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Iranian Chill Thread

UAE ? LOL Yes their airforce has excellent hardware but look at the Saudis in Yemen. Their armies are USELESS regardless of all the best military hardware money can buy.

Why is this ?

well mostly because authoritarian monarchies are extremely afraid of a military coup from within.

Because of this they DO NOT promote the most competent and capable soldiers to high ranks.

They're also afraid to give their military units freedom of movement and thereby limiting their response time and ability to take initiative on the battlefield, instead requiring authorization from the higher ups just to move an inch.

UAE has good hardware for their airforce but Iran has thousand of missiles and all of Iran's jets have been modernized and optimized.

Despite the quality of the UAE's airforce, all of their airfields are condensed in one tiny area. Iran could EASILY destroy their airbases, thereby rendering their airforce useless.

Also let's not forget about Iran's multilayered and extremely formidable air defense systems. They honestly can't do anything against Iran. Like Trump said "If not for us, you'd be speaking Farsi within a week" LOL

the arab state don't even have qualified military personal for that hardware most of their military is mixed with sudanese and some northafrican arab states. they rent pilots from the u.s. military. so imagine an army with foreigners how do think they will fight for a country which they don't belong to.

how did Iran failed we hathe most influence in the region even in those years. at that time we already had military personal and hardware all over the middle east.
UAE very strong and powerful nation. Target their plants for water production and desalinization and in the matter of days they will start dying from shortage of water. Disease will florish in these arab provinces they call countries.
Words of colin powel, US military chief of staff during Iraq invasion.

In a conversation with a Saudi official regarding possible Iranian attack on Saudi. This official assures Colin powel that if such an attack happens, Saudis can always pick up the phone and call the US for help.
Colin powel replies....your highness if Iran attacks Saudi Arabia, you would have no time to pick up that phone!!!
And this was 17 years ago...should I say more??
Words of colin powel, US military chief of staff during Iraq invasion.

In a conversation with a Saudi official regarding possible Iranian attack on Saudi. This official assures Colin powel that if such an attack happens, Saudis can always pick up the phone and call the US for help.
Colin powel replies....your highness if Iran attacks Saudi Arabia, you would have no time to pick up that phone!!!
And this was 17 years ago...should I say more??

The strategy of the Americans is of course to milk the Saudis and these other Sheikhdoms till they're dry. One could be forgiven to think these sheikhdoms are also being used as pawns against Iran, but in reality given the incompetence of these families , the Americans are the ones protecting them like a shepherd protects their flock.

Even Trump can see the obvious:

President Trump: Saudi King Wouldn't Survive 'Two Weeks' Without U.S. Backing

The strategy of the Americans is of course to milk the Saudis and these other Sheikhdoms till they're dry. One could be forgiven to think these sheikhdoms are also being used as pawns against Iran, but in reality given the incompetence of these families , the Americans are the ones protecting them like a shepherd protects their flock.

Even Trump can see the obvious:

President Trump: Saudi King Wouldn't Survive 'Two Weeks' Without U.S. Backing

And just to add to what you said...the new saudi king will be speaking farsi...lol...and as for the UAE a bridge between mainland iran and the newly liberated UAE provience will be a good addition.
This is such a joke. The US sends a SPY into Iran and now wants money for him ? LOL In most nations spies are either executed or receive a life sentence.

This article mentions "demonstrations" in Iran. The pro-Azerbaijan demonstration. Those 20 or so punks that burned the Armenian flag in Tabriz ? They dispersed as soon as they were confronted by security forces. In my opinion, they should be identified and charged with HATE crimes. Both Azeri and Armenian people are Iranian citizens and part of Iran. Any hate directed towards any ethnic group in Iran is unacceptable.

those few people who demonstrate should go and live in turkey or azerbaijan they don't like the life in Iran.
the goverment should arrest them and bring them to court.
UAE very strong and powerful nation. Target their plants for water production and desalinization and in the matter of days they will start dying from shortage of water. Disease will florish in these arab provinces they call countries.
You would probably kill more Iranians and Indians than arabs in the process my friend. Iranians are something like 5% of the country if I remember correctly.
Turkish fanboys are losing their minds now threatening the destruction of Iran saying "there are 30 million Turks in Iran (real number 12 million). We will annihilate you" or "good these will be practice for Bayraktar" LOL they're in for a RUDE awakening.

You would probably kill more Iranians and Indians than arabs in the process my friend. Iranians are something like 5% of the country if I remember correctly.

It's less than 5%. Plus, a significant percentage of Iranians with residence permits for the UAE do not actually live there. They stay in Tehran and either have a secondary residence or a pied-a-terre for holidays in Dubai, and/or are wealthy people who apply for these residence permits to have somewhere to go in case of a war or something of the sort.
It's less than 5%. Plus, a significant percentage of Iranians with residence permits for the UAE do not actually live there. They stay in Tehran and either have a secondary residence or a pied-a-terre for holidays in Dubai, and/or are wealthy people who apply for these residence permits to have somewhere to go in case of a war or something of the sort.
Fair enough, it's safe to say that Indians and Pakistanis would be very angry in this scenario. They would lose the most population percentage.
Turkish fanboys are losing their minds now threatening the destruction of Iran saying "there are 30 million Turks in Iran (real number 12 million). We will annihilate you" or "good these will be practice for Bayraktar" LOL they're in for a RUDE awakening.

Nothing more then barking from Iran. It's sad at this point. Try your luck and see how it truly goes and stop the barking from a distance. Your babysitter Russsia won't be there for you. It's only and you will find out the truth the hard way. If you think your junk military hardware is anything to repsect you are deluded
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UAE very strong and powerful nation. Target their plants for water production and desalinization and in the matter of days they will start dying from shortage of water. Disease will florish in these arab provinces they call countries.

UAE is called little sparta for a reason. Iran has been barking for ages against Israel but Israel bombs them every single day. NOT ONCE they did they reply. Your bluff is called many times and all you do is bark. Take some action and see how it unfolds for you otherwise stay silent
Nothing more then barking from Iran. It's sad at this point. Try your luck and see how it truly goes and stop the barking from a distance. Your babysitter Russsia won't be there for you. It's only and you will find out the truth the hard way

Does the "Z" letter in your profile picture stand for 'zionist'?
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