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Iranian Chill Thread

What if the people themselves were under a secular government and then decided to make their religion as their base of their revolution? It is pure democracy.. is n,t it? People decide what they want and adopt it!! I,m not a religious merchant.. I truly believe in my religion as I am a converted person BTW... I researched all available religions for years and before you were born... I was practically an atheist at your age but born something else...

I find this religion so perfect and I adhere to it with please... I also love to live in a country that majority of my fellow citizens are the same as myself in religion... It is a positive point.. you must ask yourself and your fellow Lost-in-Identity friends why they are named Muslim and act exactly against it in their daily life!! You are either a Muslim and adhere it or choose something else and name yourself under that sect... although I,m sure that a good percentage of ordinary Turks in Turkey are true Muslims...

It seems that you have understand nothing from my posts...
What is religion for you ? To force all the citizens of the country to live under religious rules ?

We say our religion is between Man and Allah.

Secondly, again you did't understand "religion merchant". It means that "Those who use religion for their own benefit "
Yes, Erdoğan fits exactly in that definition...... he uses religion to sway votes. He says "Allah, Bismillah, İnşhallah" all the time. Yet he fills his pocket and his family member's and his friends and his ministers by stealing from Turkish people. He lives in a 1000 roomed palace where as our prophet lived a very modest life.

My grandfather was a religious man. He would pray 5 times in mosque everyday. He lived a modest life. He had good morals.

There is a huge difference between a "religious man" and a "religion merchant"
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bro look at this


i say it must be A) but right answer is C) can u plz tell me how this possible ?

definitely the answer is A.if X,Y,Z belong to complex numbers territory the answer could be different.(I will calculate it if you want)

BTW, if you are into studying mathematic in a higher level I suggest you to study "calculus" written by Robert A. Adams.
It seems that you have understand nothing from my posts...
What is religion for you ? To force all the citizens of the country to live under religious rules ?

We say our religion is between Man and Allah.

Secondly, again you did't understand "religion merchant". It means that "Those who use religion for their own benefit "
Yes, Erdoğan fits exactly in that definition...... he uses religion to sway votes. He says "Allah, Bismillah, İnşhallah" all the time. Yet he fills his pocket and his family member's and his friends and his ministers by stealing from Turkish people. He lives in a 1000 roomed palace where as our prophet lived a very modest life.

My grandfather was a religious man. He would pray 5 times in mosque everyday. He lived a modest life. He had good morals.

There is a huge difference between a "religious man" and a "religion merchant"
I respect guys like your father
That's how it should be....


Look at this photo....they are waiting to break their fast. All kinds of meals, in a luxury hotel, singers singing their songs while they are eating..... I mean what was the purpose of fasting...do they even remember that ? :disagree:
it is like one of my friends who after 30 years he decided to fast in ramazan and in eftar he had it with a glass of old shiraz wine!!!!
That's how it should be....


Look at this photo....they are waiting to break their fast. All kinds of meals, in a luxury hotel, singers singing their songs while they are eating..... I mean what was the purpose of fasting...do they even remember that ? :disagree:
In a culture that even Iftar of Fasting is a place to show up your wealth, you should reset a lot of things... the same goes for Iranians... they compete in more luxurious meals for Iftar when they have guests!! At least in one month of Ramazan people should look into Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima (s) that for three consecutive nights in ramazan when they wanted to break the fast with couple of dates and a little bread, poor (maybe orphans) came to their door asking for food and they gave away what they had for couple of days in raw... this is the philosophy behind Ramazan... to give away... to understand more people who had nothing to eat let Fasting aside, to calm your non-fill-able desires...

Last year in Ramadan. In Turkey people were discussing that if it is helal or haram to break the fast with sexual-intercourse. :cheesy:
:flame:they can't take it anymore even for minutes... u gotta understand them!!
slow down Turk... your Turk nature is not a clear sheet too ... do you want me to remind you of those??
I don't like Arabs the way you say it... actually since I learned their language and researched them through long backpack trips, I am more of a denier of them than a fan!!

and I,m fully against forcing women to either cover their head ot uncover it... both are not encouraging... Islam hass perfect rules (at least its shia version that I know of) but as far as it is not wrongly interpreted... I discourage some of my country rules as well... one is to force people to have hijab.... some of Islamic rules are unchangeable through out time but some of them should and (already under processing) MUST be modified taking TIME (2015) and PLACE (where you live) into account... This is a movement that started a decade ago in Iran and Mullahs are going to modify some of not principal Islamic rules into a modern understanding... one was Tahrim of stoning... One was equal Ransom for both men and women in case of murder or accidents... One is equal ransom for non Muslim citizens... One is letting bi-sexuals to decide what they want to be and let them operate a Sex change operation.... one is using abortion when it is needed... one is laboratory pregnancy... a good and perfect religion must be adaptive and smart...something that Shia are trying to be... But still I,m against some rules like forced Hijab.. and I,m sure it will be changed in future... Btw, did you know forced Hijab is something Jewish and Christian before it is Islamic??

that forcing woman into covering their heads is key to success

here you are trolling... Non of forcing to Hijab and Forcing to unhijab are a force toward success... The success comes from determination and innovative minds and hard work...

How good is your Arabic? Could you please elaborate more about your learning of Arabic?
I some times think.... maybe if our Prophet came today... He might say "Stop using all of the electronic devices as fasting. Don't use internet, smartphones, PC, Television, etc.... " Maybe it would be much more effective on today's youngsters. :meeting:
A prophet that says "go to as far as China to learn and get science" I doubt it do as you say... I believe it exactly the opposite...
Drinking alcohol every where, .... going to discos drinking and doing all possible sins... promoting gays and lesbians...

do you really see no difference between above mentioned stuff and science and progress and electronics??

Most ME people got it wrong... Islam is the religion of science and progress if you do exactly what they teach you... as when prophet and Imams are promoting science and asking people to go learn the knowledge even if it is in China...
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