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Iranian Chill Thread

dudes tell me abt ur selves.. what do you guys do.. ur interests hobbies.. etc.. cause ... its almost 3 here.. and im kinda bored.. and i guess you guys are also... @rmi5 @S00R3NA @Sinan ?

Hey @haman10 sup pinky ;)

I'm a mechanical engineer. I work in construction section as a project designer.

And i think i don't have a particular hobby. I mostly enjoy life when i'm with my GF - driving my car.
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Believe i have seen lots of guys like them. :lol:





We are just like that.... :undecided:

That's embarrassing man , Some of them were filming the girls .

I'm a little bit shocked here :pop:
Im still stuck at post #330 ... cant see other posts.. Looks like the site is acting wierd?

I think the thread is hanged again :undecided:

Guys , can you see page 23? @S00R3NA @Sinan @DESERT FIGHTER

I think the site is acting wierd.. before i wasnt able to see this page.. but now its okay...

I think the thread is hanged again :undecided:

Guys , can you see page 23? @S00R3NA @Sinan @DESERT FIGHTER

I think the site is acting wierd.. before i wasnt able to see this page.. but now its okay...
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dudes tell me abt ur selves.. what do you guys do.. ur interests hobbies.. etc.. cause ... its almost 3 here.. and im kinda bored.. and i guess you guys are also... @rmi5 @S00R3NA @Sinan ?

Hey @haman10 sup pinky ;)

Its around 1:30 here and I'm f.ucked like always .

I'm a uni student , studying civil engineering which will be done in 2 years if I stop screwing like past 3 years . Live in north west of Tehran which is cool as the whole city is under my feet from here but believe me ( I hate this city ) .

My hobbies are not usually the same , Reading history books / articles + sports news , watching series / movies , going out with friends / playing football with them and finally studying ( which I was about to forget ) are what I usually do in my current sh!ty life .

I'm sure you're not interested to read more about his sad story so lets stop that here .
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Its around 1:30 here and I'm f.ucked like always .

I'm a uni student , studying civil engineering which will be done in 2 years if I stop screwing like past 3 years . Live in north west of Tehran which is cool as the whole city is under my feet from here but believe me ( I hate this city ) .

My hobbies are not usually the same , Reading history books / articles + sports news , watching series / movies , going out with friends / playing football with them and finally studying ( which I forgot to say ) are what usually do in my current sh!ty life .

I'm sure you're not interested to read more about his sad story so lets stop that here .

I think i can understand.. i spent 2 prime year (lol) of my life in a shyt hole town near afghanistan.
Well.. we all make mistake right... for example.. when i was in the 9th grade i proposed to my teacher.. :lol:

which didnt end in a very happy way...

The same happened to me when I was 6 years old . I proposed my neighbors' daughter in her marriage day .

I never forget that day , my mom was trying to silent me but I shout and everyone were either shocked or laughing .
It seems that we all do funny mistakes when we are child or youngster :)

Yeah.. the whole movie type thing.. got on my knee and asked her to marry me.. although it was a prank/dare ... which didnt end well... coz it was an APS (army public school) with the strict rules n sh!t.. :lol:
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