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Iranian Chill Thread

Yeah . it really didn't . not yours at least little wahhabi .

how are the time bombs doing ? and hey did you know that exposure to NG and ethylene glyco-dinitrate causes cardiovascular diseases ? that , and oral consumption of lizard uvula .

@Daneshmand @JEskandari aren't i right doctors ? :D

Yes, the Monday disease. But the most important symptom component of this disease is headache, for which it is necessary to have a head first, not an empty ball with two eyes stitched on it.

The World has moved on I am afraid.

Wake up.

Well, Iran has actually moved on. But you guys have a lot to answer to the Sunni world. The misery, the pains and the incalculable suffering of the Sunni world is due to the ideology coming out of Saudi Arabia.
Yes, the Monday disease. But the most important symptom component of this disease is headache, for which it is necessary to have a head first, not an empty ball with two eyes stitched on it.

Well, Iran has actually moved on. But you guys have a lot to answer to the Sunni world. The misery, the pains and the incalculable suffering of the Sunni world is due to the ideology coming out of Saudi Arabia.

I thought you got a bigger brain. I don't blame @haman10 or the other guy @2800 for what they say, especially @haman10 as he is a straight up akhoond. Iran hasn't moved on still. There are massive chest beating in every Iranian city during Ashura. It was a 7th century battle so massive chest beating and sharp metals self injuries are ought to be discouraged by the Iranian government. It was basically a 7th century tribal Arab war between Bani Hashim and Bani Umayyah. No one in Iran should worry about it.
انتقاد قانونگذاران دوحزبی آمریکا از صدور قطعنامه شورای امنیت درباره ایران


سناتور باب کورکر

اعضای دوحزب کنگره آمریکا از این که دولت باراک اوباما تصمیم گرفت سازمان ملل متحد مقدم بر کنگره، درباره توافق جامع اتمی ایران رأی دهد، انتقاد کرده اند. اما دولت باراک اوباما روز دوشنبه گفت رای شواری امنیت مانع ایفای نقش کنگره نمی شود.

قانونگذاران جمهوریخواه کنگره رای قاطع مثبت شورای امنیت سازمان ملل به توافق اتمی ایران را مورد انتقاد قرار داده و می گویند کاخ سفید برای جلب حمایت بین المللی از توافق ایران، کنگره را دور زده است.

الیوت انگل، نماینده پرنفوذ دمکرات از ایالت نیویورک و عضو کمیته روابط خارجی مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا در انتقاد از اوباما با اد رویس، رئیس جمهوریخواه این کمیته همصدا شده است. آنها در بیانیه ای مشترک گفته اند اینکه شورای امنیت قبل از کنگره آمریکا درباره توافق با ایران وارد عمل شده و تصمیم گیری کرده، «نا امیدکننده» است.

آنان همچنین گفتند «رای شورای امنیت هر چه که باشد، کنگره نقش خود را ایفا خواهد کرد.» بیشتر انتقادهای جلسه روز دوشنبه کنگره از سوی جمهوری خواهان بود.

جان کورنین، سناتور جمهوریخواه از تگزاس هم این اقدام را «توهین به مردم آمریکا» توصیف کرد و گفت «اگر توافق امنیت آمریکاییان را به مخاطره اندازد کنگره آن را رد خواهد کرد.»

مارکو روبیو، سناتور جمهوریخواه از فلوریدا و نامزد انتخابات دور آینده ریاست جمهوری آمریکا، با توجه به جلسه شورای امنیت درباره توافق اتمی ایران و همزمان بازگشایی سفارتخانه های آمریکا و کوبا در پایتخت های دو طرف، دوشنبه ۲۰ ژوئیه را «دوشنبه تسلیم» خواند.

جان بینر، رئیس جمهوریخواه مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا از ایالت اوهایو، وضع موجود را «شروعی بد برای توافقی بد» توصیف کرد و گفت: «چنین رای گیری آن هم تنها ۲۴ ساعت پس از ارائه اسناد توافق به کنگره، امنیت ملی ما را تهدید می کند و ناقض روح بررسی توافق اتمی ایران در کنگره است.» مقصود بینر فرصت ۶۰ روزه کنگره برای بررسی توافق جامع اتمی ایران است که از روز دوشنبه آغاز شد.

باب کورکر، رئیس کمیته روابط خارجی سنا اقدام دولت اوباما را نامناسب توصیف کرد و گفت در مهلت پیش رو، اعضای دو حزبی کنگره توافق اتمی ایران را «موشکافانه بررسی خواهند کرد.»

استنی هویر، از رهبران دموکرات مجلس نمایندگان هم در واکنش گفت رای شورای امنیت باید به تاخیر می افتاد.

جمهوریخواهان دیگری هم از جمله سناتورها لیندزی گرام وتام کاتن واکنشهای مشابهی علیه رای گیری در شورای امنیت ابراز کرده اند.

جاش ارنست سخنگوی کاخ سفید در جلسه خبری روز دوشنبه کوشید در پاسخ به خبرنگاران در این زمینه توضیح دهد و گفت رای شورای امنیت ابدا هیچ تاثیری درعملکرد و بررسی کنگره درباره توافق ندارد.

از طرف دیگر جان کری وزیر امور خارجه آمریکا و ارنست مونیز وزیر انرژی و جک لو وزیر خزانه داری و یک مقام اطلاعاتی که نامش فاش نشده، روز سه شنبه در کنگره با قانونگذراران از هر دو حزب در جلسات محرمانه دیدار می کنند. پنجشنبه هم جان کری و آقای مونیز در کمیته روابط خارجی سنا حاضر خواهند شد و سه شنبه هفته آینده هم این دو مقام در کمیته روابط خارجی مجلس نمایندگان به سوالات قانونگذاران پاسخ خواهند داد.

در پاسخ به انتقادها، جان کری وزیر خارجه آمریکا گفت: «کنگره دور زده نشده و قانونگذاران دو ماه فرصت دارند تا تصمیم بگیرند.»

Phuck you white British red American murderers.

Yes, the Monday disease. But the most important symptom component of this disease is headache, for which it is necessary to have a head first, not an empty ball with two eyes stitched on it.

Well, Iran has actually moved on. But you guys have a lot to answer to the Sunni world. The misery, the pains and the incalculable suffering of the Sunni world is due to the ideology coming out of Saudi Arabia.
Exactly. May the wahhabis go to hell asap.
I thought you got a bigger brain. I don't blame @haman10 or the other guy @2800 for what they say, especially @haman10 as he is a straight up akhoond. Iran hasn't moved on still. There are massive chest beating in every Iranian city during Ashura. It was a 7th century battle so massive chest beating and sharp metals self injuries are ought to be discouraged by the Iranian government. It was basically a 7th century tribal Arab war between Bani Hashim and Bani Umayyah. No one in Iran should worry about it.

It is called dedication to what you believe in. Though in Iran there is no "sharp metal use", this mostly happens in Iraq, Kuwait, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc etc.

Unlike Wahabis, Iranians feel a deep dedication to the Prophet and his household, as do the vast majority of Sunnis eg. the Sufis and the Brelvis etc.

But Wahabis are different. They do not beat their chest or feel emotional (are almost like robots), then they go on slaughtering innocent people left and right, blowing up innocent women and children and generally feel good when they are destroying the world around them. This is the standard definition of a sociopath, by the way.
I thought you got a bigger brain. I don't blame @haman10 or the other guy @2800 for what they say, especially @haman10 as he is a straight up akhoond. Iran hasn't moved on still. There are massive chest beating in every Iranian city during Ashura. It was a 7th century battle so massive chest beating and sharp metals self injuries are ought to be discouraged by the Iranian government. It was basically a 7th century tribal Arab war between Bani Hashim and Bani Umayyah. No one in Iran should worry about it.
You as an atheist Saudi say this meanwhile in Saudia people are calling Yazid with (ra) !

I have seen several Saudis here insulting Ahlulbayt despite you have low number in PDF. Musanna, Mosamania, Juba, Umayyad empire ... are some of them.

Today I found this thread in ME which was related to one of the new threads. I found this thread as an interesting thread and read some of its pages. A Saudi guy here is registered that has the "Yzd Khalifa" name. This dumb is saying Yazid is our Khlifa!!! He means Sunni Yazid defeated Shia Imam Hussain (PBUH). That dumb doesn't realize that, Yazid was a pagan and Imam Hussain (PBUH) was grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

This is your level of great understanding!
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It is called dedication to what you believe in. Though in Iran there is no "sharp metal use", this mostly happens in Iraq, Kuwait, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc etc.

Unlike Wahabis, Iranians feel a deep dedication to the Prophet and his household, as do the vast majority of Sunnis eg. the Sufis and the Brelvis etc.

But Wahabis are different. They do not beat their chest or feel emotional (are almost like robots), then they go on slaughtering innocent people left and right, blowing up innocent women and children and generally feel good when they are destroying the world around them. This is the standard definition of a sociopath, by the way.

Let's say for the sake of argument that all the salafies/wahhabis are bad and terrible as you described. That doesn't mean that Iranians should still continue to buy into the mass delusion that they have been thrown into. You need someone like Ahmad Kasravi or Ali Akbar Hukmi Zadeh to wake them up (the later is the author of اسرار هزار ساله). There is an over focus on the tribal/Islamic civil wars than the faith itself. Why on Earth Iranians are supposed to still cry over what happened in the 7th century's battles? They can believe and love the prophet and his household without taking that to an irrational level.
Let's say for the sake of argument that all the salafies/wahhabis are bad and terrible as you described. That doesn't mean that Iranians should still continue to buy into the mass delusion that they have been thrown into. You need someone like Ahmad Kasravi or Ali Akbar Hukmi Zadeh to wake them up (the later is the author of اسرار هزار ساله). There is an over focus on the tribal/Islamic civil wars than the faith itself. Why on Earth Iranians are supposed to still cry over what happened in the 7th century's battles? They can believe and love the prophet and his household without taking that to an irrational level.

I do not know who those people are, so I can't comment on them.

But I think you seriously do not understand the dynamics of faith, history, culture and their inter-dependencies.

I do not care who is doing what as long as they remain civil and humane. A wahabi can do and believe in whatever he wants to believe in, as long as it remains within the bounds of humanity and not trying to impose his version of "faith" on the rest of the world by force of terror.

What you are doing here is no more different. You are trying to ridicule other people's faith (note that I did not ridicule your faith only your doings and your dispositions) in order to de-humanize them through Takfir. You are hurt about Iran's rise so you need to compensate by ridiculing matters in faith and how people dedicate themselves on a personal level to their faith.

These things have no bearing. Mark my word that in the next few decades the Saudis and Wahabis will go through such transformations in their own faith (mostly in a bad way), that you will forget about what Shias, non-Wahabi Sunnis, Alawites, Zaidis and others are doing.

You better start worrying about where your faith is going, rather than about Iranians. You are fast approaching the edge of cliff at the end of your short road and your eyes are fixed on back mirror looking at what Iran is doing in the other lane. Well, that other lane is the airport runway and Iran is about to take off. You better save your car and stop worrying about Iran's flight.
I do not know who those people are, so I can't comment on them.

But I think you seriously do not understand the dynamics of faith, history, culture and their inter-dependencies.

I do not care who is doing what as long as they remain civil and humane. A wahabi can do and believe in whatever he wants to believe in, as long as it remains within the bounds of humanity and not trying to impose his version of "faith" on the rest of the world by force of terror.

What you are doing here is no more different. You are trying to ridicule other people's faith (note that I did not ridicule your faith only your doings and your dispositions) in order to de-humanize them through Takfir. You are hurt about Iran's rise so you need to compensate by ridiculing matters in faith and how people dedicate themselves on a personal level to their faith.

These things have no bearing. Mark my word that in the next few decades the Saudis and Wahabis will go through such transformations in their own faith (mostly in a bad way), that you will forget about what Shias, non-Wahabi Sunnis, Alawites, Zaidis and others are doing.

You better start worrying about where your faith is going, rather than about Iranians. You are fast approaching the edge of cliff at the end of your short road and your eyes are fixed on back mirror looking at what Iran is doing in the other lane. Well, that other lane is the airport runway and Iran is about to take off. You better save your car and stop worrying about Iran's flight.

As always, you miss the fucking point.

That was @Abii 's best judgment ever about any PDF member.
my record is 32 ... but my eye have some serious problem ...
Mine is 32 now, I went up two points. Hope your eye gets better.
You are a turk. Anyway my cursing was toward American politicians not the people.
No matter how many times I've denied being a Turk, everybody keeps calling me one. :close_tema:

I was being sarcastic.
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