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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes,but they`re not there by choice,they`re there because the turkish gambit in syria has failed and erdo now has all of these turkish backed syrian terrorists that he has to do something with so from his perspective it makes sense to use them as mercenaries in libya and azerbaijan,after all he doesnt have to pay them very much and he doesnt have to worry if they get killed,which is not the case when turkish troops come home in hefty brand bodybags.
As for his pet terrorists,well these fvckers once had dreams of killing or ethnically cleansing syria of anyone who wasnt a sunni,now they find themselves having to fight as mercenaries on the side of azerbaijanian shiites!.The greater threat is from western supported groups like the mek,so long as they are allowed safe havens where they can continue to function as a large organised cohesive group then they will remain a threat.
Personally I think there could be a very good opportunity for a nice big fat arms contract for iran in all of this,as I would imagine that the armenians,after the trouncing that they took at the hands of turkish and israeli drones, would almost certainly be in the market for a brand new state of the art drone force,which iran could certainly supply....for a suitable price naturally.
In addition iran could also refurbish their scud and iskander missile forces with upgraded guidance systems and fit terminally guided gliding warheads as well as supplying them with new liquid and solid fueled missiles.
Lastly I think that this would also send a strong message to the turks and russians as well.

i know that this terrorist are no threat to Iran, but it's about principle. Haj Qassem and thousands got matyred so this trash can't come near our borders and now we see they are there (not threatning Iran).
In the mind of this terrorists it's a win. they got humilated in syria by Iran and her alliace and now they are next to us.
and i don't like the guy in video saying "there is Iran" with his shitty smile on his face.
we need the goverment in Iran to step back and not interfering in the security matters and keeping IRGC back cause of JCPOA. at that time when isis attacked iraq even rouhani the trator said 50km is Irans redline, if they come that near Iran will send troops in iraq. but look now what happend. not that he is not keeping is word but don't let IRGC do their work.

when armenia and fake rep. of azerbaijan where fighting i warned about the pan turkish propaganda if fake rep. azerbaijan wins the war. some thought i am over reacting, but exactly what i said happend. and now i am saying that this terrorist are there we need to take action now.
we have already problems at the border with azerbaijan, since most of the weapons for mossad terrorist agence in Iran are coming from this border. at least we can take out this trash so in furture they won't creat bigger problems.
As soon as they try anything they're going to get eradicated. They basically have no chance. There are countless Turkish fanboys out there that simply don't know much about Iran's military capabilities.

Yesterday one was saying "Once Azeri people rise up in Iran we will send our drones, that's all it will take to destroy Iran" Such statements are laughable really when you consider how potent Iran's air defenses are and how many options Iran has when it comes to responding to external threats. Not only that but recent protests in Tabriz were all in favor of Iran.

Several Iranian generals have stated that when it comes to Iran's territorial integrity and sovereignty, that is an absolute red line for Iran. There is nothing that the Iranian military has or hasn't done in the past that would indicate otherwise.

i know that this terrorist are no threat to Iran, but it's about principle. Haj Qassem and thousands got matyred so this trash can't come near our borders and now we see they are there (not threatning Iran).
In the mind of this terrorists it's a win. they got humilated in syria by Iran and her alliace and now they are next to us.
and i don't like the guy in video saying "there is Iran" with his shitty smile on his face.
we need the goverment in Iran to step back and not interfering in the security matters and keeping IRGC back cause of JCPOA. at that time when isis attacked iraq even rouhani the trator said 50km is Irans redline, if they come that near Iran will send troops in iraq. but look now what happend. not that he is not keeping is word but don't let IRGC do their work.

when armenia and fake rep. of azerbaijan where fighting i warned about the pan turkish propaganda if fake rep. azerbaijan wins the war. some thought i am over reacting, but exactly what i said happend. and now i am saying that this terrorist are there we need to take action now.
we have already problems at the border with azerbaijan, since most of the weapons for mossad terrorist agence in Iran are coming from this border. at least we can take out this trash so in furture they won't creat bigger problems.

video showing syrian terrorist
look how one mentioning Iran like it's our next tarket.

maybe i am a bit to radical but IRGC should give a **** about the rouhani gang and send a little firework to karabakh. we gave so many shahids in syria and iraq to prevent them coming at our border and now they came without even fireing a bullet against us.

This is just cheap Armenian propaganda. None of this was filmed in Azerbaijan. Why would Azerbaijan need these guys that fire AK's aimlessly into the air when they have a modern, professional army that was victorious and freed vast amounts of occupied land at a massive cost to Armenia.

I think you guys need to relax against an imaginary enemy (azerbaijan, Turkey) and concentrate on enemies that killing your people in Iran itself.
This is just cheap Armenian propaganda. None of this was filmed in Azerbaijan. Why would Azerbaijan need these guys that fire AK's aimlessly into the air when they have a modern, professional army that was victorious and freed vast amounts of occupied land at a massive cost to Armenia.

A so-called professional army that needed Syrian mercenaries, Turkish advisers and a shitload of Israeli technology to be victorious over an Armenian force that wasn't even fully mobilized and still fought with tactics and weaponry from the '90s. Anyone who implies that the latest Turkish victory in Nagorno-Karabakh was some impressive feat from Azerbaijan is deluded.

I think you guys need to relax against an imaginary enemy (azerbaijan, Turkey) and concentrate on enemies that killing your people in Iran itself.

We don't need lessons in tranquillity and geopolitics from a guy who hails from some obscure and artificial nation in Eastern-Europe that largely owes his freedom and sovereignty thanks to Iran. Please spare us your advice.
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This is just cheap Armenian propaganda. None of this was filmed in Azerbaijan. Why would Azerbaijan need these guys that fire AK's aimlessly into the air when they have a modern, professional army that was victorious and freed vast amounts of occupied land at a massive cost to Armenia.

I think you guys need to relax against an imaginary enemy (azerbaijan, Turkey) and concentrate on enemies that killing your people in Iran itself.

😂 for what you need a modern army if you can't fight.

1. the armenian regular army didn't came out to fight, they where satying in the bases. most of the fighters where volunteers and the army from artsakh.

2. if the army of fake rep. of azerbaijan is so powerful why they need terrorist helping them from syria?
there is more then enough evidence that turkey flew them over. even the flight number was known and people trackt them. and you can see alot of videos wehre armenians caputured them. estimate number of terrorist brought from syria minimum 4000. this is said by Iranian security forces and not armenia.
so modern don't mean powerful. saudi also have modern army, look what the houthi fighters are doing with them. saudi already lost but trying not to lose face so they continue this bloody war.

3. fake rep. of azerbaijan lost at least 10% of their soldiers. there are more higher estimations (not from armenian sources).

4. why should armenia make such a propaganda video after the war is over. you think after they lost and russia send troops there they try to make Iran attack? there is no point of doing that. they won't get the territory back, which they have lost.

all i want to say is that at the end of the day modern weapons can help the armed forces of a country, but soldiers fighting the war not the weapons.
As soon as they try anything they're going to get eradicated. They basically have no chance. There are countless Turkish fanboys out there that simply don't know much about Iran's military capabilities.

Yesterday one was saying "Once Azeri people rise up in Iran we will send our drones, that's all it will take to destroy Iran" Such statements are laughable really when you consider how potent Iran's air defenses are and how many options Iran has when it comes to responding to external threats. Not only that but recent protests in Tabriz were all in favor of Iran.

Several Iranian generals have stated that when it comes to Iran's territorial integrity and sovereignty, that is an absolute red line for Iran. There is nothing that the Iranian military has or hasn't done in the past that would indicate otherwise.

i know dadash but i am talking about principles and not that they are a danger to Iran.
As soon as they try anything they're going to get eradicated. They basically have no chance. There are countless Turkish fanboys out there that simply don't know much about Iran's military capabilities.

Yesterday one was saying "Once Azeri people rise up in Iran we will send our drones, that's all it will take to destroy Iran" Such statements are laughable really when you consider how potent Iran's air defenses are and how many options Iran has when it comes to responding to external threats. Not only that but recent protests in Tabriz were all in favor of Iran.

Several Iranian generals have stated that when it comes to Iran's territorial integrity and sovereignty, that is an absolute red line for Iran. There is nothing that the Iranian military has or hasn't done in the past that would indicate otherwise.

We shouldn't worry much about Erdogan's recent comments/poetry. For one, it does not point out to a change in Turkey's strategy and policy vis-a-vis Iran. Turkey is not going to challenge the territorial integrity of its most stable and powerful neighbour. That would be nothing more than suicidal. Iran has enough tools at its disposal to bring the heat to Turkey if push comes to shove.

Erdogan's comments can be placed in a more different daylight. Now that the Trump administration is on its way to leave office, which largely turned a blind eye to Turkish actions in the region, Erdogan is despeteraly trying to sell his worth to the new Biden administration and US congress. Turkey is facing US/European sanctions, which is no small feat, and a more hostile US administration could significantly threaten Turkish interests in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatre.

Also, watch how the Saudis and Turkey/Qatar are increasingly mending ties, and the fact that Erdogan has appointed one of his confidantes as his new ambassador to Israel. Basically, every Sunni state is scared shitless about the incoming Biden administration. They don't know what the upcoming American strategy is going to entail and are absolutely terrified of either US indifference or hostility. In addition, the likely restoration of the JCPOA and the end of the maximum pressure policy will again unleash Iran. That is why all other powers are closing ranks at the moment.

Note the following comments which Erdogan made only two days ago:

"Instead of targeting Turkey with sanctions, we expect the US, our NATO ally, to support our fight against terrorist organizations and third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region. The strategic partnership between Turkey and the US is too important to be sacrificed for short-term political goals or for the sake of pleasing anti-Turkish lobbies."

We can all guess who Erdogan means by ''third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region''. Erdogan is increasingly trying to sell his anti-Iranian stance and worth to both Israel and the US. His comments about Azerbaijani unification, how symbolic they might be, was nothing more than a orchestrated incident by the Turks to annoy Iran for the sake of underlining their geopolitical importance to foreign powers.
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This is just cheap Armenian propaganda. None of this was filmed in Azerbaijan. Why would Azerbaijan need these guys that fire AK's aimlessly into the air when they have a modern, professional army that was victorious and freed vast amounts of occupied land at a massive cost to Armenia.

I think you guys need to relax against an imaginary enemy (azerbaijan, Turkey) and concentrate on enemies that killing your people in Iran itself.

You`d be literally fvcking amazed what you can determine through osint these days....
Something tells me this wasnt filmed in syria or libya.....

Ultimately I guess you`d have to ask the turkish and azerbaijanian governments as to why they felt the need to employ these individuals,tho one rather obvious reason would be to try and keep the body count as low as possible,not to mention that since the turks have to pay these clowns it just makes good sense to use them.
I guess these guys are falling for cheap armenian propaganda as well?
We shouldn't worry much about Erdogan's recent comments/poetry. For one, it does not point out to a change in Turkey's strategy and policy vis-a-vis Iran. Turkey is not going to challenge the territorial integrity of its most stable and powerful neighbour. That would be nothing more than suicidal. Iran has enough tools at its disposal to bring the heat to Turkey if push comes to shove.

Erdogan's comments can be placed in a more different daylight. Now that the Trump administration is on its way to leave office, which largely turned a blind eye to Turkish actions in the region, Erdogan is despeteraly trying to sell his worth to the new Biden administration and US congress. Turkey is facing US/European sanctions, which is no small feat, and a more hostile US administration could significantly threaten Turkish interests in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatre.

Also, watch how the Saudis and Turkey/Qatar are increasingly mending ties, and the fact that Erdogan has appointed one of his confidantes as his new ambassador to Israel. Basically, every Sunni state is scared shitless about the incoming Biden administration. They don't know what the upcoming American strategy is going to entail and are absolutely terrified of either US indifference or hostility. In addition, the likely restoration of the JCPOA and the end of the maximum pressure policy will again unleash Iran. That is why all other powers are closing ranks at the moment.

Note the following comments which Erdogan made only two days ago:

"Instead of targeting Turkey with sanctions, we expect the US, our NATO ally, to support our fight against terrorist organizations and third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region. The strategic partnership between Turkey and the US is too important to be sacrificed for short-term political goals or for the sake of pleasing anti-Turkish lobbies."

We can all guess who Erdogan means by ''third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region''. Erdogan is increasingly trying to sell his anti-Iranian stance and worth to both Israel and the US. His comments about Azerbaijani unification, how symbolic they might be, was nothing more than a orchestrated incident by the Turks to annoy Iran for the sake of underlining its geopolitical importance to foreign powers.
Ahh erdo and his perpetual game of political musical chairs......
Frankly I`m amazed that anyone trusts this clown or anything that he has to say anymore.
We shouldn't worry much about Erdogan's recent comments/poetry. For one, it does not point out to a change in Turkey's strategy and policy vis-a-vis Iran. Turkey is not going to challenge the territorial integrity of its most stable and powerful neighbour. That would be nothing more than suicidal. Iran has enough tools at its disposal to bring the heat to Turkey if push comes to shove.

Erdogan's comments can be placed in a more different daylight. Now that the Trump administration is on its way to leave office, which largely turned a blind eye to Turkish actions in the region, Erdogan is despeteraly trying to sell his worth to the new Biden administration and US congress. Turkey is facing US/European sanctions, which is no small feat, and a more hostile US administration could significantly threaten Turkish interests in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatre.

Also, watch how the Saudis and Turkey/Qatar are increasingly mending ties, and the fact that Erdogan has appointed one of his confidantes as his new ambassador to Israel. Basically, every Sunni state is scared shitless about the incoming Biden administration. They don't know what the upcoming American strategy is going to entail and are absolutely terrified of either US indifference or hostility. In addition, the likely restoration of the JCPOA and the end of the maximum pressure policy will again unleash Iran. That is why all other powers are closing ranks at the moment.

Note the following comments which Erdogan made only two days ago:

"Instead of targeting Turkey with sanctions, we expect the US, our NATO ally, to support our fight against terrorist organizations and third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region. The strategic partnership between Turkey and the US is too important to be sacrificed for short-term political goals or for the sake of pleasing anti-Turkish lobbies."

We can all guess who Erdogan means by ''third parties pursuing manipulative accounts in our region''. Erdogan is increasingly trying to sell his anti-Iranian stance and worth to both Israel and the US. His comments about Azerbaijani unification, how symbolic they might be, was nothing more than a orchestrated incident by the Turks to annoy Iran for the sake of underlining its geopolitical importance to foreign powers.

Rumors that Biden wants to talk about Armenia first. No talks about missiles and nuclear stuff yet.
Summary please for non Farsi speaking people?
I try to give you a quick rundown..I need to go and sleep..lol

He talks about how enemies of Iran tried and trying to Physically Isolate Iran by not allowing International Highways and pipelines and railroads passing through Iran and basically bypassing Iran (He is the head of IRGC construction Corp)...He also gives examples of how the current government does not see the strategic value of producing basic materials (he give example of Aluminium powder) so that Iran does not need to go to outside sources....he describes how The IRGC construction Corp has stepped in and done the railroad from Chahbahar port to be connectected to Iran's network..also the recent opening of Iran to Herat railroad that Iran actually built segments of it for Afghanistan .....hope the above helped.,,,now ..:sleep:
یادی کنیم از ویدیوی بسیار مهم از دوستمون علی جاوید
ویدیوی استراتژیک مال یک سال پیش

بسیار ویرانگر و مخرب و نابود کننده است و نمیتونم ازش صحبت کنم
این قدرت خیلی مهیبه
هر جور میخوان محاسبه کنن


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یادی کنیم از ویدیوی بسیار مهم از دوستمون علی جاوید
ویدیوی استراتژیک مال یک سال پیش

بسیار ویرانگر و مخرب و نابود کننده است و نمیتونم ازش صحبت کنم
این قدرت خیلی مهیبه
هر جور میخوان محاسبه کنن


خداییش صحبت کسی که می گه "اگه یک تار مو از سر یک ایرانی کم بشه تمام کرک و پشم شما رو به باد می دیم" رو جدی می گیری؟​
خداییش صحبت کسی که می گه "اگه یک تار مو از سر یک ایرانی کم بشه تمام کرک و پشم شما رو به باد می دیم" رو جدی می گیری؟​

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