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Iranian Chill Thread

چون کلا درآمدی ندارم ...
ایشالله که چرخ زندگیت همیشه بچرخه دادش. اتفاقا ارتشی شدن هم خوبه من چند تا دوست دارم پدرشون ارتشيه.

Are, ma bayad bebinim chi mishe.
Acha rasti shoma Max Payne 1 to bazi kardi? Max Payne 1 ghashang tain va mitunam joze avalin bazi hayi bude ke ba pc bazi kardam vaghti faghat 13 salam bud.

Man gahi oghat fekr mikonam in turka az wahhabiaye arabestan ham harumzade taran.

Huge bomb blast hits activists in Turkey, at least 28 killed, near 100 wouded

Khodeshoun in kaar ra kardand digeh. mikhaan har kaari misheh bekonand ta hezb e kurd ra az ghodrat hazf konand.

@rmi5 @Abii So what has been going on guys?
Nothing. I have just been busy working.

But you are always surfing in turk section. :what:

Are you 14 years old btw ?

@rmi5 Bro where are you? I've missed you.

دوستان یکی از مثبت ترین مزیت هایی که توافق هسته ای ایران داشت این بود که باعث میشه قیمت نفت بیش از پیش بیاد پایین همچنین تقاضا رو برای نفت عربستان کاهش میده و این دو عامل رو هم ديگه کمر اقتصاد عربستان رو می شکنه ...
Saram sholough hast, aziz jan :)
Why on Earth Iranians are supposed to still cry over what happened in the 7th century's battles?
Saudi brother.. It happens for the exact reasons that Christians honer the birth and crucification of prophet Jesus (A.S), for the same reason that people honor rightious chamiopns who sacrified their lives for the sake of their people, they land or their relgion.

In Shia living to the memory of Karbala is recommended as it is recommended to cheer up in prophet Muhammad Be'sat day or Ghadir dar or Prophet Muhammad's birthday... This is very civilized to keep these incidents alive by holding the memory of these incidents and what happened in it. Specially if Muslims benefit from holding it.

Karbala has two messages generally. First, you not only can die for a good cause but you must look forward to it. Second, even though you are very little in numbers, don't worry. Righteous people were always in little numbers through out history. Being in little numbers does not mean to accept himulation and Zolm. I can say, this very distinct message of Karbala is well received by Shia. One of the main reasons Shia is very stubborn in its fight against Zolm and non-Muslim rulers is Karbala.

If it is something happened centuries ago and we must let it, I should tell you that most of what we as humans have today is based on something happened not centuries ago but sometimes thousands of years ago. It is our business as it is everybody else's business. Religion is not something racial or tribal so we let it go because it happened in an Arab society.. This does not just make sense bro...

No matter why Shia cries for Karbala, it obviously benefits them very much. It is an endless force in heart of every Muslim Shia to fight against Taghout and Zolm, don't be afraid if they are outnumbered and do the right thing. Karbala incident is one of the most morally pure and beautiful stories you have in whole world.

If you still has doubts about it, which you do but I know that you are not a blind متعصب guy. Therefore, I refer you to two different sources, may God guides all toward truth and love:

1- What Christian scholars are saying about Karbala:

Imam Hussain (A.S.) in View of Intellects, Philosophers and Orientalists
Al Hussein (a.s.) in the eyes on non-Muslims
Quotes about Imam Hussain (a.s) by renowned personalities

2- What Sunni Scholars said about Karbala:

Use translate.google.com if you like to read what main Sunni scholars think about Imama Hussein and Karbala:
عزاداری امام حسین علیه السلام در میان اهل سنت

Actually, no muslim can ignore the position of Imam Hussein with prophet Muhammad. He is a pure respect among all Muslims. Now, compare it with it Yazid ben Moaviyah.

I met a French guys who converted to Islam somewhere. We had the chance to have a dinner together. I asked him what made him choose Ah al beit to the majority Sunni sect. He said something very interesting.

He said during the time that he spent researching about Islam, he came along the Shia concept of "Ismat of Prophet and Ahl Al beit" then he started a comprehensive research about it.

"I have been studying all major religions in last 10 years and surprisingly I could not find a single sin in the lives of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and his ahl al beit while there are plenty of sins in lives of other significant religious leaders including Sunni Kholafa" He said.

Infallibility is a good sign that Hussein would not have been fighting Yazid for a simple tribal reason. To know more about why Shia Muslims believe in infallibility of Prophet and ahl al beit I refer you to this book in google:

Shi'i Islam: Origins, Faith and Practices - Mohammad A. Shomali - Google Books

The Significance of the Ahl al-Bayt (The Prophet's Family)

So it is never about a war between tribal arabs centuries ago. It is about the concepts that arise from that incident and from a believe that your heart and soul as a human been and as a Muslim can not be indifferent to such a huge lesson in history of Islam.

Now read about who was YAZID:

Chapter 9: Who was Yazid? | A Probe into the History of Ashura' | Books on Islam and Muslims | Al-Islam.org

Or here:

Harrah – Another proof of Yazid’s transgression | Serat Online

mikhaan har kaari misheh bekonand ta hezb e kurd ra az ghodrat hazf konand.
Ahsant.. Exactly...
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Didn't you have an account here a while back with Turkish flags? That member also had a very similar name to you.
Nope, this is my only account on here.
This is what I found when searched Xeno:

ROFLAO!!!! :omghaha: I got it from the greek word xenos.
انفجاری که آبروی دستگاه اطلاعاتی اردوغان را برد +تصاویر - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir

* عربستان سعوی به راحتی برای جریان شیرازی و بعثه وی ویزا صادر می‌کند

عربستان سعودی که این همه ادعا می‌کند سنی تندرو هستند؛ ادعای تندروی در تسنن می‌کنند، باید بیش از همه نسبت به گروه سیدصادق شیرازی و تشیع انگلیسی برخورد بکنند. در حالی که شما می‌‌بینید این نوع تشیع کاملاً از سوی عربستان حمایت می‌شود. حمایت مالی می‌شود. حمایت سیاسی می‌شود. اینها هر وقت بخواهند به عربستان بروند، راه برایشان باز است.

بعثه سیدصادق شیرازی در عربستان بدون این که با جمهوری اسلامی هماهنگ بشود یا مثلاً سازمان حج به آنها مجوز بدهد خود سفارت عربستان به آنها مجوز می‌دهد. این جوری همکاری می‌کند. بخواهند برای هر کسی از هر جای دنیا در انگلیس اقامت بگیرند یا بخواهند شناسنامه انگلیسی بگیرند، بدون محدودیت به آنها داده می‌شود. حمایت سیاسی می‌شوند. حمایت اقتصادی می‌شوند. حمایت فکری می‌شوند.

ساخت 2 نیروگاه هسته‌ای در سواحل مکران - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir

Excuse my French but in latina adamhaye mother coffee hastan lol dokhtaraye gold diggeri daran
:lol: You are right. :lol:
I'm not looking really, women are just looking for resources for their eggs.
Don't be stingy bro. I understand that you may not want to spend money on them, but having a family is important, at least for me as a conservative person. You need to look for a right woman raised in a good family, not just a girl with the best looks. I will expect at least one son and one daughter from my future wife, that's good from many aspects, in which one of them is keeping your wife busy, and reduce your future headaches, and her "Gir daadan" va "Negh zadan". :lol:
I have no problem spending money on a woman, but if their sole purpose is to get their hands on your money or because of your position then I prefer to stay alone and jack off than to be with those kind of women.
Bro, that's why I told you to look for the right type of women, which I meant Conservative ones. I know you and @Abii are liberals, but believe me dude, the chance of forming a proper real family(Not gold diggers, nor "Sohaan e A'esaab", nor cheater, ...) with a conservative woman is orders of magnitude better than even thinking about living with the cute liberal girl out there in a night club with tattoos on her booty. But, I guess you guys don't like to live with conservatives in general :lol:
I'm Libertarian actually :D No, I totally get ya, and I don't mean to insult women, there are plenty of manwhores out there too, like Abii said, (I might be rephrasing tho, but the context us the same I believe) "Just because you don't have the same opportunities, you can't criticize those who do", I'm no Brad Pitt or whomever the male benchmark for beaty is these days, but belive me, I also had my faur share of opportunities.

To tease you a bit, you are a libertarian of bill maher type not the original type. :lol::flame:
Dude, as I understand, everything in life is about principles. According to my principles, everything is not about having sex. I was raised in a very rich family, I have good looks, and since I reached puberty age, I could literally sleep with tens of girls. But, my principles has told me to put emphasis on other aspects of my life, like education, learning to earn money, networking, ... If your purpose is only getting laid, then it's not that difficult bro, specially for you as a smart person. Just go to a bar every night for one month, drink alcohol to get courage, and start flirting with girls. You are a smart person and I guarantee that you will understand how to get laid after 1 or 2 weeks. There is no such magic thing as a manwhore or those terms like Alpha-male. If you just change your goals and put emphasis on becoming a manwhore, you can easily become one in a month. one does not even need to be super rich or having good looks, or nice jobs, ... But, everything in this world has consequences. If you become a manwhore for enjoying your 20s and early 30s, then you should kiss goodbye for having a real family for rest of your life. Do your calculations bro, and ignore the garbage culture that liberal media is trying to impose on you and on your life. Our lives is already too short for seeking our important goals. :-) Maybe I sound too conservative for you, and you don't hold my values or viewpoints, and you may want to ignore them, but that's how I see the world. :)
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نیاز هست حتی یکبار دیگر جشن ملی بگیریم

عجب خبری اومده
باور نکردنیه


Iran to join ITER project

Iran plans to join a plan for the construction of the world's largest nuclear fusion reactor known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in France.

“The nuclear fusion reactor, which is to be launched in France, will generate 300 MW of power. Trade reactors will be made in case the project goes well,” said Mahmoud Qoran-Nevis, the head of Plasma Physics Studies Department of Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, ISNA wrote.

The reactor is expected to be launched on a trial basis in 2021.

“Nuclear fusion can be controlled only for a few seconds and needs research reactors that work continuously to generate power,” he said, adding that the studies are not monopolized by certain countries anymore because the construction process requires more time and expense.

Researchers from Europe, the US, Japan, South Korea and India made joint investments to design the research reactor. Each part of the reactor will be designed and built by one of these countries.

Qoran-Nevis added that the Iranian center is seeking studies on nuclear technology and conducting advanced industrial, medical and pragmatic studies on plasma physics.

Plasma Physics Studies Department has signed two agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran to join ITER project

نیروگاهها فعلی در جهان و حتی این 4 تا نیروگاه در حال ساخت ایران , همگی جزو نسل اول نیروگاههای اورانیوم برای زمان ریاست جمهوری نیکسون هستند
در این همه سالها فقط ایمنی نیروگاهها بالا رفته وبعد از نیم قرن مشکل بازدهی پایین و پسماند این نیروگاههای نسل یک , حل نشده

نسل اینده این نیروگاهها ,گداخت هسته ای خواهد بود
که دارای بازده بسیار بالا و پسماند صفر هست

اصلا فکر نمی کردم که ایران با این وضع سیاسی با غرب بتواند در این پروژه همکاری کند
و این مثل روز برام روشن بود و امکانش در حد صفر بود

یکی از خوبی های توافق که من العان فهمیدم و بسیار خوشحالم این هست که قرار شده ایران در طرح بین الملی گداخت مشارکت کنه و در خود ایران هم بتواند راکتور گداخت کوچک تحقیقاتی بسازد

این طرح که در هسته ای ترین کشور دنیا (فرانسه) در حال انجام هست و قرار هست عناصر پایدار تر و ارزان تراز اورانیوم را نیز مصرف کند و بسوزاند

!!!!!فکرشو بکنید ما می تونیم سوخت این نیروگاه رو از اب دریا تامین کنیم
و دیگر نیاز به استخراج پر درد سر عنصر کمیاب و گران قیمت اورانیوم نیست

اگه بخوام بیشتر توضیح بدم پر بازده ترین و کم خرج ترین نیروگاه جهان همین خورشید ما هست
که عناصر فراوانی(در اصل فراوان ترین و ارزان ترین عنصر) همچون هیدوژن را می سوزاند و به پسماند بی خطری مانند هلیم می دهد
این طرح هم گرته برداری از هسته خورشید هست

حالا عمق فاجعه رو ببینید
سخنان فریدون عباسی- رئیس سابق سازمان انرژی اتمی

طرح گداخت بهانه‌ای برای فرار از غنی‌سازی

رئیس سابق سازمان انرژی اتمی با بیان اینکه طرح گداخت بهانه‌ای برای فرار از غنی‌سازی باشد، ‌گفت: صنعت هسته‌ای با جایگزینی مدیران تکنوکرات‌ها به جای مدیران جهادی آسیب خواهد دید.

من اصلا در این شک کردم که ایشون حتی دکتر باشه
ماشالله از متخصص جماعت هم دل خونی داره

حالا فکرشو بکنید که این جناب متخصص جهادی , معترض شرکت ما در طرح گداخت هم هستند
این مدیریت جهادی دیگه چه کوفتی هست؟

تا این حد خیانت؟

این هم نیروگاه فرانسه

Here Comes the Sun


من شرکت در این پروژه رو به کل نیروگاههای هسته ای فعلی ترجیح می دم
اقایون هنوز هم نگران ضرر ایران در توافق هستید؟
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