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Iranian Chill Thread

Iran Would Have Enough Fissile Material for Nuclear Bomb by Year's End, U.S. Official Says

Meanwhile it will take Turkey years. Right now Turkey's plan for nuclear power plants is to have Russia build them for several billion dollars a piece.

However all of your fissile material would be removed by Russian nuclear technicians. You would have ZERO access to it. Of course even that plan is years away and if a war breaks out, Russia won't give you anything.

You realize that right now Turkey doesn't even have the algorithms to its own S-400 ? Russian military technicians do the vital maintenance and have the algorithms. Meanwhile Iran builds excellent air defense systems without any outside help or resources.

You've already been humiliated on the nuclear issue. You want me to show you the sources on this as well ?

Israel will never attack Iran directly. Neither will the US. They're smart enough to know.

Also Israeli's don't attack alleged Iranian sites "daily" more like every few months now.

You realize that in liberated SAA areas right now there are countless tunnel / bunker systems that were dug out by foolish rebels. Any vital Iranian site in Syria are deep underground in fortified, underground bunkers / tunnels.

If you haven't done research on Iran's massive underground missile silos, I suggest you do. Many of them are under neath mountain ranges and cannot be penetrated even by bunker busters.

If war breaks out. Nothing will stop those Iranian missiles from hitting you over and over again without mercy.

Israel just hits various targets and it's hit and miss at best. Also for every Iranian site in Syria, there are several decoys. You think Iranians are not intelligent enough to play this game ?

This is mostly what Israel hits and recently out of frustration they hit some minor SAA sites as well.

You have been HUMILIATED on the nuclear issue, now this. Do you wish to continue ?

This is so childish response and empty chest-beating. That I am feeling embarrased to reply to.

You have literally nothing that scares anyone. Do you think Israel would have bombed you daily like that if you had Nukes? Because they know that you don't have it.

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Meanwhile it will take Turkey years. Right now Turkey's plan for nuclear power plants is to have Russia build them for several billion dollars. All of your fissile material would be removed by Russian nuclear workers. You would have ZERO access to it. Of course even that plan is years away and if a war breaks out, Russia won't give you anything.

You realize that right now Turkey doesn't even have the algorithms to its own S-400 ? Russian military technicians do the vital maintenance and have the algorithms. Meanwhile Iran builds excellent air defense systems without any outside help or resources.

You've already been humiliated on the nuclear issue. You want me to show you the sources on this as well ?

Turkey has more easier accessble to nukes then you do by the way. This is what you don't know. (Via Pakistan quite easily)
Meanwhile it will take Turkey years. Right now Turkey's plan for nuclear power plants is to have Russia build them for several billion dollars. All of your fissile material would be removed by Russian nuclear workers. You would have ZERO access to it. Of course even that plan is years away and if a war breaks out, Russia won't give you anything.

You realize that right now Turkey doesn't even have the algorithms to its own S-400 ? Russian military technicians do the vital maintenance and have the algorithms. Meanwhile Iran builds excellent air defense systems without any outside help or resources.

You've already been humiliated on the nuclear issue. You want me to show you the sources on this as well ?
Israel will never attack Iran dierctly. Neither will the US. They're smart enough to know. Also Israeli's don't attack alleged Iranian sites "daily" more like every few months now.

You realize that in liberated SAA areas right now there are countless tunnel / bunker systems that were dug out by foolish rebels. Any vital Iranian site in Syria is underground.

If you haven't done research on Iran's massive underground missile silos, I suggest you do. Many of them are under neath mountain ranges and cannot be penetrated even by bunker busters.

Israel just hits various targets and it's hit and miss at best. Also for every Iranian site in Syria, there are several decoys. You think Iranians are not intelligent enough to play this game ?

This is mostly what Israel hits and recently out of frustration they hit some minor SAA sites as well.

You have been HUMILIATED on the nuclear issue, now this. Do you wish to continue ?

You have junk technology and very poor infrastructure. Smaller countries such as Aremnia are more heavily armed then Iran. I know this will hurt your pride but truth is truth
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You said Iran doesn't have nukes and can't build nukes. I showed you a source which states that Iran can build one bomb in 1 month from today.

How does Turkey have faster access to nukes when I outlined your plan to have Russia build your nuclear facilities in a few years and control the fissile material ?

If Iran's technology is junk then how did Iran capture the RQ-170 ? How did Iran shoot down the RQ-4 ? The Aramco strikes, an area surrounded by PAC-3 Patriot SAMs ?

Armenia is more heavily armed than Iran ?

Honestly you're embaressing yourself very badly now. I don't wish to humiliate you any further. How old are you 14 ? Is this your moms laptop ?

Turkey has more easier accessble to nukes then you do by the way. This is what you don't know.

You have junk technology and very poor infrastructure. Smaller countries such as Aremnia are more heavily armed then Iran. I know this will hurt your pride but truth is truth
You said Iran doesn't have nukes and can't build nukes. I showed you a source which states that Iran can build one bomb in 1 month from today.

If Iran's technology is junk then how did Iran capture the RQ-170 ? How did Iran shoot down the RQ-4 ? The Aramco strikes, an area surrounded by PAC-3 Patriot SAMs ?

Armenia is more heavily armed than Iran ?

Honestly you're embaressing yourself very badly now. I don't wish to humiliate you further. How old are you 14 ? Is this your moms laptop ?

I don't care about some guess-work sources but some clear evidence which there is none. You don't got none. You have Junk technology. You have nothing that is impressive and mostly second hand cheap and deteriorated stuff that is not even good for confronting modern day insurgency
If Iran's technology is junk then how did Iran hit those US bases like this ?

You realize that in the end the US admitted that 100+ US personnel were diagnosed with traumatic brain injury ? Many have never returned to duty. That's what they're admitting.


So Iran's JUNK technology did this to American military bases ? This is just one example. There are multiple photos showing the sheer precision of these strikes.

You still have not explained, how did Iran get the RQ-7 ? One of the most advanced UAV's on the planet ?

How did Iran shoot down the RQ-4 ? A $200 million dollar US UAV ?

How did Iran do this to Aramco. This site was surrounded by PAC-3 Patriot batteries worth hundreds of billions ?

So are American Patriots junk then ? Was the RQ-4/RQ-7 JUNK ? Is Iranian JUNK better than American JUNK then ? LOL


Like I said I don't wish to humiliate you further. Once you answer all these questions, we can continue the discussion.

However since you stated that Armenia is more heavily armed than Iran and that Iran has "junk" technology, it's hard to take anything you say seriously anymore.

I don't care about some guess-work sources but some clear evidence which there is none. You don't got none. You have Junk technology. You have nothing that is impressive and mostly second hand cheap and deteriorated stuff that is not even good for confronting modern day insurgency
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If Iran's technology is junk then how did Iran hit those US bases like this ?

View attachment 696103

How did Iran get the RQ-7 ?

How did Iran shoot down the RQ-4 ? A $200 million dollar US UAV ?

How did Iran do this to Aramco. This site was surrounded by PAC-3 Patriot batteries ?

View attachment 696104

Like I said I don't wish to humiliate you further. Once you answer all these questions, we can continue the discussion.


What is this suppose to be an accomplishment first of all you warned the Yankees to get out of there before striking and you didn't even manage to demolish the freaking base and just few parts of it. That is some weak sauce and nothing to see as evidence. What was even the purpose of that strike if you were warning the Yankees? weren't they suppose to be the target? So much fear spilling a yankee blood?

These bases can be destroyed with home-made Insurgency drones forget about missiles. Weak sauce is weak. The damage it did was absolutely disappointing forget about the warning.

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Turkish proxies tearing each other apart as we speak.

You're trying very hard to change the subject. If Iran has junk technology then how did Iran do this ? How did Iran overcome PAC-3 Patriots and hit Aramco ?

How did Iran destroy the RQ-4 ? It's worth $200 million. The biggest American UAV. Surely junk technology and a backwards nation can't do things like this ? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

You realize Iran has THOUSANDS of missiles. This was just a dozen missiles to show them a taste.

100+ American soldiers have traumatic, life altering brain injuries. Many have not returned to duty. This is what they had to admit. It was very WEAK of Iran to do such a thing right ?

Destroying vital parts of a US base while American soldiers are hiding in bunkers is weak ?

If any insurgency group could do this to the US then why does ISIS not do this to US bases all the time ? Why did ISIS not even manage to do it in their prime ?

You sound more and more silly as this goes on you realize that ?


What is this suppose to be an accomplishment first of all you warned the Yankees to get out of there before striking and you didn't even manage to demolish the freaking base and just few parts of it. That is some weak sauce and nothing to see as evidence. What was even the purpose of that strike if you were warning the Yankees? weren't they suppose to be the target? So much fear spilling a yankee blood?

These bases can be destroyed with home-made Insurgency drones forget about missiles. Weak sauce is weak. The damage it did was absolutely disappointing forget about the warning.

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Turkish proxies tearing each other apart as we speak.

You're trying very hard to change the subject. If Iran has junk technology then how did Iran do this ? How did Iran overcome PAC-3 Patriots and hit Aramco ?

How did Iran destroy the RQ-4 ? It's worth $200 million. The biggest American UAV. Surely junk technology and a backwards nation can't do things like this ? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

You realize Iran has THOUSANDS of missiles. This was just a dozen missiles to show them a taste.

100+ American soldiers have traumatic, life altering brain injuries. Many have not returned to duty. This is what they had to admit. It was very WEAK of Iran to do such a thing right ?

Destroying vital parts of a US base while American soldiers are hiding in bunkers is weak ?

If any insurgency group could do this to the US then why does ISIS not do this to US bases all the time ? Why did ISIS not even manage to do it in their prime ?

You sound more and more silly as this goes on you realize that ?

Lool about taking trauma as victory this is just weak sauce. You didn't kill anybody because you warned them on before hand and shout down a commericial plane due to fear.

If you want these Israelis and the non-believers to respect you then you gotta give it back. Example if you strike Israel once it will immediately stop bullying you or striking your forces everywhere. You gotta draw a redline and this concerns also the US. Remember to not use some fake ragtag militias as cover-up do it yourself and release a statement saying this was a retaliation.. Stand up for yourself
Again you sound silly. You said Iran has JUNK, I proved you wrong. You said Iran doesn't have nukes. I proved you wrong. You said Turkey can get nukes faster. WRONG. You said Iran is backwards and weak, WRONG,

Iran is semi industrialized and technologically developed. Iran is number 15 in the world in terms of scientific journals published. Turkey is 17 and Iran is under harsh sanctions. So who is backwards now ?

Virtually no nation can strike American without being struck back immediately.

The traumatic brain injuries of 100+ soldiers is what they're admitting. At first they said no injuries at all.

Israel is not easy to hit. Why ? It's a very small strip of land which is HEAVILY saturated by SAMs and RADAR. For that reason only a large saturation attack would work on them.

Hezbollah can do this but then they will strike back Lebanon so it's complicated. Syria, again they're barely hitting anything significant so it's not worth escalating.

Iran would also require permission from Syria to launch a large attack on Israel and do you think war torn Syria wants to be a battleground between Iran and Israel ?

You said daily, but it's more like monthly and like I said all vital Iranian sites are underground so they can't even do much.

Once in a while they launch a few cruise missile at whatever they can just to assure their people who are horrified of Iran. They also hide their jets behind civilian and commercial planes to avoid SAMs.

Lool about taking trauma as victory this is just weak sauce. You didn't kill anybody because you warned them on before hand and shout down a commericial plane due to fear.

If you want these Israelis and the non-believers to respect you then you gotta give it back. Example if you strike Israel once it will immediately stop bullying you or striking your forces everywhere. You gotta draw a redline and this concerns also the US. Remember to not use some fake ragtag militias as cover-up do it yourself and release a statement saying this was a retaliation.. Stand up for yourself
Again you sound silly. You said Iran has JUNK, I proved you wrong. You said Iran doesn't have nukes. I proved you wrong. You said Turkey can get nukes faster. WRONG. You said Iran is backwards and weak, WRONG,

Iran is semi industrialized and technologically developed. Iran is number 15 in the world in terms of scientific journals published. Turkey is 17 and Iran is under harsh sanctions. So who is backwards now ?

Virtually no nation can strike American without being struck back immediately.

The traumatic brain injuries of 100+ soldiers is what they're admitting. At first they said no injuries at all.

Israel is not easy to hit. Why ? It's a very small strip of land which is HEAVILY saturated by SAMs and RADAR. For that reason only a large saturation attack would work on them.

Hezbollah can do this but then they will strike back Lebanon so it's complicated. Syria, again they're barely hitting anything significant so it's not worth escalating.

Iran would also require permission from Syria to launch a large attack on Israel and do you think war torn Syria wants to be a battleground between Iran and Israel ?

You said daily, but it's more like monthly and like I said all vital Iranian sites are underground so they can't even do much.

Once in a while they launch a few cruise missile at whatever they can just to assure their people who are horrified of Iran. They also hide their jets behind civilian and commercial planes to avoid SAMs.

You replied with a long unnecessary wall. You didn't prove anything to me by the way. You came up with something not official and guess-work I can't accept that as objective evidence.

underground bunkers it is not relevant here but about striking is crucial doesn't matter whether it is from Syria or other territories but striking back is key as default redline. It is very easy to hit them all these sams and radars are useless against modern technologies. They are just systems and systems are eventually dumb as they will always get bypassed
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How old are you 12 ? seriously ? I showed you multiple sources which proved all of my points correct. There is no "guesswork" here

Underground bunkers is not relevant ? just striking ? LOL

So when Syria and Russia blow up your proxies in Syria every single day, where is your redline ? when they surrounded your bases repeatedly and humiliated you, where was you redline ?

LNA, a proxy group in Libya, shot down 20 of your "advanced" drones in Libya. Then when you threatened Sirte, Egyptian/UAE Rafale jets blew up 3 of your "sophisticated" HAWK air defense systems in Watiya. There is satellite imagery to prove this.

After that SLAP, from El Sisi of Egypt, you quickly forgot about Sirte. Egypt said Sirte is a redline, then they blew up 3 of your air defense systems and you didn't even know what hit you.

Is that what you mean by "red line" ?

SAMs and radars are useless against modern technologies ? Hmmmm ?

What does that even mean ? You mean radar jamming ? or are you talking about Turkey's secret laser technology that you fanboys boast about ? LOL

How is Turkey going to stop Iran from launching thousands of missiles ? You know Iran's missiles and UAV's do not rely mostly on satellites but are rather guided by onboard terrain matching software ?

Iran can put satellites in space by itself. You CANNOT. You pay other countries. Iran also has missiles that can easily shoot down your satellites so most of your "sophisticated" hardware will be instantly useless.

Then you will have to beg NATO allies on your hands and knees to allow you to use theirs so you can survive. LOL by then Iran will have destroyed most of your "sophisticated" weapons. I can promise you that.

You're both delusional and badly misinformed about Iran. You Turks are in for a very rude awakening if you try anything against IRAN.

I hope for the sake of your people your leadership are wise enough but somehow I doubt it.

You replied with a long unnecessary wall. You didn't prove anything to me by the way. You came up with something not official and guess-work I can't accept that as objective evidence.

underground bunkers it is not relevant here but about striking is crucial doesn't matter whether it is from Syria or other territories but striking back is key as default redline. It is very easy to hit them all these sams and radars are useless against modern technologies. They are just systems and systems are eventually dumb as they will always get bypassed
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How old are you 12 ? seriously ? I showed you multiple sources which proved all of my points correct. There is no "guesswork" here

Underground bunkers is not relevant ? just striking ? LOL

So when Syria and Russia blow up your proxies in Syria every single day, where is your redline ? when they surrounded your bases repeatedly and humiliated you, where was you redline ?

SAMs and radars are useless against modern technologies ? What does that even mean ? You mean radar jamming ? or are you talking about Turkey's secret laser technology ? LOL

How is Turkey going to stop Iran from launching thousands of missiles ? You know Iran's missiles do not rely on satellites but mostly are guided by onboard terrain matching software ?

Iran can put satellites in space by itself. You cannot. You pay other countries. Iran also has missiles that can easily shoot down your satellites so most of your "sophisticated" hardware will be instantly useless.

Then you will have to beg NATO allies on your hands and knees to allow you to use theirs so you can survive. LOL

You're both delusional and badly misinformed about Iran. You Turks are in for a very rude awakening if you try anything. I hope for the sake of your people your leadership are wise enough but somehow I doubt it.

Lol. This reminds me about Armenia all talk. You will fold max within 1 year if such military operation were to begin on Iran today.

You think you know about Military powers or alligances and how warfare works but you don't you are just an infant in reality.

Without NATO Turkey is capable invading Iran from multiple axes and it would be quick work.

You are living in fantasy land and pursuing foreign policy your gov't doesn't even want to puruse. I personlly want this war to occur as soon as possible.

It would be finalizing someone whos being provocating without reason but we don't care to be honest. We have been breed for war and have been in over tens of thousands of wars another war won't hurt it would be business as usual.

I want the muslims to know the current enemy they have and that Iran is no.1 enemy. The first officially announced war will come against Iran Insha-allah
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Lool about taking trauma as victory this is just weak sauce. You didn't kill anybody because you warned them on before hand and shout down a commericial plane due to fear.

If you want these Israelis and the non-believers to respect you then you gotta give it back. Example if you strike Israel once it will immediately stop bullying you or striking your forces everywhere. You gotta draw a redline and this concerns also the US. Remember to not use some fake ragtag militias as cover-up do it yourself and release a statement saying this was a retaliation.. Stand up for yourself

It is not a wise idea for Iran to hit Israel or USA directly while it's neighbors are in zionist's pocket. Iran can take one on one any country in the region, but USA/Zionist/Wahabis don't dare to fight one on one, they want many countries (including EU) together to fight Iran. That tells everything.
It is not a wise idea for Iran to hit Israel or USA directly while it's neighbors are in zionist's pocket. Iran can take one on one any country in the region, but USA/Zionist/Wahabis don't dare to fight one on one, they want many countries (including EU) together to fight Iran. That tells everything.

They are honestly nothing they couldn't defeat the insurgency in Syria hence why Solemni beg Putin to intervene. With over 200.000 forces they got smeshed by the rebels they had no answer to them whatsoever and basically got overrun on top of that. Do you think they stand a chance? No I don't think so.

I have been watching them closely. They are incompetent
They are honestly nothing they couldn't defeat the insurgency in Syria hence why Solemni beg Putin to intervene. With over 200.000 forces they got smeshed by the rebels they had no answer to them whatsoever and basically got overrun on top of that. Do you think they stand a chance? No I don't think so.

I have been watching them closely. They are incompetent

Whether incompetent or not, I salute them for their courage against hegemonic powers. Bashar is still in power due to Iranian contributions in the ground and Russian air raids. So you're completely wrong that Iran couldn't defeat insurgency... the more accurate one is that Zionists, wahabis, USA and EU all together couldn't defeat or overthrow Bashar yet due to Iran/Hezbollah and Russian support.

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