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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Dogrudur. But we all know it's a tad hard to match the USAF. Or even the Israeli AF. What might be possible however, and what should be a goal, is to change their calculus. As in making it very costly to try an air attack. Neyse let's hope it doesn't come to that. As for Turkiye, you thought 2-3 million Syrian refugees are bad? Get ready for another 5-6 million if such an attack were to happen. Allah korusun.
one case of attack is to overwrite all idiot who will take us in
Dogrudur. But we all know it's a tad hard to match the USAF. Or even the Israeli AF. What might be possible however, and what should be a goal, is to change their calculus. As in making it very costly to try an air attack. Neyse let's hope it doesn't come to that. As for Turkiye, you thought 2-3 million Syrian refugees are bad? Get ready for another 5-6 million if such an attack were to happen. Allah korusun.

Hardly. If you face USAF, Iran or any other nations airforce and defence systems would be whiped out in mather of hours. Their technological advantage over all is simply overwhelming for any nation.
Hardly. If you face USAF, Iran or any other nations airforce and defence systems would be whiped out in mather of hours. Their technological advantage over all is simply overwhelming for any nation.
Well what can be done? I mean surely retalliation is in the cards, via proxies mostly. But just sit back and not at least try to build up the defenses? At least the s-300 will helpl a bit.
Sometimes I feel sad you know. For a nation trying to not be a lapdog, this is the price Iran has to pay. Sadly Iran couldn't chose Turkey's path, in Iran's case it's either being a lapdog or enemy. Turkey has the protection of being in the European sphere of trade and influence. As long as it doesn't veer too far away from US and Western policies, it's all right.
Well what can be done? I mean surely retalliation is in the cards, via proxies mostly. But just sit back and not at least try to build up the defenses? At least the s-300 will helpl a bit.
Sometimes I feel sad you know. For a nation trying to not be a lapdog, this is the price Iran has to pay. Sadly Iran couldn't chose Turkey's path, in Iran's case it's either being a lapdog or enemy. Turkey has the protection of being in the European sphere of trade and influence. As long as it doesn't veer too far away from US and Western policies, it's all right.
You know those ''lapdog'' talks are old and stupid to say the least, everyone should do whats best for their own people, Turkey choose to team up with West against Soviet treat and got a lot of tech in return which is the reason it has the strongest army and one of the most advanced defense industries in ME, all thanks to western tech.

Now if you ask me i prefer the path Turkey has choosen over Irans path to isolate the country.
I have yet to see a negative perspective of Turkeys alliance with west, and pls dont come up with independent FP, its just plain BS since we have no restriction about it....
You know those ''lapdog'' talks are old and stupid to say the least, everyone should do whats best for their own people, Turkey choose to team up with West against Soviet treat and got a lot of tech in return which is the reason it has the strongest army and one of the most advanced defense industries in ME, all thanks to western tech.

Now if you ask me i prefer the path Turkey has choosen over Irans path to isolate the country.
I have yet to see a negative perspective of Turkeys alliance with west, and pls dont come up with independent FP, its just plain BS since we have no restriction about it....

If you read my post correctly, I only say that lapdog vs outcast is the only choice for Iran. It's sad Iran wasn't allowed to chose like Turkey did. That's the curse of energy under the ground. What Iranian wouldn't like being in Turkey's position?

I would never call Turkey a lapdog. Turkey has big interests in Western trade and military coopteration. Other middle eastern nations deserve the name lapdog. Turkey has it's own interests and acts accordingly. It's become big and powerful. So it's not a lapdog in any sense of the word. And I agree with the tech etc.
If you read my post correctly, I only say that lapdog vs outcast is the only choice for Iran. It's sad Iran wasn't allowed to chose like Turkey did. That's the curse of energy under the ground. What Iranian wouldn't like being in Turkey's position?

I would never call Turkey a lapdog. Turkey has big interests in Western trade and military coopteration. Other middle eastern nations deserve the name lapdog. Turkey has it's own interests and acts accordingly. It's become big and powerful. So it's not a lapdog in any sense of the word. And I agree with the tech etc.
Seems like a mistake from my side, thx for clarification.
Hardly. If you face USAF, Iran or any other nations airforce and defence systems would be whiped out in mather of hours. Their technological advantage over all is simply overwhelming for any nation.
I would say overwhelming just for you.
some samples of final edge of their technology:

Hey guys. Question. Is the S-300pmu2 capable of hitting all 4th gen fighters? All modern jets except the B-2, F-22 and F-35 correct?
theory and practical,both simulation r not always exact equal....Bt they r tends to each other..
B-22, f-22 ,and f-35 r theoretically stealth system..they never landed them like fa-18 or f-16...their stealth capability level always remain classified...even same for s-300 system and it's capability..
..........okay..u all may have so much good news today..stay tuned.
You know those ''lapdog'' talks are old and stupid to say the least, everyone should do whats best for their own people, Turkey choose to team up with West against Soviet treat and got a lot of tech in return which is the reason it has the strongest army and one of the most advanced defense industries in ME, all thanks to western tech.

Now if you ask me i prefer the path Turkey has choosen over Irans path to isolate the country.
I have yet to see a negative perspective of Turkeys alliance with west, and pls dont come up with independent FP, its just plain BS since we have no restriction about it....
will look after your land stp .la Turkey is not a power, but a dog, at what price and become turkey develop? How many military operation had to make turkey for nato is killing Muslim to become what it is and aujordhuit? , How Islam was to crush secularism for Devenie what is and aujordhuit? sorry but turkey has lost long ago. ta the ilusion of being a power, but look the truth in the face. turkey and a country conquered and submitted by .now west of poluer stopped talking about this topical most important thing here
Seems like a mistake from my side, thx for clarification.

No biggie.
will look after your land stp .la Turkey is not a power, but a dog, at what price and become turkey develop? How many military operation had to make turkey for nato is killing Muslim to become what it is and aujordhuit? , How Islam was to crush secularism for Devenie what is and aujordhuit? sorry but turkey has lost long ago. ta the ilusion of being a power, but look the truth in the face. turkey and a country conquered and submitted by .now west of poluer stopped talking about this topical most important thing here
No no no. That's just wrong. It's not mandatory to be anti West. The Western side of Turkey, where my mother is from, is for all intents and purposes, European. Turkey isn't fully a Middle Eastern country. Honestly, it's cultural and industrial heart is in the Western side. And yes, the Ottomans were conquered in/after ww1, but all that goes up must come down. They had a pretty nice 500-600 year rule. At least Ataturk kept Turkey for Turks. It was unsustainable to keep the entire middle east andd Caucasus.

Bavar 373 Showen

Hope it's good. Iran has smart engineers and it's invested a lot in missile technology. At least it isn't compromised like the S-300 system.
will look after your land stp .la Turkey is not a power, but a dog, at what price and become turkey develop? How many military operation had to make turkey for nato is killing Muslim to become what it is and aujordhuit? , How Islam was to crush secularism for Devenie what is and aujordhuit? sorry but turkey has lost long ago. ta the ilusion of being a power, but look the truth in the face. turkey and a country conquered and submitted by .now west of poluer stopped talking about this topical most important thing here

Lol how does the inside of you colon look, because you are pretty far up there :lol:
I love how you show 1 picture of an UAV as if your implying this would happen if US would launch its entire fleet of thousands F-16s, F-15s, F-18s, F-22s, F-35s, A-10s, B-2 Bombers, B-52 Bombers, Prowlers and etc. At Iran abd you would be able to hold them off.

Fvck off lol.

B-52 A-10 etc wouldn't be involved in strikes against the nuclear plants. Probably neither of the other 4th gen teen jets. Just the B-2 and F-22. And that isn't enough to strike Iran's sites. Sure the US could pummel Iran into the stone age, but it wouldn't happen. Too much risk and sl
are you serious? have you seen the size not even of US air force but US navy ?

US navy alone has a bigger and more powerful air fleet than all middle eastern countries combined or next powers such as Russia or China.

what Israel does is map out Syrian Air Defences and simply avoids them to strike its targets inside Syria from time to time.
US relies on its massive amount of intelligence gathering to do the same , Iran is a big country and a few S-300s won't make a difference. US simply can avoid or operate well outside of its range.

Yes but what if you put them in range of the nuclear sites? How does one get around that by just jamming or what?

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Lol how does the inside of you colon look, because you are pretty far up there :lol:
you care for to npays slave, and we are a free nation and no one is afraid of except allah. been discussed with your master

@ you have not understood is that Iran and a large piece. an attack on Iran will not suffirai we should try to destroy the Islamic government, but the Iranian people and to defend his homeland. the American never take the risk of back in uen war that will go Listen to their expensive and will lasted 20 years .... the only military power pas..regardez suffice Coalision how successful has not stopped daesh. ... then iran .. hhhhhhhhhh

the american are low. they are stronger than for nation subject as you. a great alliance between the countries of the Middle East will deter your america to come in the area ... but you favorite pledge allegiance to him ....
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