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Iranian Chill Thread

be nazaram oonayi ke iran ro bi heysiat kardan na yek maghale balke dozdi ha va khianat ha nezaam hast. in nezaam bude ke aabroo iran ro borde... shayad un maghale 100 bar khoonde shode bashe too kolle jahan. vali miliard-ha ensaan bi orzegi va badbakhtiye masulin keshvaremun ro didan. donya globalize shode hast.. chizi ro vaghean nemishe penhoon kard.
من صحبتم درباره جهان نبود، درباره پی دی اف بود​
من صحبتم درباره جهان نبود، درباره پی دی اف بود​
be nazare man chizi dar maghale ke post karde budam eshteba nabud.. begheir az oon esme ghollabi ke estefade shode hamechi digash dorost bud.
Syrian Kurds say goodbye to Americans with rocks..lol when are they going to realize that Syrians had enough of their "Democracy".. why don't they go home and eat their "freedom fries"":sarcastic:

the reason is that the americans made a lot of promises to them and the kurds believed them. now they don't need the kurds anymore cause there is no chance assad will go, so don't give a shit about what the had promised. we don't have to forget that the separatist kurds ( in turkey, syria and iraq) have close relations with the zionists and the u.s.
the kurdish people in syria are mad that the u.s. is leaving them without fullfil their commitments. it's not because they are sick and tired of them. the u.s. and zionist did the same with pejak and pkk. last one has still good ties with zionist.
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did not know if Iran still trusts India with anything..but here it is..
Iran, India to Hold Virtual B2B Meetings to Boost Mutual Trade
IFP Editorial Staff
December 28, 2020

Iranian and Indian high-tech companies are to hold virtual business-to-business (B2B) meetings in order to boost mutual cooperation in the fields of trade and technology.
The online B2B meetings will be held between Iranian and Indian technological firms under the auspices of the Centre for International Interactions on Science and Technology of the Iranian Presidential Office’s Science and Technology Department.
Iranian and Indian knowledge-based and technological firms working in the fields of civil engineering and construction, automobile and related industries, composite and advanced materials industries, polymer industries and products, herbal and industrial medicines industries, health and medical equipment, information technology and animation can take part in the event.
The meetings aim to promote Iran-India trade and technological transactions.
The event kicks off on January 31, 2021, and the companies interested have until January 11 to register.
For more information, you may visit the following website: www.tesc.ir
Xmas shopping in Iran..Iran has one of the oldest and largest Christian communities in middle east . They are also very patriotic Iranians.

It is on its way but we have too many leaks so not clear if we can continue it

موشک های برد کوتاه آرش و هواپیماهای بدون سرنشین سپاه
در عراق

We already have Iraqi delegation here in Tehran protesting Not use there airspace, After being briefed and giving intelligence images by U.S
Iraqi delegation asks Iran

Israeli chief of staff issued warning so their intelligence has picked it up they know is happening but they don’t know when and in what scale
IDF chief of staff warns Iran attacking Israel

US send this submarine strikeforce to Russell had Oman
Navy submarine packed with missiles sends Iran a message

it will be multi layer, cyber ex.......+++ at same time, the ground is already prepared for it
Iranian hackers hit top Israeli defense contractor, data leaked

minutes after Trump Kick out of the office so .........

so far The order is standby
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الشرق الاوسط| تل‌آویو ابتکار ترکیه برای بهبود روابط را مشروط کرده است - کراپ‌شده

پس از آنکه اردوغان از تمایل آنکارا برای بهبود روابط با رژیم صهیونیستی خبر داد، یک روزنامه سعودی به نقل از منابعی سیاسی در تل‌آویو گزارش داد که تل‌آویو به این ابتکار ترکیه پاسخ مثبت نداده ...
به گزارش مشرق، منابع سیاسی در تل‌آویو خبر دادند که طرف «اسرائیلی» به ابتکار «رجب طیب اردوغان» رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه درباره بهبودی روابط پاسخ مثبت نداده است.
رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه، روز جمعه، ضمن تأیید تداوم تماس‌های اطلاعاتی آنکارا با رژیم صهیونیستی، ابراز امیدواری کرده بود که روابط آنکارا و تل‌آویو بهبود پیدا کند.
روزنامه «الشرق الاوسط» به نقل از منابعی سیاسی در تل‌آویو در این خصوص گزارش داد که «اسرائیل» به ابتکار ترکیه پاسخ مثبت نداده و شرط گذاشته است که ترکیه ابتدا باید حمایت از جنبش مقاومت اسلامی فلسطین (حماس) متوقف کند و دست از تشویق این جنبش برای انجام فعالیت‌های نظامی بردارد.
الشرق الاوسط در ادامه به نقل از یکی از وزرای بلندپایه رژیم صهیونیستی که نخواست نامش فاش شود، نوشت: «روابط ترکیه با جنبش [حماس] برای بهبود روابط میان دو طرف دشواری‌هایی ایجاد می‌کند با توجه به اینکه روابط اقتصادی تل‌آویو و آنکارا پررونق است و بایکدیگر روابط امنیتی خوبی دارند؛ اما روابط سیاسی میان دو طرف بد است».
اردوغان پس از نماز جمعه در گفت‌وگویی کوتاه با خبرنگاران گفته بود: «روابط ما با اسرائیل در سطح اطلاعاتی ادامه دارد و متوقف نشده است. مشکل اصلی اکنون درباره اشخاص در رأس هرم [تل‌آویو] است. اگر مشکلی با [مقامات] عالی آنها نداشتیم، روابط ما می‌توانست بهتر باشد».
ترکیه و رژیم صهیونیستی از می ۲۰۱۸ - و بعد از اینکه آنکارا به بهانه افزایش حملات صهیونیست‌ها به نوار غزه و تصمیم «دونالد ترامپ» رئیس‌جمهور آمریکا برای انتقال سفارتخانه از تل‌آویو به قدس اشغالی، سفیر اسرائیل را اخراج کرد - به‌صورت متقابل سفیر نداشتند.​
I didn't intend to compare Iran to developed countries, but when you specifically restrict the comparison to the Western world, that happens naturally. If you want to extend the scope of comparison, let me remind you that all of these tiny Sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf region were developing nations like us. South Korea was a developing nation too. China is still a developing nation. Why don't you compare Tehran to Beijing, Seoul, Doha, Dubai, etc.? Compare Kish Island to Dubai, for example.

Out of respect for Raghfarm007's request not to respond in the Tehran video thread, I will continue here.

I don't believe it is fair to engage him like that. Those who have followed him for years know that he has defended Iran online against actually hostile elements. One can have stark differences of opinion, but as long as there is no treason nor flirting with treasonous ideas involved, then it doesn't warrant aggressivity. Overestimating Iran's position, if that is what you are faulting him for, is no treason. Anyway. I gave you my two cents, and will leave it at that.

Now as for the comparisons between cities. New York is the main urban center of the wealthiest economy of the world. That its subway system was first launched over a hundred years ago is true, but this in no way legitimizes its current state. Afterall, it's not as if there wasn't enough money circulating in the US to fix it. But the money lands in the pockets of the 1% of cut-throat capitalists, which is further evidence of the American ruling class's indifference towards the plight of their people. It is in fact an utter insult to ordinary American citizens. The examples you gave of Moscow's and St. Petersburg's metro systems are proof that age should not matter in this regard.

Dubai and Doha do not exactly offer fair objects of comparison either. Simply because the amount of oil and/or gas the UAE and Qatar export or have exported per capita is on a completely different scale than Iran (i. e. severalfold superior). So yes, they will buy themselves glitzy skyscrapers, urban services and planning, as well as hyper-modern looking metro systems - all from foreign and particularly western corporations, since they are vassal regimes.

However, what about their industrial backbone, even compared to another tiny but more successful country like the city-state of Singapore (if we want to stick to countries of comparable size)? What about their human development, whose growth rate from 1980 to 2013 (at least) has lagged behind Iran's? Plus, Iran enjoys its sovereignty and independence to the fullest, they do not.

And even then, the Tehran metro system, with its six active inner-city lines (although line 6 is still in a very partial stage of operation) on top of a suburban commuter line and between four to six regional train lines, is far more developed in terms of network length and density than either the Doha or the Dubai metro.

There are close to 150 developing countries, picking south Korea from the lot, i. e. one out of only a handful to have succesfully transitioned to a developed economy, will not change the fact that Iran has done better than the bulk of the rest, particularly oil-exporting ones. Oil is not an opportunity, it is an impediment to both economic / industrial, and to human development. Also, the fact will remain that south Korea does not have genuine independence, while Iran does.
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Out of respect for Raghfarm007's request not to respond in the Tehran video thread, I will continue here.

I don't believe it is fair to engage him like that. Those who have followed him for years know that he has defended Iran online against actually hostile elements. One can have stark differences of opinion, but as long as there is no treason or flirting with treasonous ideas involved, then it doesn't warrant aggressivity. Overestimating Iran's position, if that is what you are faulting him for, is no treason. Anyway. I told you my opinion, and will leave it at that.
I didn't engage him like that at first, but when that thing crossed the line and insulted me several times without a reason, it earned being treated like that.

Now as for the comparisons between cities. I'm sorry, but New York is the main urban center of the wealthiest economy of the world. That its subway system was first launched over a hundred years ago, in no way legitimizes its current state. I mean, it's not as if there wasn't enough money circulating in the US to fix it. But the money lands in the pockets of the 1% of cut-throat capitalists, which furnishes further evidence of the American ruling class's indifference towards the plight of their people. It is in fact an utter insult to American citizens. Your own examples of Moscow's and St. Petersburg's metro systems are proof that age does not matter in this regard

Dubai and Doha do not exactly offer fair objects of comparison either. Simply because the amount of oil and/or gas the UAE and Qatar export or have exported per capita is on a completely different level (i. e. severalfold greater) than Iran. So yes, they will buy themselves glitzy skyscrapers, urban services and planning, as well as hyper-modern looking metro systems - all from foreign and particularly western corporations, since they are vassal regimes.

However, what about their industrial backbone, even compared to another tiny but more successful country like the city-state of Singapore? What about their human development, whose growth rate over the first thirty-four years of the Islamic Revolution (at least) has lagged behind Iran's? Plus, Iran enjoys its sovereignty and independence to the fullest, they do not.

And even then, the Tehran metro system, with its six active inner-city lines (although line 6 is still in a very partial stage of operation) on top of a suburban commuter line and between four to six regional train lines, is far more developed in terms of network length and density than either the Doha or the Dubai metro.

There are close to 150 developing countries, picking south Korea out of the lot, i. e. one of only a handful to have succesfully transitioned to a developed economy, will not change the fact that Iran has done better than the bulk of the rest, particularly oil-exporting ones. Oil is not an opportunity, it is an impediment to both economic / industrial, and to human development. Also, the fact will remain that south Korea does not have genuine independence, while Iran does.
You are now changing the discussion. That thing claimed that Tehran is more modern than any city in the Western world, and it was proven wrong. The rest of your post has nothing to do with what was being discussed honestly.

It's hypocritical that you say one should take into account the size of a country and its per capita revenues, but then forget that Doha and Dubai are much smaller than Tehran. The longest street of Tehran, namely the Valiasr Street, is not covered by a metro line for example.

Also, I don't see how Iran has done better than oil-exporting countries really. Norway is an oil exporting country for example, just to name one. But as I said, that's a different topic. It's not what was discussed there and you're trying to derail the discussion.
It's hypocritical that you say one should take into account the size of a country and its per capita revenues, but then forget that Doha and Dubai are much smaller than Tehran.

When you have greater income, you also have more funds at your disposal to invest in metro systems. When you have less income and your city is larger, it only makes things more difficult, doesn't it?

Area-wise Dubai is not smaller than Tehran, population-wise it obviously is.

In sum:
* Iran has a signigficantly lower per capita GDP, and therefore less money to spend on metros.
* Iranian cities are more populated, which increases the requirements and therefore the pressure on the budget.
* Despite the above, the city of Tehran has 5 to 6 times more lines than either of these two, while its population is about three times Dubai's.

Obviously, Iran has beaten them on this front.

The longest street of Tehran, namely the Valiasr Street, is not covered by a metro line for example.

I guess you're referring to the northern half of Valie Asr, since the southern half from Rah Ahan all the way to Meydane Jahad has line 3 running beneath it.

The northern portion has not figured among the priorities to date. Many important places are yet to be covered, and the entire network is to span 11 lines (10 inner city ones), and almost every currently existing line is to get extensions in at least one direction.

But right now, as you surely know the entire Valie Asr is being served by the city's most busy BRT line, which in terms of passenger displacement volumes is more or less on par with a tramway.

You have to start somewhere, and urban planners determined that northern Valie Asr would not figure among the first six lines to build. This by the way was already recommended by French consulting company Systra, which drew the first proposed maps for the Tehran Metro system (before and after the Revolution, but nowadays Iran does it on its own if I'm not mistaken).
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I really do not understand the gonde goozi of some people here. Same gonde gooz's do not even live in Iran.. they are in safe havens such as Belgium,Germany,UK etc.
by the looks of it Iran is making sum serious preparations in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how biden reacts to an Iranian attack. Iran shud make sure to hold its horses for a month as thats wats left of trump.

For Iran, if it attacks, it shud be very serious and not a slap. Slap hasnt deterred the insolent zionists. Iran shud give a single monumental attack worthy of a shockwave across the region. Iran shud also change the rules of Engagement stating "if Zion targets any of its elements in anywhere in the region including syria, then Iran will respond with attack against Zion mainland each time".

Im actually curious as to what iranian response might be. What will they target? If they launch missiles into Zion, what might be the targets to destroy?

Also on the subject of Iraq, if theres discussion about Punishing Trump and Mr. Pompous, then why turn a blind eye on Kadhimi? That moron was also allegedly involved. In fact , it was that moron who allegedly passed on the information. I think he had his eye on PM ship all along. That Moron shud also be held accountable for sulaymani murder. Why isnt Iran planning actions against it ?

Kadhimi is perhaps more responsible than even the Americans and now he's acting arrogantly towards the PMU which literally saved Iraqi A s s when isis was about to take baghdad over. Have they all forgotten it ? Kadhimi must be punished. Iraqi traitors must be punished as much as the Americans because it was Sulaymani and Pmu who saved them wen Isis was on their doorstep and taking over.
by the looks of it Iran is making sum serious preparations in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how biden reacts to an Iranian attack. Iran shud make sure to hold its horses for a month as thats wats left of trump.
All you guys talking about waiting for Trump and then making some move, are you that scared of him ? Did he give you some bad trauma that you do everything in power not to make him upset ?

Man up and confront him already.
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