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Iranian Chill Thread

@Serpentine hala ke post haye mesle in ro delete mikoni lotfan tamame post haye oona yaroo rokarl ke bar zedde asle islam va shia va quran va prophet minevise ro ham pak kon...mamnoon

Lotfan address bede be post ha ta pak konam.

Btw, Rukarl hamun IR1907 hast agar nemidunstid.

Shahnameh ham The Last of Us bud ke ban shodan hamashun.
Hizbullah Warriors: (bache khoshgelash)... khoobe ina asir nemidan...vagarna..che jahade lavati ra bendazan in wahhabiha!!

Last edited:
This great man is simply timeless! Enjoy!

9 Timeless Leadership Lessons from Cyrus the Great

greatest book on business and leadership was written in the 4th century BC by a Greek about a Persian King. Yeah, that’s right.

Behold: Cyrus the Great, the man that historians call “the most amiable of conquerors,” and the first king to found “his empire on generosity” instead of violence and tyranny. Consider Cyrus the antithesis to Machiavelli’s ideal Prince. The author, himself the opposite of Machiavelli, was Xenophon, a student of Socrates.

The book is a veritable classic in the art of leadership, execution, and responsibility. Adapted from Larry Hendrick’s excellent translation, here are nine lessons in leadership from Xenophon’s Cyrus the Great:

Be Self-Reliant

“Never be slow in replenishing your supplies. You’ll always bee on better terms with your allies if you can secure your own provisionsGive them all they need and your troops will follow you to the end of the earth.”

Be Generous

Success always calls for greater generosity–though most people, lost in the darkness of their own egos, treat it as an occasion for greater greed. Collecting boot [is] not an end itself, but only a means for building [an] empire. Riches would be of little use to us now–except as a means of winning new friends.”

Be Brief

“Brevity is the soul of command. Too much talking suggests desperation on the part of the leader. Speak shortly, decisively and to the point–and couch your desires in such natural logic that no one can raise objections. Then move on.”

Be a Force for Good

“Whenever you can, act as a liberator. Freedom, dignity, wealth–these three together constitute the greatest happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die.”

Be in Control

[After punishing some renegade commanders] “Here again, I would demonstrate the truth that, in my army, discipline always brings rewards.”

Be Fun

“When I became rich, I realized that no kindness between man and man comes more naturally than sharing food and drink, especially food and drink of the ambrosial excellence that I could now provide. Accordingly, I arranged that my table be spread everyday for many invitees, all of whom would dine on the same excellent food as myself. After my guests and I were finished, I would send out any extra food to my absent friends, in token of my esteem.”

Be Loyal

[When asked how he planned to dress for a celebration] “If I can only do well by my friends, I’ll look glorious enough in whatever clothes I wear.”

Be an Example

“In my experience, men who respond to good fortune with modesty and kindness are harder to find than those who face adversity with courage.”

Be Courteous and Kind

“There is a deep–and usually frustrated–desire in the heart of everyone to act with benevolence rather than selfishness, and one fine instance of generosity can inspire dozens more. Thus I established a stately court where all my friends showed respect to each other and cultivated courtesy until it bloomed into perfect harmony.”

There’s a reason Cyrus found students and admirers in his own time as well as the ages that followed. From Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin to Julius Caesar and Alexander (and yes, even Machiavelli) great men have read his inspiring example and put it to use in the pursuit of their own endeavors.

That isn’t bad company.

9 Timeless Leadership Lessons from Cyrus the Great - Forbes
هیئت کارشناسان سازمان ملل در گزارشی پرتاب ماهواره از سوی ایران به فضا را نشان‌دهنده دست‌یابی ایران به فناوری موشک‌‌های بالیستیک دانسته است.



Shoma asan be in helicoptere jadid omidi dari?

حال و روز بعضیها:

چرا خفه خوان گرفته اند؟ طیفی که حاضر است سگ بشود برای کشتن سگ ها. طیفی که هر دری می زند که بگوید منورالفکر است چرا این روزها در برابر قتل عام کودکان یمن خفه خوان گرفته است؟ کاش آنقدر که در داغ از دست دادن نلسون ماندلا و استیو جابز مرثیه سرودند یک صدمش برای این کودکان مظلوم یمنی مرثیه سرایی می کردند. سکولارهایی که حاضر هستند با کدخدا ببندند برایشان افت دارد که برای پابرهنه های یمنی داد بزنند. آن قدر در کافکا و صادق هدایت و دود و بوی قهوه و الکل از کافه تا پارتی غرق شده اند که مسخ شده و برای سگ های ولگرد تجمع راه می اندازند ولی برای مردم یمن حتی آه هم نمی کشند. کاش بر اساس همان رگ آریایی که ادعا دارند از کوروش یاد می گرفتند که حامی مظلوم باشند نه اینکه با گرفتن اقامت چند هفته ای در امارات پوست بدنشان را در چند صد کیلومتری اطفال یمنی برنزه تر کنند.
اصلا چه حرفی است؟! این طیف لیاقت حمایت از مظلومان را ندارد همان بهتر که پلاکارد من هم سگ هستم روی دست بگیرند
چرا خفه خوان گرفته اند؟ آیت الله ای که تمام هم و غمش گرفتن هفته برائت و فحش دادن به بزرگان اهل سنت و داخل کردن انواع بدعت ها به اسم عزاداری در ماه محرم چرا ساکت شده است؟ چرا خفه خوان گرفته است؟ وقتش رسیده دیگر به قول آقا روح الله (ره) عمامه های این ها را از سرشان برداریم. زیر عمامه چه قایم کرده اید که تا شعار مرگ بر یهود و آمریکا و اسرائیل می آید ساکت می شوید. گیرم که اهالی غزه سنی شافعی بودند و آن زمان احمقانه اعتقاد داشتید هر طرف بکشد به نفع شیعه است، اما الان غیرتتان کجا رفته یا اشباح الرجال که کودک شیعه را با بمب و موشک تکه تکه می کنند و خفه خوان گرفته اید؟

عکس18+/خفقان گرفته های 2015 | پایگاه اطلاع رسانی رجا
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