion military. I grant him the doubt, because it really makes no conventional sense.

But has anyone asked why Qalibaf wanted him as foreign minister?
Why is he approved and respected by the Supreme Leader?

He may have a somewhat western influenced logic but he is neither a neo-liberal nor a reformist in my eyes.

People ignore details like him saying that the murder of Gen. Soleymani was equal to the U.S neutralizing a whole Iranian city.

His only flaw is that he is not a military expert and thus overestimate U.S military power based on its huge budget and legacy.
Here my two bit about Zarif

He is naive and his education in the US works against him...he truly believes in the rule of law and human decency...the people who he negotiates with they verbalize those values but do not act upon them...this is where he falls short....he can not smell the rat in those people...he would make a great envoy for a country like Canada...beautiful smile, charm and international appeal....but what is done is done he must be allowed to do his best and no one should call him a traitor...(his boss is another story!!)..history will judge him accordingly .
Möge Gott Deine Angehörigen sowie Dich segnen, mein Freund.

Danke lieber Bruder dein auch.

Laß gut sein, Bruder :) . Ich bitte Dich um Entschuldigung, falls meine Frage Dich verunsichert haben sollte, dies war wirklich nicht meine Absicht.

Nein keineswegs ich liebe es, wenn man mich kritisiert (natürlich konstruktive Kritik), denn so kann ich wachsen und lernen. Deswegen danke ich dir, dass du mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht hast.

Ich sehe das genau so wie Du. So Gott will, wird der Spuk diesen Sommer aber endlich ein Ende haben, mit der Wahl eines patriotischen und islamisch-revolutionären Präsidenten! Inshallah. Nur noch zwei bis drei Monate wären abzuwarten, Geduld mein Freund, Geduld. Allah (swt) ist mit den Sāberin.

Ja mein Bruder. inshAllah wird es so kommen. Alle planen aber ALLAH plant am besten.
TheImmortal has come a long way. I remember that early on he was so anti-Iran or at least anti-IR on this forum, that I basically ignored him.
Instead of arguing with him, he slowly saw the news about Irans military and other things and changed his totally-anti-Iran stance.

Incorrect analysis. I have never been “anti-Iran” I don’t know how anyone who invests in Iran can be considered “anti Iran” or has had family members in the IRGC serve in the war could be considered that. I been on these boards going back to IMF days which some of these “fly by night” accounts that popped up in last 1-2 years have no idea what it even was.

I digress, unfortunately I do rub people the wrong way by not drinking the “kool aid” and “rah rah Iran” and everything is fine and wonderful much like you what Pakistan fanboys on this forum talk in almost delusional lengths about how great Pakistan is and how formidable it is and how everything is one big conspiracy to bring down Pakistan, a sign of detachment from reality.

And here lies the difference between myself and some of the older gen Iranians on this board vs those seeking refuge in Germany or Canada and telling Iranians back in our homeland what form of hardship they should accept. It’s a bit hypocritical to say the least. I been attacked for having dual citizenship ship and “carrying US flags” (I don’t see where these flags are but my assumption now is some type of flags are displayed on the PC version fo this site) mostly from a couple members living in EU or Canada. Again hypocritical.

As for “anti-IR”, my personal experience with the government I am indifferent. It’s irrelevant at this point my opinion, as IR is the government we have and must work with. While it may not be perfect and certainly has its own flaws changing a government in 21st century usually leads to chaos and Iran would be no exception being multi-ethnic and having made a lot of enemies (Arabs/Israeli/EU/etc). At worst it would lead to Balkanization of the country and its destruction for next 100 years similar to the fall of Afghanistan to Taliban.

What I don’t like seeing is those sowing division by blaming everything on one man (in this particular case Zarif) or calling him a traitor because he studied in US while those same people are studying in a Canada or Germany because....they couldn’t get their foot on to US soil. Again hypocritical to say the least. As for Zarif I am not fan of him, but the man has the task of foreign minister in a challenging environment and has done it to the best of his ability. I think him being a Western Educated Technocrat has helped him reshape Iran’s image a bit after the outspokenness of Ahmadinejad era.

But as someone who myself and family (both close and far) have extensive experience in Iran the good, bad, and ugly we have seen. This being a public forum with many eyes going into detail is not possible. People can believe what they want to believe, but not going to put sensitive information on a open forum.

However, sowing division within society that is increasingly fractionalized will backfire, just look at US society today where politicians blamed the other side for the problems so much that today US society is more fractionalized today than at any point since slavery and Jim Crow laws were around. I see the same starting to happen in Iranian politics where during presidential debates it becomes a game to expose the others corruptness within the Republic. These actions have long term ramifications.

Nonetheless, Long ago I accepted not needing to defend myself from western living Iranians who haven’t even owned a car in Iran much less done business, but want to lecture me on Iran (at one point I had a member who wasn’t even Iranian try to lecture me on the country quite hilarious).

Your comment about your parents and their viewpoint of Iran not influencing you sums up what I am referring to regarding these specific other members of this board (not you, but them). They lack the street and business experience being first hand their. The iran they know is from their parents or what they read. At best a 1-2 month vacation every x amount of years.

I admit I talk brash, I insult back when insulted, and I do take the opposing viewpoint many times in order to provide both sides of the spectrum and prevent this board into becoming one big echo chamber.

Anyway I thought I owed it to you to clear up your misconceptions about me as you seem to be one of the few on this board that talks in a non-biased way. As always your military related insights is quite appreciated.

I wish this board would focus more on military aspects instead of delving into politics so much. As always politics is a sensitive subject anywhere in the world.
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