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Iranian Chill Thread

One nationality, therefore one nation also (rather than multiple ones), no?

Yes one nationality (Iranian), therefore one nation, but Iran is still a multi-ethnic state. There are Persians, Lors, Azeri, Baloch and many more.

it is important to charge and prosecute those who want to rile up ethnic tensions and cause Iran to eventually disintegrate along ethnic lines. We've seen what they've done to Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya and Yemen. Balkanization. It's the age old divide and conquer strategy. Keep Syria weak by dividing it, keep Yemen weak by dividing it. If they can't defeat the enemy at the present moment, then they start by dividing them into smaller, more manageable, weaker peices.

In Iran luckily, we haven't seen communal violence and discrimination on the same level that we've seen in various other countries. Like you said, that is because most Iranians think of themselves as Iranians first.

However Iran's enemies will always try to figure out ways to divide and fracture Iran any way they can. There are also some people in Iran who want to see Iran broken up into various smaller states.

After all, there are some Kurds who want to break away from Iran and join a greater Kurdistan. There are some Azeri people who want to split from Iran and join Azerbaijan or Turkey. These people, their goal is to weaken the sense of unity in the nation by causing communal tension and hatred among various ethnic groups in Iran.

That is why the Iranian government cannot tolerate such behavior. Anyone who tries to belittle or discriminate or poke fun at a specific ethnic group publicly or advocate for the disintegration of Iran must be dealt with decisively.

Racism and discrimination are outlawed in most industrialized nations that contain various ethnic groups or large minorities. Such behavior is even banned on this forum and most online platforms, so then why shouldn't it be banned in a multi-ethnic country like Iran ?

Your mentality in this regard seems to come from Canada.....it has nothing to do with Iran´s culture or history.

Yes, in Europe and the Americas you need anti racism laws because they have a history of violence and racism against other people.....this does not apply to Iran.

Iran has only one ethnic group, the Aryans, and this family has several members.....I can not be racist towards my own brother or sister.... the same way an Iranian cannot be racist towards another Iranian....being unpleasent and racist are two different thing..... those of us who have lived in Europe and America know what racism is, and how it doesnt exist in Iran.

To say that it should be a crime to make a joke is beyond dumb, and clearly anti free speach. Are we to fill up our jails with people who told jokes?

We dont need to learn from the west in terms of racism, they need to learn from us how to live together with respect.
If you're going to pretend like racism doesn't exist in Iran then I'm not going to bother continuing this discussion.

What about that journalist in Iran that insulted Azeri people and was arrested ? I heard about this several years ago.

I'm not saying that it should be a crime to make a racial joke. I never said such a thing. However stoking communal tensions and inciting hatred among people along ethnic / religious lines is something else completely.

Nobody said that we have to learn from the west. Cyrus was arguably the first anti abolitionist and anti racist world leader. The idea of tolerance and prohibiting racism or hate speech can be considered a universal concept among humanity or any other sentient being with sufficient intelligence, in the same way that mathematics is universal.

Free speech ? Well Iran is not exactly a bastion of free speech. If you open your mouth in Iran and say you want a referendum on the Islamic Republic system, well we all know what would happen to that person.

Your mentality in this regard seems to come from Canada.....it has nothing to do with Iran´s culture or history.

Yes, in Europe and the Americas you need anti racism laws because they have a history of violence and racism against other people.....this does not apply to Iran.

Iran has only one ethnic group, the Aryans, and this family has several members.....I can not be racist towards my own brother or sister.... the same way an Iranian cannot be racist towards another Iranian....being unpleasent and racist are two different thing..... those of us who have lived in Europe and America know what racism is, and how it doesnt exist in Iran.

To say that it should be a crime to make a joke is beyond dumb, and clearly anti free speach. Are we to fill up our jails with people who told jokes?

We dont need to learn from the west in terms of racism, they need to learn from us how to live together with respect.
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If you're going to pretend like racism doesn't exist in Iran then I'm not going to bother continuing this discussion.

What about that journalist in Iran that insulted Azeri people and was arrested ? I heard about this several years ago.

I'm not saying that it should be a crime to make a racial joke. I never said such a thing. However stoking communal tensions and inciting hatred among people along ethnic / religious lines is something else completely.

Nobody said that we have to learn from the west. Cyrus was arguably the first anti abolitionist and anti racist world leader. The idea of tolerance and prohibiting racism or hate speech can be considered a universal concept among humanity or any other sentient being with sufficient intelligence, in the same way that mathematics is universal.

Free speech ? Well Iran is not exactly a bastion of free speech. If you open your mouth in Iran and say you want a referendum on the Islamic Republic system, well we all know what would happen to that person.

You are kidding me right? Surely you are not this dumb or illinformed right??????

You use one bullsh!t example of a "journalist" to say that there is racism??

Did you know that the guy was NOT a journalist and was a cartoonist, and he is AZARI HIMSELF??

No? You didnt know this little fact? You read something somewhere and think you know it all???!!!!

He was arrested because crybabies were insulted by a cartoon he drew.... crybabies that we see on this forum a lot. He never intended to insult anyone..... but this is what would happen all the time with a stupid Hate law..... people will go to jail because some crybaby was insulted.

As for freedom of speech in Iran....I see every day on the streets people say the most vile things about the Islamic Republic and Islam..... and nothing happens to them, and no one is afferaid of saying whats on their mind....unlike in the west.
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AoA brothers, Hope you are all doing well. Sorry to request out of nowhere, but like would love to see Iran's perspective of the missile program (both ballistic and cruise) of Pakistan (even including similarities with foreign missiles etc) from the end of of last century to the Latest Ababeel and Babur 3 etc.

And also one comparing & contrasting the missiles, their ranges, delivery options etc of both Iran and Pakistan.

It is because Iran and Pakistan are two most prominent Muslim countries with an advanced missiles program.

You both seem relevant so tagging.

@Philosopher @PeeD

Shab Bakhair!

R.I.P. Ostad Shajarian may ALLAH (swt) bless his soul and give his family strenght and patience.
AoA brothers, Hope you are all doing well. Sorry to request out of nowhere, but like would love to see Iran's perspective of the missile program (both ballistic and cruise) of Pakistan (even including similarities with foreign missiles etc) from the end of of last century to the Latest Ababeel and Babur 3 etc.

And also one comparing & contrasting the missiles, their ranges, delivery options etc of both Iran and Pakistan.

It is because Iran and Pakistan are two most prominent Muslim countries with an advanced missiles program.

You both seem relevant so tagging.

@Philosopher @PeeD

Shab Bakhair!

Pakistan had the benefit of being Chinas strategic ally, which initially helped Pakistan to start its program.

Pakistan also had nuclear weapons which made pin-point strike capability and massive production numbers unnecessary.
So both countries missile programs developed differently.

After having received production capabilities for solid fuel short range ballistic missiles, Pakistan levereged China to give it medium range BMs by purchasing North Korean Nodongs.
For Pakistan what was important, was to have tech. transfer of solid fuel BMs.

So the Ghauri/Nodong or liquid program lost its meaning and after having got cruise missile technology these together with Shahin-2 became Pakistans missile force structure.

Iran on the other hand purchased Nodongs and was forced to set up a manufacturing line for it as only conventional warheads were available and high numbers necessary for deterrence. China would also not sell Iran Shahin-2-like technology, because they were not strategic partners.

So Irans missile force was more diverse and mainly liquid based.

Iran needs ever more numbers and improved missiles to create deterrence, while Pakistan with Shahin-2/Ababeel and Babur CMs has all it needs to deliver its nuclear warheads. Pakistans investments are hence towards more nuclear warheads, while Iran trys to increase the number of its missiles and make them more economic by more efficient designs.

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