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Iranian Chill Thread

by the looks of it Iran is making sum serious preparations in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how biden reacts to an Iranian attack. Iran shud make sure to hold its horses for a month as thats wats left of trump.

For Iran, if it attacks, it shud be very serious and not a slap. Slap hasnt deterred the insolent zionists. Iran shud give a single monumental attack worthy of a shockwave across the region. Iran shud also change the rules of Engagement stating "if Zion targets any of its elements in anywhere in the region including syria, then Iran will respond with attack against Zion mainland each time".

Im actually curious as to what iranian response might be. What will they target? If they launch missiles into Zion, what might be the targets to destroy?

Also on the subject of Iraq, if theres discussion about Punishing Trump and Mr. Pompous, then why turn a blind eye on Kadhimi? That moron was also allegedly involved. In fact , it was that moron who allegedly passed on the information. I think he had his eye on PM ship all along. That Moron shud also be held accountable for sulaymani murder. Why isnt Iran planning actions against it ?

Kadhimi is perhaps more responsible than even the Americans and now he's acting arrogantly towards the PMU which literally saved Iraqi A s s when isis was about to take baghdad over. Have they all forgotten it ? Kadhimi must be punished. Iraqi traitors must be punished as much as the Americans because it was Sulaymani and Pmu who saved them wen Isis was on their doorstep and taking over.


The response has to be measured but also sufficiently big enough in order to re-established some level of credible deterrence that is backed up by a new engagement policy, one that sees Israel being directly bombed for any aggressive action they partake in whether, justified or not.

I've said this before and will so tirelessly say again, the issue of Iran openly confronting Israel was never and is not one of technical ability but political will and courage. We know that the Americans and Israelis will most likely step-up their assassinations in Iran if their is a kinetic exchange that is sustained but on that same-note, Israel itself will be made to endure actual real world catastrophic losses it cannot easily recover from when the IRGC Aerospace missile forces start to obliterate sensitive national assets in Israel proper.

A part of me wants to see Israel get what it so rightly deserves but another part of me also wants Iran to "take the high-road" as it were. America's power and standing, both regionally in MENA and the world at large has been greatly to significantly (or at least somewhat) diminished. If Iran can weather the storm for now, then who's to say that just simply biding one's time, Iran will eventually come out on top.

Iran has been wise to hold off any response that gives Israel and its cronies in Washington the ability to mobilize the US and its military.

Iran has correctly concluded that its deterrence capabilities have largely been nullified under Trump, as his administration (under the influence of wealthy billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson) has unprecedentedly placed dozens of anti-Iran ideologists (like Pompeo, Haspel, Ezra-Watnick Cohen, Michael D' Andrea, Elliot Abrams, etc) in the upper echelon of the US government and its intelligence agencies.

This has changed the entire ballgame.

It basically means that the US government and its intelligence agencies have been hijacked by determined anti-Iran hardliners who are willing to overlook Iran's military capabilities, which under rational conditions would deter any power from taking risky actions that might trigger a war (such as assassinating Soleimani). Their willingness to go to great lengths to provoke Iran to undertake a response that, if Iran would be so foolish to do so, would give them the perfect casus belli is clear.

Even though these ideologists have infiltrated the relevant security institutions in the US, for them to trigger a conflict with a power like Iran would still need the approval of the US public, and more importantly...the Pentagon. If Iran would lash out, and a significant amount of American soldiers would be killed in any attack, the calls to respond (propagated by US media) would pressure even the war-weary US DoD to act.

This has placed Iran in a very tight spot. Unwillingness to respond to actions by US/Israel that clearly defy the unofficial but relevant rules of of the game makes Iran look weak. On the other hand, any overt response by Iran carries the risk that it would fall in the trap that Israel and its henchmen in Washington have laid out.

For this reason, how painful it might be, it is wise that Iran is grudgingly holding off and is bidding its time. The incoming Biden administration will again change the entire ballgame (for the better), and Iran will respond accordingly.

To some this strategy might showcase weakness and fearfulness. On the contrary I would say, it is exactly this flexible posture by Iran that demonstrates its acuteness and strategic maturity. Iran's ability to correctly read the playing field and consequently adjust its actions upon the current state of the play is the reason why it is being feared.

This old Asian adage perfectly sums it up:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
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can you please describe it. Im very interested to know. Please. The force is definitely with Iran. Iran represents the force.
I can remember a picture that was posted here at some point,sadly I cant remember exactly when and I`m pretty sure I dont have a copy sadly.This showed one of the very first scuds being prepared for firing,the most unbelievable thing about it was that the fuel was being loaded by hand using buckets,one bucket full at a time!.
What was almost as shocking to see was that because of the length of time that was being taken the heat inside the protective suits that the people doing the bucketing were wearing would`ve become literally unbearable,this lead to the them stripping them down to the waist.This basically removed any protection that the suit would`ve offered,indeed it actually made it worse as due to the impermiability of the suit any fuel that was spilt on the unfortunate individual would`ve pooled in the lower legs of the suit and essentialy been trapped there in constant contact with the persons feet and calves etc..

I suspect that this was probably one of the libyan supplied scuds as I had heard that they were deliberately supplied without certain critical pieces of equipment.
I can remember a picture that was posted here at some point,sadly I cant remember exactly when and I`m pretty sure I dont have a copy sadly.This showed one of the very first scuds being prepared for firing,the most unbelievable thing about it was that the fuel was being loaded by hand using buckets,one bucket full at a time!.
What was almost as shocking to see was that because of the length of time that was being taken the heat inside the protective suits that the people doing the bucketing were wearing would`ve become literally unbearable,this lead to the them stripping them down to the waist.This basically removed any protection that the suit would`ve offered,indeed it actually made it worse as due to the impermiability of the suit any fuel that was spilt on the unfortunate individual would`ve pooled in the lower legs of the suit and essentialy been trapped there in constant contact with the persons feet and calves etc..

I suspect that this was probably one of the libyan supplied scuds as I had heard that they were deliberately supplied without certain critical pieces of equipment.
I know the picture you are talking about and I believe it was years ago in the other IMF forum moderated by catsoo. I remember being absolutely shocked by it. In fact, it was a montage from 1986, 2011 & another date, maybe 2016. It is possible it was posted here because that forum went under before 2016. If it's here, it would be buried way back. Maybe Soheil or someone might have the actual image?
Iran has been wise to hold off any response that gives Israel and its cronies in Washington the ability to mobilize the US and its military.

Iran has correctly concluded that its deterrence capabilities have largely been nullified under Trump, as his administration (under the influence of wealthy billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson) has unprecedentedly placed dozens of anti-Iran ideologists (like Pompeo, Haspel, Ezra-Watnick Cohen, Michael D' Andrea, Elliot Abrams, etc) in the upper echelon of the US government and its intelligence agencies.

This has changed the entire ballgame.

It basically means that the US government and its intelligence agencies have been hijacked by determined anti-Iran hardliners who are willing to overlook Iran's military capabilities, which under rational conditions would deter any power from taking risky actions that might trigger a war (such as assassinating Soleimani). Their willingness to go to great lengths to provoke Iran to undertake a response that, if Iran would be so foolish to do so, would give them the perfect casus belli is clear.

Even though these ideologists have infiltrated the relevant security institutions in the US, for them to trigger a conflict with a power like Iran would still need the approval of the US public, and more importantly...the Pentagon. If Iran would lash out, and a significant amount of American soldiers would be killed in any attack, the calls to respond (propagated by US media) would pressure even the war-weary US DoD to act.

This has placed Iran in a very tight spot. Unwillingness to respond to actions by US/Israel that clearly defy the unofficial but relevant rules of of the game makes Iran look weak. On the other hand, any overt response by Iran carries the risk that it would fall in the trap that Israel and its henchmen in Washington have laid out.

For this reason, how painful it might be, it is wise that Iran is grudgingly holding off and is bidding its time. The incoming Biden administration will again change the entire ballgame (for the better), and Iran will respond accordingly.

To some this strategy might showcase weakness and fearfulness. On the contrary I would say, it is exactly this flexible posture by Iran that demonstrates its acuteness and strategic maturity. Iran's ability to correctly read the playing field and consequently adjust its actions upon current the state of the play is the reason why it is being feared.

This old Asian adage perfectly sums it up:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
Weren’t you and @Shapur Zol Aktaf were pro Israel I wonder what @Abii would say?!
If you divide my past comments in different grades, 80% of my comments were anti-Israel, 20% Israel-neutral. 100% of my comments have been against international zionism.
The Iranian nationalist or shah supporters or the fake nationalists are still consider Israel as their friend and they used to live in denial like @Abii
The Iranian nationalist or shah supporters or the fake nationalists are still consider Israel as their friend and they used to live in denial like @Abii
Even abii changed after killing of Soleimani, be sided with Iran wishing for revenge. Israel is born by terrorism and creating insecurity. Their economy is also connected to insecurity of the world. So they will do their best to create unrest and war in middle east to offer security services to their arab puppets.
Furthermore they will not agree with 2 state solution because they want eretz-Israel.
How do you know Abii? He has not shown up in years.
I dont know him. Maybe he has a new account here.
How do you know Abii? He has not shown up in years.
Even abii changed after killing of Soleimani, be sided with Iran wishing for revenge. Israel is born by terrorism and creating insecurity. Their economy is also connected to insecurity of the world. So they will do their best to create unrest and war in middle east to offer security services to their arab puppets.
Furthermore they will not agree with 2 state solution because they want eretz-Israel.

I dont know him. Maybe he has a new account here.
But how did you know abii changed when he was banned since 2015?! But his ban is lifted now
Yea Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville has a lot of Halal options as compared to the rest of Florida. Only place that rivals it is Miami.
There a lot of options ithrough out Orlando and in Tampa too with a whole bunch clustered near USF. The whole I-4 corridor from I-75 to I-95 probably has a halal grocery within a ~20-30 mile radius; also cosco and mainstream big chain sometimes sells halal products like lamb.
Iran has been wise to hold off any response that gives Israel and its cronies in Washington the ability to mobilize the US and its military.

Iran has correctly concluded that its deterrence capabilities have largely been nullified under Trump, as his administration (under the influence of wealthy billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson) has unprecedentedly placed dozens of anti-Iran ideologists (like Pompeo, Haspel, Ezra-Watnick Cohen, Michael D' Andrea, Elliot Abrams, etc) in the upper echelon of the US government and its intelligence agencies.

This has changed the entire ballgame.

It basically means that the US government and its intelligence agencies have been hijacked by determined anti-Iran hardliners who are willing to overlook Iran's military capabilities, which under rational conditions would deter any power from taking risky actions that might trigger a war (such as assassinating Soleimani). Their willingness to go to great lengths to provoke Iran to undertake a response that, if Iran would be so foolish to do so, would give them the perfect casus belli is clear.

Even though these ideologists have infiltrated the relevant security institutions in the US, for them to trigger a conflict with a power like Iran would still need the approval of the US public, and more importantly...the Pentagon. If Iran would lash out, and a significant amount of American soldiers would be killed in any attack, the calls to respond (propagated by US media) would pressure even the war-weary US DoD to act.

This has placed Iran in a very tight spot. Unwillingness to respond to actions by US/Israel that clearly defy the unofficial but relevant rules of of the game makes Iran look weak. On the other hand, any overt response by Iran carries the risk that it would fall in the trap that Israel and its henchmen in Washington have laid out.

For this reason, how painful it might be, it is wise that Iran is grudgingly holding off and is bidding its time. The incoming Biden administration will again change the entire ballgame (for the better), and Iran will respond accordingly.

To some this strategy might showcase weakness and fearfulness. On the contrary I would say, it is exactly this flexible posture by Iran that demonstrates its acuteness and strategic maturity. Iran's ability to correctly read the playing field and consequently adjust its actions upon current the state of the play is the reason why it is being feared.

This old Asian adage perfectly sums it up:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
100% agree. Would also add that the main reason for why Zionists want to escalate the situation is because Irans advancements is accelerating. Meaning the odds keep improving in Iran’s favor for every time lapse. The longer Zionists wait for a conflict, the more unlikely it is that they will achieve their objectives. That is why they want force Iran for an immediate retaliation.

personally I think Iran will stop tolerating meddling as soon as frequent satellite launching from Leo to Geo level is achieved. The deterrence level will then be absolute.
100% agree. Would also add that the main reason for why Zionists want to escalate the situation is because Irans advancements is accelerating. Meaning the odds keep improving in Iran’s favor for every time lapse. The longer Zionists wait for a conflict, the more unlikely it is that they will achieve their objectives. That is why they want force Iran for an immediate retaliation.

personally I think Iran will stop tolerating meddling as soon as frequent satellite launching from Leo to Geo level is achieved. The deterrence level will then be absolute.

Correct. Their window of strategic opportunity diminishes with every year passing. It would be an understatement of epic proportions to say that the Trump administration have been a godsend to Israel. The degree of institutional penetration of the anti-Iran hardliners in the US have totally blurred the prevailing balance of power. This will soon change.
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