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Iranian Air Force intercepts USAF F18 over Persian Gulf

Anything is possible, but the source is questionable.

Wouldn’t automatically believe it. Well, the people that really dislike/hate America will of course Believe Any Anti-F 22 article.
There also have been reports that the Chinese long-range JYL-1 radar in Syria has been successful in detecting Israeli F35s. I don't know how much truth there is in such reports.
There also have been reports that the Chinese long-range JYL-1 radar in Syria has been successful in detecting Israeli F35s. I don't know how much truth there is in such reports.

Well anything is possible. But there are some people here who will go out of their way to believe anything, Based solely on the narrative they happen to believe.

But I’m certainly willing to concede that anything is certainly possible.
what a load of bollocks! NATO owns Afghanistan. just that America has a tendency to lie for propaganda purposes. it never claims victory anyplace it goes, wreaks havoc, destroys countries then gives you a face-saver, even when it is "defeated" leaves behind imported minions to rule in its stead

Is that so? Then how is that Taliban (back in 2015 or so) managed to spring a six-prong attack on Camp Leatherhead, a joint American, British military base and destroyed several aircraft, including Harriers, Chinooks and several Marines, both British and Americans.

NATO doesn't own squat, it is a contrived alliance that today struggles to legitimize it's very existence. If we are to talk about "ownership" then we really to should be saying how Zionists own and control western countries and use them to fulfill Zionist agenda.
@gambit where are you soldier? am in need of some help. if I start explaining anymore than I already have, these here fantasy warriors will gang up on me and result would be the deletion of the post and an instant 7 day ban as is the custom here
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what would you think NATO mission in Afghanistan was/is?
  • kill Osama
  • something else
why do you think America allowed superpower2012 to build/develop chabahar?
please do not say that it did not because I've found me a video of zalme haramzad bragging on it
Well different countries had different missions. US had mission to punish Taliban for not allowing the oil pipeline from central Asia through Afghanistan, NATO were playing poodle colonial games and when the US and NATO couldn't defeat the Taliban they called in French, Australian, Polish and other poodles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participants_in_Operation_Enduring_Freedom) but the might of the Taliban was un-defeatable. So the British ran out first and the NATO poodles and the main US army, leaving trainers and gun fodder Indians behind.

As for Chabahar that was a Trojan horse to be used by the Indians to secure a foothold and landing base when the invasion of Iran was to occur. Iranians are wary and watching carefully and know the Indian game. For a long time the Indians were the elephant in the house and the Iranians didn't know what to make of them. But after the Indian blatant treachery by abiding with US sanctions and poodling to UN resolutions the Iranians are aware of the backstabbing nature of the Indians and the damage they can do.
Iran has airforce :o
Pride of the Iranian airforce (when it flies):-

These Phantoms used to be shot down by the mig21 , the world has moved on since then to more sophisticated aircraft.
So, basically what you are saying is that production year matters more than avionics, radar, sensors, EW systems and armaments a jet fighter carries.
So, basically what you are saying is that production year matters more than avionics, radar, sensors, EW systems and armaments a jet fighter carries.
By the time the old workhorse gets off the ground the enemy would have locked on the aircraft.
By the time the old workhorse gets off the ground the enemy would have locked on the aircraft.
OK. So you're saying that any originally non-stealth designed jet fighter is worthless?
OK. So you're saying that any originally non-stealth designed jet fighter is worthless?
wrong , he say any originally non-stealth designed jet fighter except JF-17 and F-16 is useless .
in short he want to convince us we need to replace our airforce with JF-17.
wrong , he say any originally non-stealth designed jet fighter except JF-17 and F-16 is useless .
in short he want to convince us we need to replace our airforce with JF-17.
I think he knows English well enough to state his opinion without your help.
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