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Iranian Chief of General Staff arrives in Pakistan

Once you get off sniffing on Persian's behind, you might know there was battle called "battle of hadaspes" which was fought AFTER your "beloved" Persia was subdued and conquered by the same army which challenged the inhabitants of lands between Jehlum and Chenab. No, there is no 300 fantasy here you fool, it's all part of historical record. It's not your fault though, your Mullah since your early childhood days has been brain washing you that history started after so called Iranian revolution.

These guys are delusional. I don't know what they are taught in their homes.

I once heard a CSS officer claim that it was Cyrus who built the wall of China. Persians have been really crafty in tying Shia identity to anything Iranian.

Azeris and Iraqis have seen through it but some in Pakistan are just....
Iran's actions in the regions are not only opposed by its "Sunni" majority neighbours but also by Shia Azerbaijan and the Shia population of Iraq.
Azeris and Iraqis have seen through it but some in Pakistan are just....

The ruling regime in Baku is a thoroughly pro-zionist one, hence its questionable moves against not just Iran but its own religious Shia citizenry as well (hijab ban, jailing of ulema, etc).

As for the Shia population of Iraq, again it is mostly pro-American, neo-Baathist elements which oppose Iran. The bulk of the religious folk among Shia Iraqis do not have negative views of Iran. What is more, the propaganda devised by Washington and Tel Aviv, which is colossal in proportions and aims to turn Shia Muslims (among others) against Islamic Iran is not without effect in this regard. This is an explicitly stated policy recommendation from various zio-American think tanks.

I once heard a CSS officer claim that it was Cyrus who built the wall of China. Persians have been really crafty in tying Shia identity to anything Iranian.

Which "Persians" are you referring to? The Islamic Republic has not tried to equate Shia identity with just "anything" Iranian. If you believe otherwise, kindly provide concrete examples of Iranian state authorities taking such measures. Mind you, this would be a pretty irrational thing to do because suggesting that Shiaism equals Iranianism would imply that non-Iranian Shia Muslims aren't really Shias... which in turn would tend to severe the natural links that exist between them and Iran.

Also, Iranian authorities definitely never claimed that Cyrus built the wall of China...! It's not Iran's fault if a person in Pakistan came across a false historic claim.

Just days ago, general Mohammad Reza Naghdi of the IRGC made the following statement about the Achaemenid dynasty (the one that was founded by Cyrus): "The foul Achaemenid dynasty which committed the greatest massacres and betrayals in the country, after its decline handed the country to Greece." Source: https://www.rouydad24.ir/fa/news/281976/
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Iraq was just a push over after receiving multiple punches from Iran and the international embargo on Saddam.

Iran is a completely different case, we will destroy anyone that gives Americans any chance to hurt our interests.

Please first try to protect your scientists before going on to destroy others, meanwhile every US ally in the region against iran is strong as ever.

Islamabad, IRNA -- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major-General Mohammad Bagheri arrived in Pakistan on Tuesday on a three-day visit to expand military and defense diplomacy.
Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Defense attaché Colonel Mosatafa Qanbarpour and Lieutenant General Saqib Mehmood Malik Chief of Logistics Staff, Pakistan Army received the Iranian delegation at Nur Khan Air Base, Islamabad.
General Bagheri is visiting Pakistan at the invitation of Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
General Bagheri leading a high-ranking military delegation is expected to meet with senior Pakistani political, military and security officials.
He will meet Prime Minister Imran Khan, Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Nadeem Raza and other senior military officials during his stay in Islamabad.
The Iranian delegation will also travel to Pakistani port city of Karachi to view Pakistani military and naval installations.
It is pertinent to mention that the visit of high ranking Iranian military delegation would open a new chapter in military, defense and security ties between the two most important countries in the Islamic world, Iran and Pakistan.
Political and military experts, evaluating the security developments in the region and the Islamic world, including the situation in Afghanistan, consider the high-level visit of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces to Pakistan an important and effective.
The visit expresses the joint resolve of the Iranian and Pakistani military officials to further enhance bilateral cooperation, developing security at the common borders, contributing to regional stability, including a common vision for peace and stability in Afghanistan, consulting on Islamic world issues and fight against terrorism.
So they don’t wear uniforms while on official trips?
a nation gets the leadership it deserves.
the outrage my single post created has just shown how deep my deer fellow countrymen have their heads in the twisting Nether.
the thick membrane has reformed on senses and memory of my people since TTP has temporarily suspended its wholesale mayhem.

Arabs and even Afghan Taliban have moved on but not this nation.
mere mention of Iran causes jolts and fits among us just like mere mention of word Palestine chokes the western countries (and soon those Arabs who are now friends with the oppressive Israel).

oh yea. opener about leaders
your future PM will be Maryam or Bilawal.

what a pity.
a nation gets the leadership it deserves.
the outrage my single post created has just shown how deep my deer fellow countrymen have their heads in the twisting Nether.
the thick membrane has reformed on senses and memory of my people since TTP has temporarily suspended its wholesale mayhem.

Arabs and even Afghan Taliban have moved on but not this nation.
mere mention of Iran causes jolts and fits among us just like mere mention of word Palestine chokes the western countries (and soon those Arabs who are now friends with the oppressive Israel).

oh yea. opener about leaders
your future PM will be Maryam or Bilawal.

what a pity.

Why being over-dramatic here?

Questions need to be asked from Iran about BLA presence there as well as state-sanctioned propaganda especially during the recent Pansjhir episode. Lets not even forget about Pakistanis being used as cannon fodder in Syria.

Ideally we should have no issues with Gawadar and Chabahar supplementing each other but Iranians have still not come around towards this idea.

There should be tough negotiations and an open discussion.

As for TTP, it is not Maryum and Bilawal but the current idiot-in-chief who equates the TTP with the IRA and thinks they have a political cause.
The ruling regime in Baku is a thoroughly pro-zionist one, hence its questionable moves against not just Iran but its own religious Shia citizenry as well (hijab ban, jailing of ulema, etc).

As for the Shia population of Iraq, again it is mostly pro-American, neo-Baathist elements which oppose Iran. The bulk of the religious folk among Shia Iraqis do not have negative views of Iran. What is more, the propaganda devised by Washington and Tel Aviv, which is colossal in proportions and aims to turn Shia Muslims (among others) against Islamic Iran is not without effect in this regard. This is an explicitly stated policy recommendation from various zio-American think tanks.

Which "Persians" are you referring to? The Islamic Republic has not tried to equate Shia identity with just "anything" Iranian. If you believe otherwise, kindly provide concrete examples of Iranian state authorities taking such measures. Mind you, this would be a pretty irrational thing to do because suggesting that Shiaism equals Iranianism would imply that non-Iranian Shia Muslims aren't really Shias... which in turn would tend to severe the natural links that exist between them and Iran.

Also, Iranian authorities definitely never claimed that Cyrus built the wall of China...! It's not Iran's fault if a person in Pakistan came across a false historic claim.

Just days ago, general Mohammad Reza Naghdi of the IRGC made the following statement about the Achaemenid dynasty (the one that was founded by Cyrus): "The foul Achaemenid dynasty which committed the greatest massacres and betrayals in the country, after its decline handed over the country to Greece." Source: https://www.rouydad24.ir/fa/news/281976/

Azeris are pro-zionist.

Iraqis are pro-american.

Pakistanis are wahabi worshippers.

Turks are NATO stooges.

Arabs are all of these things plus lizard eaters.
Anyways Iranians I have met abroad are some of the nicest and smartest people I have known. There is a Vlog by a Pakistani who travelled from Germany to Pakistan on his motorcycle.

The Iran portion of the trip is my favorite. Friendly people, Poetic language, Gorgeous Culture.
Azeris are pro-zionist.

Iraqis are pro-american.

Pakistanis are wahabi worshippers.

Turks are NATO stooges.

Arabs are all of these things plus lizard eaters.

Did I generalize about entire nations? No, I clearly differentiated between various segments of these populations in question as well as between populations and regimes. I suggest to read my comment again.

Iran's Supreme Leader is Azari. Why does he not think that the state he leads is equating Shia Islam exclusively with everything Iranian? By the way, we're still waiting for evidence that the Islamic Republic has been issuing this sort of a narrative.
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a nation gets the leadership it deserves.
the outrage my single post created has just shown how deep my deer fellow countrymen have their heads in the twisting Nether.
the thick membrane has reformed on senses and memory of my people since TTP has temporarily suspended its wholesale mayhem.

Arabs and even Afghan Taliban have moved on but not this nation.
mere mention of Iran causes jolts and fits among us just like mere mention of word Palestine chokes the western countries (and soon those Arabs who are now friends with the oppressive Israel).

what a pity.
Before getting angry I want people to look at Pakistan, our options, limitations

Yes they talk shit, I get it but we don't want hot border or any kind of serious thing happening there

If they're willing to cooperate to solve our and their security issues than give it a try?
At the same time you can crack down on their sleeper cells, ask them to do something about it

People are way too angry here, they need to calm down, take a chill pill and look at the big picture from our perspective, vulnerabilities and options available
Anyways Iranians I have met abroad are some of the nicest and smartest people I have known. There is a Vlog by a Pakistani who travelled from Germany to Pakistan on his motorcycle.

The Iran portion of the trip is my favorite. Friendly people, Poetic language, Gorgeous Culture.
been to Iran, they are good people that's why I have a soft spot for them (not bending over backwards like a certain poster) and I genuinely in my heart of heart think down the line
they'll be our close ally and friend, needlessly getting angry would achieve jack shit
IN ideal circumstances I wouldn't want this to impact our relationship with GCC either but if push comes to shove- neighborhood approach serves better

A cool, calm calculated approach is needed in this obviously troubled relationship

If someone can suggest calm, calculated approach that wont lead to tensions but also achieve our goals? that'd be constructive
instead of needlessly throwing shit like chimps
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Did I generalize about entire nations? No, I clearly differentiated between various segments of these populations in question as well as between populations and regimes. I suggest to read my comment again.

Iran's Supreme Leader is Azari. Why does he not think that the state he leads is equating Shia Islam exclusively with anything Iranian? By the way, we're still waiting for evidence that the Islamic Republic has been issuing this sort of a narrative.


Yet in the religious-political construct of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei is in charge of the perpetual revolution and has final say in all affairs of state. As the personification of the faqih, Ayatollah Khamenei is meant to be the official representative of the infallible 12th Shiite saint, Imam Mahdi, who disappeared centuries ago.
“Khamenei and the velayat-e faqih system is [based] more on the exclusive claim to authority,” says Mr. Kadhim, who is from Najaf. The Iranian system refers to Ayatollah Khamenei as the “guardian” of all Muslims, whether they believe they should follow him or not.

Can you make the link now? :-)

Yet in the religious-political construct of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei is in charge of the perpetual revolution and has final say in all affairs of state. As the personification of the faqih, Ayatollah Khamenei is meant to be the official representative of the infallible 12th Shiite saint, Imam Mahdi, who disappeared centuries ago.
“Khamenei and the velayat-e faqih system is [based] more on the exclusive claim to authority,” says Mr. Kadhim, who is from Najaf. The Iranian system refers to Ayatollah Khamenei as the “guardian” of all Muslims, whether they believe they should follow him or not.

Can you make the link now? :-)

And where does it say that the Islamic Republic stipulates Shia identity should be tied to everything Iranian, including Cyrus and what not?

IRGC general Mohammad Reza Naghdi: "The foul Achaemenid dynasty which committed the greatest massacres and betrayals in the country, after its decline handed the country to Greece."

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@Taimoor Khan ...why are you so anti Persian...We Persians never have hostile or bad feelings about any one from Pakistan...We always think of you as friends next door to us ... so I am so surprised about your views...You are in the UK I am sure you can meet some Iranians there go have a chat with some if you tell them you are Pakistani origin they will show you a lot of love and respect...

Just pro Pakistan. So whoever talk shite against Pakistan, look down upon us, will get nothing but disdain and equal arrogance in return, regardless , be it Indian, Persian, Arab, or whoever. Respect is earned, not demanded.
What can Pakistan do to get the Iranians to cooperate more closely on tackling the Baloch separatist terrorist threat? Iranians have been attacked by jundullah and iran suspects they have safe heavens in Pakistan. Why cant both countries create a task force and jointly take out jundullah and BLA/BRA/BLF?

Pakistan needs to build fence pronto (which I think we are now) all across Iranian border like we did with Afghanistan as trusting these slippery Persians will be the most foolish thing to do. Where cooperating with Persians is in massive interests of Pakistan then we should, otherwise, see yea later. Building fence should be the top most priority. We always had more border posts on our side then Persians yet they keep on talking trash, not doing their side of business.
These guys are delusional. I don't know what they are taught in their homes.

I once heard a CSS officer claim that it was Cyrus who built the wall of China. Persians have been really crafty in tying Shia identity to anything Iranian.

Azeris and Iraqis have seen through it but some in Pakistan are just....

Its not their homes but their Qom gradated Mullah which is the source of cancer. Been saying this for long, cut this infested umbilical cord and things will improve massively. Even Iraqi Shias like Sadar family are giving two finger salute to these Persians, Pakistani state must sort this non sense out soon.
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