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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Sis, Iran will receive these SAMs as early as 2015.Bavar-373 tests will be done by the end of year and it will probably enter mass production stage in 2016-17.S-300 is a quick answer to our defensive needs until bavar is completed.

Tomorrow, more information will be released regarding B-373.stay tuned
wrong... Bavar 373 and Talash 1-2-3 variants are already operational and deployed...
معاون آجا: اس 300 ایرانی عملیاتی شد - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
Air Defense systems for a country like Iran under daily threat to be bombed by US and Israel is not a ballistic to announce it now and deoply it later... a capable air defense system must be deployed before announcements... because if they do it early and invaders think it will limit their attacks then they will attack before it is operational...
wrong... Bavar 373 and Talash 1-2-3 variants are already operational and deployed...
معاون آجا: اس 300 ایرانی عملیاتی شد - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
Air Defense systems for a country like Iran under daily threat to be bombed by US and Israel is not a ballistic to announce it now and deoply it later... a capable air defense system must be deployed before announcements... because if they do it early and invaders think it will limit their attacks then they will attack before it is operational...

Yes, that makes sense, but not seen ....

How old are you?
stop polluting this topical -_-

In Iranian situation, Unseen does not mean NOT EXISTING..
yes but you have to show it
In Iranian situation, Unseen does not mean NOT EXISTING..

Right, because you say so. Your average Iranian forumer knows all about the secrets of the Iranian higher ups right. Up until now most of your comments have been speculations, which are hardly that credible. Dont get your hopes up on speculations alone, thats straight up delusional.
stop polluting this topical -_-

Well then stop being so funny all the time :)

You should be a comedian

B-52 A-10 etc wouldn't be involved in strikes against the nuclear plants. Probably neither of the other 4th gen teen jets. Just the B-2 and F-22. And that isn't enough to strike Iran's sites. Sure the US could pummel Iran into the stone age, but it wouldn't happen. Too much risk and sl

I know i know, just tried to get a point across. However the fact that USAF got some many goodies and gadgets in its inventory as High Precision Cruise Missiles, Anti-Radiation Drones, Stand-off Jamming devices and missiles, High-resolution sattelites, SEAD Tactics and missiles and etc. All of whome posses such huge threath to Iranian air defence Systems that no actual F-22s and B-2 are neccesary. F-16s would be enough. There is a reason why the USAF can overwhelm anyone, not just because of the good looking planes, but because of its firepower.
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I love how you show 1 picture of an UAV as if your implying this would happen if US would launch its entire fleet of thousands F-16s, F-15s, F-18s, F-22s, F-35s, A-10s, B-2 Bombers, B-52 Bombers, Prowlers and etc. At Iran abd you would be able to hold them off.

Fvck off lol.
as I said too overwhelming for you and the rest of trolls. just keep denying the reality.
may be you could explain it to us where those thousands aircrafts can park. and who is gonna maintenance them and where they can store their fuels and ammunitions. sorry to interrupt your delusions but all of their junks need an airport to take off from, to land and to park, the difference between Iranian technologies and some regional puppets like turkey which needs Nato forces to defend its airspace even against a weak country like Syria is that our technologies are domestic, our air defense is just a glimpse of Iranian missile and electronic warfare technologies, and those missiles with zero margins of errors can very well destroy all of American's delusions even before they rise.
Right, because you say so. Your average Iranian forumer knows all about the secrets of the Iranian higher ups right. Up until now most of your comments have been speculations, which are hardly that credible. Dont get your hopes up on speculations alone, thats straight up delusional.

Well then stop being so funny all the time :)

You should be a comedian

I know i know, just tried to get a point across. However the fact that USAF got some many goodies and gadgets in its inventory as High Precision Cruise Missiles, Anti-Radiation Drones, Stand-off Jamming devices and missiles, High-resolution sattelites, SEAD Tactics and missiles and etc. All of whome posses such huge threath to Iranian air defence Systems that no actual F-22s and B-2 are neccesary. F-16s would be enough. There is a reason why the USAF can overwhelm anyone, not just because of the good looking planes, but because of its firepower.
True. I'm just glad it didn't happen, and every passing day means it probably won't happen in the future. I just hope Iran can build/purchase enough of a deterrent to make it completely improbable to attack. Fighter jets are not going to happen in the near future, Iran needs to keep spending on missiles (ballistic to hit enemies as a deterrent) and anti air missiles. Let's reverse engineer the S out of the new s-300s and keep improving.
No one but the mullahs and their minions to be blamed for that.

AD probably not in the near future. But Iran can make life a living hell in the region, The point is Iran in the last few years have established a very credible, MAD like, deterrent. I can go after many bases in the region and Israel as well. Sure it won't win, but neither would the US. At the very least, the US would have to pay an enormous price if it were to strike Iran from above. And a ground invasion is just never ever going to happen. I've read many analysts say that. Think about some 500.000 combat troops, which the US doesn't have, and about 10 times more casualties than the Iraq war. By the way, war, including air strikes, become less and less an option with the inspection of Iran's nuclear sites. The world fell once for BS WMD in Iraq. The US is a lot weaker now, and can't start another false war. However much Israel and some of our Arab 'friends' would love to. Thank god for that.

Long story short, AD won't stop USAF, but many other things will stop them from even trying to attack.
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