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Iranian Chill Thread

WTF is a mutinational country???

Whatever it is....it doesnt apply to us.... we are a single Nation country, and we should not immitate anyother country.

Turkey also has a law that if you insult Turkishness, you will go to jail...do you know why we dont need a law like that in Iran? Because being Iranian is an hounr, and doesnt have to be forced on people by threats of state violence.....

As soon as the state brings in laws that forces people to be nice to each other or to respect an ethnicity, then you know that it is a fake country that would fall appart if it wasnt becuase of threats of state sponsered violence.

The Azerbaijanis and Turkey keep going into enemy territory in a straight line rather than expanding outwards like a circle. They don't have completely air dominance, today several of their drones were shot down again and Armenia has fighter jets with BVR as well as air defenses and a constant supply from Russia

Turkish UAVs CRASH in Georgia. Georgia is also playing a dirty game against their neighbors. They're bitter because Armenians kicked their @ss last time and took back land where the majority were Armenian.

OMG man, Iran is a multi-national nation. One nationality, multiple ethnic groups. Enmity and inter-ethnic HATE cannot be tolerated. Actually one Persian newspaper writer wrote an article making fun of Azeri people in Iran and was arrested for hate crimes I believe a few years back.

I'm not talking about the way Turkey enforces this vague concept of "Turkishness" I'm saying if one person or group gears HATE towards another group, discrimination, etc it should not be tolerated, that's all.

For example, if an Iranian person from one ethnic group goes around calling any other Iranian ethnic group DOGS and spreading hateful, divisive ideas, then that's HATE. It should be tolerated. Even this message board doesn't tolerate it. Why should any nation ?

RACISM, HATE, DISCRIMINATION SHOULD NOT be tolerated. It's that simple.

WTF is a mutinational country???

Whatever it is....it doesnt apply to us.... we are a single Nation country, and we should not immitate anyother country.

Turkey also has a law that if you insult Turkishness, you will go to jail...do you know why we dont need a law like that in Iran? Because being Iranian is an hounr, and doesnt have to be forced on people by threats of state violence.....

As soon as the state brings in laws that forces people to be nice to each other or to respect an ethnicity, then you know that it is a fake country that would fall appart if it wasnt becuase of threats of state sponsered violence.

The Azerbaijanis and Turkey keep going into enemy territory in a straight line rather than expanding outwards like a circle. They don't have completely air dominance, today several of their drones were shot down again and Armenia has fighter jets with BVR as well as air defenses and a constant supply from Russia

Turkish UAVs CRASH in Georgia. Georgia is also playing a dirty game against their neighbors. They're bitter because Armenians kicked their @ss last time and took back land where the majority were Armenian.

When I saw how they advanced into NK on the southern front, I immediately remembered Syria, and clearly the Azerbijianis have not learned any lessons from the war. The route that allowed them travel straight is surrounded by mountains. You cannot safely transit your forces down roads like this without complete air dominance and reconnaissance, We saw this in Deir Ezzor and Palmyra many times. Armenia can shoot down any drones in the sky to blind any recon, and 100's of troops can dart from the mountains regions to cut off the main road. I will wait to confirm this news, but this is a classic mistake that was made many times in Syria against units without any air support or cover.
Azerbaijani military in Jabrayil

Interesting that Azerbaijanis are trying hard to advance on every front but they've only managed to advanced a tiny bit in the north and in the south.



Blue areas show parts captured by Azerbaijan. Keep in mind the situation is extremely fluid.

In any case the Azerbaijanis have lost quite a bit of manpower and material for these gains so far. The question is how far they will be able to go and how many casualties and how much loss they can sustain ?
Allegedly Azeribaijan took Jabrayil but according to Armenian sources, they were lured in, surrounded and a large number of them destroyed.

Like I said Azeris are trying to advance on every front. So far they've only been able to advance on 2 fronts and they've sustained massive casualties and losses.

The question remains now, how far can they go ? will they be able to hold onto their gains ? how many men and how much resources will they have to lose to take over the whole Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) region ? Their army only numbers 50,000 after all.

These are the guys allegedly surrounded at Jabrayil?
Allegedly Azeribaijan took Jabrayil but according to Armenian sources, they were lured in, surrounded and a large number of them destroyed.

Like I said Azeris are trying to advance on every front. So far they've only been able to advance on 2 fronts and they've sustained massive casualties and losses.

The question remains now, how far can they go ? will they be able to hold onto their gains ? how many men and how much resources will they have to lose to take over the whole Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) region ? Their army only numbers 50,000 after all.

From what I'm seeing, they've been taking very large amount of losses, but that is expected when attacking a well fortified position like this. The advancement on 2 small fronts means Armenia is in good shape to restore those territories should Azerbijani losses keep mounting.
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