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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

We know who they killed.
The Iranians have just retaliated by striking an American military asset. Trump specifically threatened to bomb 52 Iranian targets if the Iranians targeted American assets.
If the Americans don't now up the ante, they will have lost their prestige and deterrence value.
They will have lost this round and the Iranians will have been encouraged.
Congo on that.
Hmmm somewhat weak. No big threats toward Iran written in CAPTIALS?
No big threats lol. They are not even going to base to check if someone is alive or dead. Americans don't know the situation of their base. Americans said they will do damage assessment in morning.
This attack would have been sufficient if the generals would keep their mouth shut and Iranian officials would keep their mouth shut. But they hyped this up to the point anything short of war would look like a failure.

These idiots in Iran Government dared to fly the Martyrdom flag of Imam Hussein and hoist it on the Mosque in Qom for this?

Iran just told the war “Iranian lives are worth less than US” “5 high ranking deaths including #2 man in Iran is not worth the life of a conscript western soldier”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if NONE of the missiles had a live warhead in them. Basically Iran shot chunks of high speed metal and targeted the runways. Al Asad base is big enough for iran to choose to avoid major areas.

Again if the generals kept their damn mouth shut and officials kept their mouth shut this would be sufficient deterrence. But they couldn’t resist running their mouths and now look like candy-asses.
And US's assasination of Soleimani didnt put the region in high danger?? I'm just trying to understand the logic here..
One can argue that, killing of a general is itself provoking war, but he war killed on iraq soil, a soil where US has stronghold from many years.

But taking revenge for a general directly and that too with the “BUBBLE REPUTATION” USA, does seem to provoke the swine POTUS to come back harder than ever
Mullah Azam Tariq from the Sectarian Sipah e Sahaba in Pakistan once said

*You're free to piss on my grave if Iran ever hits at the US*

Time to drink some water ahmm..

Lol. For real he said that.. their must be a line forming now.
This attack would have been sufficient if the generals would keep their mouth shut and Iranian officials would keep their mouth shut. But they hyped this up to the point anything short of war would look like a failure.

These idiots in Iran Government dared to fly the Martyrdom flag of Imam Hussein and hoist it on the Mosque in Qom for this?

Iran just told the war “Iranian lives are worth less than US” “5 high ranking deaths including #2 man in Iran is not worth the life of a conscript western soldier”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if NONE of the missiles had a live warhead in them. Basically Iran shot chunks of high speed metal and targeted the runways. Al Asad base is big enough for iran to choose to avoid major areas.

Again if the generals kept their damn mouth shut and officials kept their mouth shut this would be sufficient deterrence. But they couldn’t resist running their mouths and now look like candy-asses.

100% agree. Iran is a foolish state all emotional over 1 general and willing to give lives in million! Allah does not side with such foolish mind who has no regards for innocent civilians lives because of foolish action!
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