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Iranian Chill Thread

The Saudi's claimed it came from "Iraq or Iran" and it was Iranian technology anyways. Stop crying.

The oilfields attack came likely from inside Saudi Arabia nothing was launched from Iran by some non-state actors you are speaking as if you launched something from Iran lmao.

You show me photos of an empty base that is not even destroyed fully? Is that what you call levelling. You got carried away but I don't blame you. I just wanted to give you a realisitc check This will suffice for now. Continue a lovely evening
The oilfields attack came likely from inside Saudi Arabia nothing was launched from Iran by some non-state actors you are speaking as if you launched something from Iran.

These desperate self delusions are frankly embarrassing. Forgetting the fact the Saudis have officially blamed Iran directly for the attack, even if it was some non-state actor, they were using Iranian missile and UAVs and wiped out 50% of Abqiaiq capacity and Saudis did nothing. You were humiliated, badly and your best is to try to shift the blame?

You show me photos of an empty base that is not even destroy fully? Is that what you call levelling.

Disappointing display of cognition, need some educating? Here is a quick lesson: The important fact is the "pin point accuracy" nature of these strikes which will decapitate UAE /S. Arabia by wiping out your oilfields, power plants etc. There is nothing you can to stop it and barely anything you can in response.

You got carried away but I don't blame you. I just wanted to give you a realisitc check This will suffice for now. Continue a lovely evening

Let me clear with you, minus some embarrassing attempts of mental gymnastics, I have yet to see anything substantive from you. I guess one cannot expect more from someone hiding behind false flags?
You call UAE "little Sparta" Are you out of your mind or trying to make me laugh ? Seriously ? LOL UAE is a joke. Clown material.

Israel bombs mostly nothing in Syria. Every so often Israeil's launches some missiles, some of which get shot down, the rest hit some empty warehouses and then they usually proclaim that they struck on an Iranian weapons site. However in reality most of the sites they hit are just decoy sites or based on false intelligence.

Do you realize how many underground bunkers / tunnels were created by radical militants during the Syrian war ?

Most of that territory has now been liberated. Iranian / Syrian vital sites producing sophisticated equipment are all hidden deep underground.

Why would Iran / Syria rather operate a vital facility in some open, exposed commercial warehouse ? Does that even make sense ?

Try not to get too excited over zionist hasbara propaganda.

Iran has been extremely successful in Syria / Iraq. Iran saved Baghdad and Damascus and in Syria Iran does whatever it wants, whenever it wants and there isn't anything you or your masters in israel can do about it. .

UAE is called little sparta for a reason. Iran has been barking for ages against Israel but Israel bombs them every single day. NOT ONCE they did they reply. Your bluff is called many times and all you do is bark. Take some action and see how it unfolds for you otherwise stay silent
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UAE is called little sparta for a reason. Iran has been barking for ages against Israel but Israel bombs them every single day. NOT ONCE they did they reply. Your bluff is called many times and all you do is bark. Take some action and see how it unfolds for you otherwise stay silent

UAE was originally called ´Little Sparta´ by general Mattis who regularly gives speeches in the Emirates for top dollars and by other American officials who have a vested interest in beefing up Emirate capabilities to sell them more weaponry and cunningly encourage them to take up a more active military role in the region - so that the Americans can put in motion their pivot to Asia. You are arguing like the 'Little Sparta' title carries an intrinsic truth, which is obviously a laughable notion to propose.

Second, Iran is replying against Israel everyday. You are too ignorant to understand that the fact that Iran is continuing to prop up its footprint in Syria is a response in itself. Israel is reacting to Iranian actions and strategic movement; even if they occasionally succeed in destroying some facilities, Iran is going ahead with its Levantine policy. That is a victory in itself, and points out to the advantage that Iran continues to enjoy in Syria as well as in Lebanon.
UAE was originally called ´Little Sparta´ by general Mattis who regularly gives speeches in the Emirates for top dollars and by other American officials who have a vested interest in beefing up Emirate capabilities to sell them more weaponry and cunningly encourage them to take up a more active military role in the region - so that the Americans can put in motion their pivot to Asia. You are arguing like the 'Little Sparta' title carries an intrinsic truth, which is obviously a laughable notion to propose.

Second, Iran is replying against Israel everyday. You are too ignorant to understand that the fact that Iran is continuing to prop up its footprint in Syria is a response in itself. Israel is reacting to Iranian actions and strategic movement; even if they occasionally succeed in destroying some facilities, Iran is going ahead with its Levantine policy. That is a victory in itself, and points out to the advantage that Iran continues to enjoy in Syria as well as in Lebanon.
Mhm Exactly, Little Sparta my ***. This country has little population and zero strategic depth. Only he called it Little Sparta probably to make his allies feel good. Nobody calls it that.
Azaris from the Republic of Azarbaijan take pride in their Iranian cultural roots, including civilizational elements from pre-Islamic, Zoroastrian times:

Former Zoroastrian fire temple (Ateshgah) of Baku




Noruz festival (a common cultural trait of all peoples from the Greater Iranian civilizational realm) in Azarbaijan Republic



What I don't quite get however, is this depiction of a Hindu deity (if I'm not mistaken), at the historic Atashgah landmark (perhaps on some special occasion to welcome a group tourists from India?)


Also here, the Hinduist symbol at the top of the Atashgah


These two aren't ancient Iranian / Zoroastrian elements, don't know why they were exhibited there.
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Azaris from the Republic of Azarbaijan take pride in their Iranian cultural roots, including civilizational elements from pre-Islamic, Zoroastrian times:

Former Zoroastrian fire temple (Ateshgah) of Baku




Noruz festival (a common cultural trait of all peoples from the Greater Iranian civilizational realm) in Azarbaijan Republic


View attachment 676679

What I don't quite get however, is this depiction of a Hindu deity (if I'm not mistaken), at the historic Atashgah landmark (perhaps on some special occasion to welcome a group tourists from India?)


Also here, the Hinduist symbol at the top of the Atashgah

View attachment 676678

These two aren't ancient Iranian / Zoroastrian elements, don't know why they were exhibited there.

They hate Iran and want the land yet the follow the same religion, the same culture, and nowruz (Banned in Turkey) etc.. Azerbijiani's are simply Turkic speaking Iranians
Azerbaijan does not take pride in its Iranian cultural roots.

Azerbaijan is the same country that has removed Persian inscriptions from the mausoleum of Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi to erase his Persian origins; regularly argues that Norooz is a Turkic festivity rather than a Persian one and argued in front of the UN that the sport of Chogan is Azerbaijani rather than Persian. It has spend millions of dollars on varied cultural missions to claim Persian attributions as their own, and continues to harbour strong anti-Iranian sentiments.

Azerbaijan's cultural policy and anti-Iranian element makes it a bigger enemy for the Iranian nation than Israel is and ever will be.
Their leadership have to try and falsify history and hide their Iranic/Persian roots otherwise their artificial states will return to Iran much sooner. But its inevitable, they will ultimately return to Iran.
Azerbaijan does not take pride in its Iranian cultural roots.

Azerbaijan is the same country that has removed Persian inscriptions from the mausoleum of Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi to erase his Persian origins; regularly argues that Norooz is a Turkic festivity rather than a Persian one and argued in front of the UN that the sport of Chogan is Azerbaijani rather than Persian. It has spend millions of dollars on varied cultural missions to claim Persian attributions as their own, and continues to harbour strong anti-Iranian sentiments.

I know and don't disagree with you on this at all. I was referring to the objective reality of those festivals and landmarks, irregardless of what the Baku regime claims. If they take pride in Noruz and pre-Islamic Iranian landmarks, then it is correct to say they are in effect taking pride in their Iranian roots - even if the regime is trying to erase these by reattributing fake origins to these cultural markers.

Azerbaijan's cultural policy and anti-Iranian element makes it a bigger enemy for the Iranian nation than Israel is and ever will be.

Here I would however respectfully disagree. No entity poses a greater and more dangerous threat to Iran - and to all nations, for that matter, than the zionist regime supported by its international lobbies and networks.

Firstly, do not doubt for a second that the "ethnic" disintegration of Iran is Tel Aviv's staunchly pursued goal. Just look at the Oded Yinon and Bernard Lewis plans, and cross check that with their policies. In effect, you have a Isra"el"i hand in virtually every separatist or confessionalist crisis in the region - be it pan-Kurdism, pan-Turkism or etc. It is the zionist regime that has empowered and keeps empowering Baku, too (60% of Azarbaijan's arms imports originate from there). It is US and zionist support that allows the corrupt leadership in Baku to dream of "unification" with Iranian provinces (Turkish backing alone would probably not be enough).

When it comes to cultural policy, international zionism with its messianist globalist element has been busy uprooting all nations with the decadence of liberal modernity it promotes (destruction of the nuclear family structure, globalist ideology against patriotism, etc - I'm sure you're aware of the problematic).

Secondly, and this is what makes zionism so dangerous, is its disproportionate, enormous influence and power accross the planet. This power stems from the fact that zionists beholden to Tel Aviv occupy key positions in global finance, industries, media, in the cultural sector as well as in governmental decision making positions of all major western powers. The Republic of Azarbaijan's reach is a sad joke compared to this.

To get the Schmittian hierarchy of foes wrong would be a major mistake, and a trap. I'm not stating this in order to be apologetic towards the Azari regime, but because underestimating the zionist threat, or not acting according to the fact that zionism is the top of the pyramid of Iran's enemies, i. e. the one enemy all others are in fact subordinates of, would be hazardous for Iran.

The leadership of the IR knows this perfectly well. I remember how at the height of the ISIS onslaught, the enemy was activating its sectarianist assets (Shirazi clan and so on), in order to influence patriotic and IR-loyalist segments of Iranian public opinion into no longer viewing Isra"el" but Sunni Muslims as the major threat. Thankfully their attempts failed miserably. IR-authorities stuck to their principled line and thanks to Iranian state-owned media coverage and thanks to the IR's public discourse, Iranian society did not fall into this trap. Iranians realized who had been behind ISIS from the beginning (namely, the zionist-controlled US regime). The same should apply when dealing with these "ethno"-separatist elements inside or outside the country.
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