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Iranian Chief of General Staff arrives in Pakistan

I hope the two countries can live in harmony. CEPC needs peace and cooperation between the two countries.

Only if Iran can stop sleeping in bed with terrorist organizations like BLF
Iran and Pakistan both have common threat from Baloch separatists, its common sense to work together to take this threat down.

On paper yes, but the problem Pakistan have that we are surrounded by immature nations who just like to talk a lot of shite and pass all their problems over to Pakistan. Iran is no exception. The reason I linked the news from 2017 , is to show that this man was talking a lot of non sense back then, blaming Pakistan for not controlling the border, the question should have been asked, were YOU controlling your side of border back then. Even now, majority of terrorist activities in Pakistani Baluchistan are originating from Iran. Clearly, these people never had control of their own border to begin with but like to talk a lot of shite.
the dilusion is astounding. Lol, Alexander who most scholars agree is Dhul qarnayn. Well do a touba touba first.

A pagan, tyrant and gaylord is your Dhul Qarnayn? What buffoonery is on display here? Go and educate yourself first before opening your mouth.

I dont see him eating any pie. Dont glorify everything. he's visiting a neighboring country, where is the pie in this?

This man was talking shite against Pakistan and now wants Pakistani cooperation, its called eating humble pie.

So what happened in Hydaspes? I know more than you abt Hydaspes and porus. Stop glorifying urselves. If u can say these things, then I can also say the people who settled in and around indus were low level persians. So yeah, that makes you Iranian slaves by ur own reasoning.

LOL, you are funny Bengali.

what happened in Hydaspes? It was the first time Alexander got defeated in battlefield. Just by mere peasants and farmers of northern Pakistani Punjab. The same Alexander army which routed your beloved Persia. It was an ancient Pakistani whose spear caused Alexander eventual death! Its here in ancient Pakistan where Greek empire came to halt and pushed back, to its eventual decline. We are the graveyard of one of the most powerful empire known to mankind. You Persian arselickers should be grateful to us that we took your revenge from the army which made you their slaves!

What Indus got to do with Persians LOL? The only thing is, Indus ruled over the lands which is now Iran. more likely you lot are offshoot of Indus, hence its children.
The same military who,
Leave it bro.

Just write down these nonesense statements, and during our final war with India,throw some a-bombs on iranians also.hope they will not mind.

Don't waste time in responding their nonsense.Only respond once and such that they should not be able to complain in future.
@Taimoor Khan ...why are you so anti Persian...We Persians never have hostile or bad feelings about any one from Pakistan...We always think of you as friends next door to us ... so I am so surprised about your views...You are in the UK I am sure you can meet some Iranians there go have a chat with some if you tell them you are Pakistani origin they will show you a lot of love and respect...
@Taimoor Khan ...why are you so anti Persian...We Persians never have hostile or bad feelings about any one from Pakistan...We always think of you as friends next door to us ... so I am so surprised about your views...You are in the UK I am sure you can meet some Iranians there go have a chat with some if you tell them you are Pakistani origin they will show you a lot of love and respect...
Generally Pakistani don’t hate Iran but at time of war with India 27 February your general solemani threatens us and before kulbushan yadev played a big negative role. Your general have big mouth but small brain
A pagan, tyrant and gaylord is your Dhul Qarnayn? What buffoonery is on display here? Go and educate yourself first before opening your mouth.

This man was talking shite against Pakistan and now wants Pakistani cooperation, its called eating humble pie.

LOL, you are funny Bengali.

what happened in Hydaspes? It was the first time Alexander got defeated in battlefield. Just by mere peasants and farmers of northern Pakistani Punjab. The same Alexander army which routed your beloved Persia. It was an ancient Pakistani whose spear caused Alexander eventual death! Its here in ancient Pakistan where Greek empire came to halt and pushed back, to its eventual decline. We are the graveyard of one of the most powerful empire known to mankind. You Persian arselickers should be grateful to us that we took your revenge from the army which made you their slaves!

What Indus got to do with Persians LOL? The only thing is, Indus ruled over the lands which is now Iran. more likely you lot are offshoot of Indus, hence its children.
He is Indian bitch,nothing special just like haseena only by name
Generally Pakistani don’t hate Iran but at time of war with India 27 February your general solemani threatens us and before kulbushan yadev played a big negative role. Your general have big mouth but small brain

He is Indian bitch,nothing special just like haseena only by name
I think the generals are now talking to smooth things between them...there are no historical or land issues between the two countries so it is easy to go back to the 1970s when we were actually allies.
Leave it bro.

Just write down these nonesense statements, and during our final war with India,throw some a-bombs on iranians also.hope they will not mind.

Don't waste time in responding their nonsense.Only respond once and such that they should not be able to complain in future.
wth are you talking about? are you alright? is everything fine in your upper story?
first the "final war" crap- typical loser mentality
than involving a random country into the mix

I am 10000% you are a teenager going by your statements, no sane person talks like that its just harmones
wth are you talking about? are you alright? is everything fine in your upper story?
first the "final war" crap- typical loser mentality
than involving a random country into the mix

I am 10000% you are a teenager going by your statements, no sane person talks like that its just harmones
And you will not say anything when Iranians say we have 28,000 sleeper cells in Pakistan, we will raid in Pakistani territory blah blah.
Is your blood so old that it doesn't get heated when someone will shamelessly talk shit about Pakistan?
Yeah literally everyone knows even the guy you quoted pointed towards it
but I can feel that you are saying it in a condescending manner?
why? what's the issue here?

You seem to have no understanding of history or anything. I do not blame you, the majority of Pakistanis on the internet have zero information of anything to their west.

Azeris are Medes Iranics from Northwestern Iranic plateau who because of Oghuz migrations got turkified (on average 15-20% genetic uptake and rest is cultural). Medes in pure form today are Kurds which is why we azeris usually cluster closest to our blood brothers Kurds genetically, even higher than Anatolain turkish who are more like hellenized armenoids. Ever since our synthesis which happened inside Iran, we have crushed enemies of Iran to east and west. Aq Qovanlu, Safavid, Afshar, Qajar, Shamlu, Dulkadirs etc etc these are all Iranian Turks who revived Iran to its borders. And this has been happening for the past 900 years. The guy sitting with your army general is a turk too and so is ... Imam Khamenei.

imo invasions alone cant convert people or you converted to Islam due to forceful Arab invasions? (going by your standards)

More lack of knowledge by you. We follow Shia Islam that came from Qizilbash Conversion of Iranic lands to Shia religion in 15th century. If my ancestorial Qizlbash wanted, they could have converted the mighty Safavid empire to Turkic Tengrism or Perso Zarostrianism but no we chose Shia Islam (Surkh Jamon => Zahidiya => Safaviya orders) by our own choice not by invasion lol. Who could have dared to subdue Qizilbash at their peak. Shia or whatever (I am not even religious) this is our own choice, no one invaded us to be this. For past 1400 years no ARAB HAS EVER SET HIS FOOT ON IRANIAN LAND AS INVADER. In our 3500 years history arabs ruled some parts of iran for 132 years in total when Persian superpower was exhausted from constant fighting with Byzantines. While rest of the times we have ruled Arab lands. Learn history before talking like how you people do.
Isnt this Persian general the same which was threatening Pakistan few years ago alongside solemani? I remember his face now.

This "Persian" general is actually an Afshar Azeri Turk. His tribe is that of Asian Napoleon Nader shah Afshar who invaded North India for fun. We have always been loyal to our lands.

Persians (tiny warrior group from Indo european cline) OWNED half of the Asia Including your ancestors and Greeks for a Millenia. They were superpower so they collided with other superpowers like Byznatines and Grecos. You think Perso-greek history is just limited to a tiny phase of Alexander ? LOL, Persians used to literally own Greeks including Athens for nearly a century. For once the balance of power shifted and macedonians entered, rest of time they were colonized by Persians. Then they were beaten by North eastern Iranics Parthians (Scythian offshoots) so bad that they never ever entered Iran again. warrior races collide and balance of power swings.

This map existed for millennia ... founded by a tiny migrated group called Persian Aryans. Greeks, North Indians, Arabs all lived under them for you know how many centuries?


And he is talking to man who command the army whose major strength comes from the region which fought and humbled the Alexendar (not so great), the same chap who who conquered Persia and made its queen his concubine.

What are you talking about? North Indians were defeated by Macedonians. Alexander's army was exhausted and injured like hell after fighting the Iranic empire and still managed to get the north Indians on their knees. Do you take pride in that? lol that's like one battle that you lost in your history of 5000 years (Indus valley was started 5000 years back by Iranic neolithic farmers known as Iran_F in genetic studies) and still you manage to somehow extract pride from a defeat ... I don't understand this. Show me something like where you conquered Greeks, Arabs, Scythians, Gokturks, Balkanites and what not and kept them under your thumb for centuries. Show me something like that instead of showing me defeat against an exhausted thirsty injured army fighting 3000 km away from their home.

and btw those north Indians were not what your region is now .... genetically speaking. Your region has been invaded and colonized by Iranics and Turkics layer after layer that your genes are not a continuum of your past. That battle happened around 2400 years ago. Your region was recently colonized by Aryans (Steppe+BMAC Iranics) and then Scythians (Eastern Iranics) then Yuezhi from Tarim Basin as well. Alexander faced a colonial kingdom perhaps of Aryans and defeated them ...

Using G25 data from Eurogenes...

View attachment 784745

Looks like Pakistani Punjabis (non-Iranic Pakistanis) are genetically equally distant to both Gujaratis (North Western Indians) and Iranian Bandaris (Southern Iranians).
They seem to be also almost equally distant to both Uttar Pradesh people (North India-proper, Uttar means North) and Iranians from Fars.

Equally distant does not necessarily mean intermediate. Pakistanis have higher Steppe ancestry than both Iranians and North Indians. They appear to be their own unique population and not same as other South Asians as you like to believe.

You cant be more wrong. Why are you comparing a Pakistani Punjabi to a Indian Coastal man from Gujerat some 1500 km away. You should compare a Pakistani punjabi jat to an Indian Punjabi jat across the border for any realistic comparison ... its like I start saying oh me an azeri turk is so different from Turkish because I am dont match a Rumelian Balkan Turk from ottoman colonial legacy LOL. My match should be from eastern Anatolia across azeri border for any realistic comparision.

See this autosomal comparision of different types of Pakistanis and North Indians. Look how overlapping they cluster with eachother wehther they are Indians or Pakistanis. Makes sense too, they are bordering highly populated groups that are divided by religion only like how our Kurds are in different countries but they all cluster togather.


stop living in history.

We live in history because we have a glorious history. You will not understand.

today, Azerbaijan scares Baqeri.

90% Shia Azeris of Qizilbash legacy scares us ? LOL ... I hope war starts so that we take back what Russia took from us .... Another Iraq in waiting.

can you share Iranian media reports?

I dont care enough.

Confessions of Kulbhoshan Yadev and Uzair Baloch, tells different tale.

Like we care what Indo pakistani conflict is about. Some two bit indian agent was hiding in iran and getting his funds wired from UAE (UAE intel was probably funding operations in Pakistan) and somehow Iran is responsible for everything happening inside Pakistan.
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The Iranic minority is nearly 50 million which is only slightly shy of Iran's population. And can you correct the 'North Indian' to North West Indian which is mostly Indian Punjab plus.

Tbh man, I hope your whole country turns genetically Iranic. I am not against your country. I just love my own race and nation more.

So are Iranians and Turks courtesy of Arabs. Everybody got 'converted' at some point.

Ummm no .... We follow version of Islam that we created during Qizilbash Saffaviya empire, we could have become satanists or tengrists or zarostrians if we would have wanted. But we chose Islam ... We used to rule Arab countries at that time, we would have converted them too ... But again we chose Islam ... Ottomans did same, they chose islam over their previous thing. Learn to respect people who kept Islam alive instead of always trying to bring down Turko-Iranics. I do not understand the Pakistani problem with our race.
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