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Iranian Chill Thread

The story I read a decade ago and as I remember today. The story was told in writings by a person who was there and printed in an Iranian news paper. My memory is foggy but I remember the highlights.

Before the start of Iran-Iraq war, Soviet Union had provided the Shah of Iran with a single functional SCUD missile as a gift…This was to persuade Shah to buy Soviet weapons (late 1970’s). Iran’s military strategy was based on “air power” as proscribed by the Americans …The ground to ground missile had no place in Iranian strategy and as a result this single SCUD missile was long forgotten and never made operational . The SCUS was stored in an underground facility run by the Americans.

Shortly after Saddam starts dropping SCUD missiles on Iranian cities. The Iranian military gathers a group of university (professors or students!!) and also few others . They are transported over nite in a plane and trucks to a mountainous site in Western Iran.

They arrive and are briefed. The SCUD is inside a cave and no one knows how to operate the monster. All they have are few manuals and schematics all in Russian…The person who is telling the story goes on in detail describing how in few days or few weeks (do not remember) they had to translate and pour through Russian manuals and schematics. They had heated arguments (sounds familiar!!lol) about what each dial or circuit is doing..How to Fuel the beast and how to program it and how to orient its gyros and how to fire the beast….An additional issue was how to get it out of the cave. Missile was placed on its tracked wagon (TEL) inside a one way cave. The main entrance/exit to the cave was blocked by a giant blast door…The blast door control was sabotaged by the Americans before they left the placed and stuck in a Shut position…They did not know how to open the door to get the missile and its carrier out.

Again after many details the story teller say that by the grace of God and many days of work they managed to figure out how to fix the blast door and open the damn thing. They drive the beast and the fuel truck and bring them out in the open. Again they had many arguments about the setting up of the control panel knobs and Gyro setting and fuel valves and pumps and knobs etc....but they finally compromise and set up the missile for Baghdad…. they were ready.

They erect the missile and are ready to fire the beast .Thinking it will explode on its launcher or at best it will fly for few minutes and drop in the desert… they fired…It roared like a giant dragon and made lots of smoke and fire, but it flew away… Happy that they managed to fire and thinking it will safely drop or run out of fuel in the desert, they go back to the compound and sleep.

The next day …...News reports arrive that an Iranian SCUD missile hits the tallest building In Baghdad identified as the headquarters of the biggest Iraq bank in a Bulls eyes manner.

I remember that day when the news came in all western news orgs…I saw even a photo. So I knew the end was real…I just did not know the story behind it…

Imagine the most inaccurate missile of the soviets with CEP of may be a kilometer being stored for many years, fired by a bunch of university students reading dictionary translated Russian manuals finds its way to record the most accurate hit of missile war between Iran and Iraq This made Iran to go the way of missiles. And then Tehrani Moghadam came back from Syria and made Iran world’s 4th missile power in the world…

”May the FORCE be with you”…and this is how I became a believer.
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100% agree. Would also add that the main reason for why Zionists want to escalate the situation is because Irans advancements is accelerating.
And which dumbass thought it was good to provoke and give excuse to the enemy while the country is building up ? Why the hell can't they shut their mouths and work on becoming stronger AND THEN challenge them ?
The next day …...News reports arrive that an Iranian SCUD missile hits the tallest building In Baghdad identified as the headquarters of the biggest Iraq bank in a Bulls eyes manner.
I remember this story and the pictures posted here, though the pictures posted with the story are not the same as the montage I saw years earlier where they are pouring the fuel in by buckets.


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The Houthi's have launched ballistic missiles at Aden airport as the Saudi backed Yemeni government landed. So far according to reports 16 are confirmed dead, 60 injured.

Even after the Aden airport attack, the Houthi's continue to target government officials from the Saudi backed unity government led by Hadi, which includes many members of the Southern Transitional Council, a southern seperatist group backed by UAE

Hard to kick the habit of stealing other people's belonging..like ..LAND!!!.lol

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli tourists are stealing every carriable object such as lamps, towels, and paintings from Emirati hotels, a report said.
A month has passed since the start of flights between Tel Aviv and the United Arab Emirates, and there are already reports that Israeli tourists are stealing from hotels everything they can carry, Israel’s Yediot Aharonot reported on Tuesday.
The newspaper quoted a businessman as saying, “Many years ago I came to the United Arab Emirates and do business there .. Last month I arrived at the hotel I was staying in and I was terrified when I saw in the hotel lobby, Israelis open their bags before checking out and are being searched for Stolen items from the rooms”.
The manager of a hotel overlooking the Burj Khalifa said, “We host hundreds of tourists from all over the world and there are quite a few tourists who cause problems. Recently, we were stopped by Israeli tourists who came to the hotel and took with them everything we could carry, such as towels, tea and coffee bags, and even lamps".
The newspaper added that it asked the hotel manager to provide examples of the thefts carried out by the Zionists, so he said, “A family with two children wanted to check out and we found that there are things missing in the room. When the hotel lobby representative asked to explain the loss of these things, the guests started screaming … An argument, they agreed to open the bags, to find there were ice buckets, hangers, and face towels .. When we told them that we would inform the police, they decided to return the things and apologize.
But how did you know abii changed when he was banned since 2015?! But his ban is lifted now
Isn't the guy with the picture of a former general of shah?
Hard to kick the habit of stealing other people's belonging..like ..LAND!!!.lol

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli tourists are stealing every carriable object such as lamps, towels, and paintings from Emirati hotels, a report said.
A month has passed since the start of flights between Tel Aviv and the United Arab Emirates, and there are already reports that Israeli tourists are stealing from hotels everything they can carry, Israel’s Yediot Aharonot reported on Tuesday.
The newspaper quoted a businessman as saying, “Many years ago I came to the United Arab Emirates and do business there .. Last month I arrived at the hotel I was staying in and I was terrified when I saw in the hotel lobby, Israelis open their bags before checking out and are being searched for Stolen items from the rooms”.
The manager of a hotel overlooking the Burj Khalifa said, “We host hundreds of tourists from all over the world and there are quite a few tourists who cause problems. Recently, we were stopped by Israeli tourists who came to the hotel and took with them everything we could carry, such as towels, tea and coffee bags, and even lamps".
The newspaper added that it asked the hotel manager to provide examples of the thefts carried out by the Zionists, so he said, “A family with two children wanted to check out and we found that there are things missing in the room. When the hotel lobby representative asked to explain the loss of these things, the guests started screaming … An argument, they agreed to open the bags, to find there were ice buckets, hangers, and face towels .. When we told them that we would inform the police, they decided to return the things and apologize.
I've a friend who works in mercure hotel. He said from all peoples, the Israelis are the worst. They act as if the hotel staff are their slaves.
Next there will be stories of trafficking of under age girls and very wild homosexual orgies going in those hotels courtesy of that particular group of tourists...
The story I read a decade ago and as I remember today. The story was told in writings by a person who was there and printed in an Iranian news paper. My memory is foggy but I remember the highlights.

Before the start of Iran-Iraq war, Soviet Union had provided the Shah of Iran with a single functional SCUD missile as a gift…This was to persuade Shah to buy Soviet weapons (late 1970’s). Iran’s military strategy was based on “air power” as proscribed by the Americans …The ground to ground missile had no place in Iranian strategy and as a result this single SCUD missile was long forgotten and never made operational . The SCUS was stored in an underground facility run by the Americans.

Shortly after Saddam starts dropping SCUD missiles on Iranian cities. The Iranian military gathers a group of university (professors or students!!) and also few others . They are transported over nite in a plane and trucks to a mountainous site in Western Iran.

They arrive and are briefed. The SCUD is inside a cave and no one knows how to operate the monster. All they have are few manuals and schematics all in Russian…The person who is telling the story goes on in detail describing how in few days or few weeks (do not remember) they had to translate and pour through Russian manuals and schematics. They had heated arguments (sounds familiar!!lol) about what each dial or circuit is doing..How to Fuel the beast and how to program it and how to orient its gyros and how to fire the beast….An additional issue was how to get it out of the cave. Missile was placed on its tracked wagon (TEL) inside a one way cave. The main entrance/exit to the cave was blocked by a giant blast door…The blast door control was sabotaged by the Americans before they left the placed and stuck in a Shut position…They did not know how to open the door to get the missile and its carrier out.

Again after many details the story teller say that by the grace of God and many days of work they managed to figure out how to fix the blast door and open the damn thing. They drive the beast and the fuel truck and bring them out in the open. Again they had many arguments about the setting up of the control panel knobs and Gyro setting and fuel valves and pumps and knobs etc....but they finally compromise and set up the missile for Baghdad…. they were ready.

They erect the missile and are ready to fire the beast .Thinking it will explode on its launcher or at best it will fly for few minutes and drop in the desert… they fired…It roared like a giant dragon and made lots of smoke and fire, but it flew away… Happy that they managed to fire and thinking it will safely drop or run out of fuel in the desert, they go back to the compound and sleep.

The next day …...News reports arrive that an Iranian SCUD missile hits the tallest building In Baghdad identified as the headquarters of the biggest Iraq bank in a Bulls eyes manner.

I remember that day when the news came in all western news orgs…I saw even a photo. So I knew the end was real…I just did not know the story behind it…

Imagine the most inaccurate missile of the soviets with CEP of may be a kilometer being stored for many years, fired by a bunch of university students reading dictionary translated Russian manuals finds its way to record the most accurate hit of missile war between Iran and Iraq This made Iran to go the way of missiles. And then Tehrani Moghadam came back from Syria and made Iran world’s 4th missile power in the world…

”May the FORCE be with you”…and this how I became a believer.
What a story. OMG. Brother I cant thank you enuf for this. My blessings go with u and ur family. I am doing so bad in my private life right now but im still giving u many thanks for ur effort in retelling this story. This is incredible. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THE FORCE IS WITH IRAN. AND SO WITH US.
What a story. OMG. Brother I cant thank you enuf for this. My blessings go with u and ur family. I am doing so bad in my private life right now but im still giving u many thanks for ur effort in retelling this story. This is incredible. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THE FORCE IS WITH IRAN. AND SO WITH US.
You are welcome my friend..Hope your private life goes well in the new year..Remember "what does not kill you will make you stronger".
Isn't the guy with the picture of a former general of shah?

I've a friend who works in mercure hotel. He said from all peoples, the Israelis are the worst. They act as if the hotel staff are their slaves.
The guy with Nader jahanbani picture I don’t think he is abii because he lives in the US and hate the Turks abii wasn’t anti turk because of his grandfather Turkish qashqai origin also abii lives in Canada
The Houthi's have launched ballistic missiles at Aden airport as the Saudi backed Yemeni government landed. So far according to reports 16 are confirmed dead, 60 injured.

Even after the Aden airport attack, the Houthi's continue to target government officials from the Saudi backed unity government led by Hadi, which includes many members of the Southern Transitional Council, a southern seperatist group backed by UAE

Depending on the accuracy, this could be incredibly lethal missile strike.

The shockwave alone could cause internal bleeding to those running away, but they will not notice because of adrenaline levels are high.
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