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Iranian Chill Thread

You are deluded.

Man you guys can't resist coming here can you ? Even after the moderators tell you that you're not allowed here. You go make fake Danish user accounts just to post your childish nonsense but now you reveal yourself

Like all Turkish fanboys you are living inside your ottoman fantasy land in your head and don't like to hear the truth or anything remotely close to it.

Iran does not have any enriched Uranium and can't build a nuclear weapon

we show you sources which prove that Iran can build a nuke in 4 weeks from now if desired

we Turkish can buy nuclear weapons from Australia

we show you sources and laugh

Armenia military is stronger than Iran military

just laughter

You don't like to take part in any constructive discussions, just make vague comments, one after another.

Even after providing sources that prove you wrong, you cling onto your fantasies like like a toddler clings onto his teddy bear.

Who made all those comments you just posted? It wasnt me. Also I dont have any other fake accounts and I have max 1 post a day usually. I never said any of those things but your countrymen's comments are laughable, not even worth discussing.
I can't even believe this. Just recently you've stated that American weapons like the Patriot PAC-3 are JUNK.

I never said that. I said the PAC-3 that america sells to gulf arabs and other milking cows is junk, degraded, re -engineered especially for them. The obviously have some capacity to destroy some targets, but wha they give to Israel is top of the line.

Now you're stating the opposite again. Okay so If American weapons are the best and Russian weapons are JUNK then Why did Turkey give up the F-35 for the S-400 ?

F35 is great aircraft. The one USA and israel and UK and Australia has. Turkey would get a downgraded version, that reports everything back to the US, can only be operated in a way and in places that the US authorises. F35 are very expensive, and are probably not compatible with turkey's independent foreign policy. It will try to build its own fighter. maybe source it from a place where the source codes will be made available to it. This is a good thing.

Not only that but just today America sanctioned you over the S-400 and there are more sanctions to come once Biden becomes president.

USA started sanctioning turkey since 1974. mainly in response to turkey going its own way and not being a total puppet. More sanctions are inevitable and turkey will learn to swim or it will sink.

Its probably worth it to have the s400. Turkeys possession of that system will give them some insight into the systems capabilities and manufacturing process. Very clever people in turkey have done the cost benefit analysis already.
Makran should be in the next few weeks; seems like she's getting fitted out with final touches.
Every member of that group should be skinned alive; sad that they can only be killed once...
Any lowlife government supporting them will have their mko chickens come home to roost sooner or later.
I find it totally reprehensible that Iran is labeled "The greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world" by the west and the world at large just because of Iran's support for the Palestinian cause while the biggest terrorists in Iran's history can walk and operate freely on their streets.

Yemen: Video showing clashes that took place last night between Hadi forces and the Houthi on the Jabal Murad front


video showing syrian terrorist
look how one mentioning Iran like it's our next tarket.

maybe i am a bit to radical but IRGC should give a **** about the rouhani gang and send a little firework to karabakh. we gave so many shahids in syria and iraq to prevent them coming at our border and now they came without even fireing a bullet against us.

video showing syrian terrorist
look how one mentioning Iran like it's our next tarket.

maybe i am a bit to radical but IRGC should give a **** about the rouhani gang and send a little firework to karabakh. we gave so many shahids in syria and iraq to prevent them coming at our border and now they came without even fireing a bullet against us.
They didn't do anything yet. The moment they start to be funny artillery and BM's nearing mach 6 will fry their ***.

video showing syrian terrorist
look how one mentioning Iran like it's our next tarket.

maybe i am a bit to radical but IRGC should give a **** about the rouhani gang and send a little firework to karabakh. we gave so many shahids in syria and iraq to prevent them coming at our border and now they came without even fireing a bullet against us.
Better option will be to slowly locate them and just like in Syria fly stealth Drones over their camps and introduce Sadid little bombs to them...they will get the message..Also using Shia elements within the area to eliminate them one by one..
Great Video ..many thanks to "yavar". A must see for each iranian patriot.
He is IRGC's younger generation, he is smart and educated, he is articulate and he is well informed. With people like him the futures will be bright for Iran . He reminds me of Gen Hajizadeh. Goddamn Rohanni and Zarif crowd and how for 8 years they have sold out this great nation.

video showing syrian terrorist
look how one mentioning Iran like it's our next tarket.

maybe i am a bit to radical but IRGC should give a **** about the rouhani gang and send a little firework to karabakh. we gave so many shahids in syria and iraq to prevent them coming at our border and now they came without even fireing a bullet against us.
Yes,but they`re not there by choice,they`re there because the turkish gambit in syria has failed and erdo now has all of these turkish backed syrian terrorists that he has to do something with so from his perspective it makes sense to use them as mercenaries in libya and azerbaijan,after all he doesnt have to pay them very much and he doesnt have to worry if they get killed,which is not the case when turkish troops come home in hefty brand bodybags.
As for his pet terrorists,well these fvckers once had dreams of killing or ethnically cleansing syria of anyone who wasnt a sunni,now they find themselves having to fight as mercenaries on the side of azerbaijanian shiites!.The greater threat is from western supported groups like the mek,so long as they are allowed safe havens where they can continue to function as a large organised cohesive group then they will remain a threat.
Personally I think there could be a very good opportunity for a nice big fat arms contract for iran in all of this,as I would imagine that the armenians,after the trouncing that they took at the hands of turkish and israeli drones, would almost certainly be in the market for a brand new state of the art drone force,which iran could certainly supply....for a suitable price naturally.
In addition iran could also refurbish their scud and iskander missile forces with upgraded guidance systems and fit terminally guided gliding warheads as well as supplying them with new liquid and solid fueled missiles.
Lastly I think that this would also send a strong message to the turks and russians as well.
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