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Iranian Chill Thread

how are you bro?
I think we've lost our presence coincidence in this forum. lol
We are more like the 0, 1 digits of a digital signal, as it can't be 0 and 1 at the same time.
Hope you are fine.
We can make comment about 0 cuz 1 exists . :D posting nothing doesn't mean i am not here . just watching comments

I am fine bro . How are you ? what's up ?
من از بس این ها رو تکرار کردم زبونم که هیچ انگشت هام هم مو در اورد! کسی حرفی از تکیه بر کسی نکرد، من دارم می گم که اصل دیپلماسی بر مبنای امنیت و منافع ملی است! من نگفتم بریم بشینیم توی بغل اسرائیل و آمریکا و هرچی گفتند بگیم چشم. ولی در نظر داشته باشید که در این منطقه همه به خاک این مملکت چشم دارند. مخصوصا عرب ها. حالا به من بگو از نظر منافع ما به چه کسی نزدیکتر هستیم؟ اسرائیل و تا حدود زیادی ترکیه. یادتون نره اردوغان جلوی آمریکا و روسیه ایستاد بخاطر ایران. حالا اگر رابطه شکراب شده همش تقصیر اون نیست. یادتون نره کشورها اول از همه به فکر منافع خودشون هستند، و رابطه برادران و اینجور چیزها همه مزخرفه. ولی با این وجود ما، ترکیه و اسرائیل یکجور بالانس در مقابل این کشورهای عربی ایجاد می کنیم و من قسم می خورم اگر سردمداران جمهوری اسلامی اینقدر حماقت نمی کردند الان این اتحاد سگانه و یا حداقل دوگانه ایران و اسرائیل بود که یک کانتربالانس در مقابل اعراب بود و حتی موجود به تغییر جئوپلوتیک کنونی منطقه و احتمالا هل دادن عربستان و دیگر کشورهای عربی به سمت روسیه و چین می شد. این رو متوجه باشید که منظور من تکیه به هیچ کشور خاصی نیست، ما باید بتونیم با دیپلماسی وضعیت خودمون رو ارتقا بدیم، نه اینکه کورکورانه به این و اون تکیه کنیم. حال این رو هم بدونید که منافع ما در خلاف منافع اعراب هست. همین کشور دوست و برادر سوریه به جنبش ازادی بخش الاهواز!!! کلی کمک کرده بود قبل از انقلاب و حتی در نشست سران عرب همیشه از حق امارات در جریان جزایر سه گانه دفاع می کرد. حالا به من بگید که اصلا اگر رابطه به آمریکا و اسرائیل خراب نمی شد جنگی احتمالا وجود نداشت چون صدام تخم نمی کرد به ایران حمله کنه که ما نیازی به سوریه داشته باشیم که حالا بخواهیم جبرانش کنیم. این جریانات همه نتیجه تصمیم گیری های ناصحیح سردمداران نادان جمهوری اسلامی است.

کلی قاطی پاتی شد ولی کلا باید متوجه منظورم باشیدم
متاسفام برای ابر قدرتی مثل امریکا مثل اینکه چیزی به اسم استقلال سیاسی ندارند

متاسفام که ما هیچ نماینده ی قابلی نداریم
که از حق این مردم دفاع کنه
هیچکس نیست که بگه ما تو این 100 سال چی کشیدیم

این بی بی
به تمام تاریخ و نژاد و دین ما توهین کرد و رفت
هر چی از دهنش در اومد رو به اسم ایران جا زد
ولی ناقلا بازیگر خوبی بود و حتی پای حضرت موسی رو هم به بحث باز کرد
عوضش فهمیدیم با چه موجودی مارمولکی طرف هستیم

Netanyahu speech draws protesters outside U.S. Capitol | Watch the video - Yahoo News

نظرات مردم هم جالبه


نه مثل اینکه واقعا خبریه:partay:
یک کلام از مادر عروس

Obama says 'nothing new' in Netanyahu speech


US President Barack Obama makes a statement to the press after a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, March 3, 2015 in Washington, DC (AFP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)
Washington (AFP) -

US President Barack Obama said there was "nothing new" in Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial speech to Congress Tuesday, insisting the Israeli Prime Minister did not offer a better option than negotiations.

Netanyahu "did not offer any viable alternatives," Obama said speaking from the Oval Office.

Netanyahu earlier, before an impassioned joint meeting of Congress, pilloried talks with Iran, which if successful would be a key plank of Obama's foreign policy legacy.

Receiving a warm welcome from Obama's Republican foes, Netanyahu insisted the deal "doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb. It paves Iran's path to the bomb."

Obama has refused to meet :coffee: Netanyahu during his visit to the US capital and said he did not watch the speech but saw a transcript.

"I am not focused in the politics of this, I am not focused on the theatre," Obama said.

"As far as I can tell, there was nothing new."

"On the core issue, which is how to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon which would make it far more dangerous, the prime minister did not offer any viable alternatives."

"We don't yet have a deal," he added. "But if we are successful, then in fact this will be the best deal possible with to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapon."

As Obama was speaking, talks between the United States and Iran to reach an agreement continued in Switzerland.

The deal would limit Iranian nuclear activity for a decade or more, but would not completely dismantle facilities that could be used to make a bomb.

Iran says it does not want a nuclear weapon.

اقایون عزیز من مطمئن هستم که اگه اوباما از کاخ سفید بره و جای خودش رو به برادر بوش (به عنوان کاندید احتمالی جمهوری خواه) یا یکی دیگر از جمهوری خواهان بده
نه تنها توافقی دیگه اصلا مطرح نیست .... بلکه باید منتظر یک جنگ احتمالی و شاید هم نیابتی باشیم
امیدوارم ظریف تا تنور داغه توافق رو بچسبونه تا خون این مردم ریخته نشه

must see

He is just some barking dog that need some attention
Here's a timeline of what Israel was telling us about Iran's nuclear program:
1984: West German intelligence sources claim that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.
1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon.
1995: The New York Times reports that US and Israeli officials fear “Iran is much closer to producing nuclear weapons than previously thought” – less than five years away. Netanyahu claims the time frame is three to five years.
1996: Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres claims Iran will have nuclear weapons in four years.
1998: Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld claims Iran could build an ICBM capable of reaching the US within five years.
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.
2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.
2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.
2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.
2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.
2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.
2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.
2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.
2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.
2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.
@500 What do you think about a possible alliance between Iran and Israel?

If the Mullahs regime is gone, the relations with Israel should be normalized right away. Israel is a better future ally for Iran than Iraq or Lebanon. Bottom line, the vast majority of Arabs (from all kinds) don't hold friendly emotions towards Iran. That's deeply engraved within their conscious.
2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016
I remember North Korea's NUKE adventure. US media was covering the whole story intensely.

One day North Korea, tested a NUKE.....international media went all silent. :D

I wonder if we will have a dejavu. (with an exception....a few years later both Turkey and KSA will test their own nukes.)
دوستان سلام ،

به نظر شما بهتر نیست از امسال یه 10 - 15 هزار میلیارد تومن بودجه به بخش اختلاصات تخصیص داده بشه ؟

به هر حال برادران زحمتکش حتما نیاز دارن دیگه ، نمیشه اونا رو نادیده گرفت .
دوستان سلام ،

به نظر شما بهتر نیست از امسال یه 10 - 15 هزار میلیارد تومن بودجه به بخش اختلاصات تخصیص داده بشه ؟

به هر حال برادران زحمتکش حتما نیاز دارن دیگه ، نمیشه اونا رو نادیده گرفت .
Salam dadash. Khoobi? Che khabara mashti?

Az oun vaghti ke ghats morgha shodi ( :lol: ) dige aslan nemiay inja ha


I am bored as fvck. I have the Most stupid and easy course ever for one month. We are basically wandering in psych ward and telling jokes and being silly. Lol

My car is still getting fixed so i can't even go "dour dour" for the first time in my life that i'm all free

My laptop got screwed after my cousin stepped on it. Can't watch youtube or a movie

I donno what to do now.

Agha Man zan mikham :(

Hoselam sar rafte
Salam dadash. Khoobi? Che khabara mashti?

Az oun vaghti ke ghats morgha shodi ( :lol: ) dige aslan nemiay inja ha

سلام .

ممنون .

چه کنیم دیگه :lol:

I am bored as fvck. I have the Most stupid and easy course ever for one month. We are basically wandering in psych ward and telling jokes and being silly. Lol

My car is still getting fixed so i can't even go "dour dour" for the first time in my life that i'm all free

My laptop got screwed after my cousin stepped on it. Can't watch youtube or a movie

I donno what to do now.

Agha Man zan mikham :(

Hoselam sar rafte

consider suicide as an option , After all


@haman10 @yavar

Agha Takrit mesle inke Azad shod!

Az jonoube sooriye che khabar?

That picture is not from Takrit city but a camp where Imam Ali brigade is trained around Tikrit .

I don't think Tikrit itself is going to be attacked as long as ISIS controls towns and villages around there including Mosul - Tikrit road .

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