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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Our brains are the most capable. Just search for the highest IQ ethnic group lol.

In 2006, Israel killed 6 terrorists for every 1 soldier it lost. And it only lost 121 soldiers, this is merely a skirmish, a war only by name. Israel had Olmert as the prime minister, a complete idiot that was the replacement of Sharon, not an elected PM, since Sharon fell into a coma. He gave the military contradicting orders and was afraid of civilian casualties.

Trophy "didn't function" because it didn't exist in 2006 lol.

The thing is, Israel negated every threat Hezbollah posses. ATGMs and RPGs are nullified thanks to the Trophy. Rockets are nullified thanks to the Iron Dome and Iron Beam. New cyber, intelligence, recon capabilities triumph Hezbollah.

Israel shaped reshaped its military successfully, to the point Nasrallah is afraid of leaving his rat hole he lives in below the ground, and Hezbollah and Iran don't dare to attack Israel even after Israel is killing its generals , factories and advanced weapon systems.

How has Hezbollah and Iran reshaped their forces? Same garbage, drones and rockets. Their advanced missiles and drones will be blown up in the first hours of the war and all they will have left are a bunch of short range garbage rockets that will be hunted like ducks with our Iron Beam.

You are just a subhuman, incapable of doing anything significant, too cowardice to even respond to your generals, officers, soldiers, factories, weapon shipments being blown up every week.
man... ur calculations remind me of candy girl wishes.... wake up... occupied palestine or where the so called israel nation exists is a grave in the strategic situation in the middle east...
i will make u think few meters further than the candy wish ... two years ago several days of clashes with gaza home made rockets with paramilitary gaza organizations hamas and jihad ...etc..
with israel not sparing a milli gram of force do u remeber what happened, the israeli officers were driving in Nakab and some cities without uniforms... few days and iron dome ammo started depleting, and 60n to 70% of israel went to shelter... can u tell me the economic cost of that war...
what if ur enemies hit ur electricity and water desalination...
Israel only choice is to seek piece by returning some of the rights to the palestinian and neighboring middle east countries
or ur digging ur grave by ur own hands... or had already done that
man... ur calculations remind me of candy girl wishes.... wake up... occupied palestine or where the so called israel nation exists is a grave in the strategic situation in the middle east...
i will make u think few meters further than the candy wish ... two years ago several days of clashes with gaza home made rockets with paramilitary gaza organizations hamas and jihad ...etc..
with israel not sparing a milli gram of force do u remeber what happened, the israeli officers were driving in Nakab and some cities without uniforms... few days and iron dome ammo started depleting, and 60n to 70% of israel went to shelter... can u tell me the economic cost of that war...
what if ur enemies hit ur electricity and water desalination...
Israel only choice is to seek piece by returning some of the rights to the palestinian and neighboring middle east countries
or ur digging ur grave by ur own hands... or had already done that
Not sparing force? LOL, Israel has a 1000kg bomb for every floor in every building in Gaza.

Iron Dome was not even close to being depleted. Look what happened a few months ago, 0 Israeli deaths, all of Islamic Jihad leadership was killed within 11 days.

Economic cost of that is acceptable, Israeli economy is very strong and rises quickly despite such events.

Not sparing force? LOL, Israel has a 1000kg bomb for every floor in every building in Gaza.

Iron Dome was not even close to being depleted. Look what happened a few months ago, 0 Israeli deaths, all of Islamic Jihad leadership was killed within 11 days.

Economic cost of that is acceptable, Israeli economy is very strong and rises quickly despite such events.
We need idiots like u just for laughing
Iranian def engineers need to have an Phd. under me, Bcz i can imagine and dream for such things but they can't..😒

Type625E with FB10 missile

Chinese stuff, A awesome platform for convoy AD support and Intelligence gathering.
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Iranian def engineers need to have an Phd. under me, Bcz i can imagine and dreame for such things but they can't..😒
View attachment 899210

Chinese stuff, A awesome platform for convoy AD support and Intelligence gathering.
What is its name?

I like how China put efforts into design and good looking wheels... Looks like a crotale on steroids with an AK-630 as a ground mobile ciws, ingenious
What is its name?

I like how China put efforts into design and good looking wheels... Looks like a crotale on steroids with an AK-630 as a ground mobile ciws, ingenious
Sorry I missed the details, i updated , Type 625E with FB10 missile.

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