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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

It is BM attack means officially declared war ......well, Iran got nothing to loose but US with pride got everything to loose from Middle East.
This attack would have been sufficient if the generals would keep their mouth shut and Iranian officials would keep their mouth shut. But they hyped this up to the point anything short of war would look like a failure.

These idiots in Iran Government dared to fly the Martyrdom flag of Imam Hussein and hoist it on the Mosque in Qom for this?

Iran just told the war “Iranian lives are worth less than US” “5 high ranking deaths including #2 man in Iran is not worth the life of a conscript western soldier”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if NONE of the missiles had a live warhead in them. Basically Iran shot chunks of high speed metal and targeted the runways. Al Asad base is big enough for iran to choose to avoid major areas.

Again if the generals kept their damn mouth shut and officials kept their mouth shut this would be sufficient deterrence. But they couldn’t resist running their mouths and now look like candy-asses.
You can put that blame squarely on Trump's shoulders. Very few blustering words have come out of Iran. I can't say the same for the U.S. president
Even if the bases are not hit and US soldiers not killed, US will respond in the same manner by missing targets in Iran intentionally.

Whoever thinks USA wants to attack Iran and change the Shia regime is a dumb spectator of the region.How will USA milk the GCC if it kills the bogeyman?
Trump himelf said in the speech following Suleimanis murder that US doesnt want regime change in Iran.
The above gives Iran ample playground to call their shots.
100% agree. Iran is a foolish state all emotional over 1 general and willing to give lives in million! Allah does not side with such foolish mind who has no regards for innocent civilians lives because of foolish action!
they did not risk millions sir they select trees like india :lol:
100% agree. Iran is a foolish state all emotional over 1 general and willing to give lives in million! Allah does not side with such foolish mind who has no regards for innocent civilians lives because of foolish action!
Did we attack Iraq and Afghanistan and killed millions of people?!

The dumbass you quoted is a foolish guy. Iran fired missiles to yankee bases and killed dozens.

When we attacked kurdish terrorists in Iraq and ISIS base in Syria they said the same thing. They said our missiles don't fly at all ... our military are all paint job etc ... but we shot down their most advanced drone and even tracked it from uae. Future will prove how many american are killed and injured.
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That's Ain Assad AB.
Length 8.20 km and Width at widest point 5.67 km.
All parties need to back off, cant have more human lives wasted.

Problem no rational leaders the world is becoming an ego game — I understand what Iran did, but what if their lose people in a retaliatory strike this whole thing is stupid.
As a neutral i am happy if this ends here

Iran got its face saving

USA got their guy (Suleimani) and with no harm to any American in return

Good for us as a Pakistani
Except Iran just took it's place on the podium as an equal..not a lesser force, or a vassel state...Iran looks like a real player for now. We don't know what the next few days hold but as of now they look like bad asses.
and empty land from all side you can test 100 BM on this site and no will hurt :lol:
If they really wanted to do something CM's would have been better.Lack of Iranian posters on this thread is testimony that it was only for face saving.
P.S:-Good for Iran.

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