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Iranian Chill Thread

But the question is like... while you were not married to her (gf / fiancee status) she got some jealousy. After marriage what happens to level of the jealousy ? Is it increase or decrease ?
:lol: lol, now I got you man, and to be frank I must say, there is no such thing as increase or decrease in jealousy level, it is always there, the jealousy I mean, and it has always been there, the difference is, they are gonna reveal it when the relation is official. In that time, I mean after getting married they no longer hesitate revealing their true feelings (the jealousy or to be more precise their protective attitude) That's some unspoken truth, they are all the same in feelings, don't make it a big deal, just try to enjoy it :lol:, and by the time passing these kinda emotional reactionaries shall gonna subside down. (in 20, 30 years I mean, in some cases even in 50 years :lol:)

Mate, the issue is; Fiancee video called me at 4:00 am Saturday night. I was at very deep sleep and woke up very hardly (later i learned that she called me 3 times to wake me up) When i got up on my feet, my heart was beating heavily, my head felt dizzy. I asked what happened. She said "nothing go back to sleep"...i lied down. She called again. I said "WTF is going on". She again said "nothing go back to sleep"...

I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour, my heart continued to beat at least 10-15 minutes...it was really bad.

In the morning i asked her why did she call me. She said "Too see if you are at home or outside/ in some other girls house"..... :o::o::o::o:
Oh, I can see you've got a real protective one there, dude :enjoy:
That's some hyper activity in this regard, dude. :lol: but that seem quite an entertainment, too.
My solution would be to start calling her on 3 am every night, :lol: just kidding bro.
But on a serious note, you might wanna consult a psychologist, to solve any problem in the case of existence.
:) ı agree.

But the question is like... while you were not married to her (gf / fiancee status) she got some jealousy. After marriage what happens to level of the jealousy ? Is it increase or decrease ?

Mate, the issue is; Fiancee video called me at 4:00 am Saturday night. I was at very deep sleep and woke up very hardly (later i learned that she called me 3 times to wake me up) When i got up on my feet, my heart was beating heavily, my head felt dizzy. I asked what happened. She said "nothing go back to sleep"...i lied down. She called again. I said "WTF is going on". She again said "nothing go back to sleep"...

I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour, my heart continued to beat at least 10-15 minutes...it was really bad.

In the morning i asked her why did she call me. She said "Too see if you are at home or outside/ in some other girls house"..... :o::o::o::o:

Tell me mate, if this jealousy trips will cease to exist when i got married with her or not ?
Next time she calls you at 4 in the morning, play her this song

Mate, the issue is; Fiancee video called me at 4:00 am Saturday night. I was at very deep sleep and woke up very hardly (later i learned that she called me 3 times to wake me up) When i got up on my feet, my heart was beating heavily, my head felt dizzy. I asked what happened. She said "nothing go back to sleep"...i lied down. She called again. I said "WTF is going on". She again said "nothing go back to sleep"...

I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour, my heart continued to beat at least 10-15 minutes...it was really bad.

In the morning i asked her why did she call me. She said "Too see if you are at home or outside/ in some other girls house"..... :o::o::o::o:
I laughed more than i should, sry bro, but think of it from this side, when you are married she wont call you to wake you up. :D

But seriously, she is a little bit too obsessed with you isnt she? :fie:
I laughed more than i should, sry bro, but think of it from this side, when you are married she wont call you to wake you up. :D
Yeah, she won't wake me up..but what if i go abroad ? I went to Russia 2 times for work....she would go berserk if i go there now. :fie:

But seriously, she is a little bit too obsessed with you isnt she? :fie:

Mate, i can't figure out.....i thought, we passed over these things with her, yet...

I think most of this happening because of his brother..... he is quiet the playa.
Yeah, she won't wake me up..but what if i go abroad ? I went to Russia 2 times for work....she would go berserk if i go there now. :fie:

Mate, i can't figure out.....i thought, we passed over these things with her, yet...

I think most of this happening because of his brother..... he is quiet the playa.
Oh boy, tell your boss that only Saudi Arabia is suitable for business travel for you. :D

Tell her you are different, i know its cheezy and probably wont work anyway but at least you can say you tried. :)
@rahi2357 @Abii @To Whom It May Concern :lol:
آیت‌الله موحدی‌کرمانی در اجلاس سراسری جبهه پیروان: مسئولان باید راه‌های ورود به جهنم را مسدود کنند
دبیرکل جامعه روحانیت مبارز گفت: مسئولان وظیفه دارند که مردم را به زور به بهشت ببرند و راه‌های جهنم را با قدرت مسدود کنند.
Guys be ready for the transfer. :lol:

به قول بازپرس تو مارمولک : ما مردم رو می بریم به بهشت ولو به زور

Listen to Punjabi music. You Iranians are too self absorbed and seem like you are not willing to learn about other cultures. You guys are like euro/middle eastern arabs. Iranians should appreciate Afghanistan and Pakistan as brotherly nations, rather than Syrians and Lebanese.

I think Eastern Iranians are closer to us Pakistanis and Afghans. Southern Iranians are closer to Gulf Arab people, and North Western Iranians are pretty much Turkish people.

Is my assessment wrong? @LoveIcon

Well, it is very difficult for me to understand it. I can understand Indian movie songs if I put my mind to it. But Punjabi is abit too much for me.

As for Iranians being too self absorbed, nothing can be further from truth. Iranians are actually quite open people and quick learners when it comes to culture. But you have to remember that Iran has actually been a donor nation in terms of culture. If you look around yourself, you will see Iranian culture everywhere in South Asia. Even Pakistan's national anthem is in Farsi. Almost all Urdu poets, writers of prominence and literary people of Pakistan converse and write in Farsi. Mughal kings used to talk in Farsi and the Mughal court culture was pretty much Iranian. Many of Pakistan Army and Airforce motos are in Farsi.

I would rather challenge and invite you to travel to Iran and discover Iran for yourself, instead of talking and speculating on a forum.
Well, it is very difficult for me to understand it. I can understand Indian movie songs if I put my mind to it. But Punjabi is abit too much for me.

As for Iranians being too self absorbed, nothing can be further from truth. Iranians are actually quite open people and quick learners when it comes to culture. But you have to remember that Iran has actually been a donor nation in terms of culture. If you look around yourself, you will see Iranian culture everywhere in South Asia. Even Pakistan's national anthem is in Farsi. Almost all Urdu poets, writers of prominence and literary people of Pakistan converse and write in Farsi. Mughal kings used to talk in Farsi and the Mughal court culture was pretty much Iranian. Many of Pakistan Army and Airforce motos are in Farsi.

I would rather challenge and invite you to travel to Iran and discover Iran for yourself, instead of talking and speculating on a forum.

You are right, but I think Iran and Pakistan should have more cultural exchange programs.
Well first of all tnx for the through explanation. Enjoyed reading it.

Secondly, my entire knowledge of the whole esther and haman story is based on a couple of history books in which I'll definitely give you the pdf links to as soon as my laptop gets fixed (they are interesting and i know you have a thing for this kinda books)

And the esther book itself.

So TBH i really need much more research into it cause its a very complex issue and reading 3 books one of which is not even a history book, is definitely not enough.

I planned to read some books for nouruz holidays. Any recommendations?

As for the laptop thing, i'm bored as hell

I cannot hit the gym too, I'll be exhausted for my classes.

Let me know about your fields of interest(Novel? History, Physics, Sociology, Philosophy, ...) then I can do my best in giving you a good list of interesting books ;) As you may know, I am literally a book worm and suggesting books is really one of my interests as well :)

:lol: I don't know why Iranians are always literally fleeing from going to gym :lol: I guess Iranians average weight is going up like a rocket in near future :lol: Anyway, you can start reading books from now, instead.

This guy really knows his stuff
@New @rmi5 @Militant Atheist @rahi2357

I watched 2/3 of it, and honestly did not like it because of a number of misinformations, wrong analyses, ... but, honestly, in general, I don't expect from non-Iranians(like this guy) to know much about Iran.

In 4:59 he says Mosadegh fled Iran?! I didn't know that? I think he is mistaken!
Yeah, about Mosaddeq, he also says that Tudeh Party was supporting him, which is very wrong. Also, his analyses about Iranian revolution isn't right. Anyway, the guy is no Iranian or Middle-Eastern, so I keep my expectation levels low.

He is just some barking dog that need some attention

I guess that's quite the opposite.
BTW, claiming to be shiite and partly Iranian does not make sense with having that guy as your avatar.
@rahi2357 @Abii @To Whom It May Concern :lol:
آیت‌الله موحدی‌کرمانی در اجلاس سراسری جبهه پیروان: مسئولان باید راه‌های ورود به جهنم را مسدود کنند
دبیرکل جامعه روحانیت مبارز گفت: مسئولان وظیفه دارند که مردم را به زور به بهشت ببرند و راه‌های جهنم را با قدرت مسدود کنند.
Guys be ready for the transfer. :lol:

I thought we had been living in heaven for 4 decades :unsure:
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