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Iranian Chill Thread

The operation theater would be so vast that such matters would be irrelevant. We have good air-defense and air-superiority.

The focus and most of the land incursion will likely come from outside of Turkey in central Asia and surroundings from multiple axes finishing them off max within a year. It won't be able to sustain that pressure and will fold the war will quickly be inside their territories

Don’t evade the question.

Your AD is WAY oversaturated by 1000 PGM. If you miss them you will lose the war and the infrastructures and the bases in the first hour.
It is called 0-0-0, no electricity, no water, no factories
Don’t evade the question.

Your AD is WAY oversaturated by 1000 PGM. If you miss them you will lose the war and the infrastructures and the bases in the first hour.
It is called 0-0-0, no electricity, no water, no factories

Do you mean EMP? They don't have Atomic Bomb. So come again I didn't evade it In the beginning. They honestly don't have anything noteworthy that should worry anyone. Their capabilities is public and as of now it doesn't look promising. I am being completely objective. They will fall in such an event.

I know the Kurds and Armenians are our enemies but the provocations coming out from this thread lead me here and showed me something else and Enemy gathered here against us
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Do you mean EMP? They don't have Atomic Bomb. So come again I didn't evade it In the beginning. They honestly don't have anything noteworthy that should worry anyone. Their capabilities is public and as of now it doesn't look promising. I am being completely objective.

I know the Kurds and Armenians are our enemies but the provocations coming out from this thread lead me here and showed me something else and Enemy gathered here against us.

I am talking conventional.

1000 precision guided missiles will oversaturate your AD. It will take out the air bases, AD, major military sites, and will extend to power stations and major factories.

This is only ONE hour. That is why Iran has missile magazines under the mountains:

I have Azerbaijani blood and that is why I try not to reply to you. Yet I see you VERY wrong on Iran and I am an Iranian.
I am talking conventional.

1000 precision guided missiles will oversaturate your AD. It will take out the air bases, AD, major military sites, and will extend to power stations and major factories.

This is only ONE hour. That is why Iran has missile magazines under the mountains:

I have Turkish blood and that is why I try not to reply to you. Yet I see you VERY wrong on Iran and I am an Iranian.

Your being patriotic here and to favor yourself BUT no just no. They couldn't even destroy a base with a missile. They can't penetrate defensive systems even that won't give them any advantages. There is so many other game-changing factors we have and could provide the vital blow
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Your being patrioting here and to favor yourself BUT no just no. They couldn't even destroy a base with a missile. They can't penetrate defensive systems even that won't give them any advantages. There is so many other game-changing factors we have and could provide the vital blow

That was not a technical answer, even for the first hour of the war.

You should claim that you can strike the nuclear blast proof missile bases, or claim that you are able to track and counter 1000 missiles on their way to Istanbul.

It takes only 10 minutes for a missile to reach Istanbul.
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That was not a technical answer, even for the first hour of the war.

You should claim that you can strike the nuclear blast proof missile bases, or claim that you are able to track and hit 1000 missiles on their way to Istanbul.

It takes only 7 minutes for a missile to reach Istanbul.

Nothing will penetrate our air-space rockets or jets. You can't just throw stuff and expect to breach my defenses. This is where you realize this is gonna be a long drawn out saga where you won't see victory and the troops in for an eventual engagement from multi axes. Plus their missiles is low yielding and can't do alot of damage but in return we should be able to establish air-superiority.

I was being short and vague all the time. I can say more on the hows but not in specifics that is not necessary this will make you understand
Nothing will penetrate our air-space rockets or jets. You can't just throw stuff and expect to breach my defenses. This is where you realize this is gonna be a long drawn out saga where you won't see victory and the troops in for an eventual engagement from multi axes. Plus their missiles is low yielding and can't do alot of damage but in return we should be able to establish air-superiority.

I was being short and vague all the time. I can say more on the hows but not in specifics that is not necessary this will make you understand

Again not a technical answer and just being patriotic.
Guys....stop this....Turkey and Iran are big enough to know that any war between them will destroy both of them and make the jews + Saudis to come and collect the dust..
The two countries know this for hundred of years so war will never happen (being pissed it will!).. Guys like erdogan that can easily shoot from the hip get caught up in their own dreams without knowing who is really pulling his cord.. (I remember when they put a small and short chair when the Turkish ambassador was invited for a meeting to the Israel foreign office just to humiliate Erdogan and he still walks into their traps). Also remember while he was busy entertaining the Saudi and Israeli and Americans they plotted the coup to get rid of him..he has no political sense. ..time for the turks to get rid of this bad apple before he brings his country to more troublesome events.


PS: note to Iranians ..this Titanium100 fellow is most likely acting as " agent provocateur " .He shows up to stir the pot between nations and people ..a well known tactic I do not have to elaborate I hope you get what I say ..do not walk into the trap .
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Again Turkey has no money or resources to fall back on in order to wage war on Iran.

Iran does has lots of natural resources to fall back on. the 2nd largest reserves of natural gas, the 4th largest reserves of gas.

How will you compensate for this deficiency in funding ?

Again you can't stop Iran's missiles from hitting you over and over again and again. You can't.

Iran has thousands of missiles and you simply don't have potent enough air defenses. That's the hard truth.

Aside from its regular military and IRGC in Iran right now there is a paramilitary group numbering 1 MILLION members called Basij. They are well armed and religiously motivated.

Basij is 10 times more powerful than PKK.

How will you fight IRGC and Iran's regular army and Basij AND PKK AND LNA and Armenians and Greeks who will take advantage to open multiple fronts to F**K you ?

You think your enemies will spare you when they see the opportunity ? When thousands of missiles fall on your heads and Iran gives them MANPADS, ATGMs, etc

Answer the question please. I dare you to answer these questions


Aside from all that, Iran is 4 weeks away from a NUKE. We can and will NUKE you if we want to. You can't do anything to stop it.

Know your place in this world. Go finish your battles with proxies, militias and ethnic groups before thinking of a powerful nation like IRAN.

You are circling around NATO and I said they won't be needed. And Turkey is able to Invade from 5 directions and each direction being very large territory.

Before you know they will be inside metro cities. Mobilizing 6-7 nations around Iran coming in from multiple axes.

Max within 1 year Iran will fold once the troops breach the territory and the fight is inside Iran the moral will drop and it will be the beginning of the end.

These Junk hardware will not be able to even function properly. It would be blitzkrieg much faster then Armenia due to the vast areas and lack of troops to cover all that territories
Guys....stop this....Turkey and Iran are big enough to know that any war between them will destroy both of them and make the jews + Saudis to come and collect the dust..
The two countries know this for hundred of years so war will never happen (being pissed it will!).. Guys like erdogan that can easily shoot from the hip get caught up in their own dreams without knowing who is really pulling his cord.. (I remember when they put a small and short chair when the Turkish ambassador was invited for a meeting to the Israel foreign office just to humiliate Erdogan and he still walks into their traps). Also remember while he was busy entertaining the Saudi and Israeli and Americans they plotted the coup to get rid of him..he has no political sense. ..time for the turks to get rid of this bad apple before he brings his country to more troublesome events.

Erdogan is not the issue and never was the issue but the problem is your foreign policy and you are constantly seeking to provoke. You were constantly cheering on Armenia while Azeribaijan was fighting to regain some of it's territories which is a war you have no dog-fight in and again you were cheering on Haftar another war you have no dog-fight in. You are constantly seeking to provoke or slender in on matters that doesn't concern you. The venom being constantly spewed from this thread against Turkey is also well noted. You won't see Turks concerned about Iranian affairs. Turkey does Turkey But you are the one constantly diving your nose into other peoples stuff and matters.

I geninuely feel like you don't have the best interest or well wishes for other muslim countries or neighbouring countries. You were even seeking to provoke pakistan when it was engaged with India in 2019 saying they were behind attacks.

At the end of the day all this is your doing. You brought yourself thru this rabbit hole by pursuing policies and goals you thought you were not gonna face stiff resistance but you miscalculated
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This guy is a ret@rd. Honestly. He has major delusions of grandeur regarding his nation. Iran actually has well rounded and potent air defenses, much MUCH better than Turkey.

Iran has too many missiles for Turkey's air defense system. IRAN will saturate the air with cruise, ballistic missiles, dozens at once from multiple directions.

Iran will target Turkish air defenses and satellites before anything, so they will be overwhelmed and destroyed.

On the other hand, Turkey does not have enough missiles to do this to Iran. This is the simple truth. They have a decent air force but half their pilots are imprisoned for life by Erdogan right now.

So their airforce is also at half capacity. LOL

He also keeps denying that Iran has nukes when nuclear experts say Iran is 4 weeks away from 1 bomb at the least. So if Iran wants, they can build several bombs in a 1 year period.

Turkey is several years away from nukes so right there they have a knife we have a gun. It's over. That by itself ends it for them.

Again not a technical answer and just being patriotic.
Stop lying. Actually Iran's Supreme Leader stated that Armenia should give back occupied lands to BAKU.

You know why NATO won't help you ? Because you will start the war. But again WE will end it.

You can't answer any questions or give technical answers. You just keep yapping about fantasies and some delusions of grandeur.

You're trying to overlook the truth, but it is what it is. The truth is bigger than you my friend.

Erdogan is not the issue and never was the issue but the problem is your foreign policy and you are constantly seeking to provoke. You were constantly cheering on Armenia while Azeribaijan was fighting to regain some of it's territories which is a war you have no dog-fight in and again you were cheering on Haftar another war you have no dog-fight in. You are constantly seeking to provoke or slender in on matters that doesn't concern you. The venom being constantly spewed from this thread against Turkey is also well noted. You won't see Turks concerned about Iranian affairs. Turkey does Turkey But you are the one constantly diving your nose into other peoples stuff and matters.

I geninuely feel like you don't have the best interest or well wishes for other muslim countries or neighbouring countries. You were even seeking to provoke pakistan when it was engaged with India in 2019 saying they were behind attacks.

At the end of the day all this is your doing. You brought yourself thru this rabbit hole by pursuing policies and goals you thought you were not gonna face stiff resistance but you miscalculated
This guy is a ret@rd. Honestly. He has major delusions of grandeur regarding his nation. Iran actually has well rounded and potent air defenses, much MUCH better than Turkey.

Iran has too many missiles for Turkey's air defense system. IRAN will saturate the air with cruise, ballistic missiles, dozens at once from multiple directions.

Iran will target Turkish air defenses and satellites before anything, so they will be overwhelmed and destroyed.

On the other hand, Turkey does not have enough missiles to do this to Iran. This is the simple truth. They have a decent air force but half their pilots are imprisoned for life by Erdogan right now.

So their airforce is also at half capacity. LOL

He also keeps denying that Iran has nukes when nuclear experts say Iran is 4 weeks away from 1 bomb at the least. So if Iran wants, they can build several bombs in a 1 year period.

Turkey is several years away from nukes so right there they have a knife we have a gun. It's over. That by itself ends it for them.

Stop lying. Actually Iran's Supreme Leader stated that Armenia should give back occupied lands to BAKU.

You know why NATO won't help you ? Because you will start the war. But again WE will end it.

You can't answer any questions or give technical answers. You just keep yapping about fantasies and some delusions of grandeur.

You're trying to overlook the truth, but it is what it is. The truth is bigger than you my friend.

Sounds like some pokemon or Dragon Ball-z Sequence. Can't even destroy a small base but is gonna destroy things. Yeah no! The Armenians thought they could level Baku. They were even saying that. There is just so much a rocket can and it is of insignificiant proportions. That is why the base was not destroyed. Father of all bombs can't even do much damage won't be able to destroy a football field
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Are those the cartoons that your mother allows you to watch at your age ? That's honestly what I'm guessing based on the way you talk nonsense. LOL So much rubbish it's unbelievable. Good comedy though I must commend you on that.

Sounds like some pokemon or Dragon Ball-z Sequence
A nation who begged for S400, cannot do a darn thing against barrage of missiles from underneath granite mountains.

Kiss my nuclear arse.

Firstly, didn't Iran beg for s300 for 10 years? I remember this to be the case. And they cant even shoot down turkish drones. Just ask Armenia.

Iran is far from having nukes. Just read a thread on this forum where I am trying to convince Irnais that they should have nukes. But they say they dont need them.

And we all agreed that if Iran tried to build nukes, Israel would just demolish the place.

There is no chance Iran will get nukes without a major war with US and Israel first.

In the meantime turkey has how many nukes? 50 or so at incirlik. only 2 of those nukes have more explosive power than all the explosives currently situated in the nation of iran.

These are american nukes and coded, but they contain plutonium and trigger mechanisms. It would not take long for turkey to dissassemble then and put them into operation.

But I dont see why people are so upset, erdogan doesnt want to attack iran or take their territory.
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