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Iranian Air Defense Systems

This is just getting ridiculous.
I think there needs to be a clear "demonstration" of some sort arranged to convince the azerbaijanis that its really in their own best interests to keep their drones a nice safe minimum distance,say at least 10kms,away from the iranian border at all times in future.
Why? They make a great target practice opportunity for Iran's air defense, don't you think?

And by the way how does this guy know how it was brought down?
But a point should come where Iran has to conduct some sort of reprisal attack against Azerbaijani military positions in order to send some sort of message. What if one of these IAI HAROP's falls on a village and kills 10-20 people? It seems like Azerbaijan (or rogue elements) are trying to goad Iran into getting involved with the conflict.

As long as Iran is not deliberately hit by foreign drones, striking their forces (and causing deaths) probably wouldn't constitute an adequate response. What can and should perhaps be done, however, is to fly some Iranian drone(s) over their positions, in particular over the locations of armed elements imported from Syria. That would send several messages at once.

Iran doesn't have as many AD systems as we'd like to see. It's unlikely we have tons of 3rd Khordad and Talash systems in general, and most if not all are concentrated in the south.
Indeed, as much as I am extraordinarily proud in the Iranian Air defense industry and the products they create. I'm doubtful as to the number of deployed systems, and I'm guessing the main cause of it is $$$ and lack there of it.

We have a wide range of systems in all types of altitudes fulfilling various different functions that really puts Iran among the highest levels in terms of air defense, but as you say whether or not such products from Oghab, to Talash, to 3rd Khordad, Automated AA guns and Bavar-373 can be produced, it doesn't appear that their are many battalions out there. IADS is limited in this regards despite great early warning radars, to me it does not seem it will survive a saturation strike from the U.S or even the Saudis if they lift their whole airforce up equipped with Shadow Storm missiles.

The likely hood the Azerbaijanis are trying to use Iranian Airspace to infiltrate into Artaskh to strike a high value target by surprise I think is the most likely conclusion.

I woulnd't rely on those maps published on the internet to draw any definite conclusions, since they are based on open source material and more likely than not, they are far from showing Iran's complete air defence arsenal. Not saying the maps are uninteresting, but chances are they don't offer an exhaustive picture.

Specially when it comes to highly mobile, "all in one" units with no fixed ground structures and meant to be used as asymmetric "ambush" weapons, such as the Talash / 3rd of Khordad series, these will not be parked in the open at all times. So Iran certainly has more of them in stock than the couple of examples identified by open intelligence analysts in weblogs or on Twitter.
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As long as Iran is not deliberately hit by foreign drones, striking their forces (and causing deaths) probably wouldn't constitute an adequate response. What can and should perhaps be done, however, is to fly some Iranian drone(s) over their positions, in particular over the locations of armed elements imported from Syria. That would send several messages at once.

I woulnd't use those maps published on the internet to draw any definitive conclusions, as they are based on open sources and more likely than not, they are far from showing Iran's complete air defence arsenal. I'm not saying the maps are uninteresting, but chances are they don't offer an exhaustive full picture.

Specially when it comes to ultra-mobile, "all in one" units with no fixed ground positions such as the Talash / 3rd of Khordad series, meant to be used as asymmetric "ambush" AD weapons, these will not be parked somewhere in the open at all times. So Iran definitely has more of these in stock than the ones identified thanks to readily accessible satellite images by open intelligence analysists in weblogs or on Twitter .
I agree about the mobile ADs 3rd khordad/ Talash. As I said above, iran has the ADs and equipment, but that’s related to the production line and If Iran is willing to deploy all their ADs or keep them hidden as part of asymmetric warfare, as you said also. Regarding the map, it was created by @AmirPatriot
Rumours the IAI Harpy was shot down by 3rd Khordad and the radar guided Samavat 35mm AAA (Iranian Oerlikon)

3rd Khordad is being produced like cookies, I dont believe in shortage of this kind of AD systems








It seems Iran is "allowing" these azeri drones to enter its airspace in order to see where they go, which are their "objectives". And after a while, Iran downs these drones. Iran knows they are spying and testing defenses for the big storm to come.

Iran's AD network is extremely powerful, it has no sense these drones getting well deep into Iran if Iran itself is not allowing this to happen, in order to know its enemy thoughts.
They can try but their drones will merely get shot down and Iran will respond with a hail of missiles that will devastate the enemy.

In Syria half a dozen TB2s were shot down with old Soviet era air defense systems

In Libya 20 Turkish drones were shot down with Pantsir systems that were operated by barely trained mercenaries.

In Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) countless drones have been shot down. Again Armenia doesn't have a serious airforce and their air defense capabilities are very limited.

Iran has an extremely potent and layered air defense system. Iran has even upgraded and modified many of its older fighter jets to be able to launch cruise missiles and Iran produces air to air missiles.

Iran has built up an extremely formidable air defense network that is designed to withstand a saturated cruise missile attack from the USA.

That would mean close to 200 Tomahawks launched nearly simultaneously. That is what Iran's air defenses have been built to withstand. No regional country really has the capability to launch anything remotely even close to that.

In my opinion, any regional country that tries attacking Iran will quickly find itself on the losing end.

It seems Iran is "allowing" these azeri drones to enter its airspace in order to see where they go, which are their "objectives". And after a while, Iran downs these drones. Iran knows they are spying and testing defenses for the big storm to come.

Iran's AD network is extremely powerful, it has no sense these drones getting well deep into Iran if Iran itself is not allowing this to happen, in order to know its enemy thoughts.
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Rumours the IAI Harpy was shot down by 3rd Khordad and the radar guided Samavat 35mm AAA (Iranian Oerlikon)

3rd Khordad is being produced like cookies, I dont believe in shortage of this kind of AD systems









3rd Khordad wouldn’t be used on a small drone. 3rd Khordad missile useS a top attack pattern to align itself with the drone. Thus drones it targets are usually high altitude MALE drones. Not small low flying loitering drones.
Iran has an extremely potent and layered air defense system. Iran has even upgraded and modified many of its older fighter jets to be able to launch cruise missiles and Iran produces air to air missiles.

Iran has built up an extremely formidable air defense network that is designed to withstand a saturated cruise missile attack from the USA.

That would mean close to 200 Tomahawks launched nearly simultaneously. That is what Iran's air defenses have been built to withstand. No regional country really has the capability to launch anything remotely even close to that.

In my opinion, any regional country that tries attacking Iran will quickly find itself on the losing end.

Defending against 200 Tomahawks is not enough.
It seems Iran is "allowing" these azeri drones to enter its airspace in order to see where they go, which are their "objectives". And after a while, Iran downs these drones. Iran knows they are spying and testing defenses for the big storm to come.

Iran's AD network is extremely powerful, it has no sense these drones getting well deep into Iran if Iran itself is not allowing this to happen, in order to know its enemy thoughts.

These drones are relatively small with very small cross sections and intercepting them would require relatively expensive missiles & Iran is sure as hell not going empty out it's stock of SAM on relatively harmless drones unless absolutely necessary.
We have not used them in any actual conflict yet. At least not publicly.
These drones are relatively small with very small cross sections and intercepting them would require relatively expensive missiles & Iran is sure as hell not going empty out it's stock of SAM on relatively harmless drones unless absolutely necessary.

These drones are relatively small with very small cross sections and intercepting them would require relatively expensive missiles & Iran is sure as hell not going empty out it's stock of SAM on relatively harmless drones unless absolutely necessary.

Iran has TONS of types of Air Defence systems, and TONS of numbers of these systems. As Draco said before, Iran is making 3rd Khordad like cookies, and so with many systems.
Also, Iran has many types of SHORAD systems, including radar guided, EO guided AAA systems, extremely cheap and efficient.
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