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Iranian Chill Thread

They dont?

good to have you back militant..:D
No they don't.

90% of none Shia Saudis don't even know names of 5 Imams. I have browsed some of Arab forums and have listened to some of their wahhabi speech on youtube, they don't use (ra) for Shia Imams when they hear or use their names. Some of them only use (ra) for Imam Ali and Hussain (PBUT).
Those idiots are proud of Abu Sufiyan (worst idol worshipper enemy of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ), his son Moaviah (enemy of Imam Ali (PBUH) and his grandson Yazid (la) (enemy of Imams Hussain (PBUH) ). Those Nasibis even use (ra) for Yazid and know him as a righteous man!

Also in our Shia hadithes we have Sufianyi who is from Arabs (probably Saudia) and grandson of Abu Sufiyan and Yazid will be the last enemy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and will get killed by his fellows.

Yazidi schools in Saudia:

Saudi Wahhabis Name School In Honor Of Yazeed - Islam for Muslims - Nigeria

Imagine that Prophet Christ (PBUH) had a son and grandson and his grandson got martyred by a Roman man and today some "so called Christian" people exist that were proud of that Roman man. (Certainly if such people today exist we would call them Satan worshippers)

Now compare what I said with wahhabis and understand the wahhabi folly.
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زیگمار گابریل، وزیر اقتصاد آلمان و قائم‌مقام آنگلا مرکل، صدراعظم این کشور در سفر به تهران، از ایران خواست برای بهبود روابط اقتصادی با غرب، مسئله رابطه‌اش با اسرائیل را حل کند.

به گزارش رویترز آقای گابریل که امروز یکشنبه ۱۹ ژوئیه (۲۸ تیر) برای دیداری سه‌روزه وارد تهران شده، در جمع تعدادی از صاحبان صنعت و تجارت ایران وآلمان گفت: "زیر سوال بردن حق موجودیت این کشور (اسرائیل) مسئله‌ای نیست که ما آلمانی‌ها بتوانیم آن را قبول کنیم".

وزیر اقتصاد آلمان گفت اگر این موضوع مورد بحث قرار نگیرد ایران نمی‌تواند در بلند مدت روابط اقتصادی خوبی با آلمان برقرار کند.

او پیشنهاد میانجی‌گری آلمان برای بهبود روابط ایران با اسرائیل را مطرح کرد.

آقای گابریل اولین مقام ارشد غربی است که بعد از توافق هسته‌ای ایران با قدرت‌های جهانی به تهران سفر می‌کند.

دولت اسرائیل از سرسخت‌ و صریح‌ترین منتقدان این توافق است.

Khosh omadi mashti . akhe bara chi passwordeto intori kardi ??? yebaregi migofti Mod ha IP ro ban konan . :enjoy: khosh migzare ?
Hey, what's up my bros? I thought I'll create an account since everything is turning into rainbow and butterflies :D I see some people like mohsen are upset about the deal?
I'm not upset, but some people who read my critical comments become upset and conclude that I'm upset too!
Saudi Commandos Are in Eden, Yemen to Help Abdomansour and Al Qaeda fighters: They are quite decent soldiers: One of them is even self-armored...

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Saudi Commandos Are in Eden, Yemen to Help Abdomansour and Al Qaeda fighters: They are quite decent soldiers:

You DON'T judge a soldier by his appearance, but with his performance in action.

This very same decent soldiers ran away with their tails between their legs facing Houthis, both in 2009 and now in 2015.
You DON'T judge a soldier by his appearance, but with his performance in action.

This very same decent soldiers ran away with their tails between their legs facing Houthis, both in 2009 and now in 2015.
physical readiness is the first thing asked from a commando.... yani in samte rastiye ba machine gun ba,ad az dore haye sakht va taghat farsaye commandoyee be in shekle nahif dar oomade....
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اینو دیدین بچه ها...جالبه


یر سوال بردن حق موجودیت این کشور (اسرائیل) مسئله‌ای نیست که ما آلمانی‌ها بتوانیم آن را قبول کنیم".
نبایدم قبول کنید...شما آلمانیا دهن یهودیا رو سرویس کردین و بعد بجای اینکه یه جایی تو همون المان بهشون بدین فرستادینشون بین یکی از بی مایه ترین مخلوقات خدا

غرب اوکراین یا شرق اوکراین؟
بودن یا نبودن
مسئله این هست
خیر الاعمال به اوسطها
No they don't.

90% of none Shia Saudis don't even know names of 5 Imams. I have browsed some of Arab forums and have listened to some of their wahhabi speech on youtube, they don't use (ra) for Shia Imams when they hear or use their names. Some of them only use (ra) for Imam Ali and Hussain (PBUT).
Those idiots are proud of Abu Sufiyan (worst idol worshipper enemy of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ), his son Moaviah (enemy of Imam Ali (PBUH) and his grandson Yazid (la) (enemy of Imams Hussain (PBUH) ). Those Nasibis even use (ra) for Yazid and know him as a righteous man!

Also in our Shia hadithes we have Sufianyi who is from Arabs (probably Saudia) and grandson of Abu Sufiyan and Yazid will be the last enemy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and will get killed by his fellows.

Yazidi schools in Saudia:

Saudi Wahhabis Name School In Honor Of Yazeed - Islam for Muslims - Nigeria

Imagine that Prophet Christ (PBUH) had a son and grandson and his grandson got martyred by a Roman man and today some "so called Christian" people exist that were proud of that Roman man. (Certainly if such people today exist we would call them Satan worshippers)

Now compare what I said with wahhabis and understand the wahhabi folly.

I know about wahabis n their love for yazeed the asshole.
Dude, do you realize that you and Netanyahu are both on the same team? This deal is a way for Iran to improve its relations with its neighbors, stop meddling in affairs that has no benefit for it (Arab-Palestinian issues) and imorose quality of Iranian lives, maybe like Turkey, before Erdogan went crazy.
It's Obama and Netanyahu who are in the same team. regardless of the deal's content, he will keep barking, that's his role. they are just playing the good cope/bad cope.
ignoring the flaws in the deal not only wont help us but will further damage us.
It doesn't matter if it's tomorrow or 7 years and 264 days later, Americans will use the flaws to break their promise, as they have did in all of their previous agreements with Iran and Iranians. remember Mosaddeq? I can very well classify him as your team, what happened to him?
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