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Iranian Chill Thread

دوستان سلام ،

به نظر شما بهتر نیست از امسال یه 10 - 15 هزار میلیارد تومن بودجه به بخش اختلاصات تخصیص داده بشه ؟

به هر حال برادران زحمتکش حتما نیاز دارن دیگه ، نمیشه اونا رو نادیده گرفت .

That is a very sane advice. But I do not think the emotional people would allow its implementation.

من از بس این ها رو تکرار کردم زبونم که هیچ انگشت هام هم مو در اورد! کسی حرفی از تکیه بر کسی نکرد، من دارم می گم که اصل دیپلماسی بر مبنای امنیت و منافع ملی است! من نگفتم بریم بشینیم توی بغل اسرائیل و آمریکا و هرچی گفتند بگیم چشم. ولی در نظر داشته باشید که در این منطقه همه به خاک این مملکت چشم دارند. مخصوصا عرب ها. حالا به من بگو از نظر منافع ما به چه کسی نزدیکتر هستیم؟ اسرائیل و تا حدود زیادی ترکیه. یادتون نره اردوغان جلوی آمریکا و روسیه ایستاد بخاطر ایران. حالا اگر رابطه شکراب شده همش تقصیر اون نیست. یادتون نره کشورها اول از همه به فکر منافع خودشون هستند، و رابطه برادران و اینجور چیزها همه مزخرفه. ولی با این وجود ما، ترکیه و اسرائیل یکجور بالانس در مقابل این کشورهای عربی ایجاد می کنیم و من قسم می خورم اگر سردمداران جمهوری اسلامی اینقدر حماقت نمی کردند الان این اتحاد سگانه و یا حداقل دوگانه ایران و اسرائیل بود که یک کانتربالانس در مقابل اعراب بود و حتی موجود به تغییر جئوپلوتیک کنونی منطقه و احتمالا هل دادن عربستان و دیگر کشورهای عربی به سمت روسیه و چین می شد. این رو متوجه باشید که منظور من تکیه به هیچ کشور خاصی نیست، ما باید بتونیم با دیپلماسی وضعیت خودمون رو ارتقا بدیم، نه اینکه کورکورانه به این و اون تکیه کنیم. حال این رو هم بدونید که منافع ما در خلاف منافع اعراب هست. همین کشور دوست و برادر سوریه به جنبش ازادی بخش الاهواز!!! کلی کمک کرده بود قبل از انقلاب و حتی در نشست سران عرب همیشه از حق امارات در جریان جزایر سه گانه دفاع می کرد. حالا به من بگید که اصلا اگر رابطه به آمریکا و اسرائیل خراب نمی شد جنگی احتمالا وجود نداشت چون صدام تخم نمی کرد به ایران حمله کنه که ما نیازی به سوریه داشته باشیم که حالا بخواهیم جبرانش کنیم. این جریانات همه نتیجه تصمیم گیری های ناصحیح سردمداران نادان جمهوری اسلامی است.

کلی قاطی پاتی شد ولی کلا باید متوجه منظورم باشیدم

Generally you are correct. But Iran's problem is not with Arabs, Turkey, Israel, or EU. The only way and I have to repeat this, the only way for what you generally mean in you comment (but failed to articulate) to come true, is a geopolitical understanding with US (with Iran having its sphere of influence respected by US and vice versa). The rest are proxies of US in the region. That is what Iran wants and has been wanting since at least 1990. Though I doubt US is ready to accept such a deal, despite being highly beneficial to both. Politically, US is committed to defeating Iran (and possibly to complete destruction of Iran), and changing this policy, would take such high political cost for US leaders that even war appears cheaper.

It is for a long time that BBCPersian is run by bunch of reformists(Eslah Talab) hence I have always doubts about their news, and their credibility. To be honest, it is a long time that I have stopped reading their news.


Dar mored e in ghaziyeh ye taarikhi, @haman10 az ghom e Amaaligh(keshvar e Jordan e emrouzi) boudeh(az aghvaam e saami), va kasi mavaared e zekr shodeh tou ketaab e esther ra be tor literally ghaboul nadaareh. Bishtar shabih e yek daastan e symbolic hast ke tou jashn e purim jashn gerefteh misheh ke esther tounest ke ghom e yahoud ra az khatar e hatmi nejaat bedeh. kollan kasaani ke daastan ra khoundand, midounand ke haman kollan aadam e avazi va maghrouri boudeh ke chon gouyaa yek baar behesh ehteraam gozaashteh nashodeh, mikhaasteh ke yek ghom ra bekosheh.
It is for a long time that BBCPersian is run by bunch of reformists(Eslah Talab) hence I have always doubts about their news, and their credibility. To be honest, it is a long time that I have stopped reading their news.


Dar mored e in ghaziyeh ye taarikhi, @haman10 az ghom e Amaaligh(keshvar e Jordan e emrouzi) boudeh(az aghvaam e saami), va kasi mavaared e zekr shodeh tou ketaab e esther ra be tor literally ghaboul nadaareh. Bishtar shabih e yek daastan e symbolic hast ke tou jashn e purim jashn gerefteh misheh ke esther tounest ke ghom e yahoud ra az khatar e hatmi nejaat bedeh. kollan kasaani ke daastan ra khoundand, midounand ke haman kollan aadam e avazi va maghrouri boudeh ke chon gouyaa yek baar behesh ehteraam gozaashteh nashodeh, mikhaasteh ke yek ghom ra bekosheh.

Mishe beporsam manba'e harfatoon kodoum ketab hast?

Chon chizi ke man khoondam daghighan bar aks een ru goftr.

Haman az yeki az bozorgtarin ghabile haye iran boode ke baad az dastoor morde khai, hamashoon ru mikoshand.

Chizi ke tooye ketab haee ke man khoondam boodesh, hame az haman tarif mikardan.

Be har haal b nazaram nafs amal moheme.

Inke yahoodia behesh eteghad daran va too hamin jashn purim dar 13 farvardin har saal mian va b soorat namadin yek irani ru mikoshand.

Hamin mentality hast ke b nazaram ahamiat dare

Ya masalan tooye virus stuxnet, b gofteye sherkat kaspersky va sherkat MAHAR iran, tooye source codesh chandin bar esme 'esther' avorde shode

Nazar shoma chi hast?

Sry typo ziad dare. Laptop nadaram

Mishe beporsam manba'e harfatoon kodoum ketab hast?

Chon chizi ke man khoondam daghighan bar aks een ru goftr.

Haman az yeki az bozorgtarin ghabile haye iran boode ke baad az dastoor morde khai, hamashoon ru mikoshand.

Chizi ke tooye ketab haee ke man khoondam boodesh, hame az haman tarif mikardan.

Bebin haman jan, man in ra az khod e ketaab e moghaddas khoundam. In daastan ham tanhaa dar ketaab e esther az old testament aamadeh va har manba' e digeh i, bar assas oun daastaan ghaziyeh ra tozih daadand.

Haman farzand e shaahaan e amaaligh(Amalek be ingilisi ke tou souruye va ordon zendegi mikardand) boudeh(esaalatan arab boudand), ke kharaajgozaar e shahanshah e hakhaamaneshi mishand.

az zamaan e babylon, raabteh ye badi ba ghom e yahoud daashtand.(oun moghe', mesr va Babylonia(va ba'dan dar dore i aashour) va Lidya va yek seri az ghabaayel e arab mottahed boudand, dar baraabar e ettehaadiye i az maadha(ba'dan hakhaamaneshi ha), yahoudihaa, va bakhshi az ghabaayel e saaken e lobnaan e emrouzi).

haman be khaater e inkeh mordkhaay behesh ta'zim nemikoneh va bish tar be khaater e doshmani ye ghadimi ye ghomi, mikhaasteh ke yahoudihaa ra az beyn bebareh, ke ba tarfandi dar aakhar khod e haman az beyn mireh. Albatteh to ketaab e digeh i in daastaan nayoumadeh va banaabarin ghaziyeh bish tar shabih e mythology hast.

Be har haal b nazaram nafs amal moheme.

Inke yahoodia behesh eteghad daran va too hamin jashn purim dar 13 farvardin har saal mian va b soorat namadin yek irani ru mikoshand.
Ageh manzour az Irani, shahrvand e Iran hast, ke yahoudi ha ham dar oun doreh sharvand e Iran va Irani boudand. Ageh manzour ghomiyat hast, ke ghom e haman(amaaligh) arab boudand.
Hamin mentality hast ke b nazaram ahamiat dare

Ya masalan tooye virus stuxnet, b gofteye sherkat kaspersky va sherkat MAHAR iran, tooye source codesh chandin bar esme 'esther' avorde shode

Nazar shoma chi hast?
Dar mored e Stuxnet, in ra man nashnidam va nemidounam haghighatesh. in ghazaayaa kollan mythology hast va haalaa ageh kasi ham bekhaad in ra vaared e siyaasat bekoneh, khod e yahoudiyaa ghaziyeh ra jeddi nemigirand.

Vali kollan yek chizi ra bad nist ke begam. Bebin haman jan, mosalmoun ha va masihi ha, did e khaassi nesbat be din daarand va fekr mikonand ke yahoudi ha ham nesbat be yahoudiyat daghighan hamin did ra daarand, dar sourati ke ghaziyeh intor nist. Daanestan e in, kheyli mohem hast, ageh mikhaay bebini ke yahoudi ha che tor be in ghazaayaa negaah mikonand.

din e yahoud va kotob e moghaddas, baraaye yahoudi ha janbeh ye mythology daareh. dar mored e eslaam aslan intor nist va kaamelan bar aks hast. mas'ale ye digeh, ma'aad hast ke dar yahoudiyat yek ham chin chizi vojoud nadaareh. Kheyli az kasaani ke dar eslaam payaambar mahsoub mishand, dar yahoudiyat serfan e did e paadeshah beheshoun vojoud daareh, mesle hazrat e davoud va soleyman. Ba tavajjoh be in masaa'el, in ghazaayaaye matrah shodeh dar kotob e moghaddas ham serfan mythology hastand. masalan hamin 4shanbeh souri ya norouz, kolli mythology poshtesh hast, vali chizi ke baraaye irani ha mohem hast, khod e in jashn ha hast, va aslan ghaaleb e irani ha raaje' be mythology haye norouz(ke che tor Jamshid in jashn ra be vojoud aavord va ...) chizi nemidounad ya ageh midounand ham kasi khod e mythology ra kaamel baavar nadaareh.

Sry typo ziad dare. Laptop nadaram
Ah ... that sucks. Whenever I don't have access to laptop, my life literally becomes miserable.
Albatteh bad ham nist, mitouni az vaght e azad estefaade koni va be jaaye laptop beri varzesh, ya kouh va injour chizhaa.

Listen to Punjabi music. You Iranians are too self absorbed and seem like you are not willing to learn about other cultures. You guys are like euro/middle eastern arabs. Iranians should appreciate Afghanistan and Pakistan as brotherly nations, rather than Syrians and Lebanese.

I think Eastern Iranians are closer to us Pakistanis and Afghans. Southern Iranians are closer to Gulf Arab people, and North Western Iranians are pretty much Turkish people.

Is my assessment wrong? @LoveIcon

Listen to Punjabi music. You Iranians are too self absorbed and seem like you are not willing to learn about other cultures. You guys are like euro/middle eastern arabs. Iranians should appreciate Afghanistan and Pakistan as brotherly nations, rather than Syrians and Lebanese.

I think Eastern Iranians are closer to us Pakistanis and Afghans. Southern Iranians are closer to Gulf Arab people, and North Western Iranians are pretty much Turkish people.

Is my assessment wrong? @LoveIcon

Here is an Arabic one I hope you'll appreciate: The name is "Your eyes"

Zabi Jawanmard - Ahmad Zahir - Farsi - Khorasani - Afghani
Bebin haman jan, man in ra az khod e ketaab e moghaddas khoundam. In daastan ham tanhaa dar ketaab e esther az old testament aamadeh va har manba' e digeh i, bar assas oun daastaan ghaziyeh ra tozih daadand.

Haman farzand e shaahaan e amaaligh(Amalek be ingilisi ke tou souruye va ordon zendegi mikardand) boudeh(esaalatan arab boudand), ke kharaajgozaar e shahanshah e hakhaamaneshi mishand.

az zamaan e babylon, raabteh ye badi ba ghom e yahoud daashtand.(oun moghe', mesr va Babylonia(va ba'dan dar dore i aashour) va Lidya va yek seri az ghabaayel e arab mottahed boudand, dar baraabar e ettehaadiye i az maadha(ba'dan hakhaamaneshi ha), yahoudihaa, va bakhshi az ghabaayel e saaken e lobnaan e emrouzi).

haman be khaater e inkeh mordkhaay behesh ta'zim nemikoneh va bish tar be khaater e doshmani ye ghadimi ye ghomi, mikhaasteh ke yahoudihaa ra az beyn bebareh, ke ba tarfandi dar aakhar khod e haman az beyn mireh. Albatteh to ketaab e digeh i in daastaan nayoumadeh va banaabarin ghaziyeh bish tar shabih e mythology hast.

Ageh manzour az Irani, shahrvand e Iran hast, ke yahoudi ha ham dar oun doreh sharvand e Iran va Irani boudand. Ageh manzour ghomiyat hast, ke ghom e haman(amaaligh) arab boudand.

Dar mored e Stuxnet, in ra man nashnidam va nemidounam haghighatesh. in ghazaayaa kollan mythology hast va haalaa ageh kasi ham bekhaad in ra vaared e siyaasat bekoneh, khod e yahoudiyaa ghaziyeh ra jeddi nemigirand.

Vali kollan yek chizi ra bad nist ke begam. Bebin haman jan, mosalmoun ha va masihi ha, did e khaassi nesbat be din daarand va fekr mikonand ke yahoudi ha ham nesbat be yahoudiyat daghighan hamin did ra daarand, dar sourati ke ghaziyeh intor nist. Daanestan e in, kheyli mohem hast, ageh mikhaay bebini ke yahoudi ha che tor be in ghazaayaa negaah mikonand.

din e yahoud va kotob e moghaddas, baraaye yahoudi ha janbeh ye mythology daareh. dar mored e eslaam aslan intor nist va kaamelan bar aks hast. mas'ale ye digeh, ma'aad hast ke dar yahoudiyat yek ham chin chizi vojoud nadaareh. Kheyli az kasaani ke dar eslaam payaambar mahsoub mishand, dar yahoudiyat serfan e did e paadeshah beheshoun vojoud daareh, mesle hazrat e davoud va soleyman. Ba tavajjoh be in masaa'el, in ghazaayaaye matrah shodeh dar kotob e moghaddas ham serfan mythology hastand. masalan hamin 4shanbeh souri ya norouz, kolli mythology poshtesh hast, vali chizi ke baraaye irani ha mohem hast, khod e in jashn ha hast, va aslan ghaaleb e irani ha raaje' be mythology haye norouz(ke che tor Jamshid in jashn ra be vojoud aavord va ...) chizi nemidounad ya ageh midounand ham kasi khod e mythology ra kaamel baavar nadaareh.

Ah ... that sucks. Whenever I don't have access to laptop, my life literally becomes miserable.
Albatteh bad ham nist, mitouni az vaght e azad estefaade koni va be jaaye laptop beri varzesh, ya kouh va injour chizhaa.
Well first of all tnx for the through explanation. Enjoyed reading it.

Secondly, my entire knowledge of the whole esther and haman story is based on a couple of history books in which I'll definitely give you the pdf links to as soon as my laptop gets fixed (they are interesting and i know you have a thing for this kinda books)

And the esther book itself.

So TBH i really need much more research into it cause its a very complex issue and reading 3 books one of which is not even a history book, is definitely not enough.

I planned to read some books for nouruz holidays. Any recommendations?

As for the laptop thing, i'm bored as hell

I cannot hit the gym too, I'll be exhausted for my classes.
Here is an Arabic one I hope you'll appreciate: The name is "Your eyes"

Zabi Jawanmard - Ahmad Zahir - Farsi - Khorasani - Afghani

Iranians of today have actually lost their Eastern customs. Today, they are mostly wanna be western Turks or Shia Arabs.

For them, Rumi is non-exsistent.
Some time ago , you said something about desire and deserve law ... I think i got it now . :lol:
:lol: That's the key point dude, that's the exact point of comfort and release, what is earned is well deserved and what you deserve will be earned at the end.

My car is still getting fixed so i can't even go "dour dour" for the first time in my life that i'm all free

My laptop got screwed after my cousin stepped on it. Can't watch youtube or a movie

I donno what to do now.

Agha Man zan mikham :(

Hoselam sar rafte
World is actually such a strange place man, some months ago I would be exactly in your position if I had the same condition, I mean being bored in the lack of laptop or friends or cars or etc. But at this moment I've got my laptop, my PC, my smartphone, my friends and my car right beside me, but I feel bored to death at this very moment, cause my wife is no around for a couple of days now. That's odd !
:lol: That's the key point dude, that's the exact point of comfort and release, what is earned is well deserved and what you deserve will be earned at the end.

World is actually such a strange place man, some months ago I would be exactly in your position if I had the same condition, I mean being bored in the lack of laptop or friends or cars or etc. But at this moment I've got my laptop, my PC, my smartphone, my friends and my car right beside me, but I feel bored to death at this very moment, cause my wife is no around for a couple of days now. That's odd !
Thank you very much for making me feel like a looser bro :lol:


Kidding bro, i have all the best wishes for you and your lady.

Paye ham pir shin
Thank you very much for making me feel like a looser bro :lol:


Kidding bro, i have all the best wishes for you and your lady.

Paye ham pir shin

Peugeot 206 1.6, any plans for changing the car ?


@New do your wife has jealousy issues ??
What happens after you get married ? Is it becomes worse or better ?
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Peugeot 206 1.6, any plans for changing the car ?


The engine and options are different than the original P206

Besides there is not many different choices when it comes to ~12k cars in iran

Due to national production, the government issues huge amount of tariff which limits the imports
Sagol kardes.
Cat pat oylesine bir iki kelime yuvarlattim. Sadece o kadar :)

mekonam vaya mikonim bu ne demek ? Arkadaş mı demek ?

The engine and options are different than the original P206

Besides there is not many different choices when it comes to ~12k cars in iran

Due to national production, the government issues huge amount of tariff which limits the imports

Can't you buy from Erbil and take it to Iran ? In KRG there are no taxes on cars... but i think there is no escaping the custom taxes, same issue in Turkey.
@New do your wife has jealousy issues ??
lol dude, a better question would be, could you find a single woman on the face of this planet, with no some jealousy issues? the answer would most probably be no, but that's no problem at all, that's just one of the fun parts.
What happens after you get married ? Is it becomes worse or better ?
lol dude, that's some direct questioning, and the answer is sure there are bundled cons and pros, there exists some parts of the singularity life, that are being missed, but also there are things you achieve via marriage, you never ever wanna lose.
There are always a wide open door for a married guy back into the life of singularity, but there is a reason why no one sane would ever gonna touch that.
lol dude, a better question would be, could you find a single woman on the face of this planet, with no some jealousy issues? the answer would most probably be no, but that's no problem at all, that's just one of the fun parts.

lol dude, that's some direct questioning, and the answer is sure there are bundled cons and pros, there exists some parts of the singularity life, that are being missed, but also there are things you achieve via marriage, you never ever wanna lose.
There are always a wide open door for a married guy back into the life of singularity, but there is a reason why no one sane would ever gonna touch that.
:) ı agree.

But the question is like... while you were not married to her (gf / fiancee status) she got some jealousy. After marriage what happens to level of the jealousy ? Is it increase or decrease ?

Mate, the issue is; Fiancee video called me at 4:00 am Saturday night. I was at very deep sleep and woke up very hardly (later i learned that she called me 3 times to wake me up) When i got up on my feet, my heart was beating heavily, my head felt dizzy. I asked what happened. She said "nothing go back to sleep"...i lied down. She called again. I said "WTF is going on". She again said "nothing go back to sleep"...

I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour, my heart continued to beat at least 10-15 minutes...it was really bad.

In the morning i asked her why did she call me. She said "Too see if you are at home or outside/ in some other girls house"..... :o::o::o::o:

Tell me mate, if this jealousy trips will cease to exist when i got married with her or not ?
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