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Iranian Chill Thread

Russia has 7000 nuclear warheads, aircraft careers, hypersonic weapons, some of the most advanced air defence systems on earth, is a leading military producer worldwide. Comparing Turkey to Russia or even France militarily is quite ridiculous.

If the Russians wanted to, they could take the entire Baku Republic in a few days / weeks at most and Turkey could only watch and cry like a baby.

This guy has a hard time understand how modern weapons systems, specialized weapons systems, work.

THAAD for example. It's specifically designed to shoot down ballistic missiles. It's projectiles don't even explode on impact. They literally knock missiles out of the air. Therefore THAAD is literally helpless against any fighter jet or drone.

Does that mean that it's junk ? No because it's meant to be paired with Aegis / Patriot batteries and even other mobile short range air defense systems for complete coverage and for its own defense.

Even the S-400. Let's assume one battery has 8 missiles at one point and is working completely alone, completely isolated. Let's say the enemy launches 20 missiles at the system and the area it's protecting.

Well then in that case the S-400 will be completely wiped out and will fail to protect the area it was stationed in.

The point is that any system can be defeated. When it comes to air defenses, it's just a matter of simple math and Just because a system can be defeated or even has vulnerabilities that can be exploited does not make it "junk"

Try explaining this concept to this child through. He has a hard time understanding abstract concepts.

russia didn't even intervene on the battlefield, since armenia went towards u.s. and start decrease relations with russia, so how can you say russia/armenia alliance. there was no such a thing.
armenia have russian weapons most of them outdatet like the sam sytsems they used. if armenia and russia would be alliance azerbaijan would not last one day in the battlefield and turkey couldn't do shit about that.
and lets not forgot that the armenian army was still in their bases and didn't even fought. the soldiers on the battlefield where most volunteers and still gave azerbaijan a hard time.

now back to russia. since u.s. and europe didn't helped armenia, russia used the situatuion and made a peace treaty and send troops. putin just wanted to make it clear to armenia that they cant rely on the west and that armenia needs russia as a protector.
if azerbaijan and turkey are that strong can "crush" russia why they didn't keep russia away from sending tropps? again cause russia didn't even got involved.

people really think since turkey shot down a russian fighter that they are stronger than russia when it comes to war, cause russia didn't retaliate. we know that erdogan talked to putin and said that it was a mistake and a accident and appologized.
The Baku/Turkish alliance CRUSHED the Armenian/Russian alliance ? You realize that Russia is running the show in the Caucasus right ? If Russia wanted to they could crush Baku like a can and there's nothing Turkey would be able to do about it.

Don't compare yourself with Russia, which is a military superpower, with 7000+ nuclear warheads, aircraft carriers, hypersonic missiles and more. This is the same thing as Turkey comparing itself to France. It's a joke.

Turkey 80 million, Baku Republic 10 million. Armenians are 3 million all together. Artaskh has 150,000 people and in the end you didn't even take the capital of the city after losing 7000+ troops. Some say you lost 10,000+ with mercenaries.

So you attacked a tiny enclave, which was completely surrounded, outnumbered. You only advanced in the south and after sustaining massive losses, didn't have the will to go for the capital. When you where both exhausted and weak Russia wisely made its move.

You had all the advantages and didn't take the capital ? That would be like attacking Qatar and not taking Doha. Or attacking DC and not taking Washington. Or what if you attacked UAE and didn't take Abu Dhabi.

Putin played Pashiyun, Erdogan and Aliyev like pawns and expanded Russian influence MASSIVELY without lifteing a finger.

Artaskh is to Armenia what Eastern Ukraine is to Russia. Armenia did not go into the war fully because Pashiyun is a pussy and was scared. Pashiyun is severely pro western, which is why he did not allow Russian troops in much sooner. Baku would have stopped any time Russia came in. You wouldn't have a choice.

Iran is not trying to scare Israel. They're already scared. One Israeli analyst said recently "It's not what Iran is doing in Syria which keeps me up at night, it's the Iran nuclear deal being reinstated that keeps me up at night"

Anyways Iran is not a blind bull that has to react to every move the enemy makes.

When Russia / SAA blow up your proxies every single day what do you do ? When UAE, tiny UAE blew up your 3 multi million dollar air defense units in Watiya, what did Turkey do ? Did you respond to UAE or Egypt ?

Will a boxer / fighter be successful if he responds to every punch or feint by acting predictably like a raging bull ? Or will a boxer be successful by being calculating and focusing on a game plan to win the fight ? Looking at the big picture, Iran has been very successful in Syria. Iran has done everything it has wanted there and despite all of Israel's efforts, Iran is there and doing whatever it wants.

All those bombings every few months are just for show. I told you already. In liberated areas, there are countless tunnels, bunkers that were dug out by stupid rebels and foreign insurgents. Government forces now have access to those sites. Any vital Iranian / Syrian site is deep underground in a fortified position. Israel just hits an empty warehouse one day, a little army post with 2 soldiers next month, just for show, to convince their people that they're doing something.

In regards to the passenger plane being shot down, despite that, according to military analysts Iran has a better, more extensive air defense network than Turkey. Iran simply has more numerous and varied inventory of SAMs.

Iran produces Bavar-373. According to analysts, it's not quite as good as the S-400 yet, however it's better than the S-300. However Iran produces it for a fraction of the price of the S-400 and soon it will be as good. In any case Russia is already working on much more advanced hardware than S-400. By the time the Russians give you the codes, they'll have S-500.

Anyways when you compare the drones that Turkey and Iran both produce, again it's the same result. Iran simply has a wider variety that specialize, excel in conducting specific tasks. Iran had access to RQ-4, RQ-7, some of the most advanced UAVs on the planet.

Iran produces cheap drones, medium range, expensive, high end, advanced and stealth drones. Everything. Turkey only produces Bayraktar and Anka, the rest are insignificant really. Iran already produces drones just like those, but Iran has a wider variety for export and army use.

You are deluded.

Another reason is that the Syrians are war weary and their assets are pretty depleted.

Then do not make laughable claims of ''encircling Israel'' or ''bringing the fight to israel'' when Syria itself is in a existential battle.

Another reason is that they are focusing on launching a major offensive in Idlib in the new year and they are still fighting left over rebel remnants in Daara area and ISIS in the desert and they Turks are also threatening in the north.
Yes, the Israelis have been succesful forcing you guys to fight for your own survival. They are just sending their mercenaries while you have to use your main army and your whole country.

Also when it comes to foreign powers fighting on another nations soil, no nation wants that, not the Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, nobody.
I thought Syria and Iran had a defence pact ? That includes deploying Iranian troops on Syrian soil to fight off any aggression. And yes, that includes Israeli aggression as well.

Turkish proxies are being targeted and are being blown up daily in Syria by Russian airforce, Syrian airforce and Syrian / Iranian drones. I've posted several links in the last couple of days on the Chill section of this site.

Look at the website, the history just for the last few weeks. Okay here, here's just one recent example 17 hours ago just from browsing down a few seconds.

Multiple TFSA fighters killed tonight amidst attempts to take Mu'alaq
You made it sound like Syria was attacking Turkish backed forces everyday! Which is totally false.. a few attacks here and there and then silence and then a few attacks again does not make it a daily occurrence.

Also when the UAE/Egypt blew up 3 Turkish HAWK SAM batteries, did Turkey retaliate ? Nope
This has already been addressed... Turkey never talked about ''harsh revenge'' like what clown IR is doing against Israel.

Like I said, Iran's strategy in regards to Israel is long term and in the big picture Iran has succeeded in Iraq and Syria.
Lie, lie and once again a total lie ! There has never been a proper and sound strategy to fight Israel. Remember, you were supposed to fight Israel, but instead they took the fight against one of your major allies and now you are struggling to keep alive rather than fighting the Israelis.

Israel has failed to achieve most of its goals, namely to completely overthrow the Assad regime and turn Syria into a complete, unsalvageable disaster where Iran would lose all of its influence.
You are a fool if you think Israel's goal was to topple Assad. Israel's goal has always been to turn Syria into a failed state where its major ally Iran and Hezbollah getting trapped in a quagmire. Israel has been succesfull in achieving this.

Also the Israeli's funded, equipped and even gave emergency medical aid to rebels on their border. They did not want SAA or Iranian assets on their border.
As they should be.. and as you should be doing too. They are quite succesful in cucking SAA (whatever is left of them) Hezbollah and IRGC.

They wanted a buffer of rebels on their border on top of occupying the Golan heights. That Zionist backed buffer made up of ISIS and other foreign backed insurgents is gone.
There is no major need for this. They can just airstrike very easily any target approaching their borders. That is why SAA and IRGC are afraid to take any action against Israeli borders. They will just roast any target with airstrikes.

Some fighters fight defensively, some fighters fight proactively. Just because a fighter is not super aggressive, does not mean that that fighter isn't going to win the match.
Just excuses to cover up lies and incompetence. The reality on the ground is that Hezbollah/SAA/IRGC are getting pummeled by Israeli airforce without being able to retaliate properly. It is a joke, the world is laughing at you.

Iran is certainly taking punches from Israel in Syria but they're not even putting a dent on Iran's ambitions in Syria. They're something like glaring shots, punches that mostly get deflected.
''Irans ambitions'' LOL
You talk like as if IR had a great grand planned strategy regarding Syria.. They just went there when they were trapped in a existential battle. Do not make it big out of thin air.

Like I said in fighting some times an opponent will throw a punch or feint just to get a dangerous trap.
Yes while the spectators are yawning at this one sided match. Keep receiving the blows bro.

The "what keeps me up at night" quote by the Israeli analyst / pundit was made by him not myself. The Zionists DO NOT want another nuclear deal. They do not want Iran to reap the financial rewards and have access to the global market or its billions in frozen funds.
Why would they even be concerned ? At the most the Palestinian jihad group will receive more money and fire a few more useless fireworks on empty fields in Israel. Will hardly threaten Israel's make up as a nation. Like i said, they have total superiority over you. No need to be concerned.

The Israelis want Iran to remain a financial pariah. Their main goal at the moment is escalate, get Iran to retaliate so they can point the finger and say "You see Iran is the evil aggressor, how can you, America, my ALLY, do business with such a fiend"
They have been pretty succesfull doing that without IR retaliating. IR is a international pariah already, totally cut off from any financial institution... under major sanctions, sabotage, murders etc So you have nothing to lose really, better retaliate and save some face and standing and most importantly, deterrence.

That was the entire idea behind killing the nuclear scientist. Well atleast that is what some analysts believe. That is what I myself believe as well. The Israeli's want escalation. They want Iran to retaliate immediately. They've set a dangerous trap. Should Iran give it to them or should Iran retaliate in kind at a time of Iran's choosing, at a time and place that is optimal for Iran ?
Already explained to you. Iran has nothing to lose by retaliating and settling the scores. What are they going to do ? Put more sanctions ? Block sale of F-22's to Iran ?

The game of geo-politics is a long term chess game, My friend, I understand your frustration, that you want revenge, you want Iran to retaliate, but there is an optimal time and place for that. Also it's best to hit the enemy when they least expect it. Not when they just struck and are anticipating major retaliation.

Sorry but i chuckled a little bit here. You make it sound like as if the IR is some sort of huge major power deeply involved in a chess game with its opponent and waiting for the right time to strike. What a joke. IR is in deep s.hit. It has no proper options and you know it. Like stated before, IR is yet to retaliate for the 6 assassinated scientists, natanz, parchin,cyber and many many other undercover attacks that were kept under the rug. You ain't fooling anyone here buddy.

Iran's missiles and air force assets are strictly reserved to defend Iran's borders. There are tiny exceptions here and there but for the most part they're reserved to defend Iran directly.
So what is the talk about fighting Israel then if these weapons are only reserved for Iran ? These are the most high quality weaponry Iran has. What weapons are they going to reserve for ''the ultimate fight against Israel'' ?

Honestly if you think of a last 40 years, in my opinion Khomeini was far too aggressive and Khamenei is a little too reserved.
Khomeini did the right thing in his era. Achieved deterrence with the US early on despite some setbacks. Back then Iran's army was very weak and no allies and groups in the region that could help him... the man did a phenomenal job. He was also never afraid and Iran gained utmost respect from the whole world. Fast forward now, IR is a joke compared to back then.

Even when the Taliban killed those Iranian hostages in the late 90's, I mean realistically Iran could have very easily launched devastating surgical strikes against the Taliban right ?
Two major factors why Iran did not even retaliate against the Taliban..

1.Khamenei was (is and always has been) a cuck leader. A coward.
2.Iran's armed forces were not in a state to launch such a attack.. war with Iraq had been concluded just recently.

but for whatever reason the Iranian leadership were satisfied enough not to atleast bomb a few Taliban targets.
Honestly, for you it is just ''for whatever reason''. To the rest of the world it is pretty clear that the IR will not engage in a major operation without US consent. I think that is pretty much agreed on by everyone.
You said Iran doesn't have nukes and can't build nukes. I showed you a source which states that Iran can build one bomb in 1 month from today.

How does Turkey have faster access to nukes when I outlined your plan to have Russia build your nuclear facilities in a few years and control the fissile material ?

If Iran's technology is junk then how did Iran capture the RQ-170 ? How did Iran shoot down the RQ-4 ? The Aramco strikes, an area surrounded by PAC-3 Patriot SAMs ?

Armenia is more heavily armed than Iran ?

Honestly you're embaressing yourself very badly now. I don't wish to humiliate you any further. How old are you 14 ? Is this your moms laptop ?
Pls dont make the mistake of discussing with someone who cant discuss at the intellectual level yo discuss at. be warned.
are you sure you were not a jewish survivor the way you defend them..lol!!!

No I am not. Don't you think I would have better things to do than to write here? I would be running some bank or a tech start up if i was jewish. The fact that i waste my time here arguing with you is clear sign I am a bosnian.

But I have met a survivor in Australia. Amazing stories. Her family owned one of the largest garment or carpet factories in the country at the time. a week before the germans arrived the factory was burnt and family went into hiding. Then she surprised me, and said that the germans didnt interact much with the local people, and it was the local people that rounded them all up and sent them to germany and other places by trains. Her family was kept alive by family friends and former business partners, who risked their own lives to save them. For most of the war their biggest fear was American bombing. Her mother somehow went to Budapest to visit relatives during the war (pretty stupid), and was identified as a jew on the street and shot.

After the war, she, her dad and brother went to israel and thought it was a shithole country. brother came back to bosnia (lol) and she went to Australia.

She says she hates Israel. would never live there. only losers would go live there. All the really smart rich jews went to america, australia where they build wealth and stuff like that.

While the jews were in Germany and Austria, those European nations were superpowers. now its America. they just went to America. They seem to be the engines that drive science and finance wherever they go.

Israel seems to be the garbage bin for these people. Those are the leftovers. yemeni jews, etc etc. I don't want to insult anyone. So I won't continue.

Now to answer your point of view with my point of view....Israel can not forever relay on US protection..Assuming they are still around there would be a time that the US will consider them a "Liability" rather than an "Asset"...that is when all the people of the region who have received a blow from them and could not reply because of the US will get back to them and there is a long line up......Iran most likely does not have to be in the line but its my word against yours.

America will never give up on them, not while they hold america captive, drive science, engineering and social progress in america. What was america before the jews arrived there? bearded poker cheats, gun fights at noon, KKK, slavery. They played a huge part on turning USA into a superpower. Einstein, oppenheimer. need i say more.

Its like Russia Armenia. Like people here say. Russia will intervene if it ever gets too hot for Armenia. The problem you have with israel is that unlike russia, American weapons work. and Israel get unlimited amounts for free.
You are deluded.

Man you guys can't resist coming here can you ? Even after the moderators tell you that you're not allowed here. You go make fake Danish user accounts just to post your childish nonsense but now you reveal yourself

Like all Turkish fanboys you are living inside your ottoman fantasy land in your head and don't like to hear the truth or anything remotely close to it.

Iran does not have any enriched Uranium and can't build a nuclear weapon

we show you sources which prove that Iran can build a nuke in 4 weeks from now if desired

we Turkish can buy nuclear weapons from Australia

we show you sources and laugh

Armenia military is stronger than Iran military

just laughter

You don't like to take part in any constructive discussions, just make vague comments, one after another.

Even after providing sources that prove you wrong, you cling onto your fantasies like like a toddler clings onto his teddy bear.

You are deluded.
America will never give up on them, not while they hold america captive, drive science, engineering and social progress in america. What was america before the jews arrived there?

I don't even know how I should reply to this. America was a leading, global power before the Jews arrived and it still is the worlds sole super power as we speak.

unlike russia, American weapons work. and Israel get unlimited amounts for free.

I can't even believe this. Just recently you've stated that American weapons like the Patriot PAC-3 are JUNK.

Now you're stating the opposite again. Okay so If American weapons are the best and Russian weapons are JUNK then Why did Turkey give up the F-35 for the S-400 ?

Not only that but just today America sanctioned you over the S-400 and there are more sanctions to come once Biden becomes president.

So according to your own arguments, Turkey gave up technologically advanced American weapons (F-35), which work, for Russian JUNK that does not work, for billions of dollars mind you and billions more lost in sanctions.

Also if Russian weapons don't work then how did they shoot down 20 of your drones in Libya ? LOL

Like I've told you before, just because a sophisticated weapon has a vulnerability does not make it JUNK. Just because a weapons system can be defeated under a specific set of circumstances does not make it junk.

THAAD can only shoot down ballistic missiles. Without Aegis / Patriot / HAWK and perhaps some Avenger and C-RAM units (for short range), the THAAD can easily be destroyed by ANY fighter jet or UAV.

Even a fighter jet from WW2 could easily do the trick and a UAV worth peanuts could easily put the THAAD which is worth BILLIONS, out of commission.

Even a few RPGs or ATGMs launched at a THAAD system can make it useless / inoperable, If there is no friendly ground unit nearly to guard the system when it is stationed close to or in hostile territory.

The THAAD is worth BILLIONS. A few RPGs or ATGMs are worth thousands.

The most expensive tank in the world, worth millions of dollars, can likewise be destroyed by a missile worth a few thousand dollars

None of that means that those weapons are junk. It's just a matter of the context and circumstances.

No I am not. Don't you think I would have better things to do than to write here? I would be running some bank or a tech start up if i was jewish. The fact that i waste my time here arguing with you is clear sign I am a bosnian.

But I have met a survivor in Australia. Amazing stories. Her family owned one of the largest garment or carpet factories in the country at the time. a week before the germans arrived the factory was burnt and family went into hiding. Then she surprised me, and said that the germans didnt interact much with the local people, and it was the local people that rounded them all up and sent them to germany and other places by trains. Her family was kept alive by family friends and former business partners, who risked their own lives to save them. For most of the war their biggest fear was American bombing. Her mother somehow went to Budapest to visit relatives during the war (pretty stupid), and was identified as a jew on the street and shot.

After the war, she, her dad and brother went to israel and thought it was a shithole country. brother came back to bosnia (lol) and she went to Australia.

She says she hates Israel. would never live there. only losers would go live there. All the really smart rich jews went to america, australia where they build wealth and stuff like that.

While the jews were in Germany and Austria, those European nations were superpowers. now its America. they just went to America. They seem to be the engines that drive science and finance wherever they go.

Israel seems to be the garbage bin for these people. Those are the leftovers. yemeni jews, etc etc. I don't want to insult anyone. So I won't continue.

America will never give up on them, not while they hold america captive, drive science, engineering and social progress in america. What was america before the jews arrived there? bearded poker cheats, gun fights at noon, KKK, slavery. They played a huge part on turning USA into a superpower. Einstein, oppenheimer. need i say more.

Its like Russia Armenia. Like people here say. Russia will intervene if it ever gets too hot for Armenia. The problem you have with israel is that unlike russia, American weapons work. and Israel get unlimited amounts for free.
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I sure as hell never missed them in this forum.
Amazing they stood by their words and never came back to the forum. Reminds me of Erdogan promises on Sirt and the praying in the Ummayid mosque in Syria and Idlib observation posts.
I sure as hell never missed them in this forum.
Amazing they stood by their words and never came back to the forum. Reminds me of Erdogan promises on Sirt and the praying in the Ummayid mosque in Syria and Idlib observation posts.

Which you are a none-player in both places Vs Russia, USA on one hand and vs UAE and Egypt in the other. I can't seem to spot you anywhere. We stand for our own goals and ambitions. Expand on our terms we don't play second fiddle to nobody.

Once you respect yourself first perhaps others will follow in giving it to you. With our own muscles and might we expand. This is how we gain respect. We don't beat around the bushes or serve under someone as second fiddle
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idiots talking about Nakhjavan corridor to Azerbaijan

it is all about recent Russian peace broker deal between Armerina Pashinyan and Azerbaijan which they want corridor true Armenia land bordering Iran

which is legally not binding and Armenian parliament need to ratify it which has zero chance of happening ( it is suicidal for Armenian people )

as soon as Pashinyan is out ( which is going to happen very soon) it be take care of

we are moving Hussianiun units ( Hezballah Azerbijan) in as we speek so we peper ground in Azerbaijan

there is massive bulid up taking place and planers are drowing plan as we speek

the big factor will be Biden administration (which we negotiating as we speak only regarding Turkey issue) the U.S has Incirlik Base so any targeting Turkish main land make matter complicated ( we have green light from NATO which first step behind scene )

Biden wants JCPOA which been dismissed by our side

so maybe the Syrian land be plce to start all .........................

too complicated so............................

is a direct conflict with Turkey a clever thing? thats excatly what Nato wants...
Alright, this thread shouldn't be used for non-chill discussions. Please create a topic in appropriate section to discuss serious topics.

I don't feel chill coming in here.
There is another thread and it went dead for some reason and everything got spilled over here instead...
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