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Iranian Chill Thread

Kermanshahis were shia that's why they fought with iran

But what do you say about baneh,Sanandaj,Mahabad ....

You going to deny that what are you going to say about the dog ghassemlou who was ally with masoud rajavi and saddam Hussein are you going to deny that too
As you said, what made some(not all) kermanshahis more loyal to Iran than Saddam, was only shiism.
Oh a Turk??? I thought you said Azeris are ancient turkified azari and talish,tat,gilaki,mazdarani, and kurds
Your people say that Azeris are ancient median who lived in Azerbaijan now you say he is a Turk!!?
LOL you caught these hypocrite very well. They change their position every second according to what suits their agenda.
[quote="Surenas, post: 6355171]Even an Iranian can become a Turk once he adopts their ignorant way of reasoning and mindset.[/quote]

And yet still Turkey with other Turkic states alongside formerly Turkish controled balkan countrys are the most progressive among muslim countrys. :bunny:
The same. Kurdish separatists were never supported by a great portion of the Kurds in Iran.

Are you seriously a kurd or faking as a kurd as Bahoz were saying?!!!
You are absolutely clueless.
You don't even know basics about kurds. Can you even name 5 kurdish cities?!!!
Bani adam a'azaye yek peykarand .................. Ke dar afarinesh ze yek goharand
[quote="Surenas, post: 6355171]
Even an Iranian can become a Turk once he adopts their ignorant way of reasoning and mindset.

And yet still Turkey among other Turkic states alongside formerly Turkish controled balkan countrys are the most progressive among muslim countrys. :bunny:[/quote]

Progessive my ***. Those Central-Asian Turkic states only became developed due to Russian control and intellectual influence. Before that, they were still living in yurt-tents and kidnapping their brides.
Bani adam a'azaye yek peykarand .................. Ke dar afarinesh ze yek goharand
Ya'ni man ba in shasgoul az yek goharim? :lol:

Progessive my ***. Those Central-Asian Turkic states only became developed due to Russian control and intellectual influence. Before that, they were still living in yurt-tents and kidnapping their brides.
Moron, the word kurd means nomad. Do you think that kurds were living in empire state building and we were living in tents?
such a shasgoul
That's exactly right. If you ask kurds in areas outside west Iran, they mostly(50%+) tell you that they have Armenians or Assyrian grandma. Basically, they are raped by kurdish men, during civil unrests of Ottoman collapse and so called Armenian genocide. Some persians or arabs may not know this, but it is a very well known fact that every one from neighboring regions of kurds know it very well. The first wave of sunni kurds, were sent to north Iraq, during a population exchange of shias and sunnis between Safavids and Ottomans. Safavids received shia turks from Anatolia, and gave sunni kurds to Ottomans. very good deal for Safavids indeed :lol:
I have read about this before that's also because turkiman tribes were feudal who wanted to share the conquered lands with ottomans that's why they had problem with them and revolted against them

About the massacres against it started with the rowandozi emir in the 18th century and then with badr khan who was more ruthless he lead massive genocide against Christians Armenians and Assyrians and yazidi people what was the reason for the end of last semi independent kurdish dynasty in botan
Bani adam a'azaye yek peykarand .................. Ke dar afarinesh ze yek goharand

Saadi was quite naive when he wrote this up. Even if he was right, humans are greedy, violent and egoistic organisms who have a longer history of making wars than providing peace.

Moron, the word kurd means nomad. Do you think that kurds were living in empire state building and we were living in tents?
such a shasgoul

You do realize that ancient sites/cities (not Persian) have been found in Kurdish-inhabited areas? Right? When your claimed forefathers were still stuck in the steppes?
You do realize that ancient sites/cities (not Persian) have been found in Kurdish-inhabited areas? Right? When your claimed forefathers were still stuck in the steppes?
Moron, what cities you are talking about? they were nomads as what their name means. do you know who is a nomad? Such a low IQ shasgoul you are.

Where kurds were living according to shasgoul Surenas:
Moron, what cities you are talking about? they were nomads as what their name means. do you know who is a nomad? Such a low IQ shasgoul you are.

Where kurds were living according to shasgoul Surenas:

Wikipedia is your friend. Go check about archeological sites of the Median Empire, or other people (like the Carduchii) who are linked to the Kurds. And your claim that Kurd means nomad is bullcrap. There is not a single renowned academic who agrees with this theory. The meaning of the word predates the linkage to tribes.
Wikipedia is your friend. Go check about archeological sites of the Median Empire, or other people (like the Carduchii) who are linked to the Kurds. And your claim that Kurd means nomad is bullcrap. There is not a single renowned academic who agrees with this theory. The meaning of the word predates the linkage to tribes.

You have a really low IQ, you wannabe kurd.
Read the posts that I have written for your education before. Don't wanna waste more time on a fake kurd.
You have a really low IQ, you wannabe kurd.
Read the posts that I have written for your education before. Don't wanna waste more time on a fake kurd.

Why don't you continue to try to impress some fanboys on this forum with your lowlife presence over here. I don't really gives a rats *** about what is coming from your mouth.
Progessive my ***. Those Central-Asian Turkic states only became developed due to Russian control and intellectual influence. Before that, they were still living in yurt-tents and kidnapping their brides.
First of all, past is past.

Secularisation in Muslim world started with the reformist forces in Ottoman empire, later Atatürk started reforms and some muslim countrys tried the same, namely Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt etc. which they failed miserably.

And last but not least, talk about Kurds and their medival tribal system and honor killings.
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